Specifications: 17.5 lb brined turkey, mashed potatoes, mashed sweet potatoes, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, green beans, all from scratch.
Day: November 26, 2009
Available for Thanksgiving week only, there are 10 new paintings available in Norrath from the City Merchants in Qeynos and Freeport. As I was writing this article, I discovered a writeup at EQ2 Wiki with the names, screen snapshots, and descriptions of each painting. A merchant window retouched to show the 10 winning paintings: The First Prize winning “Destroyer of Ordanach” by Citadelli. One of the nine Second Prize winners “Prayer of the Righteous” by Enna. All 10 paintings can be viewed at your local City Merchant or at EQ2 Wikia. These items may be available later on, but...
November 26, 2009 9:57 am
Xalmat brings us this news from the Test server: On Test, they opened up starting cities to all races that can be of that alignment. That means: If you pick a good race, you can start in Qeynos or Kelethin. If you pick an evil race, you can start in Neriak, Freeport, or Gorowyn. If you pick a neutral race, you can start in any city. In summary, the new starting locations for races: Fae can now start in Qeynos (Willow Wood) Frogloks and Halflings in Kelethin Gnomes and Half Elves in Neriak Barbarians, Erudites, Humans, and Kerrans in...