9 thoughts on “EQ2U Adds Guild Achievements, Guild Recruiting Data

  1. Awesome, however can you please change how Guild Achievements are displayed? Instead of alphabetical I think it would make more sense to have them in reverse chronological order. (CoE, then DoV, then SF, etc)

    Or possibly even have them hidden and just have the expansion tag expand when it’s clicked on, that may be more work than it’s worth though…

  2. Noted a problem with how it reads guilds websites. Case in point, my guild’s website is gorowynmilitia.guildportal.com The guild read here shows it as gorowynmilitia.guild.portal.com That extra dot is a interesting error.

  3. @Kalmaraa: I created a character on Antonia Bayle and looked up Gorowyn Militia with the in-game guild recruiting tool. The problem is that your recruiting message says gorowynmilitia.guild.portal.com. It’s coming through the feeds and being displayed exactly like it is in game. Somebody typed it in on your recruiting screen incorrectly.

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