Halls of Fate – April 26th
Lisica: kander AND gninja?! wewt 🙂
Athinia: Hiya Kander how are you this fine evening
Gaderiel: Greetings Kander,
Shonshazzitt: hi Gninja
Cosmi: both of my biological parents were korean war vets. I come from a long line of veterans so stop hinting I have no clue what i’m talking about 🙂
Cegaan: howdy
Cirvandal: Kander, with the epilogue adorns, what will you do about insane summoner damage that will occur if they are not tuned down a bit?
Whiskeyjakk: maybe if you got lost going to the store they could have amputated a foot…
Raynestar: I wrote the name Pergor on my swaord, and it doesn 10X more damage now, but the named is still too strong
Gninja: Dev chat is about to start. There will be a lot of devs around to answer your burning questions
Linnette: hello!
Caith: Answer 1 – Get a cream for the burning.
Uzenn: Baron’s Workshop Heroic LFM DPS/Utility 5/6 PST
Cosmi: ok you are just trolling Armate.
Misen: where is the dev chat at again?
Neomuoer: burning questions….got enough cream?
Oxyian: When is Fiery Blast going to be fixed?
Buttkrack: can all tither points be pooled instead of top one per acct pls
You tell General (2), “Misen: You best be believing in dev chats. You’re in one.
Habeusz: please can we fix the bells so they show the PQ zones for everyone
Ubercornz: lol oxy
Misen: I mean I want to make a suggestion and probably best in the chat
Armate: Do know what trolling means?
Gninja: Lol Feldonight
Aafa: is there an heirloom item to pass to alts for the Goblish language? Or does each too have to complete the quest?
Saphera: Sorry Cosmi. that isnt strict thats abusive. Strict and sheltered is not knowing there was rock and roll music until i got my first car ;p
Taptip: no
Neomuoer: trolling is what i do on toilet
Ubercornz: waiting on mogrim now…
Habeusz: also please nerf paladins so they can’t log in
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Welcome everyone! Devs are logged in and ready for questions in General Chat! Let the fun begin! (That means, start asking your questions!) I’ll name the devs in broadcast as they show!
Cosmi: Armate leave me alone.
Senthiele: ok i have two questions first is what do yall have plan for assassin and other is what is the deal with people getting multi burnt keys after they have recieve one i know friends that have got 8 burnt keys
Misen: ok
Kadmusz: moooore questions … does the new orange rune negate the old ethereals? I promise to never miss another summer event .. tell me I never need to go to KP again
Endlesslove: YAY HOLLY
Khamclown: aafa, there is harvestables to do it forlow levels inand around twark if you do the crafting line and its easy to do with any level 30ish toon in runnyeye
Sepahnya: add him to you most of the server ignore list Cosmi
Athinia: evening Windstalkerdev
Beastlingx: @Gninja When will Jace, the Mind Sculptor make his appearance in EXP14?
Caith: Oxyian It’s one of the first balance items on the list after the update
Icevein: Kandor, What do we owe this pleasure of having the Dev on the floor??
Bardtholomew: Greetings Devs 🙂
Jotoa: this should be entertaining……
Starmistt: oh we all love holly!
Uzenn: Baron’s Workshop Heroic LFM DPS/Utility PST 5/6
Blakpanther: can you make the tradskill thing LESS tedious!!??
Misstreeted: So are we getting more hotbars?
Kander: Kadmusz They do not stack, if that is what you are asking.
Saphera: whats in the works for the next expansion?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Devs on deck are Kander, Fyreflyte, Gninjadev, Mooncast (Lauren, our producer), Jamiss, Caith….
Fumao: we all love you star
Piggle: can Tithe points be pooled instead of discarded?
Cirvandal: It negates some forms of ethereal effects, which are these?
Merianna: any chance of gettting Heartbound to be account wide, it’s annoying having to go reheartbound when my heartbound needs to play an alt in raid
Neomuoer: serious question…..can we do something about chat nazi’s
Cosmi: Can we have a Dev or GM come on from time to time in the evenings, to ensure smooth gaming :0
Gninja: Senthiele – There was a short time right after expac launch where someone could get a second key but that has since been changed. It is once per character.
Wyzsard: Full house, nice
Saphera: tradesKilling is not tedious ;p
Blastit: Would you explain the pvp changes that are upcoming? I couldn’t grasp it from your previous post
Gaderiel: Are there any plans to UPDATE Guild Harvesters so that they either get more stuff to be in line with goblin and pony or make it so they stay out longer????
Blakpanther: When I dig a hole the dirt don’t fit back in!
Athinia: evening Devs and welcome
Balthuss: Do you ever plan on allower more than 2 relic items to be used?
Icevein: hello to all Devs and Producers
Gninja: Merianna – We have no plans to change heartbound
Caith: Saphera – Levels, zones, gear, monsters, beer.
Muncheez: u can use a greater relic and two normal relics
Stabwoundz: DEV team, is there any chance of guild halls server transfers becomming available in the future?
Oxcy: ? Will there be new hotbars as our spells are running out of room!?
Doghunter: Greetings, developers/GMs!
YOUR Aura of Leadership regenerates 103 points of absorption.
Ubercornz: ascension. When does the ascension le el cap increase and will it be a 5 or 10 le vel increase?
Kander: Balthuss, not currently, but it could change with the expansion… maybe.
Raynestar: Hello Devs
Laffite: I would like to raid with the GM-Dev team…….
Triplebeam: any plans to make those heirloom?[eq2u]Greater Fragment of Planar Energy[/eq2u] Kadmusz: thanks … now give me a way to get the old fervor proc rune …. I have slaughtered KP so long .. .they weep when I zone in
Phizzie: any chance of getting a search installed on the guild hall moving crates?
Jamiss: No new hotbars
Saphera: Thanks Caith LOL Sounds exciting!
Lukada: hi devs :O)
Marsillia: What is the long term plan for player created content? There was a time when it seemed dungeon maker was a precursor to a larger, more robust system. Was that ever the idea? Was it scrapped? What about player made items ?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Give us a bit of time to answer….we are watching! And a warm welcome to all of your Norrathians, too!
Xalox: Who would be the best Dev for me to ask housing, decorating, and appearnce questions?
Jachin: KANDER Macky has been looking for you all day !!!!
Khamclown: in specific kander, does the new orange rune prevent any slot war rune from proccing or does it just nbot stack with the fervor runes
Cirvandal: psssst Laffite, they are all terrible, don’t! 😛
Rizarax: Since it has been said that ascension is going to be built upon in the future, will people who save up current ascension scrolls have an advantage over those who don’t?
Athinia: slow down a little all and let them answer
Caith: Blastit – We have no plans for any pvp changes in the near future.
Cirvandal: Jachin! <3
Variniaz: Mine is more of a request, I would like to see more search perameters on the broker, in housing across all houses for items, and just in general. I would also like if there were more hotbars say 4 more
Cosmi: The number one reason people give for leaving game is nasty game chat. Any chance for a dev or GM to make it a routine to log on from time to time to catch what goes on?
Oxyian: When well Fiery Blast be Fixed?
Apexo: ,y question for the devs with the familiar coming soon have to be purchased or quested to get
Rhita: my question is for Caith, the new epic guardian ability called Guardian, is there a way to get a deaggro added to it? Right now it just causes the dps to die twice
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? It takes a long time to get and isn’t initially easy compared to rng chest/PQ drops.
Caith: Oxyian It’s one of the first balance items on the list after the update
Oxyian: as it is complete useless on T4 encounters
Misstreeted: Is there going to be more areas to harvest than just Thalumbra?
Stach: Coercers have lost charm/cc and autoattack, is there going to be some changes to them to make them other than a 15 resolve place holder?
Balthuss: are there any plans to move the level cap up 5-10 more levels?
Armate: Dev Team—- What changes that might help the Wizard/Warlock class in upcoming updates?
Doghunter: Will someone be fixing the camping error that tells me that my account is in use?
Kander: Khamclown, that would be the specific terminology of “not stacking”.
Drachentoter: agreed more hotbars since Ascension
Muncheez: are yall going to remove the panic effect on t3 mobs?
Evulcan: could you bring back subcombines in crafting?
Lascivio: @ kander: how is it that you guys decided to include all the faction requirements for the new epic 2.0? why did you think it would be “fun”???
Dubonic: sup? need oregon dank?
Laffite: DEVs – any plans to raise the RELIC ITEM CAP?
Rubbish: Can we have the bonus XP re-applied to all lvl 100 contested? Ascention is a pain without it.
Gaderiel: i second evulcans request
Ubercornz: t4 raid mobs is it intended that only physical damage seems to have an effect on them?
Rubbish: not to mention alts r just impossible
Raynestar: wow, feel sorry for the Devs O.O
Caith: Rhita – It’s been suggested recently and I am looking at the guardian epic (among others)
Viviene: Yes, what Lascivio said. Having just returned, what a time sink/drain tedium. No doubt designed by Tier’Dal
Mystriell: I was just thinking that
Cosmi: there is many things that need fixing ray :0
Drachentoter: ability to switch ascesnion without going to master
Malayshia: I have a question about the amount of damage current melee auto attack does its doesnt do that much and was wondering if you guys were figuring out a way to make it more viable again?
Kander: Laffite – we do not currently have plans to increase the relic cap.
Wibbly: QUESTION: Any details on which T1 classes will get the most attention in the rebalancing?
Bardtholomew: QUESTION: Is someone going to update the recently added building blocks with door openings in them so the opening actually fits the doors like the Qeynos City Festival door?
Dubonic: should i turn my house into an oregon weed bnb?
Jotoa: I dont they chose this forum phasers on full
Phiobob: Can merc tokens be heriloom????
Gninja: Ubercornz – We are aware of the damage disparity of physical versus magical damage on tier3/4 raid bosses. We are planning to get it fixed by may update
Mooncast: @Apexo — Familiars will drop in current lvl 100 content as well as available on the Marketplace
Senthiele: ok i have question first is what do yall have plan for assassin
Blitzkriegan: Are there any plans to to make first ascension faster in anyway in the future or are new player going to have to take months to do that?
Doghunter: will someone be fixing the “waiting for zone server” error on the client side that logs me off the server?
Tidbitts: oh please cosmi…thats not why people are leaving
Misen: this is gonna be a spam fest…
Tunaria: Not Warlock….you sir are screwed
Apexo: thank you
Eluza: Will our epic weapons be upgraded or outright replaced when the level cap is raised to 110?
Marln: How do i turn off the annoying broadcasts?
Cosmi: it is the number one reason “many” tell me.
Jrox: @Kander will Utility classes get utility that actualy means something May 2nd or is that planned for the Xpack in the Winter?
Ubercornz: Gninja: YAY I know oxy and pansies will be happy with that answer 😀
Lascivio: cmon kander. im not the only one that is asking that question
Raynestar: DEVs are probably thinking… let’s answer one then run away lol
Dubonic: can we pause so i can refill my beer? brb
Tidbitts: how can many tell you…you have everyone on ignore lol
Habeusz: is there a plan to fix the belss so that the second zone (e.g. Kylong Plains 2) shows up for everyone so people arent locked out if they dont get invited by someone already there?
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Luceey: will someone finally be holding cats responsible for all the distruction in the world
Cegaan: QUESTION: how will we fix the troub/dirge gap
Kander: Eluza, epic weapons will stay relevent well past expansion 14. They will not be overshadowed by anything new.
Oxyian: @Caith – Well the wiz epic ability Fury of the Magus be fixed in the May update?
Laffite: Question: If you have more RESOLVE than the mobs, do you get any benefits from that?
Caith: Malayshia – Passive auto attack damage will never be as high as damage from pressing buttons.
Bardtholomew: the devs shoulr use audio broadcast instead of typing answers
Cosmi: back off Tidbitts. I have no one on ignore. Ignore does not work. they get on alts etc. So now I report.
Icevein: the new Orange Adornments, Will they be available to all once they receive their Epic?
Arrowss: Are u going to give rangers a bit of the dmg u took away, went from 1 or 2 hits for kill to using entire bar with no kill
Gninja: Laffite – No
Cosmi: I studied the game rules and eula. You should also.
Vaizel: Question: @Caith is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able?
Xalox: Is it possible to have the frill on female iksar be optional?
Lighthouse: Can we make deity points account based, so that we don’t need to do the incredible grind for points on all of our alts?
Tidbitts: lol you ignore everyone. no need to lie 😛
Andaraiel: when will there be a recipe to craft this? [eq2u]Elemental Amalgamation (Master)[/eq2u] Doghunter: will someone be fixing the error that kicks me to character select when I camp? (I use macro keys to avoid typos).
Khamclown: gninja, is the update going to include a balance which will fix the issue of tier 4 mobs in specific taking incredibly much more physical damage than magic damage
Whiskeyjakk: omg did Cosmi just say she has no one on ignore?
Dakisis: i would like a hot bar that changes when i switch ascesion classes
Soulidon: Any chance the Devs can have different colored names and chat? Kinda hard to see them respond :()
Cosmi: Can we have a GM or Dev pop in from time to time just to see what is going on in game chat?
Tiggzie: any possibliity of getting flying in all of the large housing zones? and/or can you increase the number of items allowed int he really big houses (like city of Mist)?
Caith: Lighthouse – Check the Kander’s Candor on the forums
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Kharani: LOL Cosmi you have asked that three times now I think
Tidbitts: yes she did lol….
Gninja: Khamclown – scroll up for the answer 🙂
Kander: Epilogue Adornements and Epilogue quests only require you to have completed your heroic epic 2.0 quest.
Cosmi: Whiskeyjakk yes that is exactly what I said.
Versifier: Question: With the upcoming update, will new zones be added as well?
Viviene: I have Cosmi on ignore and have only been back a week. Get a clue about attention seeking.
Dubonic: when will order be restored to the jedi
Caith: Additional hotbars increase client lag, we do no thave any intention of adding more at this time.
Dexwen: Assume you are going to recap all the questions and answers on the forums.
Cleanse: Question: Do you have any planned changes to Heartbound. In particular it’s duration so it’s less distruptive to raiding?
Cirvandal: Veni Vidi Vici, amazing guild by the way, is now RECRUITING a troub and t1 dps, absolutely fantastic. We raid during Australian times, which is tremendous.
Cirvandal: I am going to build a wall, a great, great wall, to keep illegal immigrants with lower than 330 resolve out along with criminals who don’t have an epic 2.0.
Cirvandal: Are you interested? Do send a tell and I might give you a small loan of a million plat to start. The media lies.
Khamclown: thank you gninja
Tidbitts: so you when you tell everyone you are putting them all on ignore…you are just fibbing cosmi? lol
Bardtholomew: QUESTION: What is the unannounced new game you all are working on? Is it related to EQ?
Akoriv: @ Dev in charge of EPIC 2.0: Why is the SK the only tank the did NOT get any Mit Block or HP% boost … those cannot be reforged into
Tunaria: Question (probably already asked): Will we ever get the ability to change ascension classes on the fly? Going back and forth all night during a raid is annoying
Cosmi: no I was serious, but i have found ignore does not work.
Habeusz: could we have the functionality of using a ground mount as appearnce for a flying mount?
Robinete: Query: Will future spells/ascensions follow the new trend in aquisition, or return to a more sane form of acquiring in the future?
Caith: We will kick trolls trying to disrupt the AMA folks
Marln: Another stupid DEV idea, how do they think they are really going to cope with all the questions? (select few me thinks)
Doghunter: is there any chance of upgrading the game to a 64 bit language?
Xaosing: Cirv, does my little [eq2u]The Awakened Ayonic Axe[/eq2u] koala-fy me?
Mippie: any PQs up?
Dubonic: spam sammmich special
Neomuoer: I LOVE YOU
Ayslynn: devs- I know its not important to most, but adding back in rewards that were taken out that complete armor sets would be great for us that really like appearance gear farming
Neomuoer: YOU LOVE ME
Etheine: will guild level be increased with next expansion and will there be new ways to get status
Cirvandal: yes it does
Stabwoundz: QUESTION: Any chance of guild hall server transfers becomming available in the future? (Skyshrine Capital guild hall for example)
Etheine: for guilds
Xaosing: woot! i’m ubah!
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Gninja: Marln – you’re welcome 🙂
Klawssalot: Question: what happened to the poison users during PQ’s, we used to be able to do some damage now it takes about a minute to kill a single ^ mob?
Asfera: Devs can you exchange [eq2u]Fried T-Shirt[/eq2u] for the pants for me PLEASE. i would love to have the full suit for appearance and the Burning woods hosed me… pardon the pun lol
Caith: Robinete Class spells will drop in game as current ones do. They will require you to upgrade to the previous level before scribing however.
Dubonic: when will dance fighting be intigrated into the game
Etheine: oops Question: will guild levels be increased and will there be new ways to get status for guild in teh next expansion
Doghunter: is there a chance the game will be set up to use threads and multi cpu chips?
Phizzie: I see lots of questions and very few answers
Muncheez: I would love to know what kind of deminishing returns you are giving tithe points and what level they will start at?
Dunnyrat: any plans to look at overall Swashbuckle class ?
Cirvandal: Instead of having to pay for them, I also don’t recall original abilities to never drop and be sold for 10 usd minimally
Tukar: if not more hot bars can you create an ascention hot bar like the BeastLord hot bar that switches depending on which one you are using.
Jewkboks: phizzie, there only 3 peeps answering for 400 asking…
Haqz: devs – BeastLords can tank zones/heal zone and out parse all others…..other classes get a boost to at least keep up on the dps?
Targhan: Too specific, just tell the devs to Fix It. Fix it ALL.
Springduster: what is the deal with the wizard weakness? when are you going to make them the DPS class they were intended to be from the beginning of the game?
Khamclown: the new cooperative gameplay, will it be group vs group in the same zone racing to complete objectives so we have a profound effect on the other groups play or is it like old school tetris with different zones but can drop bombs o
Phizzie: I understand
Raynestar: The only thing I would like, is for DBC Cards to be sold at stores again and useable PLZ!!!!
Cleanse: Question: Are the “Familiars” next expansion a new type of pet that you level up? Or a static once-acquired item that does not upgrade?
Apexo: anyone know if kp pq is up/
Wyzsard: Will there be any changes to AA points , either how many or how can be spent
Stokely: Can the Dev’s decrease the “Confront Fear” reuse timers for Dirges. Takes too long if you have more than one person in your group that needs it
Zebedeo: BLs are underpowered as it is…Leave them alone!
Kander: Khamclown Its group vs group in the same zone, yes
Khamclown: on the other group
Ubercornz: Any plans to make scout epic2 (runes) a bit easier – concerned, with the new content, fewer opportunities will exist to get into heroic zones for the shinies. Consider making them pop in AS zones?
Khamclown: awsome
Caith: Dunnyrat – We are too early in the process to go into specifics about the balance changes, but every class is being looked at.
Kittaene: to follow up on the Beastlord question, in class balancing, can they be given a hate transfer? It would help tanks.
Oxcy: Devs: My kingdom for 1 or 2 new hotbars
Khamclown: wow im excited now
Dubonic: sup? wana kick it?
Asfera: WHAT IS THE TRIGGER FOR ” a burnt key” =p
Variniaz: is there any plans to introduce a house item cataloguing system seeing as there are hundreds if not thousands of house items currently
Sturum: any love for solo player and crafters like collosal reactants in past make better mastercrafted gear
Notingvoc: why are ancient spells 10 milllion plat. thats just crazy
Jamiss: @Doghunter, EverQuest2 is already running threaded, there are some places we’d like to add on to it, but it’s not as easy as just flipping a switch, unfortunately.
