8 thoughts on “Frostfell Toons Freed

  1. Re: Eschia’s comment

    You would think so but if you’ve been observant over the last 6-12 months, EQ2 is breaking down. Things that have been commonly occuring no longer do consistently. For example, I have an alt in Neriak and one in Qeynos that no matter where I bind them in the city, they will still call to somewhere nowhere near that bind point.
    We still have people spontaneously combust on the bridge to Roehn Theer.

    Last year, I had a toon who was trapped in Frostfell show up on Thundering Steppes docks!

  2. every time i look at eq2 wire its just one trouble shooting bug fix after another . it seems the game is in a bad state of constant repair
    SOE prolly has just one poor guy working on the game anymore

  3. @Rick
    I’ve noticed some things like that, such as a encounter in the bloodline chronicles where you fight a goblin and a fish underwater and if the fish moves the encounter breaks. It has to my knowledge not even been looked at by the devs lol.

  4. @Eschia — I just did that encounter a few weeks ago and it was fine. Only time I’ve seen the encounter break is if everyone in your group isn’t in the water, and it’s always been like that for water battles, not just that one.

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