8 thoughts on “GameStop Offers Further Details of Velious

  1. Do you expect any different? All I see so far from that is they think Flying Mounts actually mean anything to people.

    The rest is the same drivel they expect to keep people occupied for a year for.

  2. Now I’m still wondering, will we see this on sale outside of the US?

    Since DC Universe online is being sold via Game stores in the UK (the biggest pure games retailer on the high street) I’m hoping we can see some copies in the shops here.

    Its actually news to me too, that Game sells Sentinels fate digital download, I’m pretty sure at the launch time only steam and some other pure digital download outfit was selling it.

    On the raid instances I’m guessing they’ve pushed 2 of them to later content patches, either due to dev time constraints, and/or its likely it was even intended.

    Since it would seem a bit odd to me to launch everything at once allowing players to race through it, burn out and then leave the game until the next expansion (once people can do the harder instance they’re unlikely to be going back to the easier ones).

  3. Underwhelmed by it tbh not that im shocked this could be the SF announcement tbh so I’ll think I’ll be saving my money this time round or at the least wait a slice of time and get it when its on sale frankly without a level increase i’ve got enough to keep me going.

  4. It does sound a bit bland, about same as SF and sometimes even less (12 instances vs 10 for velious). I do hope none of the raid zones can be done in 5-10 min (lair anyone) i mean that’s hardly worth mentioning lol.

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