Oxyian: @Caith – Well the wiz epic ability Fury of the Magus be fixed in the May update?
Xaosing: /emote feels bad for Kander, so many questions scrolling by…..
Dubonic: i havn’t logged in for years or months or something and, what about jedi?
Eliana: ^^^ What is being said about hotbars. Thank you for all the wonderful abilities etc but… it’s crowded here.
Phrostflame: not sure if I missed the question, but will it be fixed so that when a zone is active it is ON the bell? hate begging for invites to a zone
Stach: are there going to be any new zones released on may update?
Caith: Oxyian Send a tell with specifics about what the issue you are seein gis
Klawssalot: Question: what happened to the drop rate of fragments? They used to drop nicely, now i have seen 1 in 3 weeks when playing multiple toons
Mooncast: @Cleanse — Currently Familiars are static (non-upgrading)
Harr: Are all these Q&A will be posted somewhere and sometime for reading later?
Kander: Eliana- we do not have any plans to add any additional hotbars.
Jazie: Which dev do we ask about housing?
Cosmi: I’d pay for more hotbars hehe I think most would 🙂
Dubonic: solid answer!
Kander: Harr, that is the plan, we will be posting the highlights after we are done with all the AMAs
Krolror: ditto on oxtiansd question
Gninja: Yes the questions and answers should get posted somewhere once all servers are done. Also Im pretty sure feldon is doing a recap on EQ2Wire
Senthiele: QUESTION: What do we do with this extra fragments we get after we finish with spells upgrade?????
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 3 min
Doghunter: I realize that not all things are easy. An improved language might allow easier implementation of algorithms that would be good for game speed and design concepts
Targhan: any realistic adjustments to tanks?
Caith: Phrostflame – Good question, but we’ll have to check into the how feasible it is in our current system
Piggle: Ben Carson for housing and egypt related issues
Cleanse: Question: I heared guild level experience requirements were being adjusted post 150. Any info on when that might be?
Phrostflame: thank you
Marln: Rediculous to think they could keep up with all this hahaha
Dubonic: salute Kander!!!
Rubbish: /log and review =P
Meriweather: I suspect they are whiteboarding any questions they can’t get to
Klawssalot: Question, can you make the ascension spells and fragments heirloom ?? =) for people on the same account =)
Beastlingx: @Kander with the spring update or summer update will any merchants be added to spend all these KA currency coins?
Targhan: Give ’em credit for making an attempt.
Putrefied: or even like the BL extra bar for quick switch between ascensions
Phizzie: perhaps stop asking the same questions over and over
Cirvandal: I understand that you try to evade the Ascension upgrade issue, denying that it is the definition of pay to win is wrong and puts this game in a very bad light. Please, don’t end this game by continueing like this.
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 2 min
Mooncast: @Jazi — I would think any of us, but you can always ask me and I’ll do my best to answer 🙂
Gninja: Klaws – we have no plans to change the fragments
Lascivio: they CAN keep up with it. but they are being VERY selective about what they’re gonna answer
Rubbish: OOoooo an ascention bar like BL and Channeler THATS a good idea
Kander: Beastlingx Yes, additional items will be added to spend PQ currencies on. White adornments and possibly some other items.
Cegaan: @gninja any plans to improve the Dirge?
Windstalkerdev: We are logging everything and looking for common issues across servers. We obviously can’t and wouldn’t answer every question here….Not all are….uhm…..relevant.
Piggle: Burnt Key Lottery system is horrible
Cirvandal: any pq up?
Forgesplitter: @Devs – will the fragments be of use after both epic ascensions are ancient?
Xaosing: Question IRT the broker…. Are they ever going to add some.. checkbox.. so that it will only display items you can use? (IE: shiney’s not yet added, spell/skill books that you don’t yet have)
Jewkboks: [Suggestion] would it be possible that a system be put in place for ignoring Raid Strat. If the 24 raiders have killed one mob 10 times with full strat they could burn it straight if they have the DPS, so we can focus on progress
Spleif: droprate on illedgeable spells? a few more maybe?
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 1 min
Neomuoer: question: can windstalker please use server chat?
Doghunter: has the game been running the whole time on the same version of the same language? How do you get support for something that has been in use for so long? Not even my windows vista machine is supported anymore.
Senthiele: QUESTION: What do we do with this extra fragments we get after we finish with spells upgrade?????
Khamclown: one last question from me, the new runecoming out, the epilogue quest, is this quest available on may 2nd for everyone with the heroic version of the epic 2.0, or is it unlocked after mythical epics are obtained
Kander: Senthiele – I would hold on to those.
Khamclown: also is it solo or heroic
Gninja: Jewkboks – We have no plans to let you kill bosses without doing strats. Especially going forward.
Tunaria: I just want to know if we are ever going to be able to change ascension classes on the fly. Even a 15 or 20 minute cooldown on swaps is better than what we have now
Senthiele: so waste why cant we gave to alt toon on same account
Beena: good evening/day all 🙂
Xolotl: OF1 PQ started
Jamiss: @Xaosing, it already highlights which you can/can’t use. The broker data is stored in such a way that we can’t do lookups when grabbing the data
Dellmon: Are there any plans at this point in the expansion to release a document explaining which Ascension combos go together and what the benefit of combo’ing is? It is difficult to tell working as designed from broken w/o knowing.
Caith: Senthiele – We do not have any plans to add any further use for them at this time.
Glimmerwind: how are we supposed to keep up with the illegible spell scrolls since we have to get 10 for one?
Aafa: I like the game just as is, no need to change a thing. 😉
Kander: Kahmclown – The epilogue quest will be available to everyone on May 2nd that has completed an Epic 2.0 quest.
Muncheez: where in the world is carmen san diego?
Jewkboks: @gninja ok just sad that some fight takes 15 mins and you have too much dps with auto attack now
Blastit: If not adding hotbars how about adding space to the macros?
Cleanse: Gninja: When is the “Panic” mechanic being removed now that ascension abilities have been fixed?
Jachin: ZOFE <3
Khamclown: and is it a solo or heroic quest
Ozomon: Question: Why are there adept and master ascension spell components dropping when there aren’t recipes for them?
Caith: Tunaria – We don’t have any plans to allow ascension class swapping on the fly.
Oxcy: Devs: Relic tags are really bad (stupid)… any chance they will be removed?
Fukuduyu: what chance is bigger, getting an ascension ability upgraded to grandmaster by playing 5 years without research or winning the biggest lottery?
Malblack: How do you sell stuff for more then 1mil?
Kander: Khamclown – Epilogue quest is solo, no killing involved.
Armate: DEV—- Are you able small information on the class changes for Wizard/warlock meaning helping the class?
Lascivio: @ DEVS: what are you going to do to maintain control of variables with the level increase?
Vaizel: Question: @Caith is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able? since its tagged greater-relic
Gninja: Jewkboks if there are specific fights you feel take a super long time with players doing nothing shoot me a PM and we can discuss it
Dubonic: is kander kendar?
Athinia: is there anyway to add chickens for the houses those of us want for our farms and vegis we can harvest on our oen lands?
Tidbitts: def interesting in hearing about making locks and wizzies useful again
Kittaene: Ozomen, there are recipes for them. they drop from doing the crafting weeklies
Jewkboks: @gninja cool will do!
Bearserk: hahahaha 2 questions 2 kicks, brilliant
Kander: Lascivio – Duct Tape.
Paime: any pq up?
Malblack: How do you sell stuff for more then 1mil??
Gninja: Jewkboks – some encounters have already been changed to make them less boring/time intensive.
Fukuduyu: <Real Questions Matter> is now recruiting answers.
Zebedeo: Add some cows and giraffes too while we’re at it!
Habeusz: can you turn Raynestar into a shadowknight, and then restrict paladins to the Isle of Refuge only. Thanks
Saphera: In case I miss y’all before you leave Thanks Devs for everything that you do for us. I love playing the game 🙂
Jamiss: @Doghunter, I’m not sure what to make of your questions. It sounds like you’re asking for an entire rewrite of the game which isn’t feasible. If you’re asking if we’ve kept up with technological progress, we have.
Glimmerwind: how are we supposed to keep up with the illegible spell scrolls since we have to get 10 for one?
Tavan: Duct Tape! I knew it! That’s how you keep the squirrels in the wheels!.
Muncheez: Will we be alowed to trade [eq2u]Bow of the Naya’Patel[/eq2u] for the ranger version of the one handed weapon?
Gomtuu: *hugs to the devs*
Cosmi: Thank you Devs for taking the time to talk to everyone 🙂 I love the game 🙂
Ayslynn: Devs: Is there a way to install a voting method so people can take screen shots of their favorite in game scenery item and have it turned into a house item on the marketplace?
Jazie: HUGS!! 😀
Lascivio: shoulda known id never get a proper answer…
Starmistt: <dev hugs >
Mooncast: *hugs myself*
Windstalkerdev: 😀 woot!
Athinia: *group huggles to the devs and producer*
Fumao: /Hugs Holly
Cirvandal: @Glimmerwind Spend a lot of money.
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic?
Taptip: DEVS!!! need double status xp have 18 newsies to turn in…lol
Stabwoundz: @DEV TEAM: Can we get more appearance items on the Marketplace? For example, Tserrina Syl’Tor’s appearance armor from Tower of Frozen Shadow
Jrox: Question: Any truth to the rumors of combining spells for certain classes and can you give any details if so?
Oxyian: Question: How do you intend on balance dps classes that have no pets vs classes that do have pet with ascension ability cast times so high?
Eliana: Yes, more appearance items!
Forgesplitter: Careful Holly I’d watch that Fumao guy, he’s very hands-ir
Caith: Jrox – That is the plan for abilities for level 101-110
Entriri was interrupted!
Kander: Lascivio – Will use proper duct tape. [Seriously, that is far too an involved question for this AMA, we could not even begin to discuss such an open ended question in this forum.] Jrox: @Caith nice
Fumao: LIES
Cosmi: and some kind of closet for putting in gear used for appearance, for decorators 🙂
Kittaene: dev hugs notwithstanding, Can the change made to Battle Coodination, as affects Open Wounds, still apply for the Zerker? It is odd to run by mobs and have Open wounds no longer proc.
Eliana: Also, thank you for keeping this game alive.
Tidbitts: lets hear about how locks and wizzies will be fixed. those classes are wrecked right now
Cleanse: Atleast you got an answer 😛
Kander: What are you plans for the Universe. In a few words.
Karajan: swashes are also in need of redress
Abinitio: @Devs…..Personal armor crates of attuned items for storage that is searchable like the harvest depot???
Targhan: also not aggroing nearby unexpecting mobs kills our ability to troll our groupsl
Windstalkerdev: Kander — Make more duct tape.
Kittaene: the answer is 42, Kander 😀
Caith: Kittaene Probably, I’ll take a look. Won’t be high on my prioritty though, as if you engage them they start being hit.
Tavan: Take over, Kander, of course!
Eliana: Yes, after working to 100 I had to set my wizzy aside. They need attention please?
Tunaria: Followup for Holly…What is the purpose behind not allowing Ascension swaps on the fly, or with an extended cooldown between swaps? Honestly curious
Meriweather: Question: Is there any change to AA’s the number you can spend or more available planned in the near future?
Doghunter: what did Holly “Windstalker” mean in her letter that an increased priority would be placed on fixing game errors?
Ubercornz: dps balance question: this xpac is the “anything with a pet” xpac; epic pets give disproportionate dps, is this being adjusted in may/ next expac?
Beastlingx: @Kander @Gninja what kind of beer you all need to get through this AMA?
Cleanse: Question: Do you have any planned changes to Heartbound. In particular it’s duration so it’s less disruptive to raiding?
Lascivio: well, simply put, you could change the variable type to handle the data flow (you’ll have to sooner or later anyway) during your revamp of the class balance project
Dunnyrat: not just those 2 classes Tid, Swashies and Dirges need looking at
Rhita: question for Caith regarding the fighter epic questline, the first reward gives a fabled shield when we already get the shield from the Kunark Ascending questline, any chance of that changing to something more useful?
Putrefied: can you make buffs we put on pets to change what they debuff with ascension change?
Asfera: DEVS: can you please use yellow text when answering a question so we can know its a dev and read it easier
Windstalkerdev: That DOG don’t HUNT
Kaylieya: how about fixing the defilers that can’t be used on t4 mobs cause they adding dmg to the group
Nauralea: Can mystics get a cool appearance for their dog pet ? 🙂
Nomomo: @Devs, do mobs currently have mitigation/resist values other than combat mitigation that would otherwise reduce incoming damage? I would assume they are part of the mob’s base package.
Gninja: Cleanse – no plans to change heartbound
Cleanse: Gninja: When is the “Panic” mechanic being removed now that ascension abilities have been fixed?
Zebedeo: Defilers are broken! Needs more dps!
Oxyian: @ Kander: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Blakpanther: how do I bind to location?
Cirvandal: It is really annoying to die to T3 because of the Panic mechanic now that they are so easy
Stach: Are there going to be any new zones in the may update?
Atenhara: so we are stuck with the every 30mins on hb and they have to be on?
Apexo: here is a stupid question can you make it easier to look through your moving crate like being able to type in and item or keyword instead of scrolling through the whole thing everytme
Klawssalot: there is an ability in your Knowledge window Blak
Caith: Rhita – The quest opens the effect on the Vylardin shield as well, so if you have that you get the bonus of the extra effect.
Balthuss: Kind of curious why they would give Windego to Mystic when used you cant use any other spells when we are kind of healers? lol just an odd spell to give a healing class
Gninja: Cleanse I have no plans to remove panic scripts but if there is one you are hitting more than otehrs I can take a look at easing it a little bit but not to the point you can ignore scripts
Cleanse: As content improves and we get more gear. Especially with the new Epilogue fervor rune. T3’s are going to require alot of stopping to not hit the panic mechanic
Blakpanther: THANKS!
Kadmusz: any chance for a new tier or currency above PP? Shave some zeroes off of auctions
Klawssalot: your welcome
Ciaria: quesstion what zone is the next presitge house going to be based on?
Bearserk: This idea of yours is being hosted in general chat, why kick me twice for having an opinion in General chat?
Asfera: Devs Why do some classes REQUIRE all access to work on Epic 2.0 and others do not !!!!!
Kiibbles: Question: Will epic spells get a new look/balance pass when you redo class balance? The channeler ones either don’t crit or give us an ability we already have as an example.
Variniaz: agree with Apexo… a search bar would be lovely
Caith: Nomomo – Mobs do not use positive regular mitigation, no. However they do use negative regulard mitigation (debuffs).
Brattyz: Question @ Kander: I would like to know more detail about the direction to rebalance the classes by bringing them back to their intended roles, especially tier 1 DPS and what thisa means overall. Sounds like some major work in thi
Daredevilx: Question can we please help auxic increase his over all HP hes been slacking it alot lately
Gninja: Cleanse – let me rephrase. We dont plan to change them while they are current content. Once they are not current we will likely relax them
Doghunter: thanks for your time game developers/managers. Later. 🙂
Apexo: thanks arinaiz
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: The AMA in General Chat will continue for another 30 minutes! Please be respectful of devs and grant us some patience as we tackle good questions and those we can answer. Hugs!
Kielex: There was exploited progression with 4 nameds in vaedenmoor killed in under 2 minutes (which the walk from said nameds are longer then 2 minutes) And said progression was exploited by a guild on this server. What can you guys do
Raynestar: /hugs
Kielex: to stop exploitation of progressive raiding
Targhan: Hugs? Okay, /hug
Jachin: To Gninja and or Kander …. Please talk to Macky he <3 you guys
Caith: Kiibbles Epic 2.0 abilities will continue to be tuned for all the times to come.
Oxyian: @Gninja: With the Fervor rune the Panic script is going to be reached alot easier
Auxic: Question – Daredevilx yells at me in raids, is there a zipper on market place I can buy to shut him up?
Spurn: Leaving aside the icy terror I felt when I read that you will be rebalancing classes to better fit their roles…how about a purely fluff question. Any chance of fixing the render distance weirdness in houses?
Gninja: Kielex – send us details in a private message, not public
Entriri was interrupted!
Bearserk: 30 mins lol
Entriri was interrupted!
Ratsle: any plans to add a PQ to KJ?
Dubonic: but why@whymoar!?for-cereal
Muncheez: the panic is already easily hit
Wizzo: Please fix Call of Veteran. I have bug reported it and petitiomed with other toons.
Talidill: so lock chat talk
Amoran: DEVS: Thank you in general for your time and effort.
Glimmerwind: maybe my question was not written right. How am I supposed to organize all the illegible scrolls?
Bardtholomew: I hope you all post a transcript of this general chat so we can catch the stuff we missed in real time
Cirvandal: @Auxic That is what you get for raiding with someone that has been kicked 7 times in a year from guilds 🙂
Daredevilx: lol <3 kielex can we add a troll skill to the game for his saltyness
Xaosing: in a bank vault?
Cleanse: Question: Are the “Familiars” next expansion a new type of pet that you level up? Or a static once-acquired item that does not upgrade? Or are those details still in-workshop mode?
Windstalkerdev: Organize the illeligible? Uhm…..
Dubonic: i love devs so much i attatch myself to their leg as they leave their place of work! /bite
Windstalkerdev: with something spelled correctly….
Xaosing: @Cleanse question already answered, they are static w/o upgrading at this time.
Muncheez: is there going to be an update this week or are yall waiting till tuesday for a massive one?
Viviene: Oh yes, My Call of the Veteran fails every time. Wizzo, good reminder
Auxic: @Cirvandal LOL
Kander: Bardtholomew We plan to post a highlight from all AMAs once completed
Apexo: how about since the riles breastplatre of conscript is the rare ob pq item and you can only use one but can get multiple you make it able to be sold for guild status
Beastlingx: @Gninja – When will Jace, the Mind Sculptor be introduced into EXP 14?
Nomomo: @caith, ty for the answer much appreciated
Klawssalot: Awesome Kander, thanks =)
Caith: There is an update on Thursday
Bardtholomew: thanks 🙂
Nauralea: Any plans to visit fixing hate for tanks?
Kadmusz: how steep will the decline be in effect of deity points above 30
Zebedeo: Is there any chance of getting a pokemon mini game with the rabbits like they have in WoW? Or a farmville type minigame?
Gninja: Beastlingx – Octember the Saturteenth
Uteojosti: @ Kandar, Can we make it to were you can wear a epic in Wardore and wear it in your offhand apperance
Asfera: woot MTG question lol. I OWN A MAGIC SHOP lol
Carsoon: @ Devs if I missed this earlier sorry.. why is there SO MUCH PLAT in the game?
Daodoji: Jace has bigger probelms with Bolas right now 🙂
Cleanse: Why did you guys decide to do an AMA after so many years?
Forgesplitter: @ Devs – Necro ? any plans on revamping Lifeburn on the Necro?
Paime: OF3 pq up !
Cleanse: Did you feel you needed to reconnect?
Muncheez: do u think that Urgot is a good choice for the ADC role?
Lascivio: not to be a pain but repeat a question: is anything being done to fix tank aggro issues?
Uteojosti: My zerker would love to have 2 epic looking weapons
Daredevilx: <3 thank u devsa for utr time! and replies
Cirvandal: Giant Enemy Crabgot > Ahri
Oxyian: @ Kander or Caith: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Zebedeo: It is fixed…Press the taunt button!
Bardtholomew: QUESTION This is for the decorating community: Can you add more Player Studio items on a more regular basis to the Marketplace?
Ludaa: are there going to be any new zones for the may update ?
