8 thoughts on “Confirming Your Bonus Guild XP

  1. This is sadly another case of SOE doing something that becomes a dissatisfier because they do not take the time to test and make sure it works right. I try and generally have a good attitude about things like this, but SOE really needs to pull there head out and figure out how to run there business.

  2. Rothgar posted this late last night:

    If its not working for some people, its like to be related to the zone in which you earned the status. It should be affecting all zones, but if something strange has happened and a zone got missed, that would explain the problem.

    I’ll run the command again to make sure that all zones have the correct percentage just to be safe.

  3. It didn’t work any differently after Rothgar’s running of the command.

    By the way, I checked 3 raid zones and 5 end of zone heroic bosses that normally give guild status, and none gave bonus guild xp. The tests covered raids and instances in SF, TSO, and Kunark zones.

    Either SOE deliberately misled us about guild xp bonus (no mention of Bosses not granting bonus xp), or Rothgar’s command was only applied to selected instances.

  4. That’s one reason we went straight to writs. Faster and easier than HQs (and for the time (generally) pay better status). Also, they are repeatable. So if you spend all the time to do an HQ and then turn it in to find it wasn’t giving the bonus you cannot really go back and redo it. Writs on the other hand….

  5. Tested on Valor.

    T8 City tasks Jarasath waste -> No Bonus
    T9 City tasks lev 85 -> Nobonus

    T6 Raids with T7 Chars -> no bonus
    T9 Raids with T9 Chars -> no bonus

    and i looked on the numbers not only on the messeages.

    I talked to others on the german server, none of them have seen a bonus.

    I would say try again SOE…

  6. Friday night I did city writs in LP, JW, KJ, Stonebrunt and maybe 1-2 other zones. Got bonuses for all. I logged out. I also logged into 2 of my 80’s who hadn’t done the In search of Lucan sig line – first 2 quests in that series are soloable and give status, both toons got bonus for those quests.

    Saturday I did maybe another round of city writs and got the bonus. I switched toons and completed a level 45 HQ that I was on last step and got the bonus. Saw another 45 HQ that was almost done, completed it and got no bonus. Switched toons again and did a crafting writ. No bonus. Stopped playing.

    Sunday I wasn’t sure how it was working so didn’t play till late in the day. Server chat and EQ2 forums were still saying hit or miss. Did a crafting writ and got bonus. Switched toons and did a Sig quest that gave status. Was very apprehensive turning it in but wow, got 10k guild status with bonus. Went on raid and everyone claimed they were getting the 50% message on every named kill in 3 different raid zones. Our guild was already level 90 so the bonus meant nothing for us but message still showed up. Logged back to my alt guild after raid, and did crafting writs on 3 different T9 crafters and each one got the bonus.

    So yah, it worked intermittently. If it worked consistently all weekend, I’d have played more to get my alt guild closer to the last round of amenities I want to have and probably would have hit it. As it is, ended up 2 levels away when I went to bed Sunday.

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