Antonia Bayle – April 26th
Honex: /wave at Kander and Windstalker
Dennes: thax for doing this :0
Gninjadev: No questions? Okay thanks for coming!
Faethy: hi and welcome home
Ailsabeth: You approach an orc and move to attack. You roll a one. You lightly rub his back and the orc now feels very awkward.
Windstalker BROADCASTS: You may begin asking your questions in General!
Faawn: Hello Kander
Gninjadev: @Mmojo Gnope
Twinbladed: will [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] have crit bonus added to it and become non relic as we have way to many relic pieces while slots like [eq2u]Exemplar Platemail Sabatons[/eq2u] are better
Mmojo: 🙂
Stressx: When are you gonna merge AB with another server!
Rvacina: I have only 1 question For the Developers – Why the Level raise? we are working hard on our epics and you could have done the raising of other things instead of levels
Thanchir: Can we fix the COA bug… where you get 1000hp at level 99? And can’t help the group til you hit 100??
Faethy: is there any possibilty that AB will be merged with another server
Ravenovia: hello Kander
Mmojo: yes merges us!
Mincemeat: what is your favourite colour?
Stabbeze: any chance of changing around the time of day on the burnt keys, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate
Crowknow: With populations declining on AB, its becoming very hard to find groups. Will you be planning on merging servers, creating a mega server or even revamping the dungeon finder for the new content?
Buzzilla: Merge AB into Isle!
Buzzilla: free trade for everyone!
Corasani: Is there a plan to create another race? orc or something?
Autumns: How much does the human head weigh?
Kiyryin: my first question.. is there a way to turn off that annoying ding for broadcasts? 🙂
Corydonn: Is there any chance to move the ethereal purple addorns from KP contested to some current solo quest boxes?
Mmojo: and what do you devs have on!
Kander: Rvacina, Epics will stay relivent. you did not do all that work for nothing.
Kuuleis: what is with the rarity of fragments? I have yet to see a lesser and PQ grind for greaters nets me nothing more than mercc gear
Mmojo: i have nothing!
Tearamina: leave it as it is.
Barbmeat: one question, and only one, why would you think that slogging through weeks of outdated content would be ” fun”, whe you could have made NEW content for out epics
Eleeviah: i wish the devs answers were a diffrent color
Barbmeat: our
Caith: Twinbladed We do not have any plans to remove the Relic tag from the Tome of the Ascended, however we may review it’s stats.
Kander: Crowknow We do not have any plans for server merges,
Celtogalician: the human head weighs about 3 punds
Rahsar: Question: With the death of Innourok Will we see Lanys become a worshipable diety?
Thanchir: For things to purchase… can we purchase the stone houses from Bloodskull valley?
Ravenovia: DON”T merge us! we are the last RP server in game!!
Stressx: Also can I get the x dropped off my name since I originally had Stress before I transfered off! =O
Calowyn: ^^^
Caith: Stressx We have no plans in the immediate future to merge AB anywhere.
Stressx: Called it!
Ailsabeth: Who is roleplaying anyway?
Furiosx: Is it possible for you guys to talk on the broadcast channel when answering major questions? So i can see it and others as well?
Truewarrior: Why rangers dont have Endless Quiver abilitie?
Twinbladed: When can we expect class balance? With these new items coming out such as the new fervor proc, there is a concern that the gap between classes will grow further apart than it is now
Imtithal: just do /role of cours
Wynterswolf: do you think that we can get like a faction experience double day?
Honex: will it be possible to move guilds to Isle of Refuge in future?
Corasani: Please please get rid of most of the Heirloom / No Trade rule
Caith: Thanchir Send me a tell with more details about that bug, because I am not familiar with it.
Nakomis: Question what is the actual TRUE level cap thi game could go to if you were to push to the limit?
Ailsabeth: I’ve only seen a few players actually roleplay once in the last year I’ve been on this server.
Stressx: Okay I got a better question! When are you gonna merge any other server with AB!
Faethy: okay no merge, when we lvl to 110 will there be new consumables added as well as new spells
Gninjadev: @Corasani, there’s a server for that 🙂
Pippey: may we have no trade removed from the fragments of planar energy and emeralds please?
Lightflight: i would like to see more usage out of some of the house items such as beds
Tarryelle: Is the cross server grouping tool still being worked on? or did it get scrapped?
Ravenovia: what is the gain of making scholar class tradeskillers if any artisan can make grandmasters for themselves?
Calowyn: Plenty of people still roleplay here 🙂 just not in pick up groups/raids
Caith: Autumns – 11 pounds
Ijay: lf4m tank healer dps for scout up date in Oillars of Flame
Kander: Faethy, you can expect all things that come with a normal level cap increase,
Alantia: I can’t follow any of this. Who is answering the questions?
Corasani: Would you make this one a no Heirloom/No trade? I don’t want to leave the Rp server here
Lightflight: that would be a great way to restore vitality without potions or the standard .5 percent per hour rate
Ijay: pillars of Flame
Headbustaz: Why does Shade only drop a leather pattern? And why did you go away from certain mobs dropping certain armor pieces everytime? We’re still trying to get T2 boots on people after months of killing the mob
Lomindel: devs need colored names or something
Imtithal: roleplayers stick to their own ingame house
Chipie: two questions if I may, 1) COuld the fragments become hailoom at least? and two, there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore
Uxtalzon: Landmark was more or less a scam meant to avoid refunding players, and Holly was the “proud” EP of it. Zero communication. It was so bad some players are forming a class action. How will it be any different with EQ1 and 2?
Soulcry: Will it be possible to have a skeletal dragon as a riding mount? The model is already there =)
Dewrun: WHat currency are we going to be able to purchase the Faction Baubles with?
Imtithal: Can we have camel mounts
Luxbane: may I please have a cookie?
Karianne: what are you doing to address the runaway inflation in the game?
Fyreflyte: @Nakomis probably 2^31? At some point you’d hit the floating point limit…
Kalavar: these 2 questions i have n=been asking since this game launched….will there ever be the ability to dye our gear …and will we eve be able to actualy sit on chairs and other furniture ?
Honex: Will we be getting the new cool building blocks for all the crafted building block sets soon?
Eleeviah: i wish people would stop asking dumb ass questions
Zeddie: amen.
Thanchir: Can we also… Bring back the Blood Haze Inn in West Freeport? It was a really big Roleplay hub back in the day and the RP community misses it.
Corasani: OOOH Dying gear would be awesome!!
Buzzilla: What can we expect with the co-opetition–will it be instanced with a couple groups? Or will will be with a lot of groups?
Maldaani: can you make [eq2u]Shadow of the War Wraith[/eq2u] FLYABLE?
Buzzilla: or will it be solo instanced?
Kalavar: but it doenst actually work
Ailsabeth: get rid of heirloom and no trade, but that would cut into revenue for things such as unattuners. Increase the guided ascension.
Pippey: eleeviah – reported for cursing!
Eidob: sorry for the cpas
Lamakin: This game is better with more players. Can we promote Alts
Lamakin: by shortcutting the pre-reqs to get/keep them current ?
Kander: Dewrun- Its one bauble for all factions needed for all the Epic 2.0 quests and it will be close to free or plat, as in a couple of plat.
Eidob: and misspelling
Corydonn: Can we expect a system to get rid of the AA star on named such as bonus ascension EXP or tithe?
Thanchir: Sorry for the Certified Public Attorneys?
Twinbladed: will [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] have crit bonus added to it and become non relic as we have way to many relic pieces while slots like [eq2u]Exemplar Platemail Sabatons[/eq2u] are better
Caith: Twinbladed (and All) – While it is too early to be speaking specifics about class balance changes, we will be making them throughout the next few months and also many during the expansion.
Celtogalician: buy Silver bullion
Faethy: so, i think i read there will be no new zones added, does this mean some zones will become harder?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflight, Caith and we’ll update if more show
Twinbladed: ok lol sorry need to know!
Gninjadev: @Eidob actually very little of the plat introduced into the game comes from the loyalty bags
Caith: Truewarrior – You should get the Ranger epic, it doesn’t need ammo
Fyreflyte: She spelled my name wrong. NOOOOOOOOOO
Thanchir: Can we also have an AMA for the RP community on here down the line? (We still do exist!!!)
Imtithal: is the Sha’ir in DoF intentionally named for old Arabic lore of poets with magic powers, connected to the Poets Palace?
Furiosx: Okay thank you. I wasnt sure who the devs were…
Eidob: how can it not dork the economy though
Celtogalician: people trust in Feot money, Buy buy gold and silver
Buzzilla: @ fireflyte if you have spelled your name right in the first place! 🙂
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflyte (sigh), Caith and we’ll update if more show
Maldaani: Yes would like to see more attention to the RP community equal to the Raid community
Thanchir: ^^^^^^^^
Corydonn: Raid community gets attention? 🙂
Lomindel: lol
Radelia: the new TLE server, will it have same rules and exp gain as stormhold?
Corasani: Eeww Don’t make the server Socialist – don’t cap the economy lol
Xatl begins to summon an Earthen Avatar.
Fyreflyte: Thanks 😀
Trujoss: will lifeburned take into account max health?
Gninjadev: Corydon yes they do! Just not you 🙂
Corydonn: Oh you pick that question of mine to answer haha
Celtogalician: Trump is awsome did you see what he signed into office today?
Thanchir: Cory needs more attention. He’s not nearly yellow enough.
Gilforlinolus: so when are people going to start buying relics amulets documents etc again
Mooncast: @Mincemeat – my favorite color is orange 🙂
Lyricut: Can anything be said about the huge gap that will result from the new adorn between Mages and Scouts? I know class balancing is set for the Expansion, but can anything be done in the mean time? It is going to be a very sad 6 mnths
Caith: Kalavar – There will never be an ability to dye gear unfortunately, it does not work with our fundemental art system.
Cyrrena: @gninja will we ever see anything new for the great systems that are already in place like the tradeskill apprentices? And when are you going to make Ttobey animate my broom into a mount?
Corydonn: Any plans on more merc crates?
Moyann: why is it every other update i lose game voice chat? And I am not the only one this happens to
Mmojo: what about minons translocation do you guys know thats been buged sence last update to fix max range
Mpemba: I have a question, How large is the tray of jelly donuts in your office?
Kiltsar: Any chance to getting around to the request to increase storage space in the personal depots (especially the fuel) to keep up with expansions? It’s already lagging behind with recent expansions!
Zeddie: Will the Co-opetition use BG tech to normalize player stats, or is it just gonna be a FFA
Leisher: question: will u plz take leather out of the game?
Rvacina: oh i have a personal Questions for all Develpoers – is for my House “The Lost Libary of Alxander” I would like all of you to Write a “Game book” of your Favorite toon or time in the game, so all can cme read it
Stabbeze: any chance of getting the relic tag removed from some of the gear, theres way to much of it
Gninjadev: Mmojo – Send one of us a private message with details so we can look at it
Celtogalician: I never ware leather make me look fat
Kander: Zeddie, yes, it will BG tech.
Kander: Zeddie, yes, it will use BG tech.
Araphael: starting Fens heroics group, need heals and dps
Zeddie: k ty.
Gninjadev: Stabbeze – if we remove the relic tag from those items the stats would likely go down as a result
Caith: The co-opetition (Proving Grounds) zones will use normalized gear stats.
Karianne: what are you doing to address our current inflation issues?
Buzzilla: @ Kander will there be multiple groups in the Co-OP competing or single groups run and post a time?
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health?
Zeddie: ty caith
Tarryelle: will there be any new heroic zones in the May 2nd update?
Honex: will you bring back the ability to gift expansions to friends?
Uxtalzon: Based on the last expansion, I’m concerned about the “pay-to-win” vibe that pretty much decided for me not to buy it. Next expansion – more of the same? Will players be able to BUY their way to the top instead of earn it?
Leisher: question: can i have a burnt key already?
Lightflight: i mentioned before how about more function to house items like beds to rebuild vitality percentage based on tier od bed
Trule: any pland to fix warlock focussed casting?
Gninjadev: What burnt key 🙂
Zeddie: what burnt key…
Gninjadev: beat ya :p
Zeddie: lol
Pippey: no leisher – u dont need it
Cyrrena: thank you Windstalker for the answer about the broom, I just bugged him endlessly as if they could animate it in Bewitched in the 1950’s and 1960’s he should be up to the task now in 2017
Ledastray: burnt key is sucking my life away…p
Stabbeze: for what this cost in plat and status the relic tag should be removed [eq2u]Cae’Dal Fellowship Bracelet[/eq2u] Ahmayzing: Can you change the 2.0 epic quests so that you don’t have to have a raid to complete some parts? Just have one group?
Furiosx: Any possible way of stopping the people that afk with mobs on them while burnt key is liable to drop? I have been told thats how some people have gotten it
Xsarin: Will Heartbound bugs ever be addressed and fixed?
Caith: Buzzilla In our first avaliable matches two groups will compete in the same zone (but seperated) to see who defeats the zone first. There is no direct PvP, but players can use PvE things to interfere.
Eidob: can we go back the old harvesting way where you couldnt even harvest if your skill was insifficient
Caith: With the other group.
Maldaani: Ive still never been able to tank a single heroic group. EVER. and my gear is quite decent for a non raider
Gninjadev: There are no epic steps in the epic 2.0 quests (other than the mythical part)
Buzzilla: @Caith — Thank!
Twinbladed: stabbeze has a point, are we going to see a removal of relic on peice that took us forever to get?
Corydonn: I’ve not gotten a single heroic group this xpac 🙁
Cyrrena: my other questions were about the apprentices, mine just sit doing nothing as everything has been researched and we have a ton of great systems in game already that are left to languish for the new flavor of the month
Gninjadev: epic as in raid steps heh
Nathox: Question: With the level increase to 110, will our Mythical Epic weapons this xpac be obsolete during the next one at level 110? Is anything being done to prevent our hard work being for nothing?
Kander: Ahmaying, all parts of the current epics should be attainable with a single group, except the mythical portion, of course.
Blackshades: Paladin lfg 375 experts,SLR/asc grind, or Pq lfg pst
Uxtalzon: That still happens Eidob, but it has to be like -50 points under which is pretty rare
Caith: Stabbeze – We do not have any current plans to remove the relic tag from the items that it is currently on.
Ravenovia: I agree on having to earn your harvesting ability
Imtithal: hol up: they’re increasing to 110? where this?
Gninjadev: Nathox – Epic weapons will remain powerful for next expansion
Kander: Epics will not be obsolete with expansion 14, they will still be a focus
Mindtripz: Coercer (395) lfg Ka heroics or SLR, Experts pst
Onclez: will the new HQ hit on the may GU or just the epic quest
Honex: bottom of Kander post on forums
Imtithal: oh
Caith: What they said Nathox…
Headbustaz: Will the bugs with Shroud of Armor/Runic Armor and the associated effect on bleedthrough be looked at any time soon?
Corydonn: Actually, Why are only accounts made before April 23rd or w/e getting the free 100? Why not every new account to bring in more players?
Jamiss: Hey, I want in on this: Epics still useful moving forward!
Gninjadev: Onclez the HQ and the Epilogue will be part of the May update
Eidob: i have not been to KA in a while but those rares getting harvested by pure adventirers is annoyingh
Pippey: no raid questions please
Pandeia: is the new TLE server going to be sub or F2P ?