Auxic: Devs – Can you make a hardcore server like diablo 2/3? ^ ^
Windstalkerdev: @Cleanse – I got a wild hair and wanted to do an AMA. I know it was a long time since I wrote a producer letter and I like us taking time to chat with players while you play.
Vaizel: Question: is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able without removing it first? (greater-relic tagged)
Windstalkerdev: Forums are useful, but players don’t always go there, right?
Asfera: Devs Why do some classes REQUIRE all access to work on Epic 2.0 and others do not !!!!!
Zebedeo: Ohh hardcore D3 EQ2 server would be fun
Putrefied: tanks need to learn to tank better 🙂
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Caith: Tank threat is about where we want it at the moment, as it requires the entire group to participate in controlling threat. We do not have any plans currently to adjust it.
Auxic: Hell yes, challenge
Windstalkerdev: You lovelies are playing so I want us to be closer to what’s on your mind.
Menthiele: i think glimmer is asking Question do yall have plan to put in a track system for illegelable scroll to let u know which one u have and need
Zebedeo: Good answer Caith! Make them tanks work!
Sahooru: QUESTION: When will Swashbucklers be brought up to the DPS standard of other Scout Classes?
Dredger: question since so far I seen no expanded number of hot bars. Why a “hot bar” like the dissonance bar for ascension spells
Targhan: Wait, so you mean the dps has to act like they have sense?
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. It’s very tedeous and with mythical gear from keys/KP PQ, there are too many Relics to try to wear unless you are in a high tier raid guild
Montolio: entire group working to control aggro LAUGH
Brattyz: Question @ Kander: I would like to know more detail about the direction to rebalance the classes by bringing them back to their intended roles, especially tier 1 DPS and what this means. Sounds like some major work in this?
Klawssalot: Question @Holly, any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Akoriv: @Winstalkdev Forums aren’t too useful when your devs post most of their infor on Discord – which some of us do not even use
Lesce: Hi Devs!
Vodden: any PQs up?
Caith: Vaizel It’s on a list to look at, but it is a complicated system so there are other issues that take priority.
Solfege: Thexen send Sahooru a parse plesae
Cleanse: I also support that advertising question
Talidill: Thanks
Dunnyrat: excellent question Sahooru
Ubercornz: @akoriv so use discord then?
Zebedeo: Devs — Any chance we can tame the rabbits into a battle pet and fight other people’s rabbits?
Kadmusz: can you give any more details or math in regards to the upcoming changes in tithe points?
Gnecrosia: QUESTION Did I miss an answer about when/how we will be able to price something over 1 mil?
Vaizel: thank you Caith, if it is in the list I am very happy
Cegaan: why are troubs able to solo heroics and dirges are left in the rear
Apexo: hiya klaws
Blitzkriegan: Wish wardrobe would let me put 1.0 in primary or secondary and 2.0 in primary OR secondary so i could dualwield both but it only allows primary
Thexen: why am i being dragged into this?
Ubercornz: lol solfege
Tunaria: Speaking od Discord…there any plans to let Feldon back in the loop so he can keep those of us who dont want to sit on Discord the ability to stay up to date?
Klawssalot: heya Apex =)
Sahooru: QUESTION: Being asked for the 4th time – Please When will Swashbucklers be brought up to the DPS standard of other Scout Classes?
Zebedeo: Because Dirges can rez and troubs cant…It’s a pretty fair tradeoff
Solfege: see Sahooru’s question
Thexen: oh hehe i see
Athinia: question: is there anyway to add chickens for the houses those of us want for our farms and vegis we can harvest on our oen lands?
Ubercornz: @sahooru there are high dps swashies on the server now…
Jewkboks: swash are not t1 dps, they will never do the same as ranger for same quality btw
Cegaan: dont see that as a tradeoff really zeb
Spurn: Swashies and fine (for soulless scum)
Aranea: Are there future upgrade on HoF server?
Klawssalot: Question @Holly, any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Blastit: What are the chances something can be done about the ppl trolling Newbies on this server?
Stach: the crash to desktop when zoning ever going to be worked on?
Caith: Sahooru – Swashbucklers are not t1 DPS, while their DPS will be looked at, they will probably not match T1.
Variniaz: are solo players going to be kept in mind when you are adjusting player classes to what they were intended?
Dunnyrat: Swashies should be able to achieve parity with brigands though
Auxic: Devs – Can you implement changing colors of armor at an NPC? I would like to customize my gear colors =)
Classy: where do i buy higher level tinkering books
Starmistt: watch out for Fumao!
Atenhara: the sderver has newbies?
Blitzkriegan: with how long it takes to get Ascension books and levels up it feels more punishing for people with alts than fun. most new people coming to the game would have to spend months to even get into the good stuff the way things are
Jachin: N
Raynestar: Yes Auxic!!! I would love that too!
Skovari: Fumao is bad news!
Modecai: and that is why Swashes are useless …because their utility does not make up for the DPS demotion
Pitta: Question: How will we be able to interact/prevent the competition from completing objectives in the new Competitive zones, and how will the matchmaking system be implemented? Will we have MMR ratings, etc?
Ubercornz: probably not a great question for the devs, classy :p
Cirvandal: @Devs – Will Beastlords get a base modifier nerf with the GU?
Caith: Auxic Armor dying will never be possible with our underlying art system, sorry.
Oxyian: @ Kander or Caith: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Zebedeo: Finish the objective before the other people!
Auxic: Raynestar – It would be awesome! ^ ^
Stabwoundz: @DEV’s: Some classes are easily able to keep aggro and take hits as well as tanks, sometimes better.. I’ve seen Troubador’s solo Expert / Heroic dungeons. Any possibility of looking into that?
Raynestar: oh, darn
Apexo: bring back reasearch reduction potions
Asfera: agreed with Blitz
Cleanse: Caith: Currently many things are not affected by Fervor. In regards to future viability is it likely to be adjusted to include certain aspects? Like Regeneration amounts on heals for example.
Ubercornz: love oxy’s persistence. acheivement reward
Auxic: aww – thanks Caith
Khamclown: i second pittas question, it was a good one
Raynestar: Gear Color Changing, not gonna happen : (
Zebedeo: Sorcs will be combined and then removed from the game
Tidbitts: that was great in eq1
Kander: Blitzkreigan – We have plans to open up the Ascension classes and leveling them more and more as we approach expansion. We will make them easier for alts to level, etc.
Danyelle: Is there any thought of making the pet AA valuable again? With the 24 position de-agro lying under all of the AAs that are now useless, you feel like you have to throw away some AAs just to get it.
Forgesplitter: Devs – Any plans on revamping Lifeburn on necros, it can be used and not hurt the DPS.. Or am i doing something wrong on my necr
Cirvandal: @Devs – What will be done about healing in general? Currently all non-ward healing abilities are pretty much insignificant. There is also no difference between an ancient and an apprentice single target large heal for example.
Targhan: tanks will be combined and also removed from the game
Akoriv: QUESTION @ Dev in charge of EPIC 2.0: Why is the SK the only tank the did NOT get any Mit, Block, or HP% boost on the weapon … none of those cannot be reforged into
Jachin: @ Kham do you have a bucket ?
Zebedeo: You don’t really need a tank anyways for groups….Just get a shaman
Pitta: Question: How will we be able to interact/prevent the competition from completing objectives in the new Competitive zones, and how will the matchmaking system be implemented? Will we have MMR ratings, etc? -repeated, for chat spam
Khamclown: I do
Lesce: @Devs – When can we have giant Rats for mounts!?
Ratchicktoo: @ Devs when will you make more friendly looking rats in game?
Xalox: QUESTION Is it possible for gear that used to be rewards for older content quests that have been removed to be added back in? Bummer to finish a line and not have a full set for appearance.
Raynestar: what Lesce O.O
Klawssalot: flying rats ??
Targhan: @Lesce You have Muris.
Lesce: Oh yes, flying rats!
Asfera: Devs : i want a flying pig mount
Gninja: Pitta – The groups will be separated and will not be able to interact with each other
Norrath is still for a moment, as Ruckus of <Precedence> takes possession of [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] .
Klawssalot: gratz
Xalox: Question 2 can the female Iksar frill be made OPTIONAL?
Ubercornz: Question: how long before a Kander’s Condor mount?
Pelf: grats
Cosmi: grats Ruckus : )
Asfera: GRATS
Hawkes: grats
Blitzkriegan: gratz ruck
Warriousalexis: Grats Ruckus =)
Oxyian: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP?
Vogiee: gratz bud
Pitta: ok, and what about matchmaking?
Caith: Cirvandal – There are some fairly invasive possibilties that may address it, but we are moving slowly with them because the last thing we want to do is change the too much at one time.
Ruckus: timing =)
Abinitio: @Devs, still waiting on the black raven flying mount that was promised before AOM. 😉
Ruckus: thanks!
Audreyana: grats
Variniaz: are there any plans to open the marketplace vault for appearance items, house items, mounts etc of old
Icevein: grats
Alenna: gratz Ruckus
Khamclown: and also how then can we effect the other groups gameplay like stated
Klawssalot: Question.. any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Montolio: @Devs are you going to put these questions and aswers on the forums?
Leanne: @Dev any chance we will see more mage loot with doublecast?
Targhan: oh yeah, one more thing @Devs: Red + [eq2u]Elder Drake[/eq2u] = GREAT JUSTICE
Tidbitts: yes mont
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Raynestar: I would like that Klawssalot
Abinitio: What Beena said!
Variniaz: agree with Beena
Tidbitts: def klaw
Klawssalot: had not seen an answer yet on that =)
Stabwoundz: Agree with Beena
Kielex: Yeah I agree with Akoriv. Shadowknight is the only class that got nothing but DPS stats for the entirity of the epic. Even our epic buff only helps our offensive stance ontop of our weapon being the only tank weapon to not give
Kielex: any bonuses to HP, Block, or mit
Asfera: DEVS: Regarding Reforging. Can you please consider letting us add to stats ALREADY on an item? as it stands now if an item has a stat we cant add more
Zebedeo: Is it possible to add dresses for male characters to wear?
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why wouldnt Swashbucklers be T1? I feel very discriminated against – and I feel that I would have to change my main character (that I have played since 2004)!
Oxyian: Question: Well my question about sorcerer tweaks in may update be anwsered?
Kielex: instead we get strikethrough a stat that can easily be reforged into
Kadmusz: are the changes with divine tithe points coming in the May update?
Ubercornz: sks crying isa new one
Montolio: @Devs has someone already asked about the tithe cap and deminishing returns after a certain level like how much it will deminish after level 30 and then 40 and so on?
Caith: We’ll take a look at the lack of defensive stats on the SK epic
Versifier: Question: With the upcoming update, will new heroic/expert zones be added as well?
Blitzkriegan: the pet for SK is really awesome but it doesnt help survival in the upper end in raids. kind of silly not to give tank stats to a tank class when all other tank classes got stats for that
Genghes: Question: fastest kill time on Mrmacky?
Ratchicktoo: yes, Tunaria Feldon rocks
Mrmacky: 🙁
Kander: Montolio we will post specifics of the changes for tithe caps in the patch notes on May 2nd.
Montolio: thanks
Zebedeo: Is there any chance of seeing a BL buff in the May 2nd update?
Stach: will someone release what the ascension combos are suppose to be?
Tunaria: Feldon kicks ass…I want to know if the Devs will start letting him post information from Discord so that those of us not in Discord can keep up with the information
Klawssalot: should be some in the forums for combos, seen them before
Auxic: Can you be more fair distributing the Fiery Key?
Lascivio: stach there is already information about that posted on the wiki
Ratachee: @Stach they’re all online
Lesce: Question: Many of our community enjoy solo play, *ducks from all the tomatos about to be tossed* Will the Summer Ethereal Event, include a chacne at Ethereal Drops for Solo dungeons?
Oxyian: Kander: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP since tithe is being nerfed?
Stach: but do we know which are broke or not?
Athinia: anyway BL’s can tame elephants and rhinow?
Gninja: Tunaria – Nothing is stopping Feldon from being in discord.
Caith: Oxyian – Specific Class tweaks for GU 103 are still undergoing testing and vetting, so I do not have a list of what is actually going out yet.
Deathwalks: @ Devs Is there any thought of making the pet AAs valuable again? With the 24 position de-agro lying under all of the AAs that are now useless, you feel like you have to throw away some AAs just to get it.
Abinitio: @Devs, The current burnt key method excludes many many players due to time of day drop and only in one zone. Any chance you can have it drop more often and in multiple zones? Everyone deserves a chance at getting it regardless.
Tunaria: not from being in it…from posting information that is talked about in it
Gninja: Stach – the ascension combos are in fact working.
Ubercornz: Question: Will Epic2 spells be reviewed and enhanced to keep up with new expac statflation. For example, wizard fury of the magus gives a +25 ferv increase which will have an ever diluted impact as expac statflation continues?
Stach: thanks
Pitta: How will the matchmaking/competetor selection be implemented in the new zones?
Kiibbles: Question: will there be any changes to Ascension Combo’s to make it easier to notice or pull off w/o using special chat channels and ACT?
Targhan: @Devs – Any chance to fix the Insect Warder for the beastlords? It’s been several expansions since it was released.
Asfera: @Devs Any chance you will let Diety points stack higher than 10 points? as it stands right now it caps fast and we miss xp
Mayellie: Question: Are there any hopes of getting guild hall expansion slots for items? Are there any plans to get us Heirloom item Depots for our houses or even the Guild hall for accounts to toss their heirloom items into it
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss Thank you for fixing the Crusader Joust ability.
Endlesslove: is anything exciting coming up for the fury class, or druids
Gninja: Abinito – The key already drops multiple times a day and in all versions of Obulus.
Jamiss: @Stabwoundz, wasn’t me!
Jamiss: I just passed it along
Blitzkriegan: lol the burnt key stuff is rediculous some people have spent so much time in that zone to do everything you can do on multible toons and never seen one. kind of silly.
Abinitio: Thank you
Shylou: Question: Will the useless Wendigo for mystics ever be revamped
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss But you were point guy!
Jrox: Question: Will there be any changes to AA trees in the next xpack as part of the rebalancing efforts?
Piggle: Fake news on the key imho
Rhita: is there any chance of changing the burnt key to drop in any current lvl 100 content? sucks to run zones and not be eligible
Kander: Ubercorns – Everything Epic 2.0 is currently planed to stay relevent with the new expansion this year. We do not plan to make anything epic 2.0 obsolete any time soon.
Caith: Targhan send me a PM with specifics about the issue you are experiencing with the warder
Cirvandal: @Shylou Well, since mystics are sooo weak right now I definitely agree!… /sarcasm
Menthiele: funny gninja key drop multi time
Gninja: Piggle – Yes, alot of the information out there is fake news, I agree!
Balthuss: i would like to know more of why wendigo was given to mystics when it literally has no use for us as healers at all
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Shylou: well why get a epic spell thats useless
Kander: Ubercorns – Everything Epic 2.0 is currently planed to stay relevent with the new expansion this year. We do not plan to make anything epic 2.0 obsolete any time soon. [ Well, except some of the item rewards that were given out] Squeeksleazy: @ Devs — Will Shanaira the Prestigious “message” get a better adjustment?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: 15 minutes left in our AMA in General Chat! Devs on deck are Kander, Fyreflyte, Gninjadev, Mooncast (Lauren, our producer), Jamiss, Caith….
Zebedeo: Gninja, What color is your hair, and how did you get it that color?
Kiibbles: Question: will there be any changes to Ascension Combo’s to make it easier to notice or pull off w/o using special chat channels and ACT?
Gninja: Squeeksleazy – can you be more specific?
Rhita: Question- is there any chance of changing the burnt key to drop in any current lvl 100 content? sucks to run zones and not be eligible
Endlesslove: can we get more hairstyles for our charcters, sometimes i would like to see something different
Auxic: Can you give 13 Year Vets a Burnt Key as a reward instead of a depressing empty mailbox?
Cegaan: question can you drop the infuser drop rate from the daily quest chests
Gninja: Rhita – Not currently any plans but we’ve been idscussion additional ways to possibly earn it.
Zwieback: Wonder if the WindstalkerDev was behind the Holly Windstalker Massacre back when I played EQ1
Stach: Is there anyway to stop making zones drops be 80 percent leather?
Klawssalot: Missing my vet rewards, even the house =)
Gninja: Auxic – Gnope
Caith: Kiibbles – You mean something other then chat messaging for when a spell is applied?
Auxic: =(
Cirvandal: How about some sort of Heroic Opp type of window for Ascension combo’s?
Stabwoundz: @DEVS: Can you please fix Call of Veteran to work more often?
Edgein: can we get Call of Veteran working in every zone?
Zebedeo: There are way more leather classes and leather alts…We need MORE leather drops, not less
Cosmi: can you bring back the Vet rewards? We loved those 🙂
Edgein: lol, stabs knows whats up
Windstalkerdev: Zwieback — 😀 Nope!
Stabwoundz: yup
Vodden: any PQs up?
Kaodar: lol, I am happythat we have petterns now so we don’t have to see so much leather
Caith: Stach – PLay a monk, then it is all plate.
Kadmusz: new relevant rewards for loyalty tokens and current currency?
Shylou: DEVS: Add double cast gear pls
Kielex: The only time I’ve noticed cov not really working is when someone tries to cov into a full zone, But that might just be me
Evulcan: wow the vetrans get hosed
Stach: @Caith no play that too and its still all leather
Cosmi: COV does not work in guild halls
Balthuss: also on the burnt key it wouldnt kill anyone to make it heirloom nothing worse than some people who get it getting it on a toon they are just crafting on but have no plans to play. could give to another toon on account
Ozomon: Question: Any plans to really put the utility back in utility classes. Many buffs no longer scale well with present content/stats and some prior class defining abilities are no longer relevant.
Lesce: question: Will shadeweave buds spawn in other OF instances?
Jrox: Question: Will there be any changes to AA trees in the next xpack as part of the rebalancing efforts?
Cleanse: @Caith – Will the fix to Nightmares, or whatever the actual source is, causing the defilers group to take more damage, be fixed in the May 2nd update? Defilers in raids are have a really tough time
Kander: Kadmusz, there will be some new rewards to purchase with current currencies with the may update, yes.
Zwieback: I think you Devs and folks at DB are doing a good job, not easy trying to please everyone, thanks from my end for the job you do..
Zebedeo: CoV works fine…until it doesn’t work at all
Cosmi: I totally agree Zwieback 🙂
Pitta: Question: Will we see any major Alternate Advancement re-working in either the game update or in expansion 14? and in regards to the class balancing, will it be mechanic changes to the classes that rebalance them, or a straight in
Leanne: @DEV please put DC on gear with mage skills
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. It’s very tedeous and with mythical gear from keys/KP PQ, there are too many Relics to try to wear unless you are in a high tier raid guild
Caith: Ozomon – While it is too early to go into specifics on class balance changes….yes.
Soulidon: CoV has a 40% success chance
Buttkrack: And Goblin GAmes- and LON
Pitta: increase in DPS?
Viviene: Zebedeo it’s not working at all for me, ever, under any circumstance
Deathwalks: @ Devs Have you thought about making a reforger available in the guild hall?
Caith: Cleanse – I’ll take a look at it
Endlesslove: i want to see stilletto boots for the female toons. just saying
Zebedeo: Trade it in and get a new one
Klawssalot: only way shadeweave buds could be in other instances of OF, is sav for example, OF1 and OF2 are perma locked open, and temp instances like OF3+ they wouldnt spawn
Asfera: Devs can you answer the hard questions and the meaningful ones? some of this seems fluff
Zwieback: have fun you guys, back to crafting
Oxyian: Kander: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP since tithe is being nerfed?
