11 thoughts on “US Server Merges Postponed…Again

    1. Actually during live she literally said that this might happen because it was so close to the move and they wanted to be careful. (So this isn’t unexpected and they are keeping people in the loop if people bother to pay attention.) So its a good thing.
      Besides this move is turning out to be a really big deal lol.
      The teams have always been in different locations (buildings) etc.
      2 New xpacks announced out of the blue; when they said no more!
      Even mention of EqNext and something completely new they are working on.
      This has all been good news.
      Usually when teams go silent people rightfully get very worried; especially after an acquisition like this… However they have exploded recently, so it was one of those times the silence/lack really was just intense reorganizing.
      I will probably never be able to say DBG lol (SoE will be eternally stuck in my head :/) But you guys are doing a great job now! Ty so much.

      @ the rate things were going for SoE there would have not even been a 2016-17…lol.

      Besides this is a TON of work people put into EQ characters; losing things could be a disaster.

  1. I don’t care if we need to wait 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 months… IF they do it without any problem (no missing toons, items, …)… because my belly button disappeared two days ago when I couldn’t log my raiding main char 😆

  2. well that sounds like a good idea — move first (which might take weeks ) and merge after … I’ll cancel my sub til they merge — that’s all I was waiting for — no need to spend the money just yet — I’ll resub just before they do it to make sure they get the names straight, but I’m not holding my breath — I’m like the others … just do it right the first time

  3. Fire up the expac beta. My guild wants to start messing with it. 🙂
    Merge whenever it suits since the merge will mean a bit more play time with old friends, but most of my play time is with guildmates currently. More people trolling the LFG channel won’t impact me either way.

  4. Splitpaw should be merged with Storms and Valor. And german and french ppl must give up the thought that their language ever will be valid outside their countries (and former colonies).

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