15 thoughts on “Sleeper’s Tomb Chapter I, Norrath-bound Avatars of War Arrive

  1. Sleeper’s Tomb was a pretty cool group zone. We ran it last night up to the last room shown in the last picture above. Got it to the point where the golem added after four waves of adds flys out of the portal thing but only gave it a couple tries before everyone was too sleepy to continue. We were making progress on it though. All the other nameds in the zone we took out on the first try. Kinda glad we didn’t faceroll the last one, although I’m sure plenty of people will that are geared better than us. 🙂

  2. I did that yesterday and the zone was fairly easy lots of curing, but the trash didnt really need as much. First pull of the last named we decided to go hard mode. Got him down to about 12% and wiped. We went back and killed him in easy mode pretty fast. Second run had my defailer and an Inq. It was a bloody mess. Couldn’t get past the second wave. I had to switch out to a warden and really work it with this group. I was mashing my wards and heals before they were coming back up. I can’t wait to try the X4 Thurs. I think it will be alot of fun.

  3. I dont get the gear progression. This is a heroic zone and we haven’t seen red adorns on heroic equipment since the access quests for SS. They were all replaced though with SS faction items (again talking about non-raiders).

    Yet the first quest to zone into ST has an older item (+154) with a red adorn.

    Is ST supposed to be for those that haven’t cleared UD?

  4. With the use of the banshee adds over and over on most all (if not all) of the names in the raid zone I am not surprised in the least to see that they ‘robbed’ Bertoxx of pestilence. Whoever did it probably was completely unaware that there are player deities in the game much less one named Bertoxxulous.

    The new zone looks good (it isn’t zones), lag was so terrible last night it was almost unplayable but we managed to clear the raid last night not really challenging at all.
    Hopefully the Avatars were all on the same initial spawn timer and it was not made to be as disgustingly easy as the raid zone mobs were, then there will be a chance of it still being up at raid time tonight.

  5. I am very glad to see the sleepers tomb. That last screenshot, Brings back memories. I might run it if I can get the chance some time. I remember getting that close to him in EQ1 with the force field. I was a barbarian rogue who had came in with a large raid of people expecting hell. We all died.

  6. Went back in there last night and took every named on the first pull, including the last one. The last one seemed easier than it was Tuesday night but it could just be that the place we pulled him was better this time. So far, I think I like the zone. 🙂

  7. Tried it launch day with 3 people and mercs…/fail.Got past some trash and that was it.Casual guild,we cant even clear UD for the mount.Gonna try again this weekend,and hope it goes better with a full group…Problem is we have few that are 92,let alone geared.Kinda thought this zone was to help gear up us non raid types?

    1. Tried it launch day with 3 people and mercs…/fail.Got past some trash and that was it.Casual guild,we cant even clear UD for the mount.Gonna try again this weekend,and hope it goes better with a full group…Problem is we have few that are 92,let alone geared.Kinda thought this zone was to help gear up us non raid types?

      Gotta get to 92.

      Skyshrine group zones and Skyshrine contested names should gear you up pretty quick. Also the Skyshrine solo zones can be done every 90 min. Yeah, the RNG sucks — you are going to get priest chain half the time — but you gear up pretty fast with 2 pieces for every 10 minute run.

  8. where can i read about avatars, where they spawn, when, and all that? it seems to be a big secret somehow, yet the super guilds seem to know when and where they will be. ive searched all over this site, flames, eq2.com…not a mention of where they are and such, other than what they are and what they do.
    thanks in advance

  9. The Avatars spawn in Eastern Wastes, Withered Lands, and/or the Great Divide. As for where exactly they spawn? This information is a guarded secret. This is the nature of avatars. One guild per server typically keeps them on “lockdown”.

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