Vytor: When will the Epilogue quest be available?
Kiltsar: yes, I’ve notice that too, you can play while afk / unattendend and get the burnt key, along with xp, tithe and of course ascension. Just park your toon around the OF PQ area, don’t put up an AFK tag and enjoy the XP/burnt key
Lifeseaver: when will the new level increase happen?
Mutinay: Is there any way you can make it possible for guild leaders tooo purchase a item that turns a prestige home into a guild hall, it would be easier to decorate and not encounter so many deco glitch issues and less crashing also+
Erekose: Any plans for more balance between Dirge and Troub?
Rahsar: Question: With the death of Innourok Will we see Lanys become a worshipable diety?
Illistrious: will next expansion be based on current content like KA or new zone
Mutinay: guild hall item expanders
Caith: Headbustaz – We are looking at any issues with the bleedthrough mechanic yes. While the mechanic is going to stick around, we will try to address any issues with it and make the messaging more clear.
Muldoran: Does the epic bauble only pertain to faction or does it encompass all pre reqs for epic 2.0
Kander: The new TLE will be a subscription format, same as Stormhold.
Thanchir: Can you fix the janky walls/floors in the T3/4 Freeport Guild Hall
Maldaani: Innoruuk was banished not killed
Pippey: booo – raid question answer
Furiosx: Are you guys going to do anything with the Conj/Necro pet with it having so much hate?
Pandeia: Thank you Kander
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health?
Caith: Vytor – Currently planned for the 2nd
Roehean: Question: About the new level 100 boost going to be available… It is any different than the 100 boost given from the KA expansion? If you have not used your KA 100 Boost will you still be able to get the new one being offered?
Ailsabeth: Did anyone already ask or does anyone know of a new expac release date?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflyte, Caith, Jamiss, Mooncast, and we’ll update if more show
Ariaha: Are you ever going to address the furniture eating bug?
Kander: Muldoran, Just factions associated with the Epic quests.
Fungsway: maybe i missed this question. But plat / prices have gotten completely out of hand is there some thoughts on how to doeal with this in the future. I get players selling krono makes money for DBG but thing IMO have gotten out of c
Uxtalzon: /sigh, okay I’ll try a third question. I hate competition so can this co-op race to the finish thing be done WITHOUT competing with another group? Just enjoyed by 2 players?
Honex: the 100 boost baubles do you have to claim them by 15th or use them by 15th?
Stabbeze: any plans to work on the zoning issues, many are having problems getting logged to character select or desktop while zoning
Imtithal: i havent heard of Mooncast
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful has the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Mutinay: And by Tunares bra how about a quadruple faction gain weekend ?
Nathox: Question: Will the next GU bring more gear with orange slots and more orange adornments?
Caith: Roehaen – It is a different bauble, and will provide new gear.
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts
Soulcry: Question? Will we be able to get a ridable skeletal dragon mount sometime in the future? The model is already in the game. Ty =)
Kander: Yes Nathox
Truewarrior: what is the Best Class in this game?
Onclez: i read some where about resolve checked beong lowered as well is that also in may
Venomspecs: any pq’s up
Nathox: Yes to both, Kander?
Kander: Yes Nathox, more orange adornments and slots comming
Nathox: Thank you!
Mmojo: how will the new summer ethereal events go…token system or random drops?
Ailsabeth: What is the meaning of life?
Windstalker: Mooncast is our producer on EQ and EQII. Her name is Lauren McLemore.
Fyreflyte: 42
Gninjadev: 42
Mreean: Question: Will the GU have any crafting love? 🙂
Mooncast: That’s me! 😀
Roehean: So it won’t replace or be a problem having both lvl 100 baubles?
Imtithal: ohhh ok
Trujoss: alright, since the lifeburn question isn’t being answered, will the shards for upgrading epic abilities ever become heirloom?
Chipie: Question 1) COuld the fragments become hailoom at least? and two, there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore
Imtithal: hi im imthal
Twinbladed: Can we pleased get crit bonus added to the Ascension Charm??
Emeralds: Question: Any plan to fix warlock focused casting?
Nathox: Question: When will we see updated WHITE adornments?
Furiosx: Are you guys going to do anything with the Conj/Necro pet with it having so much hate?
Caith: Honex – You do not have to claim or use them by the 15th. Once you have it on your account, you can use it at any time.
Trule: are you sure conj ancient epic pet isnt ignoring combat mitigation? It seems far too op in experts etc
Onclez: yes Planar shards heairloom in @017
Imtithal: what furosx said
Mooncast: Hi! It’s nice to meet you 🙂
Honex: @Caith thank you
Kander: Nathox White adorments coming with May 2nd update.
Wizzlebeats: [question] how do you plan to make Dirge dps more viable, especially when they chose Thaumaturgist to stay true to their Buff and debuff” nature? 😉
Rizpah: Question: When will the Newsie guide appear again? 🙂
Gninjadev: There are no plans to make planar fragments heirloom or tradable
Celtogalician: Did you hear that Farscape is comming back?
Corydonn: Would it be possible to straight up sell [eq2u]a polished tynnonium key[/eq2u] for status? I believe most players are deleting them since the rewards just clog inventory and salvage for nothing
Nathox: Thank you Kander!! Hallelujah!!
Issa: Any plans to make food/drink rares a bit more obtainable? 100k every 2 weeks is a bit steep. Possobly a drop from the heroic/raid weeklys?
Cyrrena: welcome Mooncast
Ailsabeth: Slow down peeps, 100 questions, 2 answers. Let the dev think
Truewarrior: Why noone answer to my questions So far???
Ledastray: will new orange fervor stack with purple fervor procs?
Gninjadev: we are answering questions as fast as we can guys, please be patient
Thanchir: will you guys go back and read questions you might have missed in this log? I’d love for some to be addressed.
Onclez: @ledastray my magic 8 ball says doubtfull
Thanchir: We do understand the fustercluck y ou’re currently in!!
Kander: Ledastray, No they will not stack.
Cyrrena: will we ever see any other harvesting techniques or tradeskills such as clay gathering and pottery, we were talking about it on the forums?
Fistro: Can you make more players? So it’s FASTER to find groups 😉
Uxtalzon: /sigh, okay fourth question. I’m All-Access, but unlike EQ1 I can’t even “try” out a mercenary no matter how crappy it is without being forced to buy it. I can even do quests for mercenaries, but get paywalled. Why?
Ledastray: thx Capt k
Mutinay: Also this is the RP server, our community is wilterig slowly, any chancve a meeting with RP guild leaders to drum up ideas how to change that around? ever server has its thing, i think we need bit more here
Mpemba: Could one of you devs fix the wizards incriment icon, it bugs out and cant see how many stacks there are sometimes and if its not too much trouble, please increase the time on how long we can get to keep them before they dissapear
Caith: Wizzlebeats – While it is far too early to go into specifics about class balance changes, dirge DPS is not the focus of the Dirge class. The dirge is a support class and that will remain it’s focus.
Unclepancho: im pumped for the upcoming GU
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts
Pippey: unckle is lying
Twinbladed: caith ftw on that one
Honex: if you buy KA expansion you get the ability to have mercs even if F2P
Venomspecs: My Question is why are they key quest in Ka low on resolve..everything in ka has Higher resolve..
Mooncast: @Thanchir — I’ll be trying to do a round-up of questions afterwards and getting it posted up. Not everything will get answered, but at least a reference for popular questions asked 🙂
Onclez: i am
Thanchir: Okay… thank you
Tarryelle: Did cross server grouping get scrapped? or is it still a possibility in the future?
Autumns: the entire game is based on DPS, no one deserves it more than utility classes
Honex: Guessing you will have it after KA is two years old if you dont buy expansions
Thanchir: And I do hope you guys talk to the RP community
Corydonn: So what I’m also getting is, In addition to a raid dev EQ2 needs to hire a roleplay developer, How about considering a Corydonn?
Autumns: tbh, they work harder than anyone else
Unclepancho: i missed last summers event im not missing this one
Mandostab: will class balance changes for sorc be affected by current AA or balance of those abilities?
Thanchir: Not really guild leaders, all of us
Nathox: Question: Will the Resolve mechanic continue to be used in Heroic and Raid encounters next xpac?
Razsec: Will the Co-Opetion be balance to require all 4 Archtype?
Radelia: will there ever be more deities added to the game? prexus and veeshan still missing from eq1, for example?
Chuckyb: question: can we make a poker house, where toons can gather and bet platz in texas holdem / 5 card draw and the house can charge 10% I want to take everyones platz muahahah
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful as the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Crowknow: Would you consider rewarding players who participate in pick up groups (pugs) so that dungeon grouping can increase?
Gigglezz: Is there any plans on fixing the combat mit or should I say adjusting the 2nd named and forward in Vaed: Heart of Nightmares, so raid progression can continue?
Lifeseaver: when will the level increase happen?
Dyrtidieds: Answer Pilgra’s Taunt question please
Barbmeat: wondering why you would toss out small xpacs every 6 months, as apposed to making a large really packed full of content xpac yearly
Buzzilla: QUESTION regarding co-op zones again–Will groups be made from Home server or once in the zone can you catch groups with people of other servers?
Pandeia: level cap is with the xpac in the Fall
Gigglezz: especially since those named are required for the mythical weapon updates
Stressx: Taunts have always been underpowered. =P
Gninjadev: Nathox – short answer, yes resolve will be used going forward. Longer answer, we will be making sure that the resolve values are set at the low end of what is needed to succeed in the encounters.
Kander: Lifeseaver, the level increase will happen with the expansion this year.
Trule: any plans to fix summoner pet hitting harder than intended in PQs?
Caith: Mandostab – Class balance changes will involve adjustments to AA’s as often as feasible. We like your AA’s mattering.
Uxtalzon: Awww yeah /flirted with Mooncast. My life is complete
Onclez: speaking of lavel cap it was mention that your combining skills
Lifeseaver: thank you
Surcease: I’d let you have a discount, only 20% for you
Onclez: willthis effect all abilities or only specific ones
Stabbeze: will there be new ascesnion classes going forward
Honex: Is Fallen Gate going to be like Race To Trakanon (limited time) or like Stormhold
Maldaani: Will there ever be plans to oust Cristanos?
Imtithal: pink adorns?
Cyrrena: this is the only RP server left and those in that community that I have spoken to are not focused on end game or raiding, its our journey to end game that matters, will anything be thrown to us to make our journey more immersive?
Mmojo: can you please make lifeburn worth using!!
Thanchir: What Cyrrena said
Caith: Razsec – Our goal is to make the Proving Grounds avaliable to pugs as much as possible, but it is still a heroic zone so will require healing and tanking.
Cyrrena: or are we just fodder to be stepped on while the end game focused trample the server?
Thanchir: Please, please don’t let our community die.
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health? it currently doesn’t
Thanchir: we feel pretty lost among all the Raider raider raider wheee focus.
Maldaani: Are you even aware of how much the RP community IS dying? does it matter?
Corydonn: Roleplay content is made by the roleplayers imo, You guys are the ones running your own plotlines and community
Thanchir: We are but
Thanchir: there are things that could be done to help us do that better
Ariaha: Are you ever going to address chairs “eatting” people. Its so annoying
Zeddie: just come to IoR server. its the best.
Thanchir: no thanks
Caith: Tank threat is about where we want it at the moment, as it requires the entire group to participate in controlling threat. We do not have any plans currently to adjust it.
Corydonn: You got dungeon maker you can use for storytelling. Very very underutilizard.
Cyrrena: but we also used to have naming conventions and company rules as to acceptable behaviour that are no longer enforced
Gninjadev: if you guys have ideas regarding RP stuff feel free to send them to us privately. This isnt really a place to brainstorm right now 🙂
Corydonn: Utilized lol
Tolpapsihov: What about PvP? Is it gone forever?
Konniption:*****/l********d Highlight
Konniption: 15h ago @PeteCityPrice tweeted: “#lizard #L********d see you were wrong..” – read what others are saying and … Not all of us are ARRESTED! #L********d …
Violeticerage: can we get some different hair colors and long hair for girls and black hair lol
Thanchir: Yes but the RP community is bascially forced into housing/instances
Imtithal: OMG can we not talk about LizardSquad?
Dyrtidieds: so whan a devent tank cant even hope to hold aggro against good DPS its ok?
Zeddie: and ya’ll wonder why they dont do ask the dev more often..
Thanchir: the best part of the RP community was when other people could join in outside of housing/instances
Surcease: I’d like a crew cut for girls. but woith you on new hairstyles
Caith: Trujoss It does take max health into account currently, but another cap is causing it to be unused. It’s on the list for adjustment.
Thanchir: there has to be a way to encourage something like that
Imtithal: more hairstyles would be good, even player made hair dye
Corydonn: I don’t think naming conventions have ever hurt anyones. And again I believe it’s the story tellers part in an RP group to move it to outside the housing/guildhalls
Trujoss: @caith- thank you
Zeddie: my +4 thong of attraciveness does’t proc when I emote /woo..
Stabbeze: I think tank threat is an issue that conserns every class I hope you will reconsider your ideas on it
Trule: is focussed casting on said list for adjustment../tumbleweed…
Radelia: will there ever be more deities added to the game? prexus and veeshan still missing from eq1, for example?
Rahsar: Question: any plans to add more armor styles? with some skin!
Thanchir: Okay Cory how much Rping have you done lately, just asking for a friend.
Zeddie: anyone mention Focused Casting yet
Gigglezz: Is there any plans on fixing the combat mit or should I say adjusting the 2nd named and forward in Vaed: Heart of Nightmares, so raid progression can continue?
Gigglezz: especially since those named are required for the mythical weapon updates
Issa: Any plans to make food/drink rares a bit more obtainable? 100k every 2 weeks is a bit steep. Possibly a drop from the heroic/raid weeklys?
Exothermik: any chance of getting recap of things discussed ……… not all of us could be on for full discussions
Corydonn: Guides would be the one to talk to about getting RP events in public. Not sure how much they can do on their own about making stories up but they could be given more freedom
Twinbladed: Overall plans before nit picking each class I would assume would be easier to answer
Stressx: AB isn’t going to be merged Exo. ='(
Kander: Radelia, we do not have any plans to add any new deities at this time.
Thanchir: We o nly have one or two people on the server who have the ears of Guides, etc
Gninjadev: Gigglezz the second boss in Heart of Nightmares is working properly
Ledastray: does potency affect taunts?
Corydonn: RPing on EQ2? None. All my DMing friends play on Neverwinter Nights servers or other RP venues.
Thanchir: and if I wanted to get a guide to help with my event I have no idea how to do so
Headbustaz: potency yes, fervor no
Mooncast: @Exothermik — I’m going to try to gather at least the most popular questions across the AMAs and get them up for everyone to see
Fistro: How does a tank or dps deal with the threat from sinlge hits of over 1Bil ?
Fungsway: i agree with the threat issue. lower geared, yet acceptable heric resolve tanks have a hard time when 2 or more higher dps enter a group. they overpower the threat. its hard to get tanks moving up in the right direction with
Headbustaz: group with coercer troub scout transfer, or let the summoner tank, your choice
Gninjadev: Gigglezz but to answer the question regarding Combat Mit, we are hoping to get some adjustments in for the may update to bring the magical damage more in line with the physical
Thanchir: Well we still RP on her Cory, so we’re talking about things that pertain to us right now.
