From the EQ2 Forums: PVP General Fixed an issue where players could mentor below the minimum PvP mentor level while inside PvP exempt zones. Time-Locked PvP Pumice stones are now available from gratified merchants. Qeynos and Freeport now correctly flag opposing faction players for PvP. ABILITIES PvP Evac spells will no longer work on characters that are in PvP combat. ITEMS [eq2u]Spirit Totem of the Wolf[/eq2u] will now grant a small “in combat” speed bonus. Fixed a bug with personal depots that increased status and coin rent for the houses they were placed in. MARKETPLACE Increased the size of...
Day: July 29, 2015
The EQ2 team are slowly unlocking various creature comforts on the Time-Locked Expansion servers, including a few fluff Marketplace items, while Veteran Rewards and XP/Vitality potions currently remain off-limits. Some of these items were the subject of an in-game poll. One of the items that got the thumbs up from players were Personal Harvest Depots/Stashes for player housing (Guild Halls remain unavailable, possibly forever). Players were disappointed at the status cost and the very limited number of slots (30) stored by the 1,000 DBC ($10) item. Fortunately, we can expect an improvement to these items. From Caith on the...
It’s been over a year since SOE’s Gold and Station Pass subscriptions were revamped and rolled into a single All Access program. If it’s been a while since you played EverQuest II and you are just coming back, you might have forgotten what game features and entitlements you’ve been granted in EverQuest II. While you’re in-game, you can always type /show_account_features to see a localized listing all your in-game account features/grants. However if you want to see this information on a website, you have to know the secret handshake. This link is not shown anywhere on the website. If you...