I don’t want to misquote anyone, so I am transcribing the most clear-cut questions and answers. Anything else will be in the transcript video.
Question about tradeskillers making kilts and getting more styles.
Q: Freeport and Qeynos lets anyone do writs. Neriak is more picky. Gorowyn is selective as well. Can this be made more consistent?
Q: A Krono is $17.99. Why is it more than 30 days sub costs at Walmart for $14.99?
A: We don’t endorse the selling of cards in-game, but it’s a completely supported in-game method of trading in-game subs.
Q: Are you going to try to stop selling cards for plat?
A: No.
Q: Can we convert blue shards (raid) to white shards?
A: Our plan is to give you stuff to do with your shards.
Q: Housing: The ability to rotate, yaw, pitch items, or lock items.
A: (We want to do this)
Q: Rangers hate transfer?
A: No.
Q: Call of the Veteran is broken.
Zolt: Call of the Veteran is a very complex ability. It has all these restrictions in place. It’s very complex and there’s a lot of room for error. If you can tell us what zone you were going to, what zone you were going from, what characters, etc. They’re very very annoying bugs that we want to fix.
Q: You want us to bug report each example of CoV breaking?
A: Yes.
Question about the raid leader sometimes not being the group leader.
A group of 6 players who are all participating will essentially get 6 times the experience.
Question about recoloring existing EQ2 items not even for PlayerStudio but just to add them back to the game.
Q: There’s only so many things you can buy from Dungeon Maker. Can we get some ultra-rare items or more rewards?
(devs ask audience: What about players being able to place loot in Dungeon Maker designs?)
(dev question: Should fluff items, rare items, etc. on DM mobs be drops or for tokens?)
[audience: Yes to both.]
Q: Have you ever considered a Want-to-Buy side to the Broker?
A: Yes. Redoing the broker system is one of my big projects that I want to get done soon. That would be part of it. Consignment. We want to clear out some of those items that have been there for 6 years that nobody has bought.
Q: Adornment removers. Crafted or StationCash?
A: Crafted only.
Q: The SOE Live-granted EQ2 Merc is that 1 per account or 1 per character?
A: We’ve been talking about this for the last couple days and we’re probably going to go 1 per character.
A: The Collector’s Edition merc was going to be a Paladin. We’re going to give you the option to get a Paladin or a healer (haven’t picked class yet).
Question about two boxing and autofollow and the person following falling off bridges, etc. If it’s really bad in certain zones, we can talk about reducing the follow distance. Maybe we can add an option to set follow distance.
Question about a daily tinkering quest. They’re looking at it already.
Q: [hope I got this right] Can we change between spell weapon autoattack or melee attack on necro pets?
A: Ask us after the panel.
Q: Tradeskillers can only request writs from whatever city they’re citizens of.
A: Whenever we look at the Adventure writ issues (mentioned earlier), we’ll look at Crafting as well.
Q: Can we increase War Runes to other slots than Belt, Charm, Primary, Secondary, and Cloak?
A: With the expansion, all raid gear will have red slots on more items.
Question about rating other players whether someone is really good or not.
SJ: That sounds dangerous.
(Dev team) We want to get more feedback from you about Dungeon Finder.
Zoltaroth reminding people about /load_friends and /save_friends commands. (audience: ooh)
Kaitheel: If you find a quest that doesn’t destroy the related quest items when completing the quest, please /bug it. We have fixed a lot of these.
We don’t support exile as a true faction. Audience actually asking for Haven to go away and exile Guilds to go away.
(Devs) Ok, you have to write the patch notes. 😉
Q: (Can we get some improvements to the Recipes window?)
A: (We can look at that.) We can probably add a button like the merchant window to hide greyed out recipes.
Q: Can we view the last 10 recipes crafted to make writs easier?
A: We can look at that.
Q: There’s an exploit on a raid mob, who do I talk to?
A: Kyle.
We’ll definitely want to go back and do group and raid content in Chains of Eternity because the Spirit Stones (scaling green adornments) remain useful for a long time.
Looks like Spirit Stones (green adorns) are only Neck and Rings.