Corydonn: Last I saw there was still a guide forum for servers.
Gninjadev: That doesnt mean fights will get easier in terms of scripts in tier4 though
Honex: @Thanchir
Chuckyb: @ everyone eq2 is working as intended ty and have a nice day !
Thanchir: Thanks
Malfi: Hey guys! No question, just want to say thank you for all your hard work and keep up the awesome updates!!!!
Zeddie: lol
Caith: Issa – We’ll take a look at the drop rates, however rare things being actually rare isn’t considered a bad thing. If I make them common, I have to reduce their stats appropriately.
Zeddie: well, there’s rare.. then there’s unobtanium rare
Nizard: is there any plans to make manaburn usefull again
Radelia: Will the new TLE server have the same rules/exp rates as stormhold?
Gigglezz: understood, just appears those named are pretty unkillable in their current state but maybe with the new gear, it might make it doable
Caith: Fungsway – Making threat meaningless by making tanks always hold agro no matter what is not a plan we are going to consider.
Corydonn: There isn’t much a dev can do to increase RP unless you can gather up some amazing ideas yourself and email them
Zeddie: still taking applications for Kander’s Round Table?
Nathox: Question: Can you give any hints or teases to the reward for the new Heritage Quest and what kind of stats it may have? Wepaon or armor? Mount?
Exothermik: how about making this Burnt key to at least 2 times a day or 3 times………. some of us have RL and have to work………. doesnt give fair consideration
Cyrrena: RP communities are forced into instances because of disruptive uhmm persons, but we cannot talk about RP on the RP server so … moving on
Gninjadev: Gigglezz – just because they haven’t been killed doesnt mean they are not killable. If you remember that was said about Shanaira the Prestigious
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful as the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Kander: Radelia , We are looking at it, they may not be exactly same for the new TLE.
Emeralds: agrees with Exothermik
Thanchir: Thanks Cory. We are aware of the Obvious
Gigglezz: Gninja: agreed, but that was only after some adjustments 🙂
Thanchir: I think people who actually currently do RP on here probably have a bit more to say about this
Uxtalzon: Flirted with ttobey /winning
Radelia: Thanks for answering questions 🙂
Corydonn: Another thing to consider is raiders are paying 3000$+ to stay competitive right now.
Cyrrena: eons ago it was discussed about being able to actually plant plants in the plant pots for patio gardens, has that gone the way of the dodo?
Kander: The new TLE , Fallen Gate, is a long term server.
Autumns: Why not just make the burnt key a cash shop item!
Thanchir: And we aren’t shelling out money for house items?
Corydonn: Roleplayers need stuff to buy to stay competitive!
Thanchir: Allow me to tell you how much I’ve spent on appearance shit the past 12 years
Nathox: @Cory I am a T3 raider and only pay the monthly subscription fee.
Gninjadev: Gigglezz the adjustments made to Shainara were minimal and did not really make the fight any easier it just caused more guilds to try.
Maethireon: I just woke up I hope devs talk is going on right?
Imtithal: ye
Cyrrena: an RP server is not a competition server, we are a different type of players
Rattatobey: is ttobey as dreamy IRL as he is in the videos?
Buzzilla: QUESTION regarding ethereal runes and the orange adorn–they will not stack but can the purple one still proc while the orange one is on cooldown?
Zeddie: even more so, Ratta
Gninjadev: Gigglezz if you want we can take the discussion offline after the AMA just want to try to get some more questions answered
Ailsabeth: me me me me me me
Caith: Rattatobey – He would be…except for the smell.
Ledastray: in new competitive challenge zone can you directly interfere with the other team? and if so how?
Eleeviah: can you expand the harvestables in thalumbra?
Ailsabeth: There, thought I’d get that out there
Zeddie: especially in that antonia bayle get up…
Gigglezz: sounds good Gninja, thanks for the reply
Zeddie: it puts the animation on the tentacles, or it gets the hose again
Gninjadev: Ledastray – Yes you will be able to mess with the other team but only indirectly
Nathox: Question: Can you give any hints or teases to the reward for the new Heritage Quest and what kind of stats it may have? Weapon or armor? Mount?
Caith: Eleeviah – Already been answered, we will take a look at the drop rates.
Aligator: Will next xpac have nodes to harvest like prior xpacs?
Exothermik: Exo’s question didnt get answered
Rattatobey: I heard we are going to Luclin?
Kander: Nathox, its an item
Nathox: Gee, thanks Kander xD
Eleeviah: ty
Corydonn: There is nothing there Rattatobey, I soloed Kerafyrm and he’s locked up now
Leisher: lol
Fyreflyte: I heard it has stats
Stabbeze: dont feel bad Exo I asked the same question when this started and it never got answered either
Mandostab: summer eth event…what slots are dropping and is the event run like last summer with a merchant?
Corydonn: Jeff Bard said so.
Cyrrena: no Ttobey, you are going to your desk to animate my broom and make it a mount!!!
Kuuleis: I agree, there needs to be more nodes to harvest food rare from
Surcease: I miss Luclin, but how do they fix the fact it’s blowed up real good?
Fistro: Not asking to make tank threat meaningless – asking about a modest improvement so it matches the new high dps.
Exothermik: repeat then…….. isnt that what this is suppose to be for?
Radelia: When will we get to know where the next expansion will take place?
Honex: Any plans for new house that wont be part of buying next expansion?
Furiosx: If so many would stop asking dumb questions they can answer the good ones 🙂
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts or is just faction
Kander: Mandostab, currently the plan is for a Cloak slot Ethereal items with orange adornments.
Corydonn: Also @Ttobey, When do I get a Kao KEn animation and a Kamehameya?
Rattatobey: Im not the famous ttobey, just an ordinary rat
Evanesence: what is coming out in the update vs what is coming in the future? there are alot of exciting things coming id just like to know what we are getting on Tuesday vs later int he year.
Mandostab: nice..thanks
Nathox: Question: Will the upcoming GU bring any new Public Quests?
Exothermik: Whats the chance of getting more then once a day drop for the burnt key………… Not fair to ppl that have RL and actaully have to work
Uxtalzon: Hmmm, last question: Will this next expansion try to alleviate players opinions that the game is sort of P2W? In other words, is it changing direction away from that?
Imtithal: my guesses: the moon, japan, somewhere else
Stressx: Define ‘good question’. =(
Eleeviah: can we have more pretty dresses?
Eleeviah: not a joke
Thanchir: seriously
Thanchir: Something better than the skank clothes, please!
Evanesence: also any chance we will get an update in future on the models and clothing?
Buzzilla: repeat QUESTION regarding ethereal runes and the orange adorn–they will not stack but can the purple one still proc while the orange one is on cooldown?
Mooncast: @Honex — I’m working towards that 🙂 That is definitely a goal of mine
Caith: Chat scrolls fast folks, we get tells as well. If your question isn’t answered, just restate it.
Uxtalzon: Hey I like my skanks well-dressed Thanchir
Rattatobey: dresses are painful to get working
Brusin: Is my chat broken cause all I ever see is ?’s and no awnser’s
Imtithal: [eq2u]Robe of Ro Achievements[/eq2u] Blackshades: Agreed burnt key is crazy ppls alt of alt have um but i know ppl who camp it and nada wtb duck helm like chances
Thanchir: and you may still have them
Surcease: OMG and Freeblood need to be able to look like Mistmore vamps
Mutinay: can we have unlimited wardrobe slotrs? i cant buy any more top slots they are maxed out…my toon is a fashion icon, i need slots lol
Thanchir: but we would also like non skank options
Tolpapsihov: What about PvP? Is it gone forever?
Honex: @Mooncast you are my new bestie! Thanks
Ledastray: the raid mob ‘shade’ does he drop chainmail versions of this[eq2u]Ascended Martial Pattern[/eq2u] or is it just leather / cloth only?
Lyricut: It was mentioned in Discord that there would be minor class balancing with the May update, is that still happening?
Maethireon: Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Kander: Tolpapsihov we no plans to expand pvp.
Zeddie: a 3 pack of IoR transfer tokens for 1k dbc would be neato
Cyrrena: will we be seeing the City of Mist house on the marketplace soon?
Dyrtidieds: All I have seen lately is that a less than fully geared (with epic) tank is about as useful as a doorstop holding aggro against a DPS worth his salt. the disparity is making some people unable/unwilling to tank heroics.
Rattatobey: that we can do, but really who wears anything when swimming in norrath
Gninjadev: Ledastray – No he does not, those drops are on a different boss. Your princess is in another castle.
Imtithal: I want bigger zones but not too big and full of nothing, see : Yooka Laylee to see what I mean :/
Caith: Buzzilla – No they cannot
Mreean: nothing was in Kander’s Candor or the Producer’s Letter about crafting – are we getting any crafting love this time around? 🙂
Buzzilla: thank you @ Caith
Corydonn: Swimwear for summer 2017 would make Roleplayers happy
Ledastray: k ..thx will have fun stOrming the castle…p
Jerryrig: Can we get a river vale guild hall or house
Thanchir: we do not need an iksar in a netted slingshot brief
Mandostab: assuming this expac follows similiar events…when will the “heroic merchant” be added in?
Nathox: Yes, does the upcoming GU have any updates to tradeskilling?
Cyrrena: I see you are still lurking about Ttobey and not animating my broom into a mount
Kander: Yes, crafting levels will be increased with the expansion this year, same as adventure levels with new recipes and content.
Radelia: uh i think thats exactly what we need than
Kander: Mreean, Yes, crafting levels will be increased with the expansion this year, same as adventure levels with new recipes and content.
Faethy: pvp? or bg?
Zeddie: <cough> crafting tokens..
Evanesence: when does the summer event start?
Exothermik: Whats the chance of getting more then once a day drop for the burnt key………… Not fair to ppl that have RL and actaully have to work…….. Kander?
Mreean: I meant the GU, not the expansion, but thanks (like with Zek, we got armor to craft)
Thanchir: save yourself the trouble… melt your eyes with acid
Rattatobey: there’s a tax on wood , so brooms are to expensive
Trule: I think the game still needs a pvp option..any plans on retrying battlegrounds?
Caith: Evanesence – This Summer.
Maldaani: forgodsake Corydonn quit trying to act like you know anything about RPing. everything youve talked about is so off track its laughable
Nathox: Question: Will the upcoming GU bring any new Public Quests?
Stressx: No, please don’t try to make pvp a thing again since it got so many things nerfed for pve. =(
Kander: Nathox, No updates for tradeskilling with the May update, no.
Gninjadev: Exothermik – There are no plans to change the rate of the burnt key given in Obulus but we have been tossing around some ideas for other places it could be given. No details right now though.
Zeddie: smh
Maethireon: Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Tarryelle: will there be any new heroics in the May 2nd update? or just the competition thing?
Corydonn: Drag was nerfed in PVP so there is no point to it ever again
Evanesence: so June then?
Lifeseaver: that is a good question, any new PQ’s?
The worlds sighs as someone gets kicked…
Elspethtirel: lol
Exothermik: it just sucks i work so much so already struggling to stay competative and then this burnt key only dropped once a day which almost makes it Impossible for me to obtain
Imtithal: wow
Zeddie: lol
Brouklyn: are there sovereign coin merchants?
Corydonn: Is that what happened to me like 5 minutes ago lol?
Zeddie: moderated.
Furiosx: Lol
Uxtalzon: /who all Ssilver, rekt
Lyricut: It was mentioned in Discord that there would be minor class balancing with the May update, is that still happening?
Agivia: holy god complex
Eleeviah: what about contested zone when can we see a new one?
Mindtripz: Question: When will Coercer pets get a window like necros and or shared stats like every other pet class?
Sintlara: lol
Corydonn: Remember when I took control of a GM account and killed a bunch of players? Good times 🙂
Amaloorc: lol, somone Ninja the Big G?
Caith: Lyricut – Yes, but it is not a major overhaul.
Maldaani: Gninja is now just a Lootable Box that he is
Honex: Would you consider allowing dungeons and guilds to be transfered to IoR?
Gninjadev: Exothermik – the key currently is given out 2-3 times a day not once.
Kander: Eleeviah, no plans for a new contested zone currently.
Eleeviah: ty
Zeez: more combat pet skins would be spiffy too
Stabbeze: are there any plans to make an ascnesion class spell window like the beastmasters, hard to have all the spells with not enough hotbars
Zeddie: what key
Mutinay: speaking currency, can we get a merchant that exchangwes old irrelevant currency for something current, maybe for etheresal coins for the thulmbra ethereal merchant?
Nathox: New Public Quests? Any of those in the upcoming GU?
Exothermik: so how often is it……. i understood only every like 22 hours
Tarryelle: Is it true that Gnomes and Ratongas have a secret society that controls everything on Norrath?
Barbmeat: the key is given once a day, either at 23 hours or 35 1/2..
Thanchir: That is confirmed, Tarry
Nathox: Yes, Tarryelle.
Fistro: Is Cross-Server grouping a possibility ?
Barbmeat: 25 n half rather
Thanchir: /_\
Gninjadev: Nathox – I dont believe there is a new PQ in the may update, sorry
Gigglezz: Will there be any new heroic/raid content with the May 2nd update other than the co-op (battle ground rule) zone
Uxtalzon: New question I pulled out of my butt: any plans of letting players take up a secondary tradeskill, like I’m 100 armorer but I can possibly raise Metalworking or Tailoring as well?
Thanchir: Illuminatiiiiiiiii
Lurindae: ya ok there Gninja? seen ya jsut go down
Exothermik: yes so please say how often key is dropped
Jamiss: Time to silence Tarryelle….
Gninjadev: Barbmeat – that is incorrect.
Tarryelle: Meep!
Silverlance: question….is the number of hard game crashes being looked at ?
Kander: Uxtalzon, no plans for that any time soon.
Gninjadev: Exo – I just did hehe
Uxtalzon: Oh well, worth a shot. Thanks :3
Kuuleis: Question: For clarity, the bauble coming out on May 2nd, will only max the factions necessary to start and complete epic 1.0 so that you can start epic 2.0, is that correct?
Pandeia: in order to increase the population on IoR, would there ever be an option to transfer guilds over ?
Mutinay: and throw a every 4 hour key drop event weekend maybe
Goldybelle: where are the GMs at physically?
Exothermik: scrolling again
Maethireon: Have I just missed my question’s answer in the wall of text? xD
Zeez: fixing CoV would be cool too … when it doesn’t work its a PITA
Illistrious: what do you need to do in order for key to drop
Thanchir: OMG PLEASE fix COV
Luxbane: I heard the GMs are currently located in Burned Woods.
Furiosx: Quests kill mobs or something
Blackshades: now thats the real question
Leisher: key for 10k tokens
Zeddie: they’re in kylong planes. lets all go crash the zone
Furiosx: just be active
Nathox: So how bout that Summer event! What can we expect to see this summer? The same thing as last year?
Thanchir: it fails terribly 🙁
Gninjadev: Illistrious – We aren’t going to give out exactly how it works. Its intended to be mysterious.
