15 thoughts on “Smedley Delves into Reasons for Subscription Changes (mostly Accounts and Tax Laws)

  1. Nice ramble & very appreciated. I have played EQ/EQ2 since 1998 & honestly SoE have been pretty responsive over the years. But like any large organisation (who in turn is a subsidiary(?) of another even larger organisation – communication with clients/customers continues to be an issue. For most of us an explanation or the “why” is very important. In all cicumstances there are always percieved winners & losers – you can’t please us/them all. Thank you John Smedley for the brave attempt & for an enjoyable game that has seen me through much of my adult life.

  2. “We’re in the middle of developing Everquest Next Landmark (on schedule right now for end of this month).”

    was this a brain fart or is he saying landmark will go into alpha a month early?

      1. The cynical bit of me says thinks this is cos they need to cash in all the insane money people have been paying to participate in Alpha. Paying to Alpha test? Leaves a nasty taste. I’ve Beta tested a number of games and Alpha tested two, all for free. and with perks if I played the game once launched.

  3. OK, I have to admit I love this little look behind the curtains at the nuts and bolts of what they have to deal with to keep the game going. I’m not sure most folks realize there’s so, so much more than just code and hardware that goes into these things–I for one do not envy the people who have to push the paper to make the rest possible, but I appreciate what they do all the same!

  4. I really appreciate this insight, lets hope it marks a fundamental change in how SOE talks to and treats their player base.

    I remain confused about one thing. Smed said before that people hoarding SC is a problem (later suggesting tax reasons) which is why they didn’t want to give it away any more. Surely people can still hoard the SC the buyonline or as cards? And now we can hoard the 500SC again too…. so… what changed about hoarding being a problem?

  5. When you are forced to login and /claim the SC, you are more likely to spend the SC immediately, immediately reducing their liabiliies; if you don’t login – maybe because have a long term subscription but do not care about the game anymore – you forfeit the SC thus no liabilities either.

  6. Yeah I get that, but we can still hoard it, and buy cards in stores or via the website and hoard it – Smed said that people hoarding SC was a problem, not just hoarding the free SC.

  7. I have been told now that asking about the implications of the new all-access plans for us Europeans was repeatedly off topic. Not sure how when Smed himself mentioned us in our own bullet point and everything in the OP. But apparently it was fine to discuss all other aspects of the new proposal EXCEPT the bit about Europeans for some reason. How it constituted off topic I have NO idea – awaiting a response.


    1. They prob equate all Europeans with PS7 now so it’s out of their ball game until they have negotiated with PS7 about the issues.

      I wonder how many of us are still on SOE accounts from Europe – I am

      1. Me too, in case it wasn’t clear. I think there are a lot of us – following our huge fight, anyone who was an existing player when PSS1 took over EQ2 in Europe just stayed with SOE so a lot didn’t even realise anything happened, they just carried on playing.

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