6 thoughts on “On Test: Erollisi Day 2015 and Agnostic Dungeons Up To Level 94!

    1. We’re going to bump up the number of people required to 3. The intent was always that even with a low number of people you’d at least be able to make some forward progress; unfortunately, lower levels weren’t where they needed to be in terms of damage output to make it feasible. This is vastly improved now, but we still want to avoid a solo player with a merc dropping in and wondering “Now what?”

      1. Is that 3 actual players, or will 2 players each with mercs still work? My husband and I often start up the finder that way – we’ve had plenty of random people added to our group (yay!) but we would still like to be able to do dungeons if no one adds in…

  1. That’s some extreme buffing for dungeon finder! Now I know how I will be gearing out all of my toons, even if I don’t have a full group. Dungeon finder could be the new advanced solo.

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