Maldaani: Agree with Silver – my game crashes are HUGELY increased the past few months even tho I have a new computer and I zone really fast
Blackshades: what do u have to do to get a key to drop cuz it doesnt seem to have any type of reasoning
Imtithal: omg where is the wandering kerra spirit
Kander: Kuuleis, the bauble coming maxes all factions required for the Epic 2.0 quests. It does not effect any Epic 1.0 factions.
Lifeseaver: can we have server wide PVP against other servers?
Thanchir: Agree with Maldaani I crash constantly.
Soulcry: Is there a way you (devs) can limit/cap the amount of SLR going on in the game? Inflation is out of control on this server (all servers) bc of it
Nathox: @Soulcry It isn’t SLR that is acausing inflation 😛
Gninjadev: Soulcry – SLR doesnt really add currency to the game it just relocates it
Zeddie: Are the new Familiars going to be upgradable via the cash / dbc shop?
Gigglezz: Will there be any new heroic/raid content with the May 2nd update other than the co-op (battle ground rule) zone?
Cyrrena: Kander, will we ever get a way to get a mini statue like on the Queens Colony dock that behaves exactly like that one does?
Corydonn: Botting adds currency to game :p Oh wait, That doesn’t exist. “Boxxing”
Kander: There will definitely be summer ethereal events. The current plan is for cloak slots and orange adornments for those cloaks.
Gninjadev: Zeddie Familiars will be able to be earned in game
Chuckyb: wtb my mythical update 2.0 how much platz do i need !
Zeddie: ty
Thanchir: Yessss I would love a Kander plush. NOSTALLLGIIAAAA
Zeddie: kander waifuu ?
Furiosx: Awesome
Lyricut: QUESTION: Is there any chance the DEVS can reconsider making Tithe account sharing NOT just the highest shared. We would far prefer all of the tithe we have worked for across all toons to be acounted for.
Tarryelle: Kander wig > all! When will the Kander wig be available? 😛
Pandeia: Question – is there a possibility of transferring guilds to another server?
Uxtalzon: I really thought that was Kander for a few minutes and tried talking to him 🙁 newb4life
Blackshades: chucky u would need a guild that can kill T4 mobs
Cyrrena: I think a whole line of dev plushies, like Ttobey on his duck mount
Chipie: Question: there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore, 2 suggestions: 1 make house fuel debot larger please! and bring LON items in game, event or whatever
Stabbeze: will there be the opportunity of getting last summers ethereal items with this summers event
Barbmeat: are there any plans to make the key OR harvestables spawn in OF2?
Thanchir: Oh. How about different hairstyles…. as HELMS?
Chuckyb: that will never happen this is why i pay to win !
Honex: Plus 1000 for dev plushies
Zeez: also please stop changing the graphics of older content .. you all totally ruined my monk’s hard earned looked when you changed void knuckles 🙁
Cyrrena: how about our hair not disappearing when you put on a bandana
Nathox: If you pay to win, you’re in the wrong guild and raid alliance 😛
Gninjadev: Chipie – If you find broken quests please /bug them and we will get them on the schedule to get fixed as quickly as we can
Mandostab: the next expac increase to 110…is there an new AA tree along with that or more ascension?
Caith: Chipie – We do not have any plans right now about increasing the size on the depots. There may be new ones made avaliable sometime in the future however.
Bloodstainsword: r there any healer merc in freeport?
Nathox: I like Mando’s question. Will we see addition to Ascension and AA trees next xpac?
Navari: Question. Sorry if this has been asked already just logged in. Any plans to make planar fragments heirloom or the spells at least?
Kander: Mandostab, there are no plans for new AA or new trees, we may be opening up the current AA and Prestige and removing many of the restrictions.
Silverlance: question….is the number of hard game crashes being looked at ?
Chipie: ty Caith and GNinga
Gninjadev: Navari – No plans right now
Lurindae: or make the OB harvestable spawn more then one ?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: 10 minutes left in our AMA in General!
Zeez: chipie .. named after AI’s owlbear?
Mutinay: maybe few more perks for the heartbound feature, dedication to your ingame spouse should come with more then a fervor boost, some kind of stat power up or strike thru bonus if your spouse gets below certain percent or bites it,
Navari: ty gninja
Jamiss: @Silverlance, we always keep an eye on the crashes
Caith: Mandostab – We do not have any plans yet to add a new AA tree. It is early in the planning stages however.
Nathox: What about Ascension classes? Will they be expandedo n next xpac?
Corydonn: Polygamy for Heartbound feature?
Barbmeat: are there any plans to make the key OR harvestables spawn in OF2?
Eleeviah: can we have a portable heartbound item
Kuuleis: I find as many as 4 shadeweave buds up 0/0
Buzzilla: finally somethign says I can get behind!
Thanchir: Big of you? That’s bigamy!
Silverlance: ty Jamiss
Zeddie: ascension trainer cell phone.. to swap on teh fly
Fistro: Next time can you make the Dev answers in a different color ?
Mutinay: lets keep somethings modern and sacred @ corydonn
Maethireon: [Question!] Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Uxtalzon: My name is Uxtalzon and I have 14 Ratonga wives.
Derraa: What is all that stuff about?? Some1 getting kicked to the jail or the game???
Corydonn: I have multiple waifu and husbando
Gninjadev: We have no plans to change heartbound.
Thanchir: And yet
Hurtsdirge: didnt see an answer to this, been asked a few times, are there any plans to make the Purple Ethereal runes more available? like in quest rewards?
Emeralds: i like mutany’s idea!!
Thanchir: Sempai will never notice you.
Mutinay: lol
Surcease: call him the Rat King
Caith: Nathox – Ascnesion classes will be expanded on, however the current ascension spells will remain relevent.
Imtithal: my waifu is anashti sul
Tanist: Yes! No! Can we get a RP feature on Mara Island permanent? Say stage and perhaps some booths!
Rattatobey: broom girl is terrorizing me in Qeynos!
Oushie: QUESTION: sorry missed it what was the awnser to current Tank Agro Issues
Corydonn: Tank aggro is where they want it
Zeddie: haha
Cyrrena: I haven’t smacked him with my broom yet, so he hasnt seen terrorizing
Thanchir: Please rebuild the Blood Haze Inn in Freeport! <3
Corydonn: They want the entire group to work on aggro not just the tank
Maldaani: yes Swap Ascensions on the FLY! SO annoying having to go back tot he trainer!!!!!!!!!!!
Chuckyb: I dont believe the mythical 2.0 weapons have been created yet. Link one please to prove me wrong. Muhahahaha !
Fevi: For a brand new player, where would you (devs) recommend finding the most up to date information regarding specs, rotations, skills, etc?
Chipie: you guys hireing? ) Serriously, keep up the good work… EQ2 still the best there is… )
Kuuleis: Question: with class balancing coming and healers, are you going to reduce or increase dps for the class to force them to play debuffers
Gninjadev: Chuckb – Sure thing, go earn it 🙂
Buzzilla: +1 chipie
Dyrtidieds: they better add better or more threat drops then
Kander: Chuckyb, they most certainly have been created.
Corydonn: For a new player wondering about best specs rotations and skills would be to ask someone well versed in the class
Rizarax: If ascension classes will be expanded upon, is there any benefit of stocking up on the current guided ascension scrolls for more exp?
Mutinay: oh fun items that are interactable, we need more those, i had to make my own washing machine that opens and clothes be nice if i could add something to make it more real
Chuckyb: lol
Lifeseaver: can you link some of your armor please Devs
Zeddie: they’re nude.
Lifeseaver: what !
Chedduh: Is the bug/exploit on mara raids being chain ran and repeated known and somthing being done?
Uxtalzon: *bites lip*
Chuckyb: i need my poker house to earn the platz to buy the updates !
Cyrrena: the rat is fleeing from me and I was nothing but nice to him
Gninjadev: [eq2u]Fried Pantaloons[/eq2u] Jamiss: [eq2u]ration[/eq2u] Thanchir: And! Those stone houses in Bloodskull Valley, I would completely pay for a blank readymade house.
Lifeseaver: those are some hot pants !
Tarryelle: eep! Gninja you’re pantaloons are on fire!
Caith: Kuuleis – Healers will get a variety of adjustments depending on their secondary focus. Some will get more buffing, some will get more DPS, others debuffing. It is far too early to go into specifics because it is all very much
Tarryelle: your*
Honex: any plans on increasing the guild hall amenity cap?
Caith: on the drawing board at the moment.
Gninjadev: Chedduh – according to our logs players are not able to chain run the mara raid zones. We have been watching it closely
Mutinay: [Tunares Stripper Outfit] Kuuleis: Thank you Caith
Thanchir: what
Eleeviah: show mystics some love pls
Mooncast: [eq2u]Robe of the Frost Mage[/eq2u] — wearing them because they have moons on them 😀
Kialyn: Speaking of houses, would there be any chances of getting prestige homes based on the grottos in Moonlight Enchantments?
Mrsfurrball: reforger for th guild halol would be nice
Stabbeze: any plans to make the ethereal runes more attainable
Cyrrena: you cannot outrun me rat boy
Tanist: <Question!> Yes! No! Can we get a permament stage or Larger bar in The Village of Shin for RP! Please! Possibly?
Thanchir: Mooncast – that’s really cute
Kander: Honex, we may be upgrading old amenities, raising the cap is not out of the question either.
Kuuleis: [eq2u]The Kly’s Masterful Leather Chaps[/eq2u] because they are sexy
Tarryelle: Is the cross server grouping tool still being worked on? or did it get scrapped?
Rattatobey: oh I am gone gone gone
Imtithal: keep askin
Gninjadev: Tanist – Shoot us a private message about what you need and we will see what we can do.
Gigglezz: bah delete leather Kuuleis 🙂
Tanist: <cheers!!!!>
Rokk: Question: Is there any plans to modify, increase, or upgrade the vaules/stats of our current AA’s to be more in line with growing stats?
Fungsway: thanks for caring enought to come listen to use. you should do this more often
Jamiss: @Tarryelle, Cross-server grouping tool was stopped in favor of other things.
Lifeseaver: thank you Devs for your time and showing us your undies )
Kuuleis: I’d like to thank you all for coming over to AB and answering questions as best as you could.
Eregis: hey i want stuff too. like a kelethin prestige house. or playable eq1-style erudites, which we know still exist as of sentinel’s fate.
Gninjadev: Tarryelle – the co-opetition zones are cross server grouping
Mooncast: @Kialyn — unsure, but I can definitely take a look at that 🙂
Chipie: they kinda are doing it everyday ) just not here :p
Nathox: Thank you very much for your time Kander and the team!
Kialyn: Whooot! Thanks all for your time!
Thanchir: Thank you guys for listening to AB. We appreciate it.
Caristisa: Thank you
Eregis: this is pretty cool tho
Elspethtirel: Thank you, Devs!
Thanchir: As you can see… a lot of us still REALLY CARE about this game
Chuckyb: yes ty for the time hopefully yall get paid $$$$$
Mutinay: question about coercer poss ess spell, seems if i copy a certain mob it carries properties like lets say tank then i can shout it, healer coer healing, but pet doesnt do any healing to me, anyway can make pet act like class copie
Caith: Rokk – Any AA’s that get updated will be part of the class balance adjustments, but we are still too early for specifics.
Pippey: thank you now slip me the burnt key
Zeddie: is that code…
Honex: @Kander thanks!
Chuckyb: up down left right a b start
Lurindae: oooooo put the robe in game I like it!’
Cyrrena: thank you for your time, but I will not stop my campaign for a BROOM MOUNT, Ttobey says no, but I think its because he cannot animate it
Thanchir: Love from a former Guide!
Roehean: *hands Pippey a key and a torch*
Caith: Mutinay – I’ll take a look, it will not be in the short term but maybe part of the class balance updates for the expansion.
Zeddie: i need moar dots
Eregis: oh, a dev autograph. can i have your autograph.
Thanchir: More dots
Lurindae: agrees with tanist on that
Mooncast BROADCASTS: Thank you all for your questions!!! It looks like we’re out of time! 🙁
Oobliteration: have you ever thought about having all weapons being converted to House items. I have tons of cool loder weapons that I would love to display in a house
Honex: Thanks Devs!!!
Chuckyb: minus 50 dkp
Zeddie: ty !
Uxtalzon: Thanks for the answers for the random hectic questionings.
Gninjadev: Take care all 🙂
Thanchir: hahaha I still love that animation
Sashiea: Thank you!
Lilystar: Thanks devs!!!
Eregis: awwww, later
Thanchir: BYE GUYS
Enspire: Thank you!!
Zeddie: see ya on the forums gninja
Chipie: /cheers, marci!
Corydonn: Peace, Good job you guys
Mutinay: thank you that be awesome, just figure if i can cast coer heal on pet it should behave like a healer
Kauheb: ty!!
Kialyn: Thanks again devs and take care!
Zeddie: <3
Fistro: Cheers
Dennes: thax for doing this :0
Gninjadev: No questions? Okay thanks for coming!
Faethy: hi and welcome home
Ailsabeth: You approach an orc and move to attack. You roll a one. You lightly rub his back and the orc now feels very awkward.
Windstalker BROADCASTS: You may begin asking your questions in General!
Faawn: Hello Kander
Gninjadev: @Mmojo Gnope
Twinbladed: will [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] have crit bonus added to it and become non relic as we have way to many relic pieces while slots like [eq2u]Exemplar Platemail Sabatons[/eq2u] are better
Mmojo: 🙂
Stressx: When are you gonna merge AB with another server!
Rvacina: I have only 1 question For the Developers – Why the Level raise? we are working hard on our epics and you could have done the raising of other things instead of levels
Thanchir: Can we fix the COA bug… where you get 1000hp at level 99? And can’t help the group til you hit 100??
Faethy: is there any possibilty that AB will be merged with another server
Ravenovia: hello Kander
Mmojo: yes merges us!
Mincemeat: what is your favourite colour?
Stabbeze: any chance of changing around the time of day on the burnt keys, so that everyone has the opportunity to participate
Crowknow: With populations declining on AB, its becoming very hard to find groups. Will you be planning on merging servers, creating a mega server or even revamping the dungeon finder for the new content?
Buzzilla: Merge AB into Isle!
Buzzilla: free trade for everyone!
Corasani: Is there a plan to create another race? orc or something?
Autumns: How much does the human head weigh?
Kiyryin: my first question.. is there a way to turn off that annoying ding for broadcasts? 🙂
Corydonn: Is there any chance to move the ethereal purple addorns from KP contested to some current solo quest boxes?
Mmojo: and what do you devs have on!
Kander: Rvacina, Epics will stay relivent. you did not do all that work for nothing.
Kuuleis: what is with the rarity of fragments? I have yet to see a lesser and PQ grind for greaters nets me nothing more than mercc gear
Mmojo: i have nothing!
Tearamina: leave it as it is.
Barbmeat: one question, and only one, why would you think that slogging through weeks of outdated content would be ” fun”, whe you could have made NEW content for out epics
Eleeviah: i wish the devs answers were a diffrent color
Barbmeat: our
Caith: Twinbladed We do not have any plans to remove the Relic tag from the Tome of the Ascended, however we may review it’s stats.