Variniaz: will the LoN cards continue to be cycled through indefinitely?
Doomdrake: DEVs any trascript of this chat will be published somewhere? 🙂
Illyed: please for the love of whatever god you worship let ascensiuons be mimiced
Kander: Pitta – We have some plans for AA changes, nothing we can discuss currently, too early in the cycle.
Viviene: Yes, reforger in guild halls would be super helpful. Asfera which are the hard/meaningful questions?
Wildirishrose: Question…Is there a chance to make the shaderoot plant to appear in obulus 2, 3 beside 1 only..might help with the zone being full when some of us are harvesting the plant and can’t get in zone because it is full?
Pitta: thanks
Cosmi: I think most of the questions people are asking are sincere ones 🙂
Montolio: suck it ed
Caith: Pitta Most of the class balancing will revolve around the AA system similarly to how combat mitigation debuffs were added to many abilities.
Tidbitts: endless you have to play tara or something for that 😛
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why wouldnt Swashbucklers be T1? Every toon should be able to reach T1 if they are played to the best ability !
Pitta: caith thanks
Caith: Pitta – To expand, most of the class balancing BEFORE the expansion.
Windstalkerdev: @Doomdrake — We will post a summary next week of common questions and those we can answer
Gninja: we are answering everything we can folks, everyone thinks their questions is more important than others but we are trying to get to as many as we can
Pitta: nice thanks!
Sparek: would like to see a caster version of the TS cloak from KA vs. weapon stats
Klawssalot: you guys are doing fine =) thanks for the chance to ask our stuff
Doomdrake: thank you!
Auxic: Gninja – Do you have a headache yet?
Zebedeo: Mine are always the most important!
Athinia: please thank the devs and producer for their time guys it is time to let them go
Pepperminnt: are the combat mitigation debuffs going to increase they are curretnly not effective?
Cosmi: You are doing a great job Gninja 🙂
Akoriv: This is a comment not a question .. I finished my final ascension class and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders … Guided Ascsnsion is one of the most moronically bad ideas I have ever encountered in any MMO
Evulcan: then why are the vetrans of the game getting the short end of the stick now
Kadmusz: the outreach to the community with direct communication and feedback was needed and is appreciated … thanks and keep it up
Neomuoer: i <3 devs
Cirvandal: But you cannot answer the question about illegible ascension upgrade scrolls and them being impossible to obtain in normal amounts without duping?
Jrox: @Pitta so did you take that as balancing was happening before the xpack and AA’s were a part of that rebalance?
Pixi: Question : are channeler pets supposed to take excessive amounts of dmg on T4 encounters or is it going to be looked at anytime soon or it is normal ??
Cosmi: Thank you so much for coming to hear everyone. Great job 🙂
Bearserk: lol And you never thought that would happen?
Alcho: @Caith Did you need some logs from raids to ‘look at’ the defiler issue? I know that vVv is not the only guild having the defiler problems and the healing difference is astronomically different between mystics and defilers.
Pitta: @Jrox yes
Qualm: Devs- You mentioned classes as T1 DPS and Swash Tier 2 DPS. What Tier would you consider Beastlords?
Ratchicktoo: @Devs – sorry if this has been asked/answered. Any plans to add harvesting to other OF zones?
Pitta: cuz i can read words
Bardtholomew: some might argue it is all the “good stuff”
Gninja: Pepperminnt – Combat mit is getting slightly reduced in raid zones with the may update but I would expect to be able to debuff beyond what you already can (which is actually a lot)
Athinia: thank you Kander, windstalkerdev and all the others thank you for answering all our questions at this time and my your journies be fruitfull
Jrox: lol
Edgein: beastlords are T0
Endlesslove: love you all, great gods of norrath, keep up the good work
Auxic: Devs – Are they any plans or ideas around Tithe being account wide?
Cirvandal: drop it Alcho, we got plenty mystics now 😛
Caith: Pepperminnt – Combat mitigation debuffs are very effective, but yes they will increase with the expansion.
Zebedeo: Beastlords need a group cure and rez spell!
Tidbitts: beastlords need buffing….so lets not talk about that 😛
Vivacexzz: So, I can’t solo the godking zone for [60] Wrapping It All Up(Epic), anyone want to come help?
Targhan: and a shield, so that they can tank properly! (LOL)
Zebedeo: They do…We are the worst of the healers…No one wants a BL to solo heal groups anymore
Cirvandal: beastlords need VC is all
Jarmis: my main issue is too many lvl 100 items spanning several xpacs would like to see a lvl increase to put the items in better order
Beastlingx: @Devs will the level 100 boost be given to all subscribers on may 2nd?
Qualm: i wasn’t being sarcastic, just trying to understand the utility concept
Pitta: @Vivacexzz get Gninja to help you, he’s good at soloing stuff
Zebedeo: The glory days of solo healing ToT groups is over!
Arkarnia: Hello Devs! I was wondering if house pets couldmade to actually STAY in place instead of wonder when they want. And if a fix to dropping to desktop half the time when zoning can get fixed. Thanks!
Rhita: Question, there is a named in the raid Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair, who drops a pattern which is brawler only, all those pieces have 20 resolve but thats the only pattern he seems to drop. Was that intended or is it a bug?
Klawssalot: we need another random epic x4 200 dragon dropped in a city one day =D
Tidbitts: tell that to the troubs zeb 🙂
Forgesplitter: @Devs did i miss the LB Necro question answer?
Ratchicktoo: @Devs – sorry if this has been asked/answered. Any plans to add harvesting to other OF zones?
Kander: Auxic – Yes, we are working on plans for Tithe to be shared accross characters.
Gninja: Rhita – intended. Other classes for that slot drop elsewhere
Salvatore: Question dev please: the Relic restriction really restricts my gear options as a solo player, is there any plan to adjust the rules, remove the tags on some items, or make a change for solo players to have access to nonrelic?
Lisica: will we be seeing upgrades to the old class specific cloaks? a new way to make them relevant and useful again?
Alenna: so Sahooru if every toon brings dps what will happen to those classes only bring dps to groups or raids Hmmm?
Auxic: Awesome – Thanks Kander
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: 5 minutes left in our AMA! As we answer the last few questions, please share in General chat if you found this AMA useful so far and would like to see more in future.
Caith: Forgesplitter – Yes, but it was answered on Thurg… It’s on a list to take a look at
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why does DBG want to end up with every scout playing a BST?
Mindie: Question, I would love to know why BL does not get disarm traps as a scout….
Sylow: can we get tank feet other then 14 Reolve to drop in raid zones i swear they don’t exist
Oxcy: ty for your time and patience and scrolling ability lol
Klawssalot: oh definitely do more
Neomuoer: USEFUL
Zebedeo: This AMA was extremely useful!
Cleanse: Currently many things are not affected by Fervor. In regards to future viability is it likely to be adjusted to include certain aspects? Like Regeneration amounts on heals for example.
Forgesplitter: @ Caith Thank you for that
Caith: Salvatore That is specifically what the relic tag is for.
Neomuoer: USEFUL
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Okay, that was totally leading, but you get my point….
Thexen: Why are alt player being punished for working hard to bring thier tithe up to playable lvls??>
Neomuoer: I LOVE DEVS
Zebedeo: We should do it weekly!
Targhan: Devs – AMA was useful thanks
Tiggzie: can you put a search feature on the Guild Hall moving crate?
Cirvandal: How will the tithe curve change our tithe? Can we get a new to old actual value of 40, 50 and 60 tithe poitns in, lets say, potency?
Soulidon: @Devs – Will CoV ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Meem: thanks a bunch for doing this… definitely appreciated
Fumao: Definately need to do more of these in the future, and really appreciate you coming on to listen to all the questions <3
Dynnae: thank you devs et al! i just want cuter wing/hair options for fae/arasai 😛
Xfran: geez quit spamming lol
Laffite: This AMA was VERY USEFUL. I would like to have it a monthly event.
Kadmusz: not only useful, but terribly needed
Cosmi: wizards and warlocks were originally meant to be the main dpsers, but over time that changed. I’m tickled they are getting fixed. 🙂
Pixi: Question @ Devs : are channeler pets supposed to take excessive amounts of dmg on T4 encounters or is it going to be looked at anytime soon or it is normal ??
Klawssalot: /report windstalkerdev for Yellow Spam =D
Pitta: i found this AMA to be extremely useful, but incredible cluttered. for future attempts, i would suggest creating different channels for different topics
Mayellie: Very useful and would definitely like to see more Q&A from our developers in the future. Don’t be a stranger 🙂
Zebedeo: I still would like to know how Gninja got his hair that color!
Pepperminnt: question: is there any plans to perhaps more options to loot window such as salvage so we dont have to fill bags with junk and waste time clearing it?
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. Last time I will ask. It’s a valid question considering the circumstances. If no answer, well then I guess I get no answer.
Athinia: thank you Kander, windstalkerdev and all the others thank you for answering all our questions at this time and my your journies be fruitfull
Pitta: i found this AMA to be extremely useful, but incredible cluttered. for future attempts, i would suggest creating different channels for different topics
Stabwoundz: USEFUL – even though none of my questions were answered
Endlesslove: would love to see the fury be able to do a zone by themselves, lots of weakness felt here
Riley: this was awesome devs thank you for all your hardwork and time
Cosmi: yeah would love more of these 🙂
Kander: Cirvandal, again, we will post specifics of the tithe changes with the patch notes.
Linnette: I think you should do more of these
Forgesplitter: @Devs thank you for your time it is appreciated
Caith: Cleanse, we’ll take a look at regens not being modified by Fervor
Balthuss: after all the hardwork getting the Charm from getting all 4 ascensions it really should NOT be relic to be honest. people spend months getting it then have to choose which other relic piece to give up for it.
Almenrader: Is it possible to read the transcript of this ‘meeting’ online.
Bardtholomew: too hard to keep track of questions and their answers
Evulcan: staged
Kroacker: question will all these AMA chat logs be available from all servers ?
Athinia: it was very helpful and rewarding to most of us
Soulidon: @Devs – Will CoV ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Cienne: thank you DEVS, love the game
Salvatore: So relic tag is to limit the options for players who enjoy the solo game? Are there then plans to make other gear available for skilled solo players in solo instances?
Balthuss: wouldnt hurt to allow 1 extra relic or just make the charm nonrelic
Disruptive: auto salvage nice call 🙂
Evulcan: STAGED
Revanu: Can you please fix Duration of Bolster/Strength of the Ancestors
Revanu: Thats all
Talidill: so a few hate items would be nice
Gninja: Zebedeo – What color? gray?
Psychiatric: Ancient Spells cost WAY too much!
Tiggzie: thank you
Daarmok: AMA very useful, thanks Dev Folks.
Dellmon: WindstalkerDev – honestly – while interaction and feedback are great – doing an open AMA in General chat is perhaps not the best format or venue for this. It is too difficult to follow and far too much spam to make it enjoyable
Almenrader: With work and all I missed most of this, but would love to read it.
Cleanse: Thank you all for your time. Please do these more often they are greatly appreciated 🙂
Zebedeo: Yes!
Hawkes: enteraining and informative 🙂
Kaodar: agree balthuss
Sepahnya: i agree with Ren, fix the mystic spells
Nato: i concur with the comment about making solo easier
Cirvandal: Well devs, thanks for answering a numerous amount of questions. I wish you the best of luck with the final bits before the game update launches 🙂
Nelope: Thank you DEVs and Holly. This was a fantastic idea and very helpful.
Psychiatric: Lower the price of Ancient spells to 1 million plat a piece!
Buttkrack: will current ancients be as strong as next tier masters?
Stabwoundz: Please look into fixing Call of the Veteran ability
Lesce: Tooltips for stats shuld give more information about how things work, what they do, etc. (So I don’t have to google for that kind of information) Also, i found the AMA useful and engaging. Good Job Devs.
Evulcan: STAGED
Darkrockerz: dont daze the troub during Maelstrom of Sound. plz
Tidbitts: fix mystic spells, fix locks/wizzies/swashies lol 🙂
Evulcan: STAGED
Variniaz: to reiterate my questions: more search abilities, keep solo players in mind, would love a house item catalogue
Glimmerwind: I think the questions needed to be asked but this has been very hard to keep track of as far as the answering of the questions.
Alcho: Thank you for this session. hopefully some ideas are taken on board by both the devs and players
Salvatore: (and thank you for your answer) we appreciate this.
Soulidon: @Devs – Will Call of the Veteran ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Klawssalot: or the other option would be to do it in discord chat, so you could make channels for TS general raids etc
Gabirel: long live EQ2 thank you to all that make it possible
Lisica: will we be seeing upgrades to the old class specific cloaks? a new way to make them relevant and useful again?
Endlesslove: thanks devs
Azraels: With the level cap increase next xpac will the Epic 2.0 become outleveled or will it carry over like it was advertised (being relevent for 2 years)? If this has been asked already I apologize, I just logged in. Thanks.
Revanu: Also, remove the anti heal part of Wendigo for mystic, or keep the anti heal but allow it to be a group wide dmg increase
Brattyz: USEFUL in its intent but spamming general chat hinders those who just want to play the game. Consider a dedicated channel? Thank for putting this together!
Revanu: thanks
Evulcan: STAGED
Zebedeo: CoV is 100% reliable 40% of the time!
Croooak: When do we get EQ3??
Illbe: need a house shelf that auto organizes and resizes all books/knickknacks placed on it
Lesce: Had logs on, so I can read later, but I came in at the very last 20 minutes or so /pout,. i am sure I can find more logs on the forums.
Caith: Glimmerwind – The questions and answers will also be posted
Stabwoundz: @DEVS: can we get permissions for individual ranks in guild amenities instead of “Visitor, Friend, Trustee”
Jamiss: Call of the Veteran questions were asked on Thurgadin. I have it jotted down to look at it again. We will see about what we can do to help it some more.
Gninja: Azraels – Epic 2.0 weapons will remain useful in next expansion
Psychiatric: Reasonable prices for Ancient spells!!
Azraels: Thanks G!
Jamiss: Cannot Stabwoundz as those are related to house access and not guild rank
Tidbitts: thanks devs 🙂 looking forward to wizzies, locks, and beastlords gettign buffed! 🙂
Cleanse: Oh I totally support the question to specific ranks for amenities
Syrk: will the epic rewards receive an upgrade in line with the next expansion?
Zebedeo: Can we get more hair styles added?
Ubercornz: AMA a great idea 🙂
Spurn: Right?
Nitrovamp: Thanks for dropping in and chatting. It’ good to see 🙂
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss Thanks for the replies.
Percussions: so After all this talking I Get the KEY Tomorrow sweet thx !!!
Caith: Azraels No, the epic 2.0’s will continue to be very relevent
Mrmacky: is one of the familiars a cow
Saphera: thanks Devs 🙂
Mrmacky: thats the only thing i care about
Cirvandal: Cow Gentleman
Zebedeo: Will there be updated SOGA models?
Cleanse: @Gninja: What burnt key?
Pixi: Macky you should get a cow illusion too
Magmabubble: hah, missed it, is there a summary going to be made available? 🙂
Cegaan: yes magma
Almenrader: If there is a familiar that is a cow, can we have a cowtapult so we can launch it at those Kaniggets.
Illbe: also need auto bank / shared bank sorting method
Wildirishrose: is there plans for another way to get recipes for wantia other than the pq iin tot that has very few doing anymore
Karajan: another reason the ‘T2’ ‘semi-utility’ classes are stressed is because ascension has usurped many of the supposed utilities they have
Samradh: what’s this “you must be able to sit before you can camp” message?
Zebedeo: Can we get a half cow/half rhino playable race with human hands and feet?
Jamiss: You are hungry. You are thirsty. You are out of food and drink.
Fuzzybunny: A way to use 200 keys in one go instead of one at a time…
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Thanks all! Time to get back to dev’ing! We will post a summary of common questions next week on the forums! We appreciate you all being here, playing, and participating in our AMA. Farewell for now!
Cleanse: Any future plans for Guild changes? UI/Mechanics/Storage etc?
Neomuoer: bye….kisses
Abinitio: THANK YOU!
Raynestar: farewell!
Cegaan: bye devs
Artists: thank you dev’s
Icevein: good night devs and production
Rosyposy: thank you, devs!
Illyed: reported for spam
Cosmi: THANK YOU! 🙂
Mooncast: Thanks everyone!
Mayellie: thanks devs
Lisica: since i was ill the entire last week of the event to get those tokens, i would love a simpler way to get them for the wantia recipes….
Magmabubble: TY
Windstalkerdev: wave!
Cleanse: Thank you Devs, much appreciated!
Lisica: thanks devs! don’t be strangers
Fumao: BYE <3
Kander BROADCASTS: /Wave
Zebedeo: Thanks devs! Great AMA!
Endlesslove: waves
Dynnae: baibai
Neomuoer: /moon
Cirvandal: Cirvandal BROADCASTS, “Chicken noodle sandwich”
Chocka: Cirvandal, you were here when I started playing this game years n years ago, and ur still here, isn’t it time you retired? 😛
Cirvandal: must. sustain. my. riches.
Athinia: Hiya Kander how are you this fine evening
Gaderiel: Greetings Kander,
Shonshazzitt: hi Gninja
Cosmi: both of my biological parents were korean war vets. I come from a long line of veterans so stop hinting I have no clue what i’m talking about 🙂
Cegaan: howdy
Cirvandal: Kander, with the epilogue adorns, what will you do about insane summoner damage that will occur if they are not tuned down a bit?
Whiskeyjakk: maybe if you got lost going to the store they could have amputated a foot…
Raynestar: I wrote the name Pergor on my swaord, and it doesn 10X more damage now, but the named is still too strong
Gninja: Dev chat is about to start. There will be a lot of devs around to answer your burning questions
Linnette: hello!
Caith: Answer 1 – Get a cream for the burning.
Uzenn: Baron’s Workshop Heroic LFM DPS/Utility 5/6 PST
Cosmi: ok you are just trolling Armate.
Misen: where is the dev chat at again?
Neomuoer: burning questions….got enough cream?
Oxyian: When is Fiery Blast going to be fixed?
Buttkrack: can all tither points be pooled instead of top one per acct pls
You tell General (2), “Misen: You best be believing in dev chats. You’re in one.
Habeusz: please can we fix the bells so they show the PQ zones for everyone
Ubercornz: lol oxy
Misen: I mean I want to make a suggestion and probably best in the chat
Armate: Do know what trolling means?
Gninja: Lol Feldonight
Aafa: is there an heirloom item to pass to alts for the Goblish language? Or does each too have to complete the quest?
Saphera: Sorry Cosmi. that isnt strict thats abusive. Strict and sheltered is not knowing there was rock and roll music until i got my first car ;p
Taptip: no
Neomuoer: trolling is what i do on toilet
Ubercornz: waiting on mogrim now…
Habeusz: also please nerf paladins so they can’t log in
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Welcome everyone! Devs are logged in and ready for questions in General Chat! Let the fun begin! (That means, start asking your questions!) I’ll name the devs in broadcast as they show!
Cosmi: Armate leave me alone.
Senthiele: ok i have two questions first is what do yall have plan for assassin and other is what is the deal with people getting multi burnt keys after they have recieve one i know friends that have got 8 burnt keys
Misen: ok
Kadmusz: moooore questions … does the new orange rune negate the old ethereals? I promise to never miss another summer event .. tell me I never need to go to KP again
Endlesslove: YAY HOLLY
Khamclown: aafa, there is harvestables to do it forlow levels inand around twark if you do the crafting line and its easy to do with any level 30ish toon in runnyeye
Sepahnya: add him to you most of the server ignore list Cosmi
Athinia: evening Windstalkerdev
Beastlingx: @Gninja When will Jace, the Mind Sculptor make his appearance in EXP14?
