While we do not have a date yet for GU51 (The Lavastorm Revamp, now minus the Fighter Revamp), we now know that it will be released sooner rather than later, with as many of the fixes, improvements, and content as possible, excluding the much maligned Fighter Revamp. Kiara posted: The Lavastorm changes ARE going to be pushed live. Right now they’re being separated from the fighter changes so that we can push them live (and a little extra polish is being thrown on as well). I don’t have an exact date yet for the Lavastorm changes going live, but...
Year: 2009
After the deafening silence of the last 3 weeks with regards to the Fighter Revamp and the state of GU51 in general, we’ve got a response on March 17 from none other than Bruce Ferguson, Producer of EQ2. Read it Here. The changes made with the initial release of the fighter revamp (on the Test server) need to be removed. However, rather than just roll back your characters to when we first introduced the changes on Test back in January; we’re going to need to split out the consolidated spells, which will reset them to Adept 1. For our...
Looks like Game Update 51 — Elements of Corruption — including the Lavastorm revamp, new x2, x4 raid zones, T3 armor, and fighter revamp have been further delayed. From a March 9, 2009 post on EQ2Players: As many of you know, we’ve been working on Elements of Corruption (Game Update 51) for some time…there really is a lot of good stuff coming, including new zones, new raids, new quests, a revamp of Lavastorm, the list seems endless. However, we’re not quite ready to release it. I know many of you were expecting us to do so this week or next,...
Here is the new Tier 3 Void Shard Armor. NEWLY REVISED FOR 3/4/09 — T3 Set Bonuses have been adjusted. Note: Just in case it’s not clear, I have Photoshopped out the Set Bonuses from all but 1 item in each screen shot. Every T3 Void Shard Armor set has set bonuses for having (2), (3), (5), and (7) pieces from the set. Bard, Enchanter, Predator Druid, Rogue, Cleric Summoner, Sorcerer, Shaman* * You know those whacky Shamans… always running around buck naked wearing just twigs and funny hats. 🙂 Actual screen shots BTW. Crusader, Brawler, Warrior [placeholder] Bard/Shaman,...
Ok, I hopped over to Test and got the scoop on how the T3 Void Shard Armor seems to work. There are two NPCs: Assilus Poisonbolt <Elemental Pattern Quartermaster> Borden Chargehammer <Elite Void Shard Armor Quartermaster> As you run the new x2 Raid Zone “The Ward of Elements”, one or more Molds will drop from raid bosses. To buy your T3 Void Shard Armor Pattern from Assilus, you must have the necessary Mold and the requisite number of Void Shards. Borden will take your Pattern and the requisite T2 Void Shard Armor piece and turn it into a T3...
Originally posted by Kirstie at EQ2 Forums: We have some exciting new features in the works for EQII! One of the first we’ll be talking about is Research Assistants. These hardworking researchers will help you acquire upgrades to your spells and combat arts while you’re off adventuring in the deepest darkest dungeon or asleep in your own warm cozy bed. Even though they’re hardworking, they’re not a speedy service and they are limited in how much they’ll help you. Because this kind of research is complicated, they’ll only be able to work on one spell or combat art for...
Recently players noticed that they were unable to start Commisioned crafting of void shard items if the crafter was in possession of the void shard. Emily “Domino” Taylor, EQII Tradeskill Developer, responded on the Official Forums: “The transfer of no-trade items (including void shards) via commission crafting was unintended. Going forward, you can expect that this kind of transfer will not be possible. A recipe that requires a no-trade item to make and produces a no-trade product, should require all of those no-trade components to be held by the person who is going to end up with the final...
I saw the most terrifying quote today from the mechanics developer of EQ2, Aeralik. this is the first part of trying to get people back into their core roles so to speak. Tanks take the brunt of it now but we realize other classes are doing high damage when they shouldn’t be while some others don’t have the utility to match their role. Some may even pick up new roles down the line. So while we are currently tweaking the fighters we do have things in mind for the others albeit probably not as dramatic as the fighters( at...
From EQ2Players. In Game Update 51 (scheduled for a mid-March arrival), Tradeskillers will get some love: A new Tradeskill Instance in the Void. This will be a bit different than the existing 3 group tradeskill instances which level 50-80 tradeskillers have been doing since TSO came out. Updated recipes for shields, orbs, and other secondary slot items. Guild Hall Trophies were mentioned at FanFaire ’08 and will make their appearance here. These trophies consist of 2 raid “bosses” from the original launch and 2 additional raid bosses from each subsequent expansion. Tradeskillers will make a “trophy mount” which, when...
There’s a great writeup at EQ2Players about the new level 45-55 solo content coming to Lavastorm and which is currently on the Test and Test Copy servers. Note that they are patching and fixing things all the time, so some of this content may not yet be doable. When I logged in, faction and rewards were not fully functional.
You’ve probably heard a lot about the tanking changes which were put on hiatus. The cancelled Game Update #51 – Lucan’s Art of War was split into a couple of hotfixes and the fighter revamp got put on hold. Currently, fighters hold agro through a combination of taunts, hate transfers from Assassins, Coercers, etc., and by putting out superior DPS. In the current situation Shadowknights are putting out more DPS in multi-target fights than some “DPS” classes. The intention of this well-intentioned fighter revamp is for fighters to be able to hold agro in a fight entirely by taunting...
BROKERS Players should no longer get an erroneous message about vendor slots being full when first opening the broker after a fresh login. ORCISH WASTES The Avatar of War will now cast Furious Axe of War at the start of each combat, rather than waiting. QUESTS / MISSIONS An issue that could prevent some players from getting daily missions if they had completed the previous mission has been fixed.