Kander: Crowknow We do not have any plans for server merges,
Celtogalician: the human head weighs about 3 punds
Rahsar: Question: With the death of Innourok Will we see Lanys become a worshipable diety?
Thanchir: For things to purchase… can we purchase the stone houses from Bloodskull valley?
Ravenovia: DON”T merge us! we are the last RP server in game!!
Stressx: Also can I get the x dropped off my name since I originally had Stress before I transfered off! =O
Calowyn: ^^^
Caith: Stressx We have no plans in the immediate future to merge AB anywhere.
Stressx: Called it!
Ailsabeth: Who is roleplaying anyway?
Furiosx: Is it possible for you guys to talk on the broadcast channel when answering major questions? So i can see it and others as well?
Truewarrior: Why rangers dont have Endless Quiver abilitie?
Twinbladed: When can we expect class balance? With these new items coming out such as the new fervor proc, there is a concern that the gap between classes will grow further apart than it is now
Imtithal: just do /role of cours
Wynterswolf: do you think that we can get like a faction experience double day?
Honex: will it be possible to move guilds to Isle of Refuge in future?
Corasani: Please please get rid of most of the Heirloom / No Trade rule
Caith: Thanchir Send me a tell with more details about that bug, because I am not familiar with it.
Nakomis: Question what is the actual TRUE level cap thi game could go to if you were to push to the limit?
Ailsabeth: I’ve only seen a few players actually roleplay once in the last year I’ve been on this server.
Stressx: Okay I got a better question! When are you gonna merge any other server with AB!
Faethy: okay no merge, when we lvl to 110 will there be new consumables added as well as new spells
Gninjadev: @Corasani, there’s a server for that 🙂
Pippey: may we have no trade removed from the fragments of planar energy and emeralds please?
Lightflight: i would like to see more usage out of some of the house items such as beds
Tarryelle: Is the cross server grouping tool still being worked on? or did it get scrapped?
Ravenovia: what is the gain of making scholar class tradeskillers if any artisan can make grandmasters for themselves?
Calowyn: Plenty of people still roleplay here 🙂 just not in pick up groups/raids
Caith: Autumns – 11 pounds
Ijay: lf4m tank healer dps for scout up date in Oillars of Flame
Kander: Faethy, you can expect all things that come with a normal level cap increase,
Alantia: I can’t follow any of this. Who is answering the questions?
Corasani: Would you make this one a no Heirloom/No trade? I don’t want to leave the Rp server here
Lightflight: that would be a great way to restore vitality without potions or the standard .5 percent per hour rate
Ijay: pillars of Flame
Headbustaz: Why does Shade only drop a leather pattern? And why did you go away from certain mobs dropping certain armor pieces everytime? We’re still trying to get T2 boots on people after months of killing the mob
Lomindel: devs need colored names or something
Imtithal: roleplayers stick to their own ingame house
Chipie: two questions if I may, 1) COuld the fragments become hailoom at least? and two, there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore
Uxtalzon: Landmark was more or less a scam meant to avoid refunding players, and Holly was the “proud” EP of it. Zero communication. It was so bad some players are forming a class action. How will it be any different with EQ1 and 2?
Soulcry: Will it be possible to have a skeletal dragon as a riding mount? The model is already there =)
Dewrun: WHat currency are we going to be able to purchase the Faction Baubles with?
Imtithal: Can we have camel mounts
Luxbane: may I please have a cookie?
Karianne: what are you doing to address the runaway inflation in the game?
Fyreflyte: @Nakomis probably 2^31? At some point you’d hit the floating point limit…
Kalavar: these 2 questions i have n=been asking since this game launched….will there ever be the ability to dye our gear …and will we eve be able to actualy sit on chairs and other furniture ?
Honex: Will we be getting the new cool building blocks for all the crafted building block sets soon?
Eleeviah: i wish people would stop asking dumb ass questions
Zeddie: amen.
Thanchir: Can we also… Bring back the Blood Haze Inn in West Freeport? It was a really big Roleplay hub back in the day and the RP community misses it.
Corasani: OOOH Dying gear would be awesome!!
Buzzilla: What can we expect with the co-opetition–will it be instanced with a couple groups? Or will will be with a lot of groups?
Maldaani: can you make [eq2u]Shadow of the War Wraith[/eq2u] FLYABLE?
Buzzilla: or will it be solo instanced?
Kalavar: but it doenst actually work
Ailsabeth: get rid of heirloom and no trade, but that would cut into revenue for things such as unattuners. Increase the guided ascension.
Pippey: eleeviah – reported for cursing!
Eidob: sorry for the cpas
Lamakin: This game is better with more players. Can we promote Alts
Lamakin: by shortcutting the pre-reqs to get/keep them current ?
Kander: Dewrun- Its one bauble for all factions needed for all the Epic 2.0 quests and it will be close to free or plat, as in a couple of plat.
Eidob: and misspelling
Corydonn: Can we expect a system to get rid of the AA star on named such as bonus ascension EXP or tithe?
Thanchir: Sorry for the Certified Public Attorneys?
Twinbladed: will [eq2u]Tome of the Ascended[/eq2u] have crit bonus added to it and become non relic as we have way to many relic pieces while slots like [eq2u]Exemplar Platemail Sabatons[/eq2u] are better
Caith: Twinbladed (and All) – While it is too early to be speaking specifics about class balance changes, we will be making them throughout the next few months and also many during the expansion.
Celtogalician: buy Silver bullion
Faethy: so, i think i read there will be no new zones added, does this mean some zones will become harder?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflight, Caith and we’ll update if more show
Twinbladed: ok lol sorry need to know!
Gninjadev: @Eidob actually very little of the plat introduced into the game comes from the loyalty bags
Caith: Truewarrior – You should get the Ranger epic, it doesn’t need ammo
Fyreflyte: She spelled my name wrong. NOOOOOOOOOO
Thanchir: Can we also have an AMA for the RP community on here down the line? (We still do exist!!!)
Imtithal: is the Sha’ir in DoF intentionally named for old Arabic lore of poets with magic powers, connected to the Poets Palace?
Furiosx: Okay thank you. I wasnt sure who the devs were…
Eidob: how can it not dork the economy though
Celtogalician: people trust in Feot money, Buy buy gold and silver
Buzzilla: @ fireflyte if you have spelled your name right in the first place! 🙂
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflyte (sigh), Caith and we’ll update if more show
Maldaani: Yes would like to see more attention to the RP community equal to the Raid community
Thanchir: ^^^^^^^^
Corydonn: Raid community gets attention? 🙂
Lomindel: lol
Radelia: the new TLE server, will it have same rules and exp gain as stormhold?
Corasani: Eeww Don’t make the server Socialist – don’t cap the economy lol
Xatl begins to summon an Earthen Avatar.
Fyreflyte: Thanks 😀
Trujoss: will lifeburned take into account max health?
Gninjadev: Corydon yes they do! Just not you 🙂
Corydonn: Oh you pick that question of mine to answer haha
Celtogalician: Trump is awsome did you see what he signed into office today?
Thanchir: Cory needs more attention. He’s not nearly yellow enough.
Gilforlinolus: so when are people going to start buying relics amulets documents etc again
Mooncast: @Mincemeat – my favorite color is orange 🙂
Lyricut: Can anything be said about the huge gap that will result from the new adorn between Mages and Scouts? I know class balancing is set for the Expansion, but can anything be done in the mean time? It is going to be a very sad 6 mnths
Caith: Kalavar – There will never be an ability to dye gear unfortunately, it does not work with our fundemental art system.
Cyrrena: @gninja will we ever see anything new for the great systems that are already in place like the tradeskill apprentices? And when are you going to make Ttobey animate my broom into a mount?
Corydonn: Any plans on more merc crates?
Moyann: why is it every other update i lose game voice chat? And I am not the only one this happens to
Mmojo: what about minons translocation do you guys know thats been buged sence last update to fix max range
Mpemba: I have a question, How large is the tray of jelly donuts in your office?
Kiltsar: Any chance to getting around to the request to increase storage space in the personal depots (especially the fuel) to keep up with expansions? It’s already lagging behind with recent expansions!
Zeddie: Will the Co-opetition use BG tech to normalize player stats, or is it just gonna be a FFA
Leisher: question: will u plz take leather out of the game?
Rvacina: oh i have a personal Questions for all Develpoers – is for my House “The Lost Libary of Alxander” I would like all of you to Write a “Game book” of your Favorite toon or time in the game, so all can cme read it
Stabbeze: any chance of getting the relic tag removed from some of the gear, theres way to much of it
Gninjadev: Mmojo – Send one of us a private message with details so we can look at it
Celtogalician: I never ware leather make me look fat
Kander: Zeddie, yes, it will BG tech.
Kander: Zeddie, yes, it will use BG tech.
Araphael: starting Fens heroics group, need heals and dps
Zeddie: k ty.
Gninjadev: Stabbeze – if we remove the relic tag from those items the stats would likely go down as a result
Caith: The co-opetition (Proving Grounds) zones will use normalized gear stats.
Karianne: what are you doing to address our current inflation issues?
Buzzilla: @ Kander will there be multiple groups in the Co-OP competing or single groups run and post a time?
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health?
Zeddie: ty caith
Tarryelle: will there be any new heroic zones in the May 2nd update?
Honex: will you bring back the ability to gift expansions to friends?
Uxtalzon: Based on the last expansion, I’m concerned about the “pay-to-win” vibe that pretty much decided for me not to buy it. Next expansion – more of the same? Will players be able to BUY their way to the top instead of earn it?
Leisher: question: can i have a burnt key already?
Lightflight: i mentioned before how about more function to house items like beds to rebuild vitality percentage based on tier od bed
Trule: any pland to fix warlock focussed casting?
Gninjadev: What burnt key 🙂
Zeddie: what burnt key…
Gninjadev: beat ya :p
Zeddie: lol
Pippey: no leisher – u dont need it
Cyrrena: thank you Windstalker for the answer about the broom, I just bugged him endlessly as if they could animate it in Bewitched in the 1950’s and 1960’s he should be up to the task now in 2017
Ledastray: burnt key is sucking my life away…p
Stabbeze: for what this cost in plat and status the relic tag should be removed [eq2u]Cae’Dal Fellowship Bracelet[/eq2u] Ahmayzing: Can you change the 2.0 epic quests so that you don’t have to have a raid to complete some parts? Just have one group?
Furiosx: Any possible way of stopping the people that afk with mobs on them while burnt key is liable to drop? I have been told thats how some people have gotten it
Xsarin: Will Heartbound bugs ever be addressed and fixed?
Caith: Buzzilla In our first avaliable matches two groups will compete in the same zone (but seperated) to see who defeats the zone first. There is no direct PvP, but players can use PvE things to interfere.
Eidob: can we go back the old harvesting way where you couldnt even harvest if your skill was insifficient
Caith: With the other group.
Maldaani: Ive still never been able to tank a single heroic group. EVER. and my gear is quite decent for a non raider
Gninjadev: There are no epic steps in the epic 2.0 quests (other than the mythical part)
Buzzilla: @Caith — Thank!
Twinbladed: stabbeze has a point, are we going to see a removal of relic on peice that took us forever to get?
Corydonn: I’ve not gotten a single heroic group this xpac 🙁
Cyrrena: my other questions were about the apprentices, mine just sit doing nothing as everything has been researched and we have a ton of great systems in game already that are left to languish for the new flavor of the month
Gninjadev: epic as in raid steps heh
Nathox: Question: With the level increase to 110, will our Mythical Epic weapons this xpac be obsolete during the next one at level 110? Is anything being done to prevent our hard work being for nothing?
Kander: Ahmaying, all parts of the current epics should be attainable with a single group, except the mythical portion, of course.
Blackshades: Paladin lfg 375 experts,SLR/asc grind, or Pq lfg pst
Uxtalzon: That still happens Eidob, but it has to be like -50 points under which is pretty rare
Caith: Stabbeze – We do not have any current plans to remove the relic tag from the items that it is currently on.
Ravenovia: I agree on having to earn your harvesting ability
Imtithal: hol up: they’re increasing to 110? where this?
Gninjadev: Nathox – Epic weapons will remain powerful for next expansion
Kander: Epics will not be obsolete with expansion 14, they will still be a focus
Mindtripz: Coercer (395) lfg Ka heroics or SLR, Experts pst
Onclez: will the new HQ hit on the may GU or just the epic quest
Honex: bottom of Kander post on forums
Imtithal: oh
Caith: What they said Nathox…
Headbustaz: Will the bugs with Shroud of Armor/Runic Armor and the associated effect on bleedthrough be looked at any time soon?
Corydonn: Actually, Why are only accounts made before April 23rd or w/e getting the free 100? Why not every new account to bring in more players?
Jamiss: Hey, I want in on this: Epics still useful moving forward!
Gninjadev: Onclez the HQ and the Epilogue will be part of the May update
Eidob: i have not been to KA in a while but those rares getting harvested by pure adventirers is annoyingh
Pippey: no raid questions please
Pandeia: is the new TLE server going to be sub or F2P ?
Vytor: When will the Epilogue quest be available?
Kiltsar: yes, I’ve notice that too, you can play while afk / unattendend and get the burnt key, along with xp, tithe and of course ascension. Just park your toon around the OF PQ area, don’t put up an AFK tag and enjoy the XP/burnt key
Lifeseaver: when will the new level increase happen?
Mutinay: Is there any way you can make it possible for guild leaders tooo purchase a item that turns a prestige home into a guild hall, it would be easier to decorate and not encounter so many deco glitch issues and less crashing also+
Erekose: Any plans for more balance between Dirge and Troub?
Rahsar: Question: With the death of Innourok Will we see Lanys become a worshipable diety?
Illistrious: will next expansion be based on current content like KA or new zone
Mutinay: guild hall item expanders
Caith: Headbustaz – We are looking at any issues with the bleedthrough mechanic yes. While the mechanic is going to stick around, we will try to address any issues with it and make the messaging more clear.
Muldoran: Does the epic bauble only pertain to faction or does it encompass all pre reqs for epic 2.0
Kander: The new TLE will be a subscription format, same as Stormhold.
Thanchir: Can you fix the janky walls/floors in the T3/4 Freeport Guild Hall
Maldaani: Innoruuk was banished not killed
Pippey: booo – raid question answer
Furiosx: Are you guys going to do anything with the Conj/Necro pet with it having so much hate?
Pandeia: Thank you Kander
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health?
Caith: Vytor – Currently planned for the 2nd
Roehean: Question: About the new level 100 boost going to be available… It is any different than the 100 boost given from the KA expansion? If you have not used your KA 100 Boost will you still be able to get the new one being offered?
Ailsabeth: Did anyone already ask or does anyone know of a new expac release date?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: For those watching AMA questions, devs are Gninjadev, Kander, Fyreflyte, Caith, Jamiss, Mooncast, and we’ll update if more show
Ariaha: Are you ever going to address the furniture eating bug?
Kander: Muldoran, Just factions associated with the Epic quests.
Fungsway: maybe i missed this question. But plat / prices have gotten completely out of hand is there some thoughts on how to doeal with this in the future. I get players selling krono makes money for DBG but thing IMO have gotten out of c
Uxtalzon: /sigh, okay I’ll try a third question. I hate competition so can this co-op race to the finish thing be done WITHOUT competing with another group? Just enjoyed by 2 players?
