4 thoughts on “Kwill’s Quill: Gotcha!

  1. illusionist (and coercer) lack of illusion in EQ2, I was also enchanter in EQ1 and i miss a lot that part on my coercer. Very good times 😉

    I was turned into werewolf (turned invisible) when most people was not maxed, and chassed little dward in front of the dwarf city in greater faydark (EQ1)
    Was very fun to jump and strip invisibility to appear in front of little player… Most of them was running while i was chassing them GRAW !

  2. I got a group good with the new tagging system when it launched – no one knew about it so I did things like put a skull above a player then had it count down 6 5 4 3 2 1 they were freaking out about what was going to happen.

  3. Hi, Rabbie here, just a wee fyi… Rabbie is a female kerran played by female human. (most days anyways) hee hee So cool you picked up the story here. Meha had us in stiches over it. I’ve seen folks doing it at other PQ raids since still funny.

    Rabbie, Butcherblock, The Black Knights

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