TerraNova has a posting from one of the researchers on this EQ2 data dump on record. From the report linked here, I find the relevant quotes: Players were sampled across the game’s servers by inviting all players to participate in a survey if they logged in during the study time window. After providing consent, players completed an online web-based survey that took about 25 minutes. Players…were promised a special in-game item as compensation. This item, the “Greatstaff of the Sun Serpent” was created by Sony for this unique use. According to the Sony team, the item was made to...
ArsTechnica.com is reporting that 60 Terabytes of Raw Server Logs from the EverQuest II universe captured over the last 4 years have been provided to a collaborative group of academic researchers — including psychologists to epidemiologists — at a number of institutions. Dmitri Williams introduced the project and described how researchers have been approaching various game developers over the years. He paraphrased the conversation with Sony as: “What do you collect?” “Well, everything—what do you want?” “Can we have it all?” “Sure.” The end result is a log that includes four years of data for over 400,000 players that...
Some odd bugs have been introduced into the TSO Mission system and the Broker system as well. The solution to the TSO Missions is to bring up your Completed Quests and click on any existing missions. They will vanish from the list. The solution to the broker slots refusing to sell items is to send a mail or click Take Coin.
GENERAL The Legends of Norrath Museum is now open for visitors! Talk to Angie Patterson in South Qeynos or Angus McPhergin in West Freeport to gain entry. Once inside you can follow the guided tour given by Mott Muttle. Dispersion, Displacement, and Transposition no longer stack with each other. Additionally, their power increases have been lowered slightly. HALLS OF THE FORSAKEN Hapless prisoners were spawning much too frequently and gating a quest in this zone. They have been sacked. ITEMS The Eye Mounted Ring received an effect that was out of progression for the zone and intended for the...
Want these mounts? \aITEM -1230427643 -1500374663:[Saryrn Deathcharger whistle]\/a (evil version in-game link) Invite a friend, recruit them into EQ2, and off you go! Details at EQ2Players.
Don’t you love unannounced tweaks? 🙂 There are some threads on the EQ2 Forums indicating that some graphics were revamped as part of the Feb 5th update. The ice in Everfrost is more translucent and looks really cool. However an inadvertent change was made to the grass in the Antonica Guild Hall. It looks rather black and spotty now. A hotfix is planned.
It is not easy to take a Game Update, remove a significant chunk of it, and release the rest. What was originally planned as Game Update 51 contained the much-maligned Fighter Revamp, as well as changes to Auto Follow, Spells, Items, the introduction of the HEIRLOOM tag, and some other items as well. Most of those improvements went live on February 5th. According to EQ2 Devs, for the remaining components of what was formerly known as GU51 (minus the Fighter Revamp) “We’re aiming for the week of February 16th as early as possible. “ There is no official list...
Looks like the new HEIRLOOM tag was not fully tested for The Proof in the Pudding tradeskill epic updates. The following characteristics have been discovered: Pulling the completed items out of the Shared Bank will not update the quest. You must delete and reacquire the quest “The Proof in the Pudding”. Turning in the quest “The Proof in the Pudding” will consume ANY update items from your personal bags AND the Shared Bank. So if you created more than 1 of each item in the hopes of updating the quest for multiple characters, they will be ALL used up...
Looks like loot, AA, and the enjoyment of doing an x2 raid won’t be the only reasons folks will be packing like sardines into the new x2 raid zone. Posted by fyreflyte here: (The 12 new armor appearances being introduced in GU51) will indeed require some additional void shards (though not a staggering amount), but they won’t be directly purchased off the merchants. You’ll have to complete some of the x2 content to be able to get your hands on them =) Thus far the appearances have only been used on loot that will require some running of the...
Looks like it has been brought to the attention of developers that on the Atrebe’s Lab fight, folks were making sure all their bags were filled so the 200,000 lb stone wouldn’t get deposited in their bags. Might want to comment in this thread if you feel any changes to it will break the fight: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=442572
This was planned to be Game Update #51, but with the Fighter Revamp changes postponed, this is now just a big hotfix. There’s still some great stuff in here: HIGHLIGHTS A new (item tag) has been added: HEIRLOOM. These items are the same as NO-TRADE except that they can be placed into your shared bank. Characters on the same account and server can then pick them up out of the shared bank. Normal shared bank rules apply on PVP servers. Void Shards Proof in the Pudding update items (Master Tradeskiller) Certain Tradeskill Faction Reward items Kunark Faction Tradeskill Recipes...
EQ2Players is now hosting a lore-filled, if vague preview of what is now being called Game Update #51 “Elements of Corruption”. This is the Lavastorm revamp, adding means of travel, teleporters, x2 raid zone, new 45-55 content, new 80 content, etc. The release date for this update is unknown, partly because of the separation of the Fighter Revamp from the old Game Update 51, which is now being released as part of Erollisi Day. Lavastorm Revamp Preview at EQ2Players
As I predicted, the Lavastorm revamp will take a page from the Everfrost revamp last fall. As posted by timetravelling here: Travel around lavastorm will be MUCH MUCH easier. We’ve added more teleporters as well as travel mount paths. None of the old content is slated to be removed, some of the mobs will see slight tweaks and might be moved around a bit, but we don’t plan to actually remove any quests or content. The level 80 content is actually in brand new areas we’re adding to the island, none of the old areas are being overwritten. Lots...