[Ed Note: Again, there are more questions being asked than listed. Trying to focus on the clear cut stuff.]Q: Can we search for items by what adornment slots they have?
A: What level of granularity do you want?
A: Making the Broker search a lot more robust is part of the Broker revamp we’re working on.
Q: Every single Rapier item is a Flamberge. What’s up with that?
(To David) – In our file, we call it a sword, and then design names it. 😉
(design) gee thanks for throwing us under a bus, Dave 😉
Next article will be the Banquet
Q: Every single Rapier item is a Flamberge. What’s up with that?
(To David) – In our file, we call it a sword, and then design names it. 😉
(design) gee thanks for throwing us under a bus, Dave 😉
Q: Call of the Veteran is broken.
Zolt: Call of the Veteran is a very complex ability. It has all these restrictions in place. It’s very complex and there’s a lot of room for error. If you can tell us what zone you were going to, what zone you were going from, what characters, etc. They’re very very annoying bugs that we want to fix.
Q: You want us to bug report each example of CoV breaking?
A: Yes.
So painfully funny.
Oh how I wish I was there. I contributed to a discussion about the recipie window last year, and have been eagerly awaiting SOME improvement. It’s unfortunate that it sounds like that entire discussion went into a circular file.
The recipe window needs the same flexibility, if not MORE, than the broker window. Here SOE, some examples.
A tailor is hired to make armor for a Brawler. How can you differentiate between Brawler armor and Druid armor from the recipe window?
A provisioner is hired to craft food and drink for a Warlock. How can you find only INT-based food and drink items from the recipe window?
These are just two of dozens, if not HUNDREDS of scenarios where the recipe window is just AWFUL. For someone who spends more time crafting than adventuring, I am BEGGING SOE to improve the recipe window. It’s horrid!
“Question about rating other players whether someone is really good or not.”
Yeah lets encourage an already closed knit community to become more closed knit.
Smokerjumper is right, it is dangerous. Oh god how someone could exploit it who’s hellbent on making someone look bad.
I have had only a tiny handfull of failures of COV and i use it quite often. Though i also hear of those who apparently have quite a few failures. Not an easy problem to fix really.
There are plenty of bugs like that in the game as well. We once had a discussion in level chat about UI crashes and how several of us said we had never had a UI crash in our entire time playing the game from launch while others have had multiple problems. Memory leaks as well, never had a problem with any.
It’s not easy to fix something when not everyone is affected by it. I suppose in the end that is something that consoles have over PC’s. They all run on the same hardware and software, when you build something for them you know that everyone has the same equipment. It makes programing a lot easier.
Sad thing about COV when it breaks is that is not consistent. I had it break in the guild hall where it works almost 100% of the time. I had it break once in a zone then work in the same zone next time.
The most common break is the can not call in combat bug. Well the person I am calling to is sitting still not under attack and just waiting.
It is kind of hard to troubleshoot COV because it is not consistent, it just breaks and not always in the same place or same toon.
@ Kitalya do you use do you use profit, or the vanilla ui.
If your not using the full drums ui you might want to check that out, they got a really nice recipe window. I recently changed to drums as all the other healers use it in raid and it is nice. Then I discovered the crafting window and it is light years better than what soe has. Just saying you might want to give that a try.
Wish someone would have asked why the GH Depot can hold only 200 items seeing as every expansion they add you have to remove more stuff :p
Nobody needs to ask about things that have been answered repeatedly. The GH depot was never designed to be able to hold every harvestable in the game and trying to make it so has database performance implications for every one of us.
Then allow 2 in the guild hall.. I can see not letting holiday resources in but to basically only make you get rid of certain resource levels to kmake room for new ones they add is STUPID.. I have to keep my level 0~40 level resources in my home depot to consistantly make room for new resources..
The spell auto question was mine, and it had to do with consolidating regular dps mod, multi attack and haste with spell auto dps mod, spell auto multi and spell auto haste. They did a huge stat consolidation before, so why have such an unnecessary complication? Just to clarify.
