As of midnight, it appears that Wave Three of Summer Ethereals have begun. As we wrote about earlier this year, rather than weapons, the new Ethereals are Jewelry and Charms, and in this case, a Cloak ( Bonecaster’s Mantle ).
A player brought the rollover to our attention. While the new cloak offers a 15% damage reduction from elemental, arcane, and noxious damage, as well as +10.5 Fervor, it oddly includes a Daze effect. Disabling autoattack for an entire minute of combat seems like a non starter.
Also, Flurry and no Doublecast? Casters getting screwed here…
Also odd that they’d make it a cloak… competing with the various class cloaks..
I know, right? It’s like they said “hey, let’s design an Ethereal cloak, but make it the most worthless thing possible”. No All for One? No wear…
the amount of potency you get from the cloak more then makes up for the no all for one effect as the total amount of potency is higher then the all for one’s highest effect (168 pot) and the other cloak’s potency and it’s not conditional on being in a group with others having the all for one cloaks.
what makes it bad is the daze effect and the flurry not being upto par with the rare merchant cloak’s flurry amount (and there being no caster version)
it wouldn’t be hard to make the right click examine box let you swap it once from flurry to dbc version while still letting you right clikc and having the option to turn it in for tokens.
Ah, I see it now on the potency. But yeah, it doesn’t excuse the rest.
The potency gain is only about 150, if you take in the potency from the All for One effect.. It does lack the extra crit chance from the All in One proc. The loss of double cast for casters and mit/block for tanks may is also an issue.
It still would have made more sense for them to make it a belt so it didn’t conflict with class cloaks.
Personally, I don’t understand the plethora of ‘daze’ on so many of the clickies this expansion.
They’re looking at the 2% damage output from the autoattack itself and not the procs it triggers. Seriously, it shows this wasn’t playtested.
Why put Daze on a desirable item? Might as well put “TRANSMUTE-ONLY” tag on the item.
If I ever won the cloak, I’d say, “grats me on fifteen coins”. Course it took winning 526 coins before I saw an item drop…..
I got this on Sunday night with the double ethereal coin drops and at first i was like Heck yeh, extra Pot… then after testing the clicky, i was very disappointed.. I didn’t even SEE that little “Dazes Caster” until i was trying to melee in a fight after clicking it.
Poo, figures i finally get an ethereal drop and it’s TP
Lose a point of resolve too if I am not mistaken 🙁
I would really like to know when summer etherals end. so I can spend coins before then. 🙂