Caith: Oxyian It’s one of the first balance items on the list after the update
Icevein: Kandor, What do we owe this pleasure of having the Dev on the floor??
Bardtholomew: Greetings Devs 🙂
Jotoa: this should be entertaining……
Starmistt: oh we all love holly!
Uzenn: Baron’s Workshop Heroic LFM DPS/Utility PST 5/6
Blakpanther: can you make the tradskill thing LESS tedious!!??
Misstreeted: So are we getting more hotbars?
Kander: Kadmusz They do not stack, if that is what you are asking.
Saphera: whats in the works for the next expansion?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Devs on deck are Kander, Fyreflyte, Gninjadev, Mooncast (Lauren, our producer), Jamiss, Caith….
Fumao: we all love you star
Piggle: can Tithe points be pooled instead of discarded?
Cirvandal: It negates some forms of ethereal effects, which are these?
Merianna: any chance of gettting Heartbound to be account wide, it’s annoying having to go reheartbound when my heartbound needs to play an alt in raid
Neomuoer: serious question…..can we do something about chat nazi’s
Cosmi: Can we have a Dev or GM come on from time to time in the evenings, to ensure smooth gaming :0
Gninja: Senthiele – There was a short time right after expac launch where someone could get a second key but that has since been changed. It is once per character.
Wyzsard: Full house, nice
Saphera: tradesKilling is not tedious ;p
Blastit: Would you explain the pvp changes that are upcoming? I couldn’t grasp it from your previous post
Gaderiel: Are there any plans to UPDATE Guild Harvesters so that they either get more stuff to be in line with goblin and pony or make it so they stay out longer????
Blakpanther: When I dig a hole the dirt don’t fit back in!
Athinia: evening Devs and welcome
Balthuss: Do you ever plan on allower more than 2 relic items to be used?
Icevein: hello to all Devs and Producers
Gninja: Merianna – We have no plans to change heartbound
Caith: Saphera – Levels, zones, gear, monsters, beer.
Muncheez: u can use a greater relic and two normal relics
Stabwoundz: DEV team, is there any chance of guild halls server transfers becomming available in the future?
Oxcy: ? Will there be new hotbars as our spells are running out of room!?
Doghunter: Greetings, developers/GMs!
YOUR Aura of Leadership regenerates 103 points of absorption.
Ubercornz: ascension. When does the ascension le el cap increase and will it be a 5 or 10 le vel increase?
Kander: Balthuss, not currently, but it could change with the expansion… maybe.
Raynestar: Hello Devs
Laffite: I would like to raid with the GM-Dev team…….
Triplebeam: any plans to make those heirloom?[eq2u]Greater Fragment of Planar Energy[/eq2u] Kadmusz: thanks … now give me a way to get the old fervor proc rune …. I have slaughtered KP so long .. .they weep when I zone in
Phizzie: any chance of getting a search installed on the guild hall moving crates?
Jamiss: No new hotbars
Saphera: Thanks Caith LOL Sounds exciting!
Lukada: hi devs :O)
Marsillia: What is the long term plan for player created content? There was a time when it seemed dungeon maker was a precursor to a larger, more robust system. Was that ever the idea? Was it scrapped? What about player made items ?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Give us a bit of time to answer….we are watching! And a warm welcome to all of your Norrathians, too!
Xalox: Who would be the best Dev for me to ask housing, decorating, and appearnce questions?
Jachin: KANDER Macky has been looking for you all day !!!!
Khamclown: in specific kander, does the new orange rune prevent any slot war rune from proccing or does it just nbot stack with the fervor runes
Cirvandal: psssst Laffite, they are all terrible, don’t! 😛
Rizarax: Since it has been said that ascension is going to be built upon in the future, will people who save up current ascension scrolls have an advantage over those who don’t?
Athinia: slow down a little all and let them answer
Caith: Blastit – We have no plans for any pvp changes in the near future.
Cirvandal: Jachin! <3
Variniaz: Mine is more of a request, I would like to see more search perameters on the broker, in housing across all houses for items, and just in general. I would also like if there were more hotbars say 4 more
Cosmi: The number one reason people give for leaving game is nasty game chat. Any chance for a dev or GM to make it a routine to log on from time to time to catch what goes on?
Oxyian: When well Fiery Blast be Fixed?
Apexo: ,y question for the devs with the familiar coming soon have to be purchased or quested to get
Rhita: my question is for Caith, the new epic guardian ability called Guardian, is there a way to get a deaggro added to it? Right now it just causes the dps to die twice
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? It takes a long time to get and isn’t initially easy compared to rng chest/PQ drops.
Caith: Oxyian It’s one of the first balance items on the list after the update
Oxyian: as it is complete useless on T4 encounters
Misstreeted: Is there going to be more areas to harvest than just Thalumbra?
Stach: Coercers have lost charm/cc and autoattack, is there going to be some changes to them to make them other than a 15 resolve place holder?
Balthuss: are there any plans to move the level cap up 5-10 more levels?
Armate: Dev Team—- What changes that might help the Wizard/Warlock class in upcoming updates?
Doghunter: Will someone be fixing the camping error that tells me that my account is in use?
Kander: Khamclown, that would be the specific terminology of “not stacking”.
Drachentoter: agreed more hotbars since Ascension
Muncheez: are yall going to remove the panic effect on t3 mobs?
Evulcan: could you bring back subcombines in crafting?
Lascivio: @ kander: how is it that you guys decided to include all the faction requirements for the new epic 2.0? why did you think it would be “fun”???
Dubonic: sup? need oregon dank?
Laffite: DEVs – any plans to raise the RELIC ITEM CAP?
Rubbish: Can we have the bonus XP re-applied to all lvl 100 contested? Ascention is a pain without it.
Gaderiel: i second evulcans request
Ubercornz: t4 raid mobs is it intended that only physical damage seems to have an effect on them?
Rubbish: not to mention alts r just impossible
Raynestar: wow, feel sorry for the Devs O.O
Caith: Rhita – It’s been suggested recently and I am looking at the guardian epic (among others)
Viviene: Yes, what Lascivio said. Having just returned, what a time sink/drain tedium. No doubt designed by Tier’Dal
Mystriell: I was just thinking that
Cosmi: there is many things that need fixing ray :0
Drachentoter: ability to switch ascesnion without going to master
Malayshia: I have a question about the amount of damage current melee auto attack does its doesnt do that much and was wondering if you guys were figuring out a way to make it more viable again?
Kander: Laffite – we do not currently have plans to increase the relic cap.
Wibbly: QUESTION: Any details on which T1 classes will get the most attention in the rebalancing?
Bardtholomew: QUESTION: Is someone going to update the recently added building blocks with door openings in them so the opening actually fits the doors like the Qeynos City Festival door?
Dubonic: should i turn my house into an oregon weed bnb?
Jotoa: I dont they chose this forum phasers on full
Phiobob: Can merc tokens be heriloom????
Gninja: Ubercornz – We are aware of the damage disparity of physical versus magical damage on tier3/4 raid bosses. We are planning to get it fixed by may update
Mooncast: @Apexo — Familiars will drop in current lvl 100 content as well as available on the Marketplace
Senthiele: ok i have question first is what do yall have plan for assassin
Blitzkriegan: Are there any plans to to make first ascension faster in anyway in the future or are new player going to have to take months to do that?
Doghunter: will someone be fixing the “waiting for zone server” error on the client side that logs me off the server?
Tidbitts: oh please cosmi…thats not why people are leaving
Misen: this is gonna be a spam fest…
Tunaria: Not Warlock….you sir are screwed
Apexo: thank you
Eluza: Will our epic weapons be upgraded or outright replaced when the level cap is raised to 110?
Marln: How do i turn off the annoying broadcasts?
Cosmi: it is the number one reason “many” tell me.
Jrox: @Kander will Utility classes get utility that actualy means something May 2nd or is that planned for the Xpack in the Winter?
Ubercornz: Gninja: YAY I know oxy and pansies will be happy with that answer 😀
Lascivio: cmon kander. im not the only one that is asking that question
Raynestar: DEVs are probably thinking… let’s answer one then run away lol
Dubonic: can we pause so i can refill my beer? brb
Tidbitts: how can many tell you…you have everyone on ignore lol
Habeusz: is there a plan to fix the belss so that the second zone (e.g. Kylong Plains 2) shows up for everyone so people arent locked out if they dont get invited by someone already there?
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Luceey: will someone finally be holding cats responsible for all the distruction in the world
Cegaan: QUESTION: how will we fix the troub/dirge gap
Kander: Eluza, epic weapons will stay relevent well past expansion 14. They will not be overshadowed by anything new.
Oxyian: @Caith – Well the wiz epic ability Fury of the Magus be fixed in the May update?
Laffite: Question: If you have more RESOLVE than the mobs, do you get any benefits from that?
Caith: Malayshia – Passive auto attack damage will never be as high as damage from pressing buttons.
Bardtholomew: the devs shoulr use audio broadcast instead of typing answers
Cosmi: back off Tidbitts. I have no one on ignore. Ignore does not work. they get on alts etc. So now I report.
Icevein: the new Orange Adornments, Will they be available to all once they receive their Epic?
Arrowss: Are u going to give rangers a bit of the dmg u took away, went from 1 or 2 hits for kill to using entire bar with no kill
Gninja: Laffite – No
Cosmi: I studied the game rules and eula. You should also.
Vaizel: Question: @Caith is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able?
Xalox: Is it possible to have the frill on female iksar be optional?
Lighthouse: Can we make deity points account based, so that we don’t need to do the incredible grind for points on all of our alts?
Tidbitts: lol you ignore everyone. no need to lie 😛
Andaraiel: when will there be a recipe to craft this? [eq2u]Elemental Amalgamation (Master)[/eq2u] Doghunter: will someone be fixing the error that kicks me to character select when I camp? (I use macro keys to avoid typos).
Khamclown: gninja, is the update going to include a balance which will fix the issue of tier 4 mobs in specific taking incredibly much more physical damage than magic damage
Whiskeyjakk: omg did Cosmi just say she has no one on ignore?
Dakisis: i would like a hot bar that changes when i switch ascesion classes
Soulidon: Any chance the Devs can have different colored names and chat? Kinda hard to see them respond :()
Cosmi: Can we have a GM or Dev pop in from time to time just to see what is going on in game chat?
Tiggzie: any possibliity of getting flying in all of the large housing zones? and/or can you increase the number of items allowed int he really big houses (like city of Mist)?
Caith: Lighthouse – Check the Kander’s Candor on the forums
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Kharani: LOL Cosmi you have asked that three times now I think
Tidbitts: yes she did lol….
Gninja: Khamclown – scroll up for the answer 🙂
Kander: Epilogue Adornements and Epilogue quests only require you to have completed your heroic epic 2.0 quest.
Cosmi: Whiskeyjakk yes that is exactly what I said.
Versifier: Question: With the upcoming update, will new zones be added as well?
Viviene: I have Cosmi on ignore and have only been back a week. Get a clue about attention seeking.
Dubonic: when will order be restored to the jedi
Caith: Additional hotbars increase client lag, we do no thave any intention of adding more at this time.
Dexwen: Assume you are going to recap all the questions and answers on the forums.
Cleanse: Question: Do you have any planned changes to Heartbound. In particular it’s duration so it’s less distruptive to raiding?
Cirvandal: Veni Vidi Vici, amazing guild by the way, is now RECRUITING a troub and t1 dps, absolutely fantastic. We raid during Australian times, which is tremendous.
Cirvandal: I am going to build a wall, a great, great wall, to keep illegal immigrants with lower than 330 resolve out along with criminals who don’t have an epic 2.0.
Cirvandal: Are you interested? Do send a tell and I might give you a small loan of a million plat to start. The media lies.
Khamclown: thank you gninja
Tidbitts: so you when you tell everyone you are putting them all on ignore…you are just fibbing cosmi? lol
Bardtholomew: QUESTION: What is the unannounced new game you all are working on? Is it related to EQ?
Akoriv: @ Dev in charge of EPIC 2.0: Why is the SK the only tank the did NOT get any Mit Block or HP% boost … those cannot be reforged into
Tunaria: Question (probably already asked): Will we ever get the ability to change ascension classes on the fly? Going back and forth all night during a raid is annoying
Cosmi: no I was serious, but i have found ignore does not work.
Habeusz: could we have the functionality of using a ground mount as appearnce for a flying mount?
Robinete: Query: Will future spells/ascensions follow the new trend in aquisition, or return to a more sane form of acquiring in the future?
Caith: We will kick trolls trying to disrupt the AMA folks
Marln: Another stupid DEV idea, how do they think they are really going to cope with all the questions? (select few me thinks)
Doghunter: is there any chance of upgrading the game to a 64 bit language?
Xaosing: Cirv, does my little [eq2u]The Awakened Ayonic Axe[/eq2u] koala-fy me?
Mippie: any PQs up?
Dubonic: spam sammmich special
Neomuoer: I LOVE YOU
Ayslynn: devs- I know its not important to most, but adding back in rewards that were taken out that complete armor sets would be great for us that really like appearance gear farming
Neomuoer: YOU LOVE ME
Etheine: will guild level be increased with next expansion and will there be new ways to get status
Cirvandal: yes it does
Stabwoundz: QUESTION: Any chance of guild hall server transfers becomming available in the future? (Skyshrine Capital guild hall for example)
Etheine: for guilds
Xaosing: woot! i’m ubah!
Cirvandal: Will Ascension ability upgrades be able to be earned with the launch of the game update?
Gninja: Marln – you’re welcome 🙂
Klawssalot: Question: what happened to the poison users during PQ’s, we used to be able to do some damage now it takes about a minute to kill a single ^ mob?
Asfera: Devs can you exchange [eq2u]Fried T-Shirt[/eq2u] for the pants for me PLEASE. i would love to have the full suit for appearance and the Burning woods hosed me… pardon the pun lol
Caith: Robinete Class spells will drop in game as current ones do. They will require you to upgrade to the previous level before scribing however.
Dubonic: when will dance fighting be intigrated into the game
Etheine: oops Question: will guild levels be increased and will there be new ways to get status for guild in teh next expansion
Doghunter: is there a chance the game will be set up to use threads and multi cpu chips?
Phizzie: I see lots of questions and very few answers
Muncheez: I would love to know what kind of deminishing returns you are giving tithe points and what level they will start at?
Dunnyrat: any plans to look at overall Swashbuckle class ?
Cirvandal: Instead of having to pay for them, I also don’t recall original abilities to never drop and be sold for 10 usd minimally
Tukar: if not more hot bars can you create an ascention hot bar like the BeastLord hot bar that switches depending on which one you are using.
Jewkboks: phizzie, there only 3 peeps answering for 400 asking…
Haqz: devs – BeastLords can tank zones/heal zone and out parse all others…..other classes get a boost to at least keep up on the dps?
Targhan: Too specific, just tell the devs to Fix It. Fix it ALL.
Springduster: what is the deal with the wizard weakness? when are you going to make them the DPS class they were intended to be from the beginning of the game?
Khamclown: the new cooperative gameplay, will it be group vs group in the same zone racing to complete objectives so we have a profound effect on the other groups play or is it like old school tetris with different zones but can drop bombs o
Phizzie: I understand
Raynestar: The only thing I would like, is for DBC Cards to be sold at stores again and useable PLZ!!!!
Cleanse: Question: Are the “Familiars” next expansion a new type of pet that you level up? Or a static once-acquired item that does not upgrade?
Apexo: anyone know if kp pq is up/
Wyzsard: Will there be any changes to AA points , either how many or how can be spent
Stokely: Can the Dev’s decrease the “Confront Fear” reuse timers for Dirges. Takes too long if you have more than one person in your group that needs it
Zebedeo: BLs are underpowered as it is…Leave them alone!
Kander: Khamclown Its group vs group in the same zone, yes
Khamclown: on the other group
Ubercornz: Any plans to make scout epic2 (runes) a bit easier – concerned, with the new content, fewer opportunities will exist to get into heroic zones for the shinies. Consider making them pop in AS zones?
Khamclown: awsome
Caith: Dunnyrat – We are too early in the process to go into specifics about the balance changes, but every class is being looked at.
Kittaene: to follow up on the Beastlord question, in class balancing, can they be given a hate transfer? It would help tanks.
Oxcy: Devs: My kingdom for 1 or 2 new hotbars
Khamclown: wow im excited now
Dubonic: sup? wana kick it?
Asfera: WHAT IS THE TRIGGER FOR ” a burnt key” =p
Variniaz: is there any plans to introduce a house item cataloguing system seeing as there are hundreds if not thousands of house items currently
Sturum: any love for solo player and crafters like collosal reactants in past make better mastercrafted gear
Notingvoc: why are ancient spells 10 milllion plat. thats just crazy
Jamiss: @Doghunter, EverQuest2 is already running threaded, there are some places we’d like to add on to it, but it’s not as easy as just flipping a switch, unfortunately.
Oxyian: @Caith – Well the wiz epic ability Fury of the Magus be fixed in the May update?
Xaosing: /emote feels bad for Kander, so many questions scrolling by…..
Dubonic: i havn’t logged in for years or months or something and, what about jedi?
Eliana: ^^^ What is being said about hotbars. Thank you for all the wonderful abilities etc but… it’s crowded here.
Phrostflame: not sure if I missed the question, but will it be fixed so that when a zone is active it is ON the bell? hate begging for invites to a zone
Stach: are there going to be any new zones released on may update?
Caith: Oxyian Send a tell with specifics about what the issue you are seein gis
Klawssalot: Question: what happened to the drop rate of fragments? They used to drop nicely, now i have seen 1 in 3 weeks when playing multiple toons
Mooncast: @Cleanse — Currently Familiars are static (non-upgrading)
Harr: Are all these Q&A will be posted somewhere and sometime for reading later?
Kander: Eliana- we do not have any plans to add any additional hotbars.
Jazie: Which dev do we ask about housing?
Cosmi: I’d pay for more hotbars hehe I think most would 🙂
Dubonic: solid answer!
Kander: Harr, that is the plan, we will be posting the highlights after we are done with all the AMAs
Krolror: ditto on oxtiansd question
Gninja: Yes the questions and answers should get posted somewhere once all servers are done. Also Im pretty sure feldon is doing a recap on EQ2Wire
Senthiele: QUESTION: What do we do with this extra fragments we get after we finish with spells upgrade?????
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 3 min
Doghunter: I realize that not all things are easy. An improved language might allow easier implementation of algorithms that would be good for game speed and design concepts
Targhan: any realistic adjustments to tanks?
Caith: Phrostflame – Good question, but we’ll have to check into the how feasible it is in our current system
Piggle: Ben Carson for housing and egypt related issues
Cleanse: Question: I heared guild level experience requirements were being adjusted post 150. Any info on when that might be?
Phrostflame: thank you
Marln: Rediculous to think they could keep up with all this hahaha
Dubonic: salute Kander!!!
Rubbish: /log and review =P
Meriweather: I suspect they are whiteboarding any questions they can’t get to
Klawssalot: Question, can you make the ascension spells and fragments heirloom ?? =) for people on the same account =)
Beastlingx: @Kander with the spring update or summer update will any merchants be added to spend all these KA currency coins?
Targhan: Give ’em credit for making an attempt.
