6 thoughts on “Dev Chat Covers Wide Range of Issues, Offers Few Revelations

  1. I don’t agree with eliminating the qeynos/freeport starting islands. I like being able to start out in any city i want. But if i was to create a new toon i would have to change cities once i get in if it goes on the way they have it planned. I still think qeynos/freeport are the best and most efficient cities in the game. Instead of pushing them away, they should just redo the newbie islands again. They don’t even have to use the same map as before. They can just make a whole new island if they want. But getting rid of them as starting cities is a wrong move IMO. Especially since those two cities have the best guild halls.

  2. Personally, most dev chats are a waste of time and a joke, especially when hosted by the pile of craptasticness (I can’t say what I want to…) over at Zam. Nothing really gets accomplished other than talking about fluff, the developers arguing what they like better, most of the time cake and cookies! It’s not funny for users who play the game and want it improved.

    Real legitimate questions that were asked by myself and guild-mates were completely ignored in past dev chats. So what is the point of going or asking questions?

    Drop Zam as a host, speak about real content, not fluff issues and maybe the real questions will come in…

  3. The questions asked were a let down. The answers given to the questions that were disappointing were a waste of effort of both sides. Not only did they not answer most of the questions. They openly mocked two of the people who asked there question. With the amounts of “I don’t knows,,” and “We’ll consider it.” Its plan to see that our wants as the player base are gonging unheard.

  4. Thats because devs aren’t allowed to answer controversial things to controversial questions. What you’d want is a management chat, not a dev chat. Ofc Brenlo could have the balls to answer some hard stuff. Could.

    Starting cities – for anybody doing the quests, DLW and Gorowyn are just so much better than FP or Qeynos because of the old-school quests taking so much longer to do and giving awful rewards. But then again, why take out content needlessly?

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