Honex: the 100 boost baubles do you have to claim them by 15th or use them by 15th?
Stabbeze: any plans to work on the zoning issues, many are having problems getting logged to character select or desktop while zoning
Imtithal: i havent heard of Mooncast
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful has the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Mutinay: And by Tunares bra how about a quadruple faction gain weekend ?
Nathox: Question: Will the next GU bring more gear with orange slots and more orange adornments?
Caith: Roehaen – It is a different bauble, and will provide new gear.
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts
Soulcry: Question? Will we be able to get a ridable skeletal dragon mount sometime in the future? The model is already in the game. Ty =)
Kander: Yes Nathox
Truewarrior: what is the Best Class in this game?
Onclez: i read some where about resolve checked beong lowered as well is that also in may
Venomspecs: any pq’s up
Nathox: Yes to both, Kander?
Kander: Yes Nathox, more orange adornments and slots comming
Nathox: Thank you!
Mmojo: how will the new summer ethereal events go…token system or random drops?
Ailsabeth: What is the meaning of life?
Windstalker: Mooncast is our producer on EQ and EQII. Her name is Lauren McLemore.
Fyreflyte: 42
Gninjadev: 42
Mreean: Question: Will the GU have any crafting love? 🙂
Mooncast: That’s me! 😀
Roehean: So it won’t replace or be a problem having both lvl 100 baubles?
Imtithal: ohhh ok
Trujoss: alright, since the lifeburn question isn’t being answered, will the shards for upgrading epic abilities ever become heirloom?
Chipie: Question 1) COuld the fragments become hailoom at least? and two, there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore
Imtithal: hi im imthal
Twinbladed: Can we pleased get crit bonus added to the Ascension Charm??
Emeralds: Question: Any plan to fix warlock focused casting?
Nathox: Question: When will we see updated WHITE adornments?
Furiosx: Are you guys going to do anything with the Conj/Necro pet with it having so much hate?
Caith: Honex – You do not have to claim or use them by the 15th. Once you have it on your account, you can use it at any time.
Trule: are you sure conj ancient epic pet isnt ignoring combat mitigation? It seems far too op in experts etc
Onclez: yes Planar shards heairloom in @017
Imtithal: what furosx said
Mooncast: Hi! It’s nice to meet you 🙂
Honex: @Caith thank you
Kander: Nathox White adorments coming with May 2nd update.
Wizzlebeats: [question] how do you plan to make Dirge dps more viable, especially when they chose Thaumaturgist to stay true to their Buff and debuff” nature? 😉
Rizpah: Question: When will the Newsie guide appear again? 🙂
Gninjadev: There are no plans to make planar fragments heirloom or tradable
Celtogalician: Did you hear that Farscape is comming back?
Corydonn: Would it be possible to straight up sell [eq2u]a polished tynnonium key[/eq2u] for status? I believe most players are deleting them since the rewards just clog inventory and salvage for nothing
Nathox: Thank you Kander!! Hallelujah!!
Issa: Any plans to make food/drink rares a bit more obtainable? 100k every 2 weeks is a bit steep. Possobly a drop from the heroic/raid weeklys?
Cyrrena: welcome Mooncast
Ailsabeth: Slow down peeps, 100 questions, 2 answers. Let the dev think
Truewarrior: Why noone answer to my questions So far???
Ledastray: will new orange fervor stack with purple fervor procs?
Gninjadev: we are answering questions as fast as we can guys, please be patient
Thanchir: will you guys go back and read questions you might have missed in this log? I’d love for some to be addressed.
Onclez: @ledastray my magic 8 ball says doubtfull
Thanchir: We do understand the fustercluck y ou’re currently in!!
Kander: Ledastray, No they will not stack.
Cyrrena: will we ever see any other harvesting techniques or tradeskills such as clay gathering and pottery, we were talking about it on the forums?
Fistro: Can you make more players? So it’s FASTER to find groups 😉
Uxtalzon: /sigh, okay fourth question. I’m All-Access, but unlike EQ1 I can’t even “try” out a mercenary no matter how crappy it is without being forced to buy it. I can even do quests for mercenaries, but get paywalled. Why?
Ledastray: thx Capt k
Mutinay: Also this is the RP server, our community is wilterig slowly, any chancve a meeting with RP guild leaders to drum up ideas how to change that around? ever server has its thing, i think we need bit more here
Mpemba: Could one of you devs fix the wizards incriment icon, it bugs out and cant see how many stacks there are sometimes and if its not too much trouble, please increase the time on how long we can get to keep them before they dissapear
Caith: Wizzlebeats – While it is far too early to go into specifics about class balance changes, dirge DPS is not the focus of the Dirge class. The dirge is a support class and that will remain it’s focus.
Unclepancho: im pumped for the upcoming GU
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts
Pippey: unckle is lying
Twinbladed: caith ftw on that one
Honex: if you buy KA expansion you get the ability to have mercs even if F2P
Venomspecs: My Question is why are they key quest in Ka low on resolve..everything in ka has Higher resolve..
Mooncast: @Thanchir — I’ll be trying to do a round-up of questions afterwards and getting it posted up. Not everything will get answered, but at least a reference for popular questions asked 🙂
Onclez: i am
Thanchir: Okay… thank you
Tarryelle: Did cross server grouping get scrapped? or is it still a possibility in the future?
Autumns: the entire game is based on DPS, no one deserves it more than utility classes
Honex: Guessing you will have it after KA is two years old if you dont buy expansions
Thanchir: And I do hope you guys talk to the RP community
Corydonn: So what I’m also getting is, In addition to a raid dev EQ2 needs to hire a roleplay developer, How about considering a Corydonn?
Autumns: tbh, they work harder than anyone else
Unclepancho: i missed last summers event im not missing this one
Mandostab: will class balance changes for sorc be affected by current AA or balance of those abilities?
Thanchir: Not really guild leaders, all of us
Nathox: Question: Will the Resolve mechanic continue to be used in Heroic and Raid encounters next xpac?
Razsec: Will the Co-Opetion be balance to require all 4 Archtype?
Radelia: will there ever be more deities added to the game? prexus and veeshan still missing from eq1, for example?
Chuckyb: question: can we make a poker house, where toons can gather and bet platz in texas holdem / 5 card draw and the house can charge 10% I want to take everyones platz muahahah
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful as the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Crowknow: Would you consider rewarding players who participate in pick up groups (pugs) so that dungeon grouping can increase?
Gigglezz: Is there any plans on fixing the combat mit or should I say adjusting the 2nd named and forward in Vaed: Heart of Nightmares, so raid progression can continue?
Lifeseaver: when will the level increase happen?
Dyrtidieds: Answer Pilgra’s Taunt question please
Barbmeat: wondering why you would toss out small xpacs every 6 months, as apposed to making a large really packed full of content xpac yearly
Buzzilla: QUESTION regarding co-op zones again–Will groups be made from Home server or once in the zone can you catch groups with people of other servers?
Pandeia: level cap is with the xpac in the Fall
Gigglezz: especially since those named are required for the mythical weapon updates
Stressx: Taunts have always been underpowered. =P
Gninjadev: Nathox – short answer, yes resolve will be used going forward. Longer answer, we will be making sure that the resolve values are set at the low end of what is needed to succeed in the encounters.
Kander: Lifeseaver, the level increase will happen with the expansion this year.
Trule: any plans to fix summoner pet hitting harder than intended in PQs?
Caith: Mandostab – Class balance changes will involve adjustments to AA’s as often as feasible. We like your AA’s mattering.
Uxtalzon: Awww yeah /flirted with Mooncast. My life is complete
Onclez: speaking of lavel cap it was mention that your combining skills
Lifeseaver: thank you
Surcease: I’d let you have a discount, only 20% for you
Onclez: willthis effect all abilities or only specific ones
Stabbeze: will there be new ascesnion classes going forward
Honex: Is Fallen Gate going to be like Race To Trakanon (limited time) or like Stormhold
Maldaani: Will there ever be plans to oust Cristanos?
Imtithal: pink adorns?
Cyrrena: this is the only RP server left and those in that community that I have spoken to are not focused on end game or raiding, its our journey to end game that matters, will anything be thrown to us to make our journey more immersive?
Mmojo: can you please make lifeburn worth using!!
Thanchir: What Cyrrena said
Caith: Razsec – Our goal is to make the Proving Grounds avaliable to pugs as much as possible, but it is still a heroic zone so will require healing and tanking.
Cyrrena: or are we just fodder to be stepped on while the end game focused trample the server?
Thanchir: Please, please don’t let our community die.
Trujoss: question: will lifeburn take into account max health? it currently doesn’t
Thanchir: we feel pretty lost among all the Raider raider raider wheee focus.
Maldaani: Are you even aware of how much the RP community IS dying? does it matter?
Corydonn: Roleplay content is made by the roleplayers imo, You guys are the ones running your own plotlines and community
Thanchir: We are but
Thanchir: there are things that could be done to help us do that better
Ariaha: Are you ever going to address chairs “eatting” people. Its so annoying
Zeddie: just come to IoR server. its the best.
Thanchir: no thanks
Caith: Tank threat is about where we want it at the moment, as it requires the entire group to participate in controlling threat. We do not have any plans currently to adjust it.
Corydonn: You got dungeon maker you can use for storytelling. Very very underutilizard.
Cyrrena: but we also used to have naming conventions and company rules as to acceptable behaviour that are no longer enforced
Gninjadev: if you guys have ideas regarding RP stuff feel free to send them to us privately. This isnt really a place to brainstorm right now 🙂
Corydonn: Utilized lol
Tolpapsihov: What about PvP? Is it gone forever?
Konniption:*****/l********d Highlight
Konniption: 15h ago @PeteCityPrice tweeted: “#lizard #L********d see you were wrong..” – read what others are saying and … Not all of us are ARRESTED! #L********d …
Violeticerage: can we get some different hair colors and long hair for girls and black hair lol
Thanchir: Yes but the RP community is bascially forced into housing/instances
Imtithal: OMG can we not talk about LizardSquad?
Dyrtidieds: so whan a devent tank cant even hope to hold aggro against good DPS its ok?
Zeddie: and ya’ll wonder why they dont do ask the dev more often..
Thanchir: the best part of the RP community was when other people could join in outside of housing/instances
Surcease: I’d like a crew cut for girls. but woith you on new hairstyles
Caith: Trujoss It does take max health into account currently, but another cap is causing it to be unused. It’s on the list for adjustment.
Thanchir: there has to be a way to encourage something like that
Imtithal: more hairstyles would be good, even player made hair dye
Corydonn: I don’t think naming conventions have ever hurt anyones. And again I believe it’s the story tellers part in an RP group to move it to outside the housing/guildhalls
Trujoss: @caith- thank you
Zeddie: my +4 thong of attraciveness does’t proc when I emote /woo..
Stabbeze: I think tank threat is an issue that conserns every class I hope you will reconsider your ideas on it
Trule: is focussed casting on said list for adjustment../tumbleweed…
Radelia: will there ever be more deities added to the game? prexus and veeshan still missing from eq1, for example?
Rahsar: Question: any plans to add more armor styles? with some skin!
Thanchir: Okay Cory how much Rping have you done lately, just asking for a friend.
Zeddie: anyone mention Focused Casting yet
Gigglezz: Is there any plans on fixing the combat mit or should I say adjusting the 2nd named and forward in Vaed: Heart of Nightmares, so raid progression can continue?
Gigglezz: especially since those named are required for the mythical weapon updates
Issa: Any plans to make food/drink rares a bit more obtainable? 100k every 2 weeks is a bit steep. Possibly a drop from the heroic/raid weeklys?
Exothermik: any chance of getting recap of things discussed ……… not all of us could be on for full discussions
Corydonn: Guides would be the one to talk to about getting RP events in public. Not sure how much they can do on their own about making stories up but they could be given more freedom
Twinbladed: Overall plans before nit picking each class I would assume would be easier to answer
Stressx: AB isn’t going to be merged Exo. ='(
Kander: Radelia, we do not have any plans to add any new deities at this time.
Thanchir: We o nly have one or two people on the server who have the ears of Guides, etc
Gninjadev: Gigglezz the second boss in Heart of Nightmares is working properly
Ledastray: does potency affect taunts?
Corydonn: RPing on EQ2? None. All my DMing friends play on Neverwinter Nights servers or other RP venues.
Thanchir: and if I wanted to get a guide to help with my event I have no idea how to do so
Headbustaz: potency yes, fervor no
Mooncast: @Exothermik — I’m going to try to gather at least the most popular questions across the AMAs and get them up for everyone to see
Fistro: How does a tank or dps deal with the threat from sinlge hits of over 1Bil ?
Fungsway: i agree with the threat issue. lower geared, yet acceptable heric resolve tanks have a hard time when 2 or more higher dps enter a group. they overpower the threat. its hard to get tanks moving up in the right direction with
Headbustaz: group with coercer troub scout transfer, or let the summoner tank, your choice
Gninjadev: Gigglezz but to answer the question regarding Combat Mit, we are hoping to get some adjustments in for the may update to bring the magical damage more in line with the physical
Thanchir: Well we still RP on her Cory, so we’re talking about things that pertain to us right now.
Corydonn: Last I saw there was still a guide forum for servers.
Gninjadev: That doesnt mean fights will get easier in terms of scripts in tier4 though
Honex: @Thanchir
Chuckyb: @ everyone eq2 is working as intended ty and have a nice day !
Thanchir: Thanks
Malfi: Hey guys! No question, just want to say thank you for all your hard work and keep up the awesome updates!!!!
Zeddie: lol
Caith: Issa – We’ll take a look at the drop rates, however rare things being actually rare isn’t considered a bad thing. If I make them common, I have to reduce their stats appropriately.
Zeddie: well, there’s rare.. then there’s unobtanium rare
Nizard: is there any plans to make manaburn usefull again
Radelia: Will the new TLE server have the same rules/exp rates as stormhold?
Gigglezz: understood, just appears those named are pretty unkillable in their current state but maybe with the new gear, it might make it doable
Caith: Fungsway – Making threat meaningless by making tanks always hold agro no matter what is not a plan we are going to consider.
Corydonn: There isn’t much a dev can do to increase RP unless you can gather up some amazing ideas yourself and email them
Zeddie: still taking applications for Kander’s Round Table?
Nathox: Question: Can you give any hints or teases to the reward for the new Heritage Quest and what kind of stats it may have? Wepaon or armor? Mount?
Exothermik: how about making this Burnt key to at least 2 times a day or 3 times………. some of us have RL and have to work………. doesnt give fair consideration
Cyrrena: RP communities are forced into instances because of disruptive uhmm persons, but we cannot talk about RP on the RP server so … moving on
Gninjadev: Gigglezz – just because they haven’t been killed doesnt mean they are not killable. If you remember that was said about Shanaira the Prestigious
Pilgra: Is there any plan to make tanks “taunt” skills in general more useful as the dps continues to ramp up were are lagging behind
Kander: Radelia , We are looking at it, they may not be exactly same for the new TLE.
