15 thoughts on “Upcoming EverQuest II Insider – Q&A 6/18/2014 – Submit Your Questions!

  1. @Malade

    Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine.

    Server merges aren’t something to be taken lightly. While some may be necessary, they just don’t happen overnight. They often take many hours of careful monitoring.

    Also, instead of waiting to ask you judged them immediately and just deleted all your accounts. You could’ve given us your plats or something…

    But I’m being serious. You’re going to let one thing that hasn’t happened yet make you quit the game? Some people are just sad.

  2. A lot of assumptions are made by people wanting ‘server merges’ about the populous of any given server. The fact is nobody other than folk at Sony Towers know the true populous of any server.

    Much of the populous don’t feel the need to talk in world chat 24/7, or don’t do PUG’s, or may not be otherwise visible because they are somewhere in particular, in what is lets face it a huge game world. I do think its fair to say there are less people playing as each week goes by, thats only natural with all the new kids on the block including the latest addition to the family, Landmark.

    An alternative and better solution in my opinion would be to continue to pester the dev team to try and get dungeon finder 2.0 working and have it feature cross-server grouping. They should have focussed and stayed focussed on this a few years back. It has to be possible, other games can do it, EQ2 even does it in one form already with Battlegrounds. This imho is what they should fix.

    1. Dungeon finder was and is a total loss. I tried using the original one and well it led to some of the worst pug groups I ever been in.

      The problem is that with so many things going into the pot to make a good group it really is going to be near impossible to do that. You would need a gear score, a spell score, and for it to be able to look at things like crit chance.

      Find was a good idea implemented very wrong.

      1. Dungeon finder was and is a total loss

        The current state yes,,. but if you play some other games..
        i,e. Secret world comes to mind… they have a lfg tool that you sign up by archetype. That being said there no set classes or levels so its a little unfair.
        The point is though that the devs have access all that information and they’re already working on a revision and I believe it can be successful enough. Caveat: There are always undergeared/lazy players looking for a carry. Can’t fix that with code.

  3. I wouldnt judge the need for server merges through the summer thats for sure,but as someone who plays rarely these days it does seem quiet on my servers,EF and SP,but that could be down to the time i play at i suppose

  4. Summer time is always the worst time to gauge the population count. Many folks travel, Heck we only raided once this week due to half the raid force on vacation, and had to 2.5 group AS.

    Saying that all I can say for sure on Guk server there has not been any multiple instances of Vesper isles since like the 3rd month of the xpac. So that alone tells me that folks are not playing. I noticed that when landmark came out a lot of folks I Knew went over there, and quit playing.

    What needs to happen is lower the price of character transfer, 25 bucks is a bit much for a flip of the switch. Now if yo wanted to charge like 50 bucks to move all 15 of my toons I would gladly do that. However 25 bucks x 15 level 95’s is not happening.

  5. Legit question:
    1)Are there future plans for more dungeon maker layouts? Are there plans for example, a small outside zone, like cove of decay?

    2) Is there something that can be done about the all access spam message when you aren’t actively subscribing but still playing and spending station cash?

    1. In my opinion, any time spent on Dungeon Maker that does not START with adding real customization of enemies including choosing buff and spell packages, linking encounters, and setting spawncamps to do certain things like spawn a named when killed, is wasted time.

      Not to take away anything from the talented players who have tried to squeeze every drop of creativity out of it, but bottom line, it’s Dungeon Decoratoring.

      Just look at what players are doing in Landmark when given almost unlimited building capability. People are finding tips and tricks that go beyond what the designers ever dreamed of. If Dungeon Maker (originally Design Your Own Dungeon) in EQ2 had just given us the tools instead of putting bubble wrap on everything and rounding off all the corners and hiding the complexity from us, you’d see some truly incredible content.

  6. Feldon your 100% correct on you dungeon maker comments,
    My question is are they going to continue with the full gear resets on every expansion. Horrible thing that blizzard started in wow’s first expansion that other companies seem to follow.

  7. Dungeon finder:
    How will you incorporate player “reputation” into group member selection?
    What impact would a voting/follower system have (making groups from toons people like to group with more likely) on your vision for Dungeon finder?
    How are YOU thinking about holding toons accountable to the people they are grouped with by dungeon finder?

    What is the plan for Dungeon maker and who is it really made for? It feels like a failed experiment on life support.

    Tools are very limited and most popular dungeons seem to be set up for xp grinds (ie. mob stacks) over adventuring.

    What plans exist to revisit DM scripting and events (discussed last year)?

    Is there a way to fix mob aggro and clipping through walls/placed obstacles (like dividers)?

  9. What battlegrounds-like PvE server or cross server instance work has been done lately? When can we expect to see something (either concept or test) before its ready for general consumption? (in the new SOE spirit of transparency). :mrgreen:

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