Putrefied: or even like the BL extra bar for quick switch between ascensions
Phizzie: perhaps stop asking the same questions over and over
Cirvandal: I understand that you try to evade the Ascension upgrade issue, denying that it is the definition of pay to win is wrong and puts this game in a very bad light. Please, don’t end this game by continueing like this.
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 2 min
Mooncast: @Jazi — I would think any of us, but you can always ask me and I’ll do my best to answer 🙂
Gninja: Klaws – we have no plans to change the fragments
Lascivio: they CAN keep up with it. but they are being VERY selective about what they’re gonna answer
Rubbish: OOoooo an ascention bar like BL and Channeler THATS a good idea
Kander: Beastlingx Yes, additional items will be added to spend PQ currencies on. White adornments and possibly some other items.
Cegaan: @gninja any plans to improve the Dirge?
Windstalkerdev: We are logging everything and looking for common issues across servers. We obviously can’t and wouldn’t answer every question here….Not all are….uhm…..relevant.
Piggle: Burnt Key Lottery system is horrible
Cirvandal: any pq up?
Forgesplitter: @Devs – will the fragments be of use after both epic ascensions are ancient?
Xaosing: Question IRT the broker…. Are they ever going to add some.. checkbox.. so that it will only display items you can use? (IE: shiney’s not yet added, spell/skill books that you don’t yet have)
Jewkboks: [Suggestion] would it be possible that a system be put in place for ignoring Raid Strat. If the 24 raiders have killed one mob 10 times with full strat they could burn it straight if they have the DPS, so we can focus on progress
Spleif: droprate on illedgeable spells? a few more maybe?
Xolotl: OF1 PQ in 1 min
Neomuoer: question: can windstalker please use server chat?
Doghunter: has the game been running the whole time on the same version of the same language? How do you get support for something that has been in use for so long? Not even my windows vista machine is supported anymore.
Senthiele: QUESTION: What do we do with this extra fragments we get after we finish with spells upgrade?????
Khamclown: one last question from me, the new runecoming out, the epilogue quest, is this quest available on may 2nd for everyone with the heroic version of the epic 2.0, or is it unlocked after mythical epics are obtained
Kander: Senthiele – I would hold on to those.
Khamclown: also is it solo or heroic
Gninja: Jewkboks – We have no plans to let you kill bosses without doing strats. Especially going forward.
Tunaria: I just want to know if we are ever going to be able to change ascension classes on the fly. Even a 15 or 20 minute cooldown on swaps is better than what we have now
Senthiele: so waste why cant we gave to alt toon on same account
Beena: good evening/day all 🙂
Xolotl: OF1 PQ started
Jamiss: @Xaosing, it already highlights which you can/can’t use. The broker data is stored in such a way that we can’t do lookups when grabbing the data
Dellmon: Are there any plans at this point in the expansion to release a document explaining which Ascension combos go together and what the benefit of combo’ing is? It is difficult to tell working as designed from broken w/o knowing.
Caith: Senthiele – We do not have any plans to add any further use for them at this time.
Glimmerwind: how are we supposed to keep up with the illegible spell scrolls since we have to get 10 for one?
Aafa: I like the game just as is, no need to change a thing. 😉
Kander: Kahmclown – The epilogue quest will be available to everyone on May 2nd that has completed an Epic 2.0 quest.
Muncheez: where in the world is carmen san diego?
Jewkboks: @gninja ok just sad that some fight takes 15 mins and you have too much dps with auto attack now
Blastit: If not adding hotbars how about adding space to the macros?
Cleanse: Gninja: When is the “Panic” mechanic being removed now that ascension abilities have been fixed?
Jachin: ZOFE <3
Khamclown: and is it a solo or heroic quest
Ozomon: Question: Why are there adept and master ascension spell components dropping when there aren’t recipes for them?
Caith: Tunaria – We don’t have any plans to allow ascension class swapping on the fly.
Oxcy: Devs: Relic tags are really bad (stupid)… any chance they will be removed?
Fukuduyu: what chance is bigger, getting an ascension ability upgraded to grandmaster by playing 5 years without research or winning the biggest lottery?
Malblack: How do you sell stuff for more then 1mil?
Kander: Khamclown – Epilogue quest is solo, no killing involved.
Armate: DEV—- Are you able small information on the class changes for Wizard/warlock meaning helping the class?
Lascivio: @ DEVS: what are you going to do to maintain control of variables with the level increase?
Vaizel: Question: @Caith is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able? since its tagged greater-relic
Gninja: Jewkboks if there are specific fights you feel take a super long time with players doing nothing shoot me a PM and we can discuss it
Dubonic: is kander kendar?
Athinia: is there anyway to add chickens for the houses those of us want for our farms and vegis we can harvest on our oen lands?
Tidbitts: def interesting in hearing about making locks and wizzies useful again
Kittaene: Ozomen, there are recipes for them. they drop from doing the crafting weeklies
Jewkboks: @gninja cool will do!
Bearserk: hahahaha 2 questions 2 kicks, brilliant
Kander: Lascivio – Duct Tape.
Paime: any pq up?
Malblack: How do you sell stuff for more then 1mil??
Gninja: Jewkboks – some encounters have already been changed to make them less boring/time intensive.
Fukuduyu: <Real Questions Matter> is now recruiting answers.
Zebedeo: Add some cows and giraffes too while we’re at it!
Habeusz: can you turn Raynestar into a shadowknight, and then restrict paladins to the Isle of Refuge only. Thanks
Saphera: In case I miss y’all before you leave Thanks Devs for everything that you do for us. I love playing the game 🙂
Jamiss: @Doghunter, I’m not sure what to make of your questions. It sounds like you’re asking for an entire rewrite of the game which isn’t feasible. If you’re asking if we’ve kept up with technological progress, we have.
Glimmerwind: how are we supposed to keep up with the illegible spell scrolls since we have to get 10 for one?
Tavan: Duct Tape! I knew it! That’s how you keep the squirrels in the wheels!.
Muncheez: Will we be alowed to trade [eq2u]Bow of the Naya’Patel[/eq2u] for the ranger version of the one handed weapon?
Gomtuu: *hugs to the devs*
Cosmi: Thank you Devs for taking the time to talk to everyone 🙂 I love the game 🙂
Ayslynn: Devs: Is there a way to install a voting method so people can take screen shots of their favorite in game scenery item and have it turned into a house item on the marketplace?
Jazie: HUGS!! 😀
Lascivio: shoulda known id never get a proper answer…
Starmistt: <dev hugs >
Mooncast: *hugs myself*
Windstalkerdev: 😀 woot!
Athinia: *group huggles to the devs and producer*
Fumao: /Hugs Holly
Cirvandal: @Glimmerwind Spend a lot of money.
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic?
Taptip: DEVS!!! need double status xp have 18 newsies to turn in…lol
Stabwoundz: @DEV TEAM: Can we get more appearance items on the Marketplace? For example, Tserrina Syl’Tor’s appearance armor from Tower of Frozen Shadow
Jrox: Question: Any truth to the rumors of combining spells for certain classes and can you give any details if so?
Oxyian: Question: How do you intend on balance dps classes that have no pets vs classes that do have pet with ascension ability cast times so high?
Eliana: Yes, more appearance items!
Forgesplitter: Careful Holly I’d watch that Fumao guy, he’s very hands-ir
Caith: Jrox – That is the plan for abilities for level 101-110
Entriri was interrupted!
Kander: Lascivio – Will use proper duct tape. [Seriously, that is far too an involved question for this AMA, we could not even begin to discuss such an open ended question in this forum.] Jrox: @Caith nice
Fumao: LIES
Cosmi: and some kind of closet for putting in gear used for appearance, for decorators 🙂
Kittaene: dev hugs notwithstanding, Can the change made to Battle Coodination, as affects Open Wounds, still apply for the Zerker? It is odd to run by mobs and have Open wounds no longer proc.
Eliana: Also, thank you for keeping this game alive.
Tidbitts: lets hear about how locks and wizzies will be fixed. those classes are wrecked right now
Cleanse: Atleast you got an answer 😛
Kander: What are you plans for the Universe. In a few words.
Karajan: swashes are also in need of redress
Abinitio: @Devs…..Personal armor crates of attuned items for storage that is searchable like the harvest depot???
Targhan: also not aggroing nearby unexpecting mobs kills our ability to troll our groupsl
Windstalkerdev: Kander — Make more duct tape.
Kittaene: the answer is 42, Kander 😀
Caith: Kittaene Probably, I’ll take a look. Won’t be high on my prioritty though, as if you engage them they start being hit.
Tavan: Take over, Kander, of course!
Eliana: Yes, after working to 100 I had to set my wizzy aside. They need attention please?
Tunaria: Followup for Holly…What is the purpose behind not allowing Ascension swaps on the fly, or with an extended cooldown between swaps? Honestly curious
Meriweather: Question: Is there any change to AA’s the number you can spend or more available planned in the near future?
Doghunter: what did Holly “Windstalker” mean in her letter that an increased priority would be placed on fixing game errors?
Ubercornz: dps balance question: this xpac is the “anything with a pet” xpac; epic pets give disproportionate dps, is this being adjusted in may/ next expac?
Beastlingx: @Kander @Gninja what kind of beer you all need to get through this AMA?
Cleanse: Question: Do you have any planned changes to Heartbound. In particular it’s duration so it’s less disruptive to raiding?
Lascivio: well, simply put, you could change the variable type to handle the data flow (you’ll have to sooner or later anyway) during your revamp of the class balance project
Dunnyrat: not just those 2 classes Tid, Swashies and Dirges need looking at
Rhita: question for Caith regarding the fighter epic questline, the first reward gives a fabled shield when we already get the shield from the Kunark Ascending questline, any chance of that changing to something more useful?
Putrefied: can you make buffs we put on pets to change what they debuff with ascension change?
Asfera: DEVS: can you please use yellow text when answering a question so we can know its a dev and read it easier
Windstalkerdev: That DOG don’t HUNT
Kaylieya: how about fixing the defilers that can’t be used on t4 mobs cause they adding dmg to the group
Nauralea: Can mystics get a cool appearance for their dog pet ? 🙂
Nomomo: @Devs, do mobs currently have mitigation/resist values other than combat mitigation that would otherwise reduce incoming damage? I would assume they are part of the mob’s base package.
Gninja: Cleanse – no plans to change heartbound
Cleanse: Gninja: When is the “Panic” mechanic being removed now that ascension abilities have been fixed?
Zebedeo: Defilers are broken! Needs more dps!
Oxyian: @ Kander: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Blakpanther: how do I bind to location?
Cirvandal: It is really annoying to die to T3 because of the Panic mechanic now that they are so easy
Stach: Are there going to be any new zones in the may update?
Atenhara: so we are stuck with the every 30mins on hb and they have to be on?
Apexo: here is a stupid question can you make it easier to look through your moving crate like being able to type in and item or keyword instead of scrolling through the whole thing everytme
Klawssalot: there is an ability in your Knowledge window Blak
Caith: Rhita – The quest opens the effect on the Vylardin shield as well, so if you have that you get the bonus of the extra effect.
Balthuss: Kind of curious why they would give Windego to Mystic when used you cant use any other spells when we are kind of healers? lol just an odd spell to give a healing class
Gninja: Cleanse I have no plans to remove panic scripts but if there is one you are hitting more than otehrs I can take a look at easing it a little bit but not to the point you can ignore scripts
Cleanse: As content improves and we get more gear. Especially with the new Epilogue fervor rune. T3’s are going to require alot of stopping to not hit the panic mechanic
Blakpanther: THANKS!
Kadmusz: any chance for a new tier or currency above PP? Shave some zeroes off of auctions
Klawssalot: your welcome
Ciaria: quesstion what zone is the next presitge house going to be based on?
Bearserk: This idea of yours is being hosted in general chat, why kick me twice for having an opinion in General chat?
Asfera: Devs Why do some classes REQUIRE all access to work on Epic 2.0 and others do not !!!!!
Kiibbles: Question: Will epic spells get a new look/balance pass when you redo class balance? The channeler ones either don’t crit or give us an ability we already have as an example.
Variniaz: agree with Apexo… a search bar would be lovely
Caith: Nomomo – Mobs do not use positive regular mitigation, no. However they do use negative regulard mitigation (debuffs).
Brattyz: Question @ Kander: I would like to know more detail about the direction to rebalance the classes by bringing them back to their intended roles, especially tier 1 DPS and what thisa means overall. Sounds like some major work in thi
Daredevilx: Question can we please help auxic increase his over all HP hes been slacking it alot lately
Gninja: Cleanse – let me rephrase. We dont plan to change them while they are current content. Once they are not current we will likely relax them
Doghunter: thanks for your time game developers/managers. Later. 🙂
Apexo: thanks arinaiz
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: The AMA in General Chat will continue for another 30 minutes! Please be respectful of devs and grant us some patience as we tackle good questions and those we can answer. Hugs!
Kielex: There was exploited progression with 4 nameds in vaedenmoor killed in under 2 minutes (which the walk from said nameds are longer then 2 minutes) And said progression was exploited by a guild on this server. What can you guys do
Raynestar: /hugs
Kielex: to stop exploitation of progressive raiding
Targhan: Hugs? Okay, /hug
Jachin: To Gninja and or Kander …. Please talk to Macky he <3 you guys
Caith: Kiibbles Epic 2.0 abilities will continue to be tuned for all the times to come.
Oxyian: @Gninja: With the Fervor rune the Panic script is going to be reached alot easier
Auxic: Question – Daredevilx yells at me in raids, is there a zipper on market place I can buy to shut him up?
Spurn: Leaving aside the icy terror I felt when I read that you will be rebalancing classes to better fit their roles…how about a purely fluff question. Any chance of fixing the render distance weirdness in houses?
Gninja: Kielex – send us details in a private message, not public
Entriri was interrupted!
Bearserk: 30 mins lol
Entriri was interrupted!
Ratsle: any plans to add a PQ to KJ?
Dubonic: but why@whymoar!?for-cereal
Muncheez: the panic is already easily hit
Wizzo: Please fix Call of Veteran. I have bug reported it and petitiomed with other toons.
Talidill: so lock chat talk
Amoran: DEVS: Thank you in general for your time and effort.
Glimmerwind: maybe my question was not written right. How am I supposed to organize all the illegible scrolls?
Bardtholomew: I hope you all post a transcript of this general chat so we can catch the stuff we missed in real time
Cirvandal: @Auxic That is what you get for raiding with someone that has been kicked 7 times in a year from guilds 🙂
Daredevilx: lol <3 kielex can we add a troll skill to the game for his saltyness
Xaosing: in a bank vault?
Cleanse: Question: Are the “Familiars” next expansion a new type of pet that you level up? Or a static once-acquired item that does not upgrade? Or are those details still in-workshop mode?
Windstalkerdev: Organize the illeligible? Uhm…..
Dubonic: i love devs so much i attatch myself to their leg as they leave their place of work! /bite
Windstalkerdev: with something spelled correctly….
Xaosing: @Cleanse question already answered, they are static w/o upgrading at this time.
Muncheez: is there going to be an update this week or are yall waiting till tuesday for a massive one?
Viviene: Oh yes, My Call of the Veteran fails every time. Wizzo, good reminder
Auxic: @Cirvandal LOL
Kander: Bardtholomew We plan to post a highlight from all AMAs once completed
Apexo: how about since the riles breastplatre of conscript is the rare ob pq item and you can only use one but can get multiple you make it able to be sold for guild status
Beastlingx: @Gninja – When will Jace, the Mind Sculptor be introduced into EXP 14?
Nomomo: @caith, ty for the answer much appreciated
Klawssalot: Awesome Kander, thanks =)
Caith: There is an update on Thursday
Bardtholomew: thanks 🙂
Nauralea: Any plans to visit fixing hate for tanks?
Kadmusz: how steep will the decline be in effect of deity points above 30
Zebedeo: Is there any chance of getting a pokemon mini game with the rabbits like they have in WoW? Or a farmville type minigame?
Gninja: Beastlingx – Octember the Saturteenth
Uteojosti: @ Kandar, Can we make it to were you can wear a epic in Wardore and wear it in your offhand apperance
Asfera: woot MTG question lol. I OWN A MAGIC SHOP lol
Carsoon: @ Devs if I missed this earlier sorry.. why is there SO MUCH PLAT in the game?
Daodoji: Jace has bigger probelms with Bolas right now 🙂
Cleanse: Why did you guys decide to do an AMA after so many years?
Forgesplitter: @ Devs – Necro ? any plans on revamping Lifeburn on the Necro?
Paime: OF3 pq up !
Cleanse: Did you feel you needed to reconnect?
Muncheez: do u think that Urgot is a good choice for the ADC role?
Lascivio: not to be a pain but repeat a question: is anything being done to fix tank aggro issues?
Uteojosti: My zerker would love to have 2 epic looking weapons
Daredevilx: <3 thank u devsa for utr time! and replies
Cirvandal: Giant Enemy Crabgot > Ahri
Oxyian: @ Kander or Caith: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Zebedeo: It is fixed…Press the taunt button!
Bardtholomew: QUESTION This is for the decorating community: Can you add more Player Studio items on a more regular basis to the Marketplace?
Ludaa: are there going to be any new zones for the may update ?
Auxic: Devs – Can you make a hardcore server like diablo 2/3? ^ ^
Windstalkerdev: @Cleanse – I got a wild hair and wanted to do an AMA. I know it was a long time since I wrote a producer letter and I like us taking time to chat with players while you play.
Vaizel: Question: is there possibility to make epic2 mainhand hot swap-able without removing it first? (greater-relic tagged)
Windstalkerdev: Forums are useful, but players don’t always go there, right?
Asfera: Devs Why do some classes REQUIRE all access to work on Epic 2.0 and others do not !!!!!
Zebedeo: Ohh hardcore D3 EQ2 server would be fun
Putrefied: tanks need to learn to tank better 🙂
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Caith: Tank threat is about where we want it at the moment, as it requires the entire group to participate in controlling threat. We do not have any plans currently to adjust it.
Auxic: Hell yes, challenge
Windstalkerdev: You lovelies are playing so I want us to be closer to what’s on your mind.
Menthiele: i think glimmer is asking Question do yall have plan to put in a track system for illegelable scroll to let u know which one u have and need
Zebedeo: Good answer Caith! Make them tanks work!
Sahooru: QUESTION: When will Swashbucklers be brought up to the DPS standard of other Scout Classes?
Dredger: question since so far I seen no expanded number of hot bars. Why a “hot bar” like the dissonance bar for ascension spells
Targhan: Wait, so you mean the dps has to act like they have sense?
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. It’s very tedeous and with mythical gear from keys/KP PQ, there are too many Relics to try to wear unless you are in a high tier raid guild
Montolio: entire group working to control aggro LAUGH
Brattyz: Question @ Kander: I would like to know more detail about the direction to rebalance the classes by bringing them back to their intended roles, especially tier 1 DPS and what this means. Sounds like some major work in this?
Klawssalot: Question @Holly, any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Akoriv: @Winstalkdev Forums aren’t too useful when your devs post most of their infor on Discord – which some of us do not even use
Lesce: Hi Devs!
Vodden: any PQs up?
Caith: Vaizel It’s on a list to look at, but it is a complicated system so there are other issues that take priority.
Solfege: Thexen send Sahooru a parse plesae
Cleanse: I also support that advertising question
Talidill: Thanks
Dunnyrat: excellent question Sahooru
Ubercornz: @akoriv so use discord then?
Zebedeo: Devs — Any chance we can tame the rabbits into a battle pet and fight other people’s rabbits?