Emeralds: agrees with Exothermik
Thanchir: Thanks Cory. We are aware of the Obvious
Gigglezz: Gninja: agreed, but that was only after some adjustments 🙂
Thanchir: I think people who actually currently do RP on here probably have a bit more to say about this
Uxtalzon: Flirted with ttobey /winning
Radelia: Thanks for answering questions 🙂
Corydonn: Another thing to consider is raiders are paying 3000$+ to stay competitive right now.
Cyrrena: eons ago it was discussed about being able to actually plant plants in the plant pots for patio gardens, has that gone the way of the dodo?
Kander: The new TLE , Fallen Gate, is a long term server.
Autumns: Why not just make the burnt key a cash shop item!
Thanchir: And we aren’t shelling out money for house items?
Corydonn: Roleplayers need stuff to buy to stay competitive!
Thanchir: Allow me to tell you how much I’ve spent on appearance shit the past 12 years
Nathox: @Cory I am a T3 raider and only pay the monthly subscription fee.
Gninjadev: Gigglezz the adjustments made to Shainara were minimal and did not really make the fight any easier it just caused more guilds to try.
Maethireon: I just woke up I hope devs talk is going on right?
Imtithal: ye
Cyrrena: an RP server is not a competition server, we are a different type of players
Rattatobey: is ttobey as dreamy IRL as he is in the videos?
Buzzilla: QUESTION regarding ethereal runes and the orange adorn–they will not stack but can the purple one still proc while the orange one is on cooldown?
Zeddie: even more so, Ratta
Gninjadev: Gigglezz if you want we can take the discussion offline after the AMA just want to try to get some more questions answered
Ailsabeth: me me me me me me
Caith: Rattatobey – He would be…except for the smell.
Ledastray: in new competitive challenge zone can you directly interfere with the other team? and if so how?
Eleeviah: can you expand the harvestables in thalumbra?
Ailsabeth: There, thought I’d get that out there
Zeddie: especially in that antonia bayle get up…
Gigglezz: sounds good Gninja, thanks for the reply
Zeddie: it puts the animation on the tentacles, or it gets the hose again
Gninjadev: Ledastray – Yes you will be able to mess with the other team but only indirectly
Nathox: Question: Can you give any hints or teases to the reward for the new Heritage Quest and what kind of stats it may have? Weapon or armor? Mount?
Caith: Eleeviah – Already been answered, we will take a look at the drop rates.
Aligator: Will next xpac have nodes to harvest like prior xpacs?
Exothermik: Exo’s question didnt get answered
Rattatobey: I heard we are going to Luclin?
Kander: Nathox, its an item
Nathox: Gee, thanks Kander xD
Eleeviah: ty
Corydonn: There is nothing there Rattatobey, I soloed Kerafyrm and he’s locked up now
Leisher: lol
Fyreflyte: I heard it has stats
Stabbeze: dont feel bad Exo I asked the same question when this started and it never got answered either
Mandostab: summer eth event…what slots are dropping and is the event run like last summer with a merchant?
Corydonn: Jeff Bard said so.
Cyrrena: no Ttobey, you are going to your desk to animate my broom and make it a mount!!!
Kuuleis: I agree, there needs to be more nodes to harvest food rare from
Surcease: I miss Luclin, but how do they fix the fact it’s blowed up real good?
Fistro: Not asking to make tank threat meaningless – asking about a modest improvement so it matches the new high dps.
Exothermik: repeat then…….. isnt that what this is suppose to be for?
Radelia: When will we get to know where the next expansion will take place?
Honex: Any plans for new house that wont be part of buying next expansion?
Furiosx: If so many would stop asking dumb questions they can answer the good ones 🙂
Kieranne: question: so i did epic 2.0 one charictor will i have to do the timeline for my alts or is just faction
Kander: Mandostab, currently the plan is for a Cloak slot Ethereal items with orange adornments.
Corydonn: Also @Ttobey, When do I get a Kao KEn animation and a Kamehameya?
Rattatobey: Im not the famous ttobey, just an ordinary rat
Evanesence: what is coming out in the update vs what is coming in the future? there are alot of exciting things coming id just like to know what we are getting on Tuesday vs later int he year.
Mandostab: nice..thanks
Nathox: Question: Will the upcoming GU bring any new Public Quests?
Exothermik: Whats the chance of getting more then once a day drop for the burnt key………… Not fair to ppl that have RL and actaully have to work
Uxtalzon: Hmmm, last question: Will this next expansion try to alleviate players opinions that the game is sort of P2W? In other words, is it changing direction away from that?
Imtithal: my guesses: the moon, japan, somewhere else
Stressx: Define ‘good question’. =(
Eleeviah: can we have more pretty dresses?
Eleeviah: not a joke
Thanchir: seriously
Thanchir: Something better than the skank clothes, please!
Evanesence: also any chance we will get an update in future on the models and clothing?
Buzzilla: repeat QUESTION regarding ethereal runes and the orange adorn–they will not stack but can the purple one still proc while the orange one is on cooldown?
Mooncast: @Honex — I’m working towards that 🙂 That is definitely a goal of mine
Caith: Chat scrolls fast folks, we get tells as well. If your question isn’t answered, just restate it.
Uxtalzon: Hey I like my skanks well-dressed Thanchir
Rattatobey: dresses are painful to get working
Brusin: Is my chat broken cause all I ever see is ?’s and no awnser’s
Imtithal: [eq2u]Robe of Ro Achievements[/eq2u] Blackshades: Agreed burnt key is crazy ppls alt of alt have um but i know ppl who camp it and nada wtb duck helm like chances
Thanchir: and you may still have them
Surcease: OMG and Freeblood need to be able to look like Mistmore vamps
Mutinay: can we have unlimited wardrobe slotrs? i cant buy any more top slots they are maxed out…my toon is a fashion icon, i need slots lol
Thanchir: but we would also like non skank options
Tolpapsihov: What about PvP? Is it gone forever?
Honex: @Mooncast you are my new bestie! Thanks
Ledastray: the raid mob ‘shade’ does he drop chainmail versions of this[eq2u]Ascended Martial Pattern[/eq2u] or is it just leather / cloth only?
Lyricut: It was mentioned in Discord that there would be minor class balancing with the May update, is that still happening?
Maethireon: Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Kander: Tolpapsihov we no plans to expand pvp.
Zeddie: a 3 pack of IoR transfer tokens for 1k dbc would be neato
Cyrrena: will we be seeing the City of Mist house on the marketplace soon?
Dyrtidieds: All I have seen lately is that a less than fully geared (with epic) tank is about as useful as a doorstop holding aggro against a DPS worth his salt. the disparity is making some people unable/unwilling to tank heroics.
Rattatobey: that we can do, but really who wears anything when swimming in norrath
Gninjadev: Ledastray – No he does not, those drops are on a different boss. Your princess is in another castle.
Imtithal: I want bigger zones but not too big and full of nothing, see : Yooka Laylee to see what I mean :/
Caith: Buzzilla – No they cannot
Mreean: nothing was in Kander’s Candor or the Producer’s Letter about crafting – are we getting any crafting love this time around? 🙂
Buzzilla: thank you @ Caith
Corydonn: Swimwear for summer 2017 would make Roleplayers happy
Ledastray: k ..thx will have fun stOrming the castle…p
Jerryrig: Can we get a river vale guild hall or house
Thanchir: we do not need an iksar in a netted slingshot brief
Mandostab: assuming this expac follows similiar events…when will the “heroic merchant” be added in?
Nathox: Yes, does the upcoming GU have any updates to tradeskilling?
Cyrrena: I see you are still lurking about Ttobey and not animating my broom into a mount
Kander: Yes, crafting levels will be increased with the expansion this year, same as adventure levels with new recipes and content.
Radelia: uh i think thats exactly what we need than
Kander: Mreean, Yes, crafting levels will be increased with the expansion this year, same as adventure levels with new recipes and content.
Faethy: pvp? or bg?
Zeddie: <cough> crafting tokens..
Evanesence: when does the summer event start?
Exothermik: Whats the chance of getting more then once a day drop for the burnt key………… Not fair to ppl that have RL and actaully have to work…….. Kander?
Mreean: I meant the GU, not the expansion, but thanks (like with Zek, we got armor to craft)
Thanchir: save yourself the trouble… melt your eyes with acid
Rattatobey: there’s a tax on wood , so brooms are to expensive
Trule: I think the game still needs a pvp option..any plans on retrying battlegrounds?
Caith: Evanesence – This Summer.
Maldaani: forgodsake Corydonn quit trying to act like you know anything about RPing. everything youve talked about is so off track its laughable
Nathox: Question: Will the upcoming GU bring any new Public Quests?
Stressx: No, please don’t try to make pvp a thing again since it got so many things nerfed for pve. =(
Kander: Nathox, No updates for tradeskilling with the May update, no.
Gninjadev: Exothermik – There are no plans to change the rate of the burnt key given in Obulus but we have been tossing around some ideas for other places it could be given. No details right now though.
Zeddie: smh
Maethireon: Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Tarryelle: will there be any new heroics in the May 2nd update? or just the competition thing?
Corydonn: Drag was nerfed in PVP so there is no point to it ever again
Evanesence: so June then?
Lifeseaver: that is a good question, any new PQ’s?
The worlds sighs as someone gets kicked…
Elspethtirel: lol
Exothermik: it just sucks i work so much so already struggling to stay competative and then this burnt key only dropped once a day which almost makes it Impossible for me to obtain
Imtithal: wow
Zeddie: lol
Brouklyn: are there sovereign coin merchants?
Corydonn: Is that what happened to me like 5 minutes ago lol?
Zeddie: moderated.
Furiosx: Lol
Uxtalzon: /who all Ssilver, rekt
Lyricut: It was mentioned in Discord that there would be minor class balancing with the May update, is that still happening?
Agivia: holy god complex
Eleeviah: what about contested zone when can we see a new one?
Mindtripz: Question: When will Coercer pets get a window like necros and or shared stats like every other pet class?
Sintlara: lol
Corydonn: Remember when I took control of a GM account and killed a bunch of players? Good times 🙂
Amaloorc: lol, somone Ninja the Big G?
Caith: Lyricut – Yes, but it is not a major overhaul.
Maldaani: Gninja is now just a Lootable Box that he is
Honex: Would you consider allowing dungeons and guilds to be transfered to IoR?
Gninjadev: Exothermik – the key currently is given out 2-3 times a day not once.
Kander: Eleeviah, no plans for a new contested zone currently.
Eleeviah: ty
Zeez: more combat pet skins would be spiffy too
Stabbeze: are there any plans to make an ascnesion class spell window like the beastmasters, hard to have all the spells with not enough hotbars
Zeddie: what key
Mutinay: speaking currency, can we get a merchant that exchangwes old irrelevant currency for something current, maybe for etheresal coins for the thulmbra ethereal merchant?
Nathox: New Public Quests? Any of those in the upcoming GU?
Exothermik: so how often is it……. i understood only every like 22 hours
Tarryelle: Is it true that Gnomes and Ratongas have a secret society that controls everything on Norrath?
Barbmeat: the key is given once a day, either at 23 hours or 35 1/2..
Thanchir: That is confirmed, Tarry
Nathox: Yes, Tarryelle.
Fistro: Is Cross-Server grouping a possibility ?
Barbmeat: 25 n half rather
Thanchir: /_\
Gninjadev: Nathox – I dont believe there is a new PQ in the may update, sorry
Gigglezz: Will there be any new heroic/raid content with the May 2nd update other than the co-op (battle ground rule) zone
Uxtalzon: New question I pulled out of my butt: any plans of letting players take up a secondary tradeskill, like I’m 100 armorer but I can possibly raise Metalworking or Tailoring as well?
Thanchir: Illuminatiiiiiiiii
Lurindae: ya ok there Gninja? seen ya jsut go down
Exothermik: yes so please say how often key is dropped
Jamiss: Time to silence Tarryelle….
Gninjadev: Barbmeat – that is incorrect.
Tarryelle: Meep!
Silverlance: question….is the number of hard game crashes being looked at ?
Kander: Uxtalzon, no plans for that any time soon.
Gninjadev: Exo – I just did hehe
Uxtalzon: Oh well, worth a shot. Thanks :3
Kuuleis: Question: For clarity, the bauble coming out on May 2nd, will only max the factions necessary to start and complete epic 1.0 so that you can start epic 2.0, is that correct?
Pandeia: in order to increase the population on IoR, would there ever be an option to transfer guilds over ?
Mutinay: and throw a every 4 hour key drop event weekend maybe
Goldybelle: where are the GMs at physically?
Exothermik: scrolling again
Maethireon: Have I just missed my question’s answer in the wall of text? xD
Zeez: fixing CoV would be cool too … when it doesn’t work its a PITA
Illistrious: what do you need to do in order for key to drop
Thanchir: OMG PLEASE fix COV
Luxbane: I heard the GMs are currently located in Burned Woods.
Furiosx: Quests kill mobs or something
Blackshades: now thats the real question
Leisher: key for 10k tokens
Zeddie: they’re in kylong planes. lets all go crash the zone
Furiosx: just be active
Nathox: So how bout that Summer event! What can we expect to see this summer? The same thing as last year?
Thanchir: it fails terribly 🙁
Gninjadev: Illistrious – We aren’t going to give out exactly how it works. Its intended to be mysterious.
Maldaani: Agree with Silver – my game crashes are HUGELY increased the past few months even tho I have a new computer and I zone really fast
Blackshades: what do u have to do to get a key to drop cuz it doesnt seem to have any type of reasoning
Imtithal: omg where is the wandering kerra spirit
Kander: Kuuleis, the bauble coming maxes all factions required for the Epic 2.0 quests. It does not effect any Epic 1.0 factions.
Lifeseaver: can we have server wide PVP against other servers?
Thanchir: Agree with Maldaani I crash constantly.
Soulcry: Is there a way you (devs) can limit/cap the amount of SLR going on in the game? Inflation is out of control on this server (all servers) bc of it
Nathox: @Soulcry It isn’t SLR that is acausing inflation 😛
Gninjadev: Soulcry – SLR doesnt really add currency to the game it just relocates it
Zeddie: Are the new Familiars going to be upgradable via the cash / dbc shop?
Gigglezz: Will there be any new heroic/raid content with the May 2nd update other than the co-op (battle ground rule) zone?
Cyrrena: Kander, will we ever get a way to get a mini statue like on the Queens Colony dock that behaves exactly like that one does?
Corydonn: Botting adds currency to game :p Oh wait, That doesn’t exist. “Boxxing”
Kander: There will definitely be summer ethereal events. The current plan is for cloak slots and orange adornments for those cloaks.
Gninjadev: Zeddie Familiars will be able to be earned in game
Chuckyb: wtb my mythical update 2.0 how much platz do i need !
Zeddie: ty
Thanchir: Yessss I would love a Kander plush. NOSTALLLGIIAAAA
Zeddie: kander waifuu ?
Furiosx: Awesome
Lyricut: QUESTION: Is there any chance the DEVS can reconsider making Tithe account sharing NOT just the highest shared. We would far prefer all of the tithe we have worked for across all toons to be acounted for.
Tarryelle: Kander wig > all! When will the Kander wig be available? 😛
Pandeia: Question – is there a possibility of transferring guilds to another server?