Boiling items down to just a few stats takes away character customization. EQ2 also has a new Lead Designer since Stat Consolidation happened.
Oh in that regard, I do think that spell autoattack should use the same stats as melee autoattack.
Would the merc from the CE be free ? Or would you still need to pay maintenance ?
No way any merc is free — I would be surprised if it was.
“A group of 6 players who are all participating will essentially get 6 times the experience.”
Would like to hear more about this incentive to group, because at the moment there isn’t one.
I’m not sure what to make of that Kwill.
An example scenario. (XXX/YYY) XXX=Mob YYY=Encounter experience award.
504/252 Solo (Lvl 91 Inq)
353/176 2 man (Lvl 91 inq w/merc )
353/176 2 man (Lvl 91 inq w/lvl 90 Necro)
270/135 3 man (Lvl 91 inq w/lvl 90 Necro+merc)
252/126 3 man (Lvl 91 inq+merc w/lvl 90 Necro)
202/101 4 man (Lvl 91 inq+merc w/lvl 90 Necro+merc)
173/86 5 man (Lvl 91 inq+merc w/lvl 90 Necro+merc w/lvl 90 Ranger )
151/76 6 man (Lvl 91 inq+merc w/lvl 90 Necro+merc w/lvl 90 Ranger+merc)
It appears that mercs simply count as the player level in the formula that is used to calculate the experience. It doesn’t seem to give any regard to it being a merc. I really do not think that mercs should count toward making a group of 6 for this bonus just used them to get raw #’s.
Now if that statement means 151*6=906 76*6=456 which I highly doubt, though it would be absolutely awesome and people would be fighting to group. BUT what about 4 man groups, what if you try to fill but can’t, mercs just can’t count here not if this is to server the purpose of encouraging grouping.
SOE in may be bringing this out in a broken manner with the hate list thing, in testing this the mercs one shotted about 75% of the time when sent in on these mobs. It is also only halfway done, a full group should get an extra bonus, there should be no ‘penalty’, I think that 4 and 5 man groups should get a bonus too (though a smaller one), there are some servers and play times that make it hard to fill up. I have an awful feeling that not enough thought has went into this and the hate list thing is going to cause it to be broken, then they’ll take a sledgehammer to it, and it will go the way of the DF and DM with little to no interest in it.
“In our file, we call it a sword, and then design names it.” so that’s why we get wands called sword and stuff 🙂
Lempo, thx for the breakdown. This for current xp, right?
After xpac in a full grp with no mercs everyone should get 504/252 is the way I understood it.
Yes that is exp from the live servers, I did it last night as I posted.
I don’t know why you think everyone would get 504/252 from what Kwill said about 6x the experience for a group of 6.
The way this was announced is really pretty bad, how difficult is it for them to take a few minutes and just do something right, give a breakdown of current and what it will be when the update hits. This way there is no speculation, no confusion etc.
I realized as I was going to bed last night I have a 200% vitality bonus, and a 20% vet bonus, the toon tested was my box account.
What my guess is how they will implement this is you will get your base+bonuses and the base*5 added to that.
I’ll test it when the expac hits and write up a before and after analysis, maybe Feldon can make an article with it, I just have this gut feeling they are going to screw this up trying to make the code prevent AFK leveling when they could simply enforce the rules ban people for doing so and not affect a large majority of the playerbase in a negative manner like they did with the zone timers, which still have not been fixed as they were, nor did they even acknowledge that they borked the PoW timer…
Very late, I know, but the question about Exile faction was mine and not recorded completely.
My question was why Exiles are locked out of some faction-based quest lines (Qeynos Claymore, for instance), when others (The Shadow Odyssey, for example) are open to them, and when these blocked ones will be open. When the devs responded that Exile was not meant to be a faction, I pointed out that they designated Exile a faction when they gave Exiles a home city, its own guilds, etc. If they don’t want Exiles to be a faction, they should not make staying in Exile an option. That’s when the stuff about getting rid of Haven came up.
Short version: I asked for consistency – either admit Exile is a faction and give it the same benefits as the other factions, or get rid of it as a play option.