10 thoughts on “EQ2U Introduces Ascension and Item Compare, Plus a Word on Autoattack Stats

  1. Nice job once again (was just writing some article in French about auto attack statistics, have just to drop it in the trash can 👿 )

    A word about Item Compare : why not presenting the two comparison way and let us choose which one is the best for us (I know it’s twice the job to do but …) ?

  2. My issue with comparing items is figuring out equivalencies. I can easily see which item has more of any certain stat. But does X% more Double Cast, and X,000 more Ability Modifier make up for losing X INT and XX% POT?

    Those are the things that keep me with 5 pairs of gloves in my bags not knowing which one is really better.

  3. The most baffling thing is that I cannot recall a single post by a DEV on official posts stating what is now useful stat wise. I even recall a chat with a dev a few months back and his comment on it was: “We have no plans of telling the community”.

    Imagine a player who has been away and/or struggling with coming into this expansion has no clue which stat to go after considering there are so many now. Yes, you can reforge out of them but the only meaningful conversion is with ability modifier. I doubt anybody ever reforges into potency since the gains are extremely low.

    Kudos to Feldon to bringing this up — a job any game DEV should be all over on. I would love to see a post here on official forums that breaks down all relevant stats.

    I have to think as far as Rothgar/Xelgad who posted a stat breakdown and that was years ago. Not sure why this is now left so cryptic.

    Lastly, there is so much wrong in where the game is now headed by forcing every class to take two stats. Absolutely game breaking and not at all fun in terms of class customisation.

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