29 thoughts on “Worried About the AA Reset? EQ2U Has You Covered

  1. Keep in mind, if the character hasn’t logged in since GU63, you’ll probably need to save the spec yourself using the details Feldon mentioned above. I got a LOT of them saved, but it’s not ALL of them. Make sure yours is saved just in case.

    Also, if you find one that doesn’t work and want the link removed, send us a comment with a link to the character on EQ2U.

  2. @Madcat

    You might as well ask why tons of things in games are done the way they are when the gamers who play them could come up with a better idea. It’s just the way things are. I try not to get worked up over game stuff even if i have 3 lvl 92 chars to redo if it is reset.

    This sort of thing is the kind of thing game designers usually just decide is a “your problem as a player” thing.

  3. I haven’t played in so long my AAs are still not re-added from the last reset… I usually just log in once in a while to keep in the guilds I’m in and RP. My old raid toon hasn’t had a reason to raid in a year or so, and still wearing odus gear.

  4. I wish SOE would go back to using those Card items you pick up at the mage tower, and flag all accounts for 1 free card to reset AAs for each individual tab, whenever they do a reset. That way we don’t have to reset if we don’t want to. It takes a good 15 minutes sometimes to re-add the points, and thats time we could be dungeon clearing. 😛

  5. OK, when I did the math I saw that with all the beastlords with all the warders with all their points, that was a lot, Lot, LOT of data. Over 4 million points of data. Couple that with the fact that some of the lower level characters that weren’t being followed had not been backed up and I decided to do something about it.

    Now, under the “(Autosaved)Pre-CoE Spec” link to Beetny, you’ll also see “(Autosaved)Pre-CoE Spec at EQ2U”. That will bring up the AA spec here at EQ2U for all 416,747 characters that have been looked up on EQ2U as of this morning. The link is there for every character whether they are backed up or not so make sure to check it if you’re not sure.

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