13 thoughts on “GU67: Fabled Dungeons Will Have Familiar Loot, Surprises, Be Tuned for Level 95

  1. I’m not sure duplicating an item to have a Lv95 version is the best way to go about itemization. It would have been nice if they implemented it to where the same item of various levels would drop with stats rated and scaled according to that level. This would have enabled more variety in gear by utilizing an algorithm based on the level of the item. Rather than making it dynamic, we have a static “best gear for class” and appearance gear.

  2. What a completely pointless addition to the game. Further shows SoE is out of touch with their fanbase. What’s the point of this? Seems like it won’t even be a new group of names like Runnyeye: The Gathering was to its original zone. Anyone remember the PoW update when they added those two DoF theme instances to SS? Not a single person used them unless they were shiny collecting on the level 60-80 version of it. How about instead they concentrate on making the group zones of WBE, WBC, and CAV relevant enough to go into. Add fabled names or w/e.

  3. I quite liked Palace of Sabaron, personally. Short and sweet, and some nice appearance items.

    For some people it seems everything has to be “functional” to the point that everything that came before is automatically pointless.

    I think it’s a great idea that they are revisiting older dungeons. My only complaint would be that I’d rather see them go through a variety of dungeons across many older expansions instead of focusing the updates on one parent zone/expansion.

    PS: What do they mean by “fabled” dungeons, can someone explain? has that anything to do with the “fabled” term on items?

  4. I loved the old zones and I’m actually kinda giddy like a schoolgirl that there will be an excuse to go see them again aside from my nostalgic soloing and chronoing. ^_^ Seems like an awesome idea as long as they don’t remove the original zones. That would be like taking rungs out of a ladder to make it taller and forgetting other people were going to need to climb up too. XD

    Seemed like such a waste of good art work and programing when there were on average 1 to 6 people in an old expansion. >.>

  5. I loved the palace of sabaron dungeon updates. I think, like palace of sabaron and runnyeye: the gathering, the new fabled versions will be new options in the list when you click on the doors to the dungeons.

    Overall, I like having new dungeons to run. Especially since I never got to really run the Desert of Flame dungeons ‘at level’ (except those upgraded last year)

  6. Yeah I agree with others (besides that whiny bitch hoot) – these were some fun zones, and I’ll be glad to see them in rotation again.

    Besides ever since SOE went and handed itemization over to ‘loot-generator-9000’ script, loots been bland and boring anyway. So they went with some of the oldest zones (pre-instance even) and redid them first – fine with me.

    Though I would be happy if they did an ingame poll for what zones to do as an upleveled version like they did with the neighborhood thing.

    ALSO and this a BIG ALSO – I hope they think about doing this with raid zones, I’d love to do some of the old (MUCH more fun) raid zones on rotation. I read djinn master for this update, isn’t that a raid zone?

    Every single raider I talk to says that the final encounter timetraveling did before soe fired him, that is Theer, is one of the best and most funin the game – be great to have a reason to run it at 95 (among a ton of others)

  7. DMP and PoS were raid zones. I am curious to know if the strats are the same or if they have been tweaked. I am guessing “dungeon” in this context is synonymous with “instanced multiplayer content” and so inclusive of raids.

    Six-man DMP would be….interesting.

  8. Great idea Willow with upconverted raid zones.. and i agree they need not take the place of of the old zones.. they need to be in addition. Nothing wrong with raid options since you know you’re there for a while hehehe.. and the reuse of loot i have grown to find acceptable since its seems to be done intelligently enough where 95 level ‘redubbed’ crushbone hammer is a good weapon but still doesn’t beat out the current expansion gear but is a good inbetween…

    Furthermore, a change of scenery and theme’d appearrance item add to variety.

    Lastly, scaling dungeons are good,.

  9. It’s kinda cool somewhat that they are adding updated versions of the old zones but with that said it does feel like this is typical SOE BS by taking the easiest route instead of designing entirely new content not rehashed old content.

    As to Timetraveling’s design of Theer…agree that was one of the best designed and sadly least buggy raid names in quite a long time especially compared to some of the current ones.

  10. I’ve said it before I’ll say it again – thank god I’m not a dev for EQ2, because no matter what they do, there will be people bitching about it. I personally love the idea of scaling up dungeons to max level, and I can’t for the life of me see why someone would see more choices as a bad thing.

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