Latest update from Zoltaroth: Update: Butcherblock should be open within the next 15 minutes. Permafrost is going into QA. Also, I can personally confirm that Butcherblock is in fact back online right this second. I’m logged in and checking out the new digs. 🙂 And this in as well from Zoltaroth: We are opening up Permafrost now. And we have confirmation from Quesera in the comments that Permafrost is up.
Day: December 16, 2010
December 16, 2010 6:27 pm
From the EQ2 Forums: Butcherblock looks good so far. QA is still working on it but no major issues yet. Permafrost is almost ready to come up for QA testing as well. All in all we are ahead of schedule and everything is looking good.
It seems like StationCash bonuses have been coming more and more often. One might think that there’s no need to get in on this campaign if another one is just around the corner. SmokeJumper has some news: I think this is the last one for a while also. I think there’s a minor one coming on the heels of this one, but then we won’t be doing another one for several months, probably. (We reserve the right to change our minds, but that’s the plan currently.) Unfortunately, the maximum StationCash that can be held on an account is 20k,...
December 16, 2010 4:42 pm
From Zoltaroth: We are bringing up BB shortly, once it is up QA will be doing their testing so if that goes well it should be open in a few hours. Permafrost is waiting on Chat server meges to complete we expect about 3pm for that to be done.
December 16, 2010 3:35 pm
Here’s our latest update from Rothgar: Both merges are still on track and actually running a little ahead of schedule. However, we can’t start QA until we have the chat merge done. I’ll be out of the office soon so I’ll see if Zoltaroth can keep you guys updated.
Looking for something to do while the servers are being merged? Check out Rothgar’s Christmas Lights! Today he added “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey. Watch the new one and the original four videos in the original article posted here.
December 16, 2010 11:05 am
From Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: The merges are still going fine. The chat/mail portion of the merge is a little behind schedule unfortunately so chat may be down longer than expected. I’ll try to provide an ETA later today.
December 16, 2010 5:42 am
From Rothgar: Update: So far everything is still on schedule. Chat is due to come down in about an hour so we can move mail and friends lists.
December 16, 2010 4:47 am
The Kithicor/Butcherblock and Mistmoore/Permafrost Server Merges are now underway and you may be wondering if these mergers will lead to more zone lag when the Destiny of Velious expansion launches. Rothgar on the EQ2 Forums: The existing hardware should handle it fine. The merges will actually improve the performance by consolidating zones and making the hardware more efficient. There’s still the possibility of some lag because most of the population will congregate in the new zones, but we will do our best to adjust population limits to keep lag to a minimum. With the last expansion we had issues...
December 16, 2010 4:32 am
If you are finding yourself at the Character Select screen with duplicate characters or characters still indicating they exist on a server which has been merged, Rothgar offers this advice: There’s a file on your hard drive that keeps a cache of your characters so the client doesn’t have to query the server each time. If you delete your “cache” and “logincache” directories, it should clean them up.
December 16, 2010 4:25 am
Believe it or not SmokeJumper posted a bit about Game Update 60, which will be anywhere from 1-3 months after the Destiny of Velious expansion launches. It’s expected to have some Battlegrounds and PvP tweaks. His post also talks about EQ2X marketing and EQ2X PvP servers: Answers (but you might not like them): 1) We haven’t started spending marketing cash for Extended yet. That’s slated for January. The reason I bring that up is until we bring more people into Extended, we have no plans to open up a PvP server because too many servers dilutes the population and...