22 thoughts on “John Smedley: Fundamental Shift in MMO Industry

  1. /scared
    Lets see what other big announcements have they made in the past year or so…
    F2P conversion
    Switch from actual Expansions to GU + expansions that only give ‘features’ (hope that goes away with next one =p)

  2. Lets see, they are combining eq1 and eq2 and calling it eq next? I am glad I am not the only one that gets nervous when SOE says “complete and fundamental shift for SOE that is going to change our industry”

  3. This just came on Twitter

    SOE players are some of the most dedicated, emotionally invested players in any virtual world. For the first time, you have the opportunity to create parts of our world by designing new in-game items.

    Player Studio™ is a new program that invites (initially US-based) players to download sample geometry, learn how virtual items are constructed, and try designing items. You can try your hand at writing a creative name, item description and rationale for how it fits into the ongoing narrative storyline.

    Probably will be as exiting as Dungeon Maker, fun idea initself though.

  4. Probably restructuring, going from in-house employees to contractors. It’s a trend that’s been starting lately in response to certain controversial regulatory moves which shall remain nameless. I suspect it had a hand in Player Studio as well, though only the insiders know the real score.

  5. Apparently they made a big Planetside 2 announcement today, that very well could have been the other major announcement from SoE. Though I didn’t know SJ was involved with Planetside, he seems to be answering a large number of