Kadmusz: can you give any more details or math in regards to the upcoming changes in tithe points?
Gnecrosia: QUESTION Did I miss an answer about when/how we will be able to price something over 1 mil?
Vaizel: thank you Caith, if it is in the list I am very happy
Cegaan: why are troubs able to solo heroics and dirges are left in the rear
Apexo: hiya klaws
Blitzkriegan: Wish wardrobe would let me put 1.0 in primary or secondary and 2.0 in primary OR secondary so i could dualwield both but it only allows primary
Thexen: why am i being dragged into this?
Ubercornz: lol solfege
Tunaria: Speaking od Discord…there any plans to let Feldon back in the loop so he can keep those of us who dont want to sit on Discord the ability to stay up to date?
Klawssalot: heya Apex =)
Sahooru: QUESTION: Being asked for the 4th time – Please When will Swashbucklers be brought up to the DPS standard of other Scout Classes?
Zebedeo: Because Dirges can rez and troubs cant…It’s a pretty fair tradeoff
Solfege: see Sahooru’s question
Thexen: oh hehe i see
Athinia: question: is there anyway to add chickens for the houses those of us want for our farms and vegis we can harvest on our oen lands?
Ubercornz: @sahooru there are high dps swashies on the server now…
Jewkboks: swash are not t1 dps, they will never do the same as ranger for same quality btw
Cegaan: dont see that as a tradeoff really zeb
Spurn: Swashies and fine (for soulless scum)
Aranea: Are there future upgrade on HoF server?
Klawssalot: Question @Holly, any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Blastit: What are the chances something can be done about the ppl trolling Newbies on this server?
Stach: the crash to desktop when zoning ever going to be worked on?
Caith: Sahooru – Swashbucklers are not t1 DPS, while their DPS will be looked at, they will probably not match T1.
Variniaz: are solo players going to be kept in mind when you are adjusting player classes to what they were intended?
Dunnyrat: Swashies should be able to achieve parity with brigands though
Auxic: Devs – Can you implement changing colors of armor at an NPC? I would like to customize my gear colors =)
Classy: where do i buy higher level tinkering books
Starmistt: watch out for Fumao!
Atenhara: the sderver has newbies?
Blitzkriegan: with how long it takes to get Ascension books and levels up it feels more punishing for people with alts than fun. most new people coming to the game would have to spend months to even get into the good stuff the way things are
Jachin: N
Raynestar: Yes Auxic!!! I would love that too!
Skovari: Fumao is bad news!
Modecai: and that is why Swashes are useless …because their utility does not make up for the DPS demotion
Pitta: Question: How will we be able to interact/prevent the competition from completing objectives in the new Competitive zones, and how will the matchmaking system be implemented? Will we have MMR ratings, etc?
Ubercornz: probably not a great question for the devs, classy :p
Cirvandal: @Devs – Will Beastlords get a base modifier nerf with the GU?
Caith: Auxic Armor dying will never be possible with our underlying art system, sorry.
Oxyian: @ Kander or Caith: What tweaks are we going to see or Sorcerers in the May update?
Zebedeo: Finish the objective before the other people!
Auxic: Raynestar – It would be awesome! ^ ^
Stabwoundz: @DEV’s: Some classes are easily able to keep aggro and take hits as well as tanks, sometimes better.. I’ve seen Troubador’s solo Expert / Heroic dungeons. Any possibility of looking into that?
Raynestar: oh, darn
Apexo: bring back reasearch reduction potions
Asfera: agreed with Blitz
Cleanse: Caith: Currently many things are not affected by Fervor. In regards to future viability is it likely to be adjusted to include certain aspects? Like Regeneration amounts on heals for example.
Ubercornz: love oxy’s persistence. acheivement reward
Auxic: aww – thanks Caith
Khamclown: i second pittas question, it was a good one
Raynestar: Gear Color Changing, not gonna happen : (
Zebedeo: Sorcs will be combined and then removed from the game
Tidbitts: that was great in eq1
Kander: Blitzkreigan – We have plans to open up the Ascension classes and leveling them more and more as we approach expansion. We will make them easier for alts to level, etc.
Danyelle: Is there any thought of making the pet AA valuable again? With the 24 position de-agro lying under all of the AAs that are now useless, you feel like you have to throw away some AAs just to get it.
Forgesplitter: Devs – Any plans on revamping Lifeburn on necros, it can be used and not hurt the DPS.. Or am i doing something wrong on my necr
Cirvandal: @Devs – What will be done about healing in general? Currently all non-ward healing abilities are pretty much insignificant. There is also no difference between an ancient and an apprentice single target large heal for example.
Targhan: tanks will be combined and also removed from the game
Akoriv: QUESTION @ Dev in charge of EPIC 2.0: Why is the SK the only tank the did NOT get any Mit, Block, or HP% boost on the weapon … none of those cannot be reforged into
Jachin: @ Kham do you have a bucket ?
Zebedeo: You don’t really need a tank anyways for groups….Just get a shaman
Pitta: Question: How will we be able to interact/prevent the competition from completing objectives in the new Competitive zones, and how will the matchmaking system be implemented? Will we have MMR ratings, etc? -repeated, for chat spam
Khamclown: I do
Lesce: @Devs – When can we have giant Rats for mounts!?
Ratchicktoo: @ Devs when will you make more friendly looking rats in game?
Xalox: QUESTION Is it possible for gear that used to be rewards for older content quests that have been removed to be added back in? Bummer to finish a line and not have a full set for appearance.
Raynestar: what Lesce O.O
Klawssalot: flying rats ??
Targhan: @Lesce You have Muris.
Lesce: Oh yes, flying rats!
Asfera: Devs : i want a flying pig mount
Gninja: Pitta – The groups will be separated and will not be able to interact with each other
Norrath is still for a moment, as Ruckus of <Precedence> takes possession of [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] .
Klawssalot: gratz
Xalox: Question 2 can the female Iksar frill be made OPTIONAL?
Ubercornz: Question: how long before a Kander’s Condor mount?
Pelf: grats
Cosmi: grats Ruckus : )
Asfera: GRATS
Hawkes: grats
Blitzkriegan: gratz ruck
Warriousalexis: Grats Ruckus =)
Oxyian: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP?
Vogiee: gratz bud
Pitta: ok, and what about matchmaking?
Caith: Cirvandal – There are some fairly invasive possibilties that may address it, but we are moving slowly with them because the last thing we want to do is change the too much at one time.
Ruckus: timing =)
Abinitio: @Devs, still waiting on the black raven flying mount that was promised before AOM. 😉
Ruckus: thanks!
Audreyana: grats
Variniaz: are there any plans to open the marketplace vault for appearance items, house items, mounts etc of old
Icevein: grats
Alenna: gratz Ruckus
Khamclown: and also how then can we effect the other groups gameplay like stated
Klawssalot: Question.. any news on the possiblity of Advertising EQ2 for bringing in new blood over just word of mouth ??
Montolio: @Devs are you going to put these questions and aswers on the forums?
Leanne: @Dev any chance we will see more mage loot with doublecast?
Targhan: oh yeah, one more thing @Devs: Red + [eq2u]Elder Drake[/eq2u] = GREAT JUSTICE
Tidbitts: yes mont
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Raynestar: I would like that Klawssalot
Abinitio: What Beena said!
Variniaz: agree with Beena
Tidbitts: def klaw
Klawssalot: had not seen an answer yet on that =)
Stabwoundz: Agree with Beena
Kielex: Yeah I agree with Akoriv. Shadowknight is the only class that got nothing but DPS stats for the entirity of the epic. Even our epic buff only helps our offensive stance ontop of our weapon being the only tank weapon to not give
Kielex: any bonuses to HP, Block, or mit
Asfera: DEVS: Regarding Reforging. Can you please consider letting us add to stats ALREADY on an item? as it stands now if an item has a stat we cant add more
Zebedeo: Is it possible to add dresses for male characters to wear?
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why wouldnt Swashbucklers be T1? I feel very discriminated against – and I feel that I would have to change my main character (that I have played since 2004)!
Oxyian: Question: Well my question about sorcerer tweaks in may update be anwsered?
Kielex: instead we get strikethrough a stat that can easily be reforged into
Kadmusz: are the changes with divine tithe points coming in the May update?
Ubercornz: sks crying isa new one
Montolio: @Devs has someone already asked about the tithe cap and deminishing returns after a certain level like how much it will deminish after level 30 and then 40 and so on?
Caith: We’ll take a look at the lack of defensive stats on the SK epic
Versifier: Question: With the upcoming update, will new heroic/expert zones be added as well?
Blitzkriegan: the pet for SK is really awesome but it doesnt help survival in the upper end in raids. kind of silly not to give tank stats to a tank class when all other tank classes got stats for that
Genghes: Question: fastest kill time on Mrmacky?
Ratchicktoo: yes, Tunaria Feldon rocks
Mrmacky: 🙁
Kander: Montolio we will post specifics of the changes for tithe caps in the patch notes on May 2nd.
Montolio: thanks
Zebedeo: Is there any chance of seeing a BL buff in the May 2nd update?
Stach: will someone release what the ascension combos are suppose to be?
Tunaria: Feldon kicks ass…I want to know if the Devs will start letting him post information from Discord so that those of us not in Discord can keep up with the information
Klawssalot: should be some in the forums for combos, seen them before
Auxic: Can you be more fair distributing the Fiery Key?
Lascivio: stach there is already information about that posted on the wiki
Ratachee: @Stach they’re all online
Lesce: Question: Many of our community enjoy solo play, *ducks from all the tomatos about to be tossed* Will the Summer Ethereal Event, include a chacne at Ethereal Drops for Solo dungeons?
Oxyian: Kander: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP since tithe is being nerfed?
Stach: but do we know which are broke or not?
Athinia: anyway BL’s can tame elephants and rhinow?
Gninja: Tunaria – Nothing is stopping Feldon from being in discord.
Caith: Oxyian – Specific Class tweaks for GU 103 are still undergoing testing and vetting, so I do not have a list of what is actually going out yet.
Deathwalks: @ Devs Is there any thought of making the pet AAs valuable again? With the 24 position de-agro lying under all of the AAs that are now useless, you feel like you have to throw away some AAs just to get it.
Abinitio: @Devs, The current burnt key method excludes many many players due to time of day drop and only in one zone. Any chance you can have it drop more often and in multiple zones? Everyone deserves a chance at getting it regardless.
Tunaria: not from being in it…from posting information that is talked about in it
Gninja: Stach – the ascension combos are in fact working.
Ubercornz: Question: Will Epic2 spells be reviewed and enhanced to keep up with new expac statflation. For example, wizard fury of the magus gives a +25 ferv increase which will have an ever diluted impact as expac statflation continues?
Stach: thanks
Pitta: How will the matchmaking/competetor selection be implemented in the new zones?
Kiibbles: Question: will there be any changes to Ascension Combo’s to make it easier to notice or pull off w/o using special chat channels and ACT?
Targhan: @Devs – Any chance to fix the Insect Warder for the beastlords? It’s been several expansions since it was released.
Asfera: @Devs Any chance you will let Diety points stack higher than 10 points? as it stands right now it caps fast and we miss xp
Mayellie: Question: Are there any hopes of getting guild hall expansion slots for items? Are there any plans to get us Heirloom item Depots for our houses or even the Guild hall for accounts to toss their heirloom items into it
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss Thank you for fixing the Crusader Joust ability.
Endlesslove: is anything exciting coming up for the fury class, or druids
Gninja: Abinito – The key already drops multiple times a day and in all versions of Obulus.
Jamiss: @Stabwoundz, wasn’t me!
Jamiss: I just passed it along
Blitzkriegan: lol the burnt key stuff is rediculous some people have spent so much time in that zone to do everything you can do on multible toons and never seen one. kind of silly.
Abinitio: Thank you
Shylou: Question: Will the useless Wendigo for mystics ever be revamped
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss But you were point guy!
Jrox: Question: Will there be any changes to AA trees in the next xpack as part of the rebalancing efforts?
Piggle: Fake news on the key imho
Rhita: is there any chance of changing the burnt key to drop in any current lvl 100 content? sucks to run zones and not be eligible
Kander: Ubercorns – Everything Epic 2.0 is currently planed to stay relevent with the new expansion this year. We do not plan to make anything epic 2.0 obsolete any time soon.
Caith: Targhan send me a PM with specifics about the issue you are experiencing with the warder
Cirvandal: @Shylou Well, since mystics are sooo weak right now I definitely agree!… /sarcasm
Menthiele: funny gninja key drop multi time
Gninja: Piggle – Yes, alot of the information out there is fake news, I agree!
Balthuss: i would like to know more of why wendigo was given to mystics when it literally has no use for us as healers at all
Beena: Question: would it be something that could be done to have a search feature for the moving crates to find specific items rather than having to scroll through each time you open it up??
Shylou: well why get a epic spell thats useless
Kander: Ubercorns – Everything Epic 2.0 is currently planed to stay relevent with the new expansion this year. We do not plan to make anything epic 2.0 obsolete any time soon. [ Well, except some of the item rewards that were given out] Squeeksleazy: @ Devs — Will Shanaira the Prestigious “message” get a better adjustment?
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: 15 minutes left in our AMA in General Chat! Devs on deck are Kander, Fyreflyte, Gninjadev, Mooncast (Lauren, our producer), Jamiss, Caith….
Zebedeo: Gninja, What color is your hair, and how did you get it that color?
Kiibbles: Question: will there be any changes to Ascension Combo’s to make it easier to notice or pull off w/o using special chat channels and ACT?
Gninja: Squeeksleazy – can you be more specific?
Rhita: Question- is there any chance of changing the burnt key to drop in any current lvl 100 content? sucks to run zones and not be eligible
Endlesslove: can we get more hairstyles for our charcters, sometimes i would like to see something different
Auxic: Can you give 13 Year Vets a Burnt Key as a reward instead of a depressing empty mailbox?
Cegaan: question can you drop the infuser drop rate from the daily quest chests
Gninja: Rhita – Not currently any plans but we’ve been idscussion additional ways to possibly earn it.
Zwieback: Wonder if the WindstalkerDev was behind the Holly Windstalker Massacre back when I played EQ1
Stach: Is there anyway to stop making zones drops be 80 percent leather?
Klawssalot: Missing my vet rewards, even the house =)
Gninja: Auxic – Gnope
Caith: Kiibbles – You mean something other then chat messaging for when a spell is applied?
Auxic: =(
Cirvandal: How about some sort of Heroic Opp type of window for Ascension combo’s?
Stabwoundz: @DEVS: Can you please fix Call of Veteran to work more often?
Edgein: can we get Call of Veteran working in every zone?
Zebedeo: There are way more leather classes and leather alts…We need MORE leather drops, not less
Cosmi: can you bring back the Vet rewards? We loved those 🙂
Edgein: lol, stabs knows whats up
Windstalkerdev: Zwieback — 😀 Nope!
Stabwoundz: yup
Vodden: any PQs up?
Kaodar: lol, I am happythat we have petterns now so we don’t have to see so much leather
Caith: Stach – PLay a monk, then it is all plate.
Kadmusz: new relevant rewards for loyalty tokens and current currency?
Shylou: DEVS: Add double cast gear pls
Kielex: The only time I’ve noticed cov not really working is when someone tries to cov into a full zone, But that might just be me
Evulcan: wow the vetrans get hosed
Stach: @Caith no play that too and its still all leather
Cosmi: COV does not work in guild halls
Balthuss: also on the burnt key it wouldnt kill anyone to make it heirloom nothing worse than some people who get it getting it on a toon they are just crafting on but have no plans to play. could give to another toon on account
Ozomon: Question: Any plans to really put the utility back in utility classes. Many buffs no longer scale well with present content/stats and some prior class defining abilities are no longer relevant.
Lesce: question: Will shadeweave buds spawn in other OF instances?
Jrox: Question: Will there be any changes to AA trees in the next xpack as part of the rebalancing efforts?
Cleanse: @Caith – Will the fix to Nightmares, or whatever the actual source is, causing the defilers group to take more damage, be fixed in the May 2nd update? Defilers in raids are have a really tough time
Kander: Kadmusz, there will be some new rewards to purchase with current currencies with the may update, yes.
Zwieback: I think you Devs and folks at DB are doing a good job, not easy trying to please everyone, thanks from my end for the job you do..
Zebedeo: CoV works fine…until it doesn’t work at all
Cosmi: I totally agree Zwieback 🙂
Pitta: Question: Will we see any major Alternate Advancement re-working in either the game update or in expansion 14? and in regards to the class balancing, will it be mechanic changes to the classes that rebalance them, or a straight in
Leanne: @DEV please put DC on gear with mage skills
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. It’s very tedeous and with mythical gear from keys/KP PQ, there are too many Relics to try to wear unless you are in a high tier raid guild
Caith: Ozomon – While it is too early to go into specifics on class balance changes….yes.
Soulidon: CoV has a 40% success chance
Buttkrack: And Goblin GAmes- and LON
Pitta: increase in DPS?
Viviene: Zebedeo it’s not working at all for me, ever, under any circumstance
Deathwalks: @ Devs Have you thought about making a reforger available in the guild hall?
Caith: Cleanse – I’ll take a look at it
Endlesslove: i want to see stilletto boots for the female toons. just saying
Zebedeo: Trade it in and get a new one
Klawssalot: only way shadeweave buds could be in other instances of OF, is sav for example, OF1 and OF2 are perma locked open, and temp instances like OF3+ they wouldnt spawn
Asfera: Devs can you answer the hard questions and the meaningful ones? some of this seems fluff
Zwieback: have fun you guys, back to crafting
Oxyian: Kander: Well Contested XP return to normal to allow alts to grind Ascension XP since tithe is being nerfed?
Variniaz: will the LoN cards continue to be cycled through indefinitely?
Doomdrake: DEVs any trascript of this chat will be published somewhere? 🙂
Illyed: please for the love of whatever god you worship let ascensiuons be mimiced
Kander: Pitta – We have some plans for AA changes, nothing we can discuss currently, too early in the cycle.
Viviene: Yes, reforger in guild halls would be super helpful. Asfera which are the hard/meaningful questions?
Wildirishrose: Question…Is there a chance to make the shaderoot plant to appear in obulus 2, 3 beside 1 only..might help with the zone being full when some of us are harvesting the plant and can’t get in zone because it is full?
Pitta: thanks
Cosmi: I think most of the questions people are asking are sincere ones 🙂
Montolio: suck it ed
Caith: Pitta Most of the class balancing will revolve around the AA system similarly to how combat mitigation debuffs were added to many abilities.
Tidbitts: endless you have to play tara or something for that 😛
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why wouldnt Swashbucklers be T1? Every toon should be able to reach T1 if they are played to the best ability !
Pitta: caith thanks
Caith: Pitta – To expand, most of the class balancing BEFORE the expansion.
Windstalkerdev: @Doomdrake — We will post a summary next week of common questions and those we can answer
Gninja: we are answering everything we can folks, everyone thinks their questions is more important than others but we are trying to get to as many as we can
Pitta: nice thanks!
Sparek: would like to see a caster version of the TS cloak from KA vs. weapon stats
Klawssalot: you guys are doing fine =) thanks for the chance to ask our stuff
Doomdrake: thank you!
Auxic: Gninja – Do you have a headache yet?
Zebedeo: Mine are always the most important!
Athinia: please thank the devs and producer for their time guys it is time to let them go
Pepperminnt: are the combat mitigation debuffs going to increase they are curretnly not effective?
