18 thoughts on “Alternate Advancement Profiles Come to EQ2U

  1. Feldon and Dethdlr, you guys rock! Awesome work as always!

    I downloaded the spec of an awesome guildie brig and uploaded it to my alt. So sweet not to have to respec point by point to try something you know someone else does incredible things with.

  2. Someone should try to compile the perfect leveling specs for each class (with points spent in the best order) and make them available to people.

    Maybe wait until the expansion, though.

  3. The perfect leveling spec?
    The perfect max level spec?

    I’m sure a library of popular specs will crop up disembodied from the toons they belong to, but perfection is an opinion. Is perfect easy or challenging? Is it dungeon maker runs or questing? Solo or group?

    instant 85 is coming if you answer “easiest”. 🙂

    1. Easiest for sure, since the people who are asking for specs are generally struggling on their own. I just think it would be cool to be able to tell them, “Just download and load this one, and you’re set.”

      It will be interesting to see how the instant 85s work, but I’m sure we’ll have new players and players new to classes asking for the easiest specs on those characters as well. I would have assumed people would just go with the “solo” preset for each class while leveling, but that hasn’t been case for whatever reason. I guess they must either not see it or not trust it.

  4. the major problem with the Solo AA Spec is that it is not designed for anything less then 320 AA. it will not priorities things from the Class or Shadows tree over just 100 Subclass/100 Class/70 Shadow… then move you on to Heroic tree.

  5. Is anyone having an issue with this feature? I am using Profit, but don’t believe this would matter. It works as defined but when you select the downloaded aa file from the EQ2 folder nothing happens, even after hitting commit.

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