Uxtalzon: I really thought that was Kander for a few minutes and tried talking to him 🙁 newb4life
Blackshades: chucky u would need a guild that can kill T4 mobs
Cyrrena: I think a whole line of dev plushies, like Ttobey on his duck mount
Chipie: Question: there are a LOT of broken quests out there… any chance they will get fixed? Or they are not relevant anymore, 2 suggestions: 1 make house fuel debot larger please! and bring LON items in game, event or whatever
Stabbeze: will there be the opportunity of getting last summers ethereal items with this summers event
Barbmeat: are there any plans to make the key OR harvestables spawn in OF2?
Thanchir: Oh. How about different hairstyles…. as HELMS?
Chuckyb: that will never happen this is why i pay to win !
Honex: Plus 1000 for dev plushies
Zeez: also please stop changing the graphics of older content .. you all totally ruined my monk’s hard earned looked when you changed void knuckles 🙁
Cyrrena: how about our hair not disappearing when you put on a bandana
Nathox: If you pay to win, you’re in the wrong guild and raid alliance 😛
Gninjadev: Chipie – If you find broken quests please /bug them and we will get them on the schedule to get fixed as quickly as we can
Mandostab: the next expac increase to 110…is there an new AA tree along with that or more ascension?
Caith: Chipie – We do not have any plans right now about increasing the size on the depots. There may be new ones made avaliable sometime in the future however.
Bloodstainsword: r there any healer merc in freeport?
Nathox: I like Mando’s question. Will we see addition to Ascension and AA trees next xpac?
Navari: Question. Sorry if this has been asked already just logged in. Any plans to make planar fragments heirloom or the spells at least?
Kander: Mandostab, there are no plans for new AA or new trees, we may be opening up the current AA and Prestige and removing many of the restrictions.
Silverlance: question….is the number of hard game crashes being looked at ?
Chipie: ty Caith and GNinga
Gninjadev: Navari – No plans right now
Lurindae: or make the OB harvestable spawn more then one ?
Windstalker BROADCASTS: 10 minutes left in our AMA in General!
Zeez: chipie .. named after AI’s owlbear?
Mutinay: maybe few more perks for the heartbound feature, dedication to your ingame spouse should come with more then a fervor boost, some kind of stat power up or strike thru bonus if your spouse gets below certain percent or bites it,
Navari: ty gninja
Jamiss: @Silverlance, we always keep an eye on the crashes
Caith: Mandostab – We do not have any plans yet to add a new AA tree. It is early in the planning stages however.
Nathox: What about Ascension classes? Will they be expandedo n next xpac?
Corydonn: Polygamy for Heartbound feature?
Barbmeat: are there any plans to make the key OR harvestables spawn in OF2?
Eleeviah: can we have a portable heartbound item
Kuuleis: I find as many as 4 shadeweave buds up 0/0
Buzzilla: finally somethign says I can get behind!
Thanchir: Big of you? That’s bigamy!
Silverlance: ty Jamiss
Zeddie: ascension trainer cell phone.. to swap on teh fly
Fistro: Next time can you make the Dev answers in a different color ?
Mutinay: lets keep somethings modern and sacred @ corydonn
Maethireon: [Question!] Okay, So I do have a question about the new expansion coming.. I wish to know, should we expect another single zone, or two zone, small expansion or is there more main zones before dungeons?
Uxtalzon: My name is Uxtalzon and I have 14 Ratonga wives.
Derraa: What is all that stuff about?? Some1 getting kicked to the jail or the game???
Corydonn: I have multiple waifu and husbando
Gninjadev: We have no plans to change heartbound.
Thanchir: And yet
Hurtsdirge: didnt see an answer to this, been asked a few times, are there any plans to make the Purple Ethereal runes more available? like in quest rewards?
Emeralds: i like mutany’s idea!!
Thanchir: Sempai will never notice you.
Mutinay: lol
Surcease: call him the Rat King
Caith: Nathox – Ascnesion classes will be expanded on, however the current ascension spells will remain relevent.
Imtithal: my waifu is anashti sul
Tanist: Yes! No! Can we get a RP feature on Mara Island permanent? Say stage and perhaps some booths!
Rattatobey: broom girl is terrorizing me in Qeynos!
Oushie: QUESTION: sorry missed it what was the awnser to current Tank Agro Issues
Corydonn: Tank aggro is where they want it
Zeddie: haha
Cyrrena: I haven’t smacked him with my broom yet, so he hasnt seen terrorizing
Thanchir: Please rebuild the Blood Haze Inn in Freeport! <3
Corydonn: They want the entire group to work on aggro not just the tank
Maldaani: yes Swap Ascensions on the FLY! SO annoying having to go back tot he trainer!!!!!!!!!!!
Chuckyb: I dont believe the mythical 2.0 weapons have been created yet. Link one please to prove me wrong. Muhahahaha !
Fevi: For a brand new player, where would you (devs) recommend finding the most up to date information regarding specs, rotations, skills, etc?
Chipie: you guys hireing? ) Serriously, keep up the good work… EQ2 still the best there is… )
Kuuleis: Question: with class balancing coming and healers, are you going to reduce or increase dps for the class to force them to play debuffers
Gninjadev: Chuckb – Sure thing, go earn it 🙂
Buzzilla: +1 chipie
Dyrtidieds: they better add better or more threat drops then
Kander: Chuckyb, they most certainly have been created.
Corydonn: For a new player wondering about best specs rotations and skills would be to ask someone well versed in the class
Rizarax: If ascension classes will be expanded upon, is there any benefit of stocking up on the current guided ascension scrolls for more exp?
Mutinay: oh fun items that are interactable, we need more those, i had to make my own washing machine that opens and clothes be nice if i could add something to make it more real
Chuckyb: lol
Lifeseaver: can you link some of your armor please Devs
Zeddie: they’re nude.
Lifeseaver: what !
Chedduh: Is the bug/exploit on mara raids being chain ran and repeated known and somthing being done?
Uxtalzon: *bites lip*
Chuckyb: i need my poker house to earn the platz to buy the updates !
Cyrrena: the rat is fleeing from me and I was nothing but nice to him
Gninjadev: [eq2u]Fried Pantaloons[/eq2u] Jamiss: [eq2u]ration[/eq2u] Thanchir: And! Those stone houses in Bloodskull Valley, I would completely pay for a blank readymade house.
Lifeseaver: those are some hot pants !
Tarryelle: eep! Gninja you’re pantaloons are on fire!
Caith: Kuuleis – Healers will get a variety of adjustments depending on their secondary focus. Some will get more buffing, some will get more DPS, others debuffing. It is far too early to go into specifics because it is all very much
Tarryelle: your*
Honex: any plans on increasing the guild hall amenity cap?
Caith: on the drawing board at the moment.
Gninjadev: Chedduh – according to our logs players are not able to chain run the mara raid zones. We have been watching it closely
Mutinay: [Tunares Stripper Outfit] Kuuleis: Thank you Caith
Thanchir: what
Eleeviah: show mystics some love pls
Mooncast: [eq2u]Robe of the Frost Mage[/eq2u] — wearing them because they have moons on them 😀
Kialyn: Speaking of houses, would there be any chances of getting prestige homes based on the grottos in Moonlight Enchantments?
Mrsfurrball: reforger for th guild halol would be nice
Stabbeze: any plans to make the ethereal runes more attainable
Cyrrena: you cannot outrun me rat boy
Tanist: <Question!> Yes! No! Can we get a permament stage or Larger bar in The Village of Shin for RP! Please! Possibly?
Thanchir: Mooncast – that’s really cute
Kander: Honex, we may be upgrading old amenities, raising the cap is not out of the question either.
Kuuleis: [eq2u]The Kly’s Masterful Leather Chaps[/eq2u] because they are sexy
Tarryelle: Is the cross server grouping tool still being worked on? or did it get scrapped?
Rattatobey: oh I am gone gone gone
Imtithal: keep askin
Gninjadev: Tanist – Shoot us a private message about what you need and we will see what we can do.
Gigglezz: bah delete leather Kuuleis 🙂
Tanist: <cheers!!!!>
Rokk: Question: Is there any plans to modify, increase, or upgrade the vaules/stats of our current AA’s to be more in line with growing stats?
Fungsway: thanks for caring enought to come listen to use. you should do this more often
Jamiss: @Tarryelle, Cross-server grouping tool was stopped in favor of other things.
Lifeseaver: thank you Devs for your time and showing us your undies )
Kuuleis: I’d like to thank you all for coming over to AB and answering questions as best as you could.
Eregis: hey i want stuff too. like a kelethin prestige house. or playable eq1-style erudites, which we know still exist as of sentinel’s fate.
Gninjadev: Tarryelle – the co-opetition zones are cross server grouping
Mooncast: @Kialyn — unsure, but I can definitely take a look at that 🙂
Chipie: they kinda are doing it everyday ) just not here :p
Nathox: Thank you very much for your time Kander and the team!
Kialyn: Whooot! Thanks all for your time!
Thanchir: Thank you guys for listening to AB. We appreciate it.
Caristisa: Thank you
Eregis: this is pretty cool tho
Elspethtirel: Thank you, Devs!
Thanchir: As you can see… a lot of us still REALLY CARE about this game
Chuckyb: yes ty for the time hopefully yall get paid $$$$$
Mutinay: question about coercer poss ess spell, seems if i copy a certain mob it carries properties like lets say tank then i can shout it, healer coer healing, but pet doesnt do any healing to me, anyway can make pet act like class copie
Caith: Rokk – Any AA’s that get updated will be part of the class balance adjustments, but we are still too early for specifics.
Pippey: thank you now slip me the burnt key
Zeddie: is that code…
Honex: @Kander thanks!
Chuckyb: up down left right a b start
Lurindae: oooooo put the robe in game I like it!’
Cyrrena: thank you for your time, but I will not stop my campaign for a BROOM MOUNT, Ttobey says no, but I think its because he cannot animate it
Thanchir: Love from a former Guide!
Roehean: *hands Pippey a key and a torch*
Caith: Mutinay – I’ll take a look, it will not be in the short term but maybe part of the class balance updates for the expansion.
Zeddie: i need moar dots
Eregis: oh, a dev autograph. can i have your autograph.
Thanchir: More dots
Lurindae: agrees with tanist on that
Mooncast BROADCASTS: Thank you all for your questions!!! It looks like we’re out of time! 🙁
Oobliteration: have you ever thought about having all weapons being converted to House items. I have tons of cool loder weapons that I would love to display in a house
Honex: Thanks Devs!!!
Chuckyb: minus 50 dkp
Zeddie: ty !
Uxtalzon: Thanks for the answers for the random hectic questionings.
Gninjadev: Take care all 🙂
Thanchir: hahaha I still love that animation
Sashiea: Thank you!
Lilystar: Thanks devs!!!
Eregis: awwww, later
Thanchir: BYE GUYS
Enspire: Thank you!!
Zeddie: see ya on the forums gninja
Chipie: /cheers, marci!
Corydonn: Peace, Good job you guys
Mutinay: thank you that be awesome, just figure if i can cast coer heal on pet it should behave like a healer
Kauheb: ty!!
Kialyn: Thanks again devs and take care!
Zeddie: <3
Fistro: Cheers
Many thanks for doing this Feldon.
Ditto Ditto Thanks Feldon!!
Thank you for posting. I knew none of my hard questions would not get a response, but it was worth a shot. So many fluff questions, though. Much like a reddit AMA, guess picking and choosing what to answer is the whole point.
I was sent a tell saying its under consideration about my question on mercenaries, being that I’m All-Access, but can’t get any mercenary unless I buy the feature, which is non-refundable. Was told its a good point I made and some low-tier mercenaries could be questable or something.
Just in case you weren’t aware, the merc feature was included with KA expansion. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also included in the expansion this fall.
I know, but I own no expansions whatsoever. I wasn’t, and I’m still not, convinced to buy KA. The negatives outweigh the positives. I have no idea what mercenaries are capable of and I’m not going to spend money or DBC just to find out.
If you hover your cursor over the KA premium mercenary it says that you must have the mercenary feature unlocked to use that mercenary. So the mercenary feature is not included. If you did not purchase AOD when it was for sale, you still have to pay daybreak cash to unlock that feature.
If you go to the Everquest 2 homepage, click the store tab, and the hover your cursor over the image of the Claz’zakla mercenary that was offered with the premium edition of the KA expansion a box comes up that says the following:
“A Sarnak mercenary to aid you in both solo and heroic content which can be used starting at adventure level 20. (Requires Mercenary Feature to use)”
So as you can see, the mercenary feature is not included with the KA expansion.
Are you saying there has been a takeback? Because it was announced during the Kunark Ascending livestream that the Mercenary Feature was included in Kunark Ascending.
Are you saying there has been a takeback? Because it was announced during the Kunark Ascending livestream that the Mercenary Feature was included in Kunark Ascending.
You can go to their store page and do as I instructed and see for yourself. If the unlock mercenary feature is included in the purchase of the KA expansion I don’t see it specifically listed. Also, as I said, and maybe they need to update it, but if you hover over the image of the Claz’zakla mercenary that comes with the premium edition of KA, it says you must have the unlock mercenary feature to use it.
I purchased AOD when it was available, so I already had the mercenary feature unlocked. Maybe they need to update the specific information so that it is more accurate if the mercenary feature is included in the purchase of KA. I found it to be confusing.
The Mercenary feature has been and still is included with Kunark Ascending.
Thank you for the clarification.
Awesome Feldon! I was going to be in classes and miss the Q&As.
Thank you for the archive!
Thanks for doing this Feldon. It’s humorous having the usual general chat crap still in there. Reminded me why I rarely look at general chat.
someoen please ask if we will be getting Tot as a F2P with GU103 or anytime this year i wanna know![:mrgreen:](
Always what they want to say, never what we want to hear.
The announcement that you have to upgrade your spells from 101 to 110 using the same crappy system as the ascension spells might be the straw that broke the camel’s back in my case. I took the crafting class that can craft my toon’s expert spells for a reason way back in 2004.
I believe the announcement was that level 101-110 spells will drop “in the same way as past expansions” so Journeyman, Adept, Expert, Master, Grandmaster, etc. from crafting and drops.
Except I’ve had my experts scribed without having to work through the tiers within a few days of expac launch since… oh I don’t know when… its been a long time though.
There is no need for this change.
As a player with multiple crafters I disagree. Who knows, my Jeweler might be able to sell her first Journeyman spall this time. 🙂
It’s a minor adjustment which benefits crafters and doesn’t hurt others much. Throw crafters a bone, possibly they might have to do without a crafting questline this time without Domino on the team.
Oh yeah so you can sell a few journeyman spells… pretty sure you will be rolling in plat by doing so.
Then you can get in line and pray the adepts you need drop like the rest of us so you can scribe your experts.
This has nothing to do with “throwing crafters a bone” and everything to do with making $$$
Oh and yeah… I forgot about the recipes… I wonder how hard those are going to be to get, since like you said, Domino isn’t there to look out for us anymore.
Thanks for taking the time to format/post this
If it is of any interest or help, my wife spent a great deal of time compiling the questions and answers into categories. While I have my own thoughts about some of the answers, at least they were answering, even though they contradicted themselves a few times.
Her compilation is at
That’s a great write-up, Bren!