12 thoughts on “EQ2U Adds Class Focuses, Racial Traits, More Item Searches

  1. it would be great if your “Latest Items” link allowed filtering (primarily interested in seeing new fabled items, but i’m sure someone out there will be interested in seeing crafted stuff, house stuff, etc)

  2. kinda off topic, but eq2u’s spell shopping list got me thinking about it. Is there anything (web site, gui mod, whatever) that would let me see quests I HAVEN”T done?

    1. kinda off topic, but eq2u’s spell shopping list got me thinking about it. Is there anything (web site, gui mod, whatever) that would let me see quests I HAVEN”T done?

      The only site out there in that realm is Fluffy.dk. It’s both a searchable website and a program you download that interfaces with your copy of EQ2 to track your quests.

      Hopefully some day we get Quest data. 😉

  3. Wow your doing an amazing job guys! I love EQ2U, I previously kept Excel lists of my characters spells, languages etc. now I can just look at EQ2U and it’s more accurate as sometimes I forgot to note it down when I upgraded in my own lists.

    I missing a site on internet for appearance gear. Would like to preview appearance on a website, perhaps even search on appearance. Perhaps I could use search criteria chest slot, can be equipped by wizard, legendary, any level, yellow. Perhaps I already found a nice yellow vest for my mage and could pick colour from that item and search for matching boots and pants?
    I don’t know if/what is possible to do. but for example many robes looks like they are made of the same base pattern, if I look at a robe maybe I could search what items use the same base pattern as maybe I liked the details on my yellow vest and want to see if I can find one in a different colour but in same pattern.
    I also noticed items in game that look like exact matches it would be nice to be able to search what other items is the closes matches to my item. Perhaps I found a nice looking dagger on my scout that is lore-equip and want to find an other with matching appearance. Perhaps I could get both exact matches and almost exact matches. It can also be for mages one weapon item that have same appearance as a item a mage can equip in secondary.
    Also sometimes I can find a really nice item in game that I would like to get as appearance but it’s unavailable. Perhaps it from a past quest that is not in game any longer or a robe only available for mages that would look good on my bruiser, then it would be nice to see if any other gear share it’s appearance!
    Perhaps I can marked found appearance items to a list and when I have a day with not much planned I can look at the collected list of my characters to plan what quest or zone to do. I atm keep a few items in such a list in excel I note down lvl, if it’s quested or dropped, from what named/quest and who of my characters that want that item.

    I still keep Excel lists for transmuting skill, reason is that I like to have my characters transmuting skill in same sheet so when I looted muteables I can see what character need and can transmute that level of items. Is this something EQ2U can enable, perhaps I checkbox charecters to compare then select something such as transmuting skill, languages, faction?

  4. I got to say Feldon I like that you all added this. I went to the spell selection and actually found one I had at expert.

    I know you guys work hard at keeping this site going, and despite my rants sometimes you are very much appreciated.

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