Cosmi: You are doing a great job Gninja 🙂
Akoriv: This is a comment not a question .. I finished my final ascension class and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders … Guided Ascsnsion is one of the most moronically bad ideas I have ever encountered in any MMO
Evulcan: then why are the vetrans of the game getting the short end of the stick now
Kadmusz: the outreach to the community with direct communication and feedback was needed and is appreciated … thanks and keep it up
Neomuoer: i <3 devs
Cirvandal: But you cannot answer the question about illegible ascension upgrade scrolls and them being impossible to obtain in normal amounts without duping?
Jrox: @Pitta so did you take that as balancing was happening before the xpack and AA’s were a part of that rebalance?
Pixi: Question : are channeler pets supposed to take excessive amounts of dmg on T4 encounters or is it going to be looked at anytime soon or it is normal ??
Cosmi: Thank you so much for coming to hear everyone. Great job 🙂
Bearserk: lol And you never thought that would happen?
Alcho: @Caith Did you need some logs from raids to ‘look at’ the defiler issue? I know that vVv is not the only guild having the defiler problems and the healing difference is astronomically different between mystics and defilers.
Pitta: @Jrox yes
Qualm: Devs- You mentioned classes as T1 DPS and Swash Tier 2 DPS. What Tier would you consider Beastlords?
Ratchicktoo: @Devs – sorry if this has been asked/answered. Any plans to add harvesting to other OF zones?
Pitta: cuz i can read words
Bardtholomew: some might argue it is all the “good stuff”
Gninja: Pepperminnt – Combat mit is getting slightly reduced in raid zones with the may update but I would expect to be able to debuff beyond what you already can (which is actually a lot)
Athinia: thank you Kander, windstalkerdev and all the others thank you for answering all our questions at this time and my your journies be fruitfull
Jrox: lol
Edgein: beastlords are T0
Endlesslove: love you all, great gods of norrath, keep up the good work
Auxic: Devs – Are they any plans or ideas around Tithe being account wide?
Cirvandal: drop it Alcho, we got plenty mystics now 😛
Caith: Pepperminnt – Combat mitigation debuffs are very effective, but yes they will increase with the expansion.
Zebedeo: Beastlords need a group cure and rez spell!
Tidbitts: beastlords need buffing….so lets not talk about that 😛
Vivacexzz: So, I can’t solo the godking zone for [60] Wrapping It All Up(Epic), anyone want to come help?
Targhan: and a shield, so that they can tank properly! (LOL)
Zebedeo: They do…We are the worst of the healers…No one wants a BL to solo heal groups anymore
Cirvandal: beastlords need VC is all
Jarmis: my main issue is too many lvl 100 items spanning several xpacs would like to see a lvl increase to put the items in better order
Beastlingx: @Devs will the level 100 boost be given to all subscribers on may 2nd?
Qualm: i wasn’t being sarcastic, just trying to understand the utility concept
Pitta: @Vivacexzz get Gninja to help you, he’s good at soloing stuff
Zebedeo: The glory days of solo healing ToT groups is over!
Arkarnia: Hello Devs! I was wondering if house pets couldmade to actually STAY in place instead of wonder when they want. And if a fix to dropping to desktop half the time when zoning can get fixed. Thanks!
Rhita: Question, there is a named in the raid Vaedenmoor, Realm of Despair, who drops a pattern which is brawler only, all those pieces have 20 resolve but thats the only pattern he seems to drop. Was that intended or is it a bug?
Klawssalot: we need another random epic x4 200 dragon dropped in a city one day =D
Tidbitts: tell that to the troubs zeb 🙂
Forgesplitter: @Devs did i miss the LB Necro question answer?
Ratchicktoo: @Devs – sorry if this has been asked/answered. Any plans to add harvesting to other OF zones?
Kander: Auxic – Yes, we are working on plans for Tithe to be shared accross characters.
Gninja: Rhita – intended. Other classes for that slot drop elsewhere
Salvatore: Question dev please: the Relic restriction really restricts my gear options as a solo player, is there any plan to adjust the rules, remove the tags on some items, or make a change for solo players to have access to nonrelic?
Lisica: will we be seeing upgrades to the old class specific cloaks? a new way to make them relevant and useful again?
Alenna: so Sahooru if every toon brings dps what will happen to those classes only bring dps to groups or raids Hmmm?
Auxic: Awesome – Thanks Kander
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: 5 minutes left in our AMA! As we answer the last few questions, please share in General chat if you found this AMA useful so far and would like to see more in future.
Caith: Forgesplitter – Yes, but it was answered on Thurg… It’s on a list to take a look at
Sahooru: QUESTION: Why does DBG want to end up with every scout playing a BST?
Mindie: Question, I would love to know why BL does not get disarm traps as a scout….
Sylow: can we get tank feet other then 14 Reolve to drop in raid zones i swear they don’t exist
Oxcy: ty for your time and patience and scrolling ability lol
Klawssalot: oh definitely do more
Neomuoer: USEFUL
Zebedeo: This AMA was extremely useful!
Cleanse: Currently many things are not affected by Fervor. In regards to future viability is it likely to be adjusted to include certain aspects? Like Regeneration amounts on heals for example.
Forgesplitter: @ Caith Thank you for that
Caith: Salvatore That is specifically what the relic tag is for.
Neomuoer: USEFUL
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Okay, that was totally leading, but you get my point….
Thexen: Why are alt player being punished for working hard to bring thier tithe up to playable lvls??>
Neomuoer: I LOVE DEVS
Zebedeo: We should do it weekly!
Targhan: Devs – AMA was useful thanks
Tiggzie: can you put a search feature on the Guild Hall moving crate?
Cirvandal: How will the tithe curve change our tithe? Can we get a new to old actual value of 40, 50 and 60 tithe poitns in, lets say, potency?
Soulidon: @Devs – Will CoV ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Meem: thanks a bunch for doing this… definitely appreciated
Fumao: Definately need to do more of these in the future, and really appreciate you coming on to listen to all the questions <3
Dynnae: thank you devs et al! i just want cuter wing/hair options for fae/arasai 😛
Xfran: geez quit spamming lol
Laffite: This AMA was VERY USEFUL. I would like to have it a monthly event.
Kadmusz: not only useful, but terribly needed
Cosmi: wizards and warlocks were originally meant to be the main dpsers, but over time that changed. I’m tickled they are getting fixed. 🙂
Pixi: Question @ Devs : are channeler pets supposed to take excessive amounts of dmg on T4 encounters or is it going to be looked at anytime soon or it is normal ??
Klawssalot: /report windstalkerdev for Yellow Spam =D
Pitta: i found this AMA to be extremely useful, but incredible cluttered. for future attempts, i would suggest creating different channels for different topics
Mayellie: Very useful and would definitely like to see more Q&A from our developers in the future. Don’t be a stranger 🙂
Zebedeo: I still would like to know how Gninja got his hair that color!
Pepperminnt: question: is there any plans to perhaps more options to loot window such as salvage so we dont have to fill bags with junk and waste time clearing it?
Misen: Dev’s – Why is the charm from Ascension labled Relic? Sorry still not answered. Last time I will ask. It’s a valid question considering the circumstances. If no answer, well then I guess I get no answer.
Athinia: thank you Kander, windstalkerdev and all the others thank you for answering all our questions at this time and my your journies be fruitfull
Pitta: i found this AMA to be extremely useful, but incredible cluttered. for future attempts, i would suggest creating different channels for different topics
Stabwoundz: USEFUL – even though none of my questions were answered
Endlesslove: would love to see the fury be able to do a zone by themselves, lots of weakness felt here
Riley: this was awesome devs thank you for all your hardwork and time
Cosmi: yeah would love more of these 🙂
Kander: Cirvandal, again, we will post specifics of the tithe changes with the patch notes.
Linnette: I think you should do more of these
Forgesplitter: @Devs thank you for your time it is appreciated
Caith: Cleanse, we’ll take a look at regens not being modified by Fervor
Balthuss: after all the hardwork getting the Charm from getting all 4 ascensions it really should NOT be relic to be honest. people spend months getting it then have to choose which other relic piece to give up for it.
Almenrader: Is it possible to read the transcript of this ‘meeting’ online.
Bardtholomew: too hard to keep track of questions and their answers
Evulcan: staged
Kroacker: question will all these AMA chat logs be available from all servers ?
Athinia: it was very helpful and rewarding to most of us
Soulidon: @Devs – Will CoV ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Cienne: thank you DEVS, love the game
Salvatore: So relic tag is to limit the options for players who enjoy the solo game? Are there then plans to make other gear available for skilled solo players in solo instances?
Balthuss: wouldnt hurt to allow 1 extra relic or just make the charm nonrelic
Disruptive: auto salvage nice call 🙂
Evulcan: STAGED
Revanu: Can you please fix Duration of Bolster/Strength of the Ancestors
Revanu: Thats all
Talidill: so a few hate items would be nice
Gninja: Zebedeo – What color? gray?
Psychiatric: Ancient Spells cost WAY too much!
Tiggzie: thank you
Daarmok: AMA very useful, thanks Dev Folks.
Dellmon: WindstalkerDev – honestly – while interaction and feedback are great – doing an open AMA in General chat is perhaps not the best format or venue for this. It is too difficult to follow and far too much spam to make it enjoyable
Almenrader: With work and all I missed most of this, but would love to read it.
Cleanse: Thank you all for your time. Please do these more often they are greatly appreciated 🙂
Zebedeo: Yes!
Hawkes: enteraining and informative 🙂
Kaodar: agree balthuss
Sepahnya: i agree with Ren, fix the mystic spells
Nato: i concur with the comment about making solo easier
Cirvandal: Well devs, thanks for answering a numerous amount of questions. I wish you the best of luck with the final bits before the game update launches 🙂
Nelope: Thank you DEVs and Holly. This was a fantastic idea and very helpful.
Psychiatric: Lower the price of Ancient spells to 1 million plat a piece!
Buttkrack: will current ancients be as strong as next tier masters?
Stabwoundz: Please look into fixing Call of the Veteran ability
Lesce: Tooltips for stats shuld give more information about how things work, what they do, etc. (So I don’t have to google for that kind of information) Also, i found the AMA useful and engaging. Good Job Devs.
Evulcan: STAGED
Darkrockerz: dont daze the troub during Maelstrom of Sound. plz
Tidbitts: fix mystic spells, fix locks/wizzies/swashies lol 🙂
Evulcan: STAGED
Variniaz: to reiterate my questions: more search abilities, keep solo players in mind, would love a house item catalogue
Glimmerwind: I think the questions needed to be asked but this has been very hard to keep track of as far as the answering of the questions.
Alcho: Thank you for this session. hopefully some ideas are taken on board by both the devs and players
Salvatore: (and thank you for your answer) we appreciate this.
Soulidon: @Devs – Will Call of the Veteran ever be completely fixed so that it’s 100% reliable? It barely works as it is now 🙁
Klawssalot: or the other option would be to do it in discord chat, so you could make channels for TS general raids etc
Gabirel: long live EQ2 thank you to all that make it possible
Lisica: will we be seeing upgrades to the old class specific cloaks? a new way to make them relevant and useful again?
Endlesslove: thanks devs
Azraels: With the level cap increase next xpac will the Epic 2.0 become outleveled or will it carry over like it was advertised (being relevent for 2 years)? If this has been asked already I apologize, I just logged in. Thanks.
Revanu: Also, remove the anti heal part of Wendigo for mystic, or keep the anti heal but allow it to be a group wide dmg increase
Brattyz: USEFUL in its intent but spamming general chat hinders those who just want to play the game. Consider a dedicated channel? Thank for putting this together!
Revanu: thanks
Evulcan: STAGED
Zebedeo: CoV is 100% reliable 40% of the time!
Croooak: When do we get EQ3??
Illbe: need a house shelf that auto organizes and resizes all books/knickknacks placed on it
Lesce: Had logs on, so I can read later, but I came in at the very last 20 minutes or so /pout,. i am sure I can find more logs on the forums.
Caith: Glimmerwind – The questions and answers will also be posted
Stabwoundz: @DEVS: can we get permissions for individual ranks in guild amenities instead of “Visitor, Friend, Trustee”
Jamiss: Call of the Veteran questions were asked on Thurgadin. I have it jotted down to look at it again. We will see about what we can do to help it some more.
Gninja: Azraels – Epic 2.0 weapons will remain useful in next expansion
Psychiatric: Reasonable prices for Ancient spells!!
Azraels: Thanks G!
Jamiss: Cannot Stabwoundz as those are related to house access and not guild rank
Tidbitts: thanks devs 🙂 looking forward to wizzies, locks, and beastlords gettign buffed! 🙂
Cleanse: Oh I totally support the question to specific ranks for amenities
Syrk: will the epic rewards receive an upgrade in line with the next expansion?
Zebedeo: Can we get more hair styles added?
Ubercornz: AMA a great idea 🙂
Spurn: Right?
Nitrovamp: Thanks for dropping in and chatting. It’ good to see 🙂
Stabwoundz: @Jamiss Thanks for the replies.
Percussions: so After all this talking I Get the KEY Tomorrow sweet thx !!!
Caith: Azraels No, the epic 2.0’s will continue to be very relevent
Mrmacky: is one of the familiars a cow
Saphera: thanks Devs 🙂
Mrmacky: thats the only thing i care about
Cirvandal: Cow Gentleman
Zebedeo: Will there be updated SOGA models?
Cleanse: @Gninja: What burnt key?
Pixi: Macky you should get a cow illusion too
Magmabubble: hah, missed it, is there a summary going to be made available? 🙂
Cegaan: yes magma
Almenrader: If there is a familiar that is a cow, can we have a cowtapult so we can launch it at those Kaniggets.
Illbe: also need auto bank / shared bank sorting method
Wildirishrose: is there plans for another way to get recipes for wantia other than the pq iin tot that has very few doing anymore
Karajan: another reason the ‘T2’ ‘semi-utility’ classes are stressed is because ascension has usurped many of the supposed utilities they have
Samradh: what’s this “you must be able to sit before you can camp” message?
Zebedeo: Can we get a half cow/half rhino playable race with human hands and feet?
Jamiss: You are hungry. You are thirsty. You are out of food and drink.
Fuzzybunny: A way to use 200 keys in one go instead of one at a time…
Windstalkerdev BROADCASTS: Thanks all! Time to get back to dev’ing! We will post a summary of common questions next week on the forums! We appreciate you all being here, playing, and participating in our AMA. Farewell for now!
Cleanse: Any future plans for Guild changes? UI/Mechanics/Storage etc?
Neomuoer: bye….kisses
Abinitio: THANK YOU!
Raynestar: farewell!
Cegaan: bye devs
Artists: thank you dev’s
Icevein: good night devs and production
Rosyposy: thank you, devs!
Illyed: reported for spam
Cosmi: THANK YOU! 🙂
Mooncast: Thanks everyone!
Mayellie: thanks devs
Lisica: since i was ill the entire last week of the event to get those tokens, i would love a simpler way to get them for the wantia recipes….
Magmabubble: TY
Windstalkerdev: wave!
Cleanse: Thank you Devs, much appreciated!
Lisica: thanks devs! don’t be strangers
Fumao: BYE <3
Kander BROADCASTS: /Wave
Zebedeo: Thanks devs! Great AMA!
Endlesslove: waves
Dynnae: baibai
Neomuoer: /moon
Cirvandal: Cirvandal BROADCASTS, “Chicken noodle sandwich”
Chocka: Cirvandal, you were here when I started playing this game years n years ago, and ur still here, isn’t it time you retired? 😛
Cirvandal: must. sustain. my. riches.
Many thanks for doing this Feldon.
Ditto Ditto Thanks Feldon!!
Thank you for posting. I knew none of my hard questions would not get a response, but it was worth a shot. So many fluff questions, though. Much like a reddit AMA, guess picking and choosing what to answer is the whole point.
I was sent a tell saying its under consideration about my question on mercenaries, being that I’m All-Access, but can’t get any mercenary unless I buy the feature, which is non-refundable. Was told its a good point I made and some low-tier mercenaries could be questable or something.
Just in case you weren’t aware, the merc feature was included with KA expansion. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also included in the expansion this fall.
I know, but I own no expansions whatsoever. I wasn’t, and I’m still not, convinced to buy KA. The negatives outweigh the positives. I have no idea what mercenaries are capable of and I’m not going to spend money or DBC just to find out.
If you hover your cursor over the KA premium mercenary it says that you must have the mercenary feature unlocked to use that mercenary. So the mercenary feature is not included. If you did not purchase AOD when it was for sale, you still have to pay daybreak cash to unlock that feature.
If you go to the Everquest 2 homepage, click the store tab, and the hover your cursor over the image of the Claz’zakla mercenary that was offered with the premium edition of the KA expansion a box comes up that says the following:
“A Sarnak mercenary to aid you in both solo and heroic content which can be used starting at adventure level 20. (Requires Mercenary Feature to use)”
So as you can see, the mercenary feature is not included with the KA expansion.
Are you saying there has been a takeback? Because it was announced during the Kunark Ascending livestream that the Mercenary Feature was included in Kunark Ascending.
Are you saying there has been a takeback? Because it was announced during the Kunark Ascending livestream that the Mercenary Feature was included in Kunark Ascending.
You can go to their store page and do as I instructed and see for yourself. If the unlock mercenary feature is included in the purchase of the KA expansion I don’t see it specifically listed. Also, as I said, and maybe they need to update it, but if you hover over the image of the Claz’zakla mercenary that comes with the premium edition of KA, it says you must have the unlock mercenary feature to use it.
I purchased AOD when it was available, so I already had the mercenary feature unlocked. Maybe they need to update the specific information so that it is more accurate if the mercenary feature is included in the purchase of KA. I found it to be confusing.
The Mercenary feature has been and still is included with Kunark Ascending.
Thank you for the clarification.
Awesome Feldon! I was going to be in classes and miss the Q&As.
Thank you for the archive!
Thanks for doing this Feldon. It’s humorous having the usual general chat crap still in there. Reminded me why I rarely look at general chat.
someoen please ask if we will be getting Tot as a F2P with GU103 or anytime this year i wanna know
Always what they want to say, never what we want to hear.
The announcement that you have to upgrade your spells from 101 to 110 using the same crappy system as the ascension spells might be the straw that broke the camel’s back in my case. I took the crafting class that can craft my toon’s expert spells for a reason way back in 2004.
I believe the announcement was that level 101-110 spells will drop “in the same way as past expansions” so Journeyman, Adept, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, etc. from crafting and drops.
Except I’ve had my experts scribed without having to work through the tiers within a few days of expac launch since… oh I don’t know when… its been a long time though.
There is no need for this change.
As a player with multiple crafters I disagree. Who knows, my Jeweler might be able to sell her first Journeyman spall this time. 🙂
It’s a minor adjustment which benefits crafters and doesn’t hurt others much. Throw crafters a bone, possibly they might have to do without a crafting questline this time without Domino on the team.
Oh yeah so you can sell a few journeyman spells… pretty sure you will be rolling in plat by doing so.
Then you can get in line and pray the adepts you need drop like the rest of us so you can scribe your experts.
This has nothing to do with “throwing crafters a bone” and everything to do with making $$$
Oh and yeah… I forgot about the recipes… I wonder how hard those are going to be to get, since like you said, Domino isn’t there to look out for us anymore.
Thanks for taking the time to format/post this
If it is of any interest or help, my wife spent a great deal of time compiling the questions and answers into categories. While I have my own thoughts about some of the answers, at least they were answering, even though they contradicted themselves a few times.
Her compilation is at http://www.voxdominatus.com/oldviewthread.php?threadid=938
That’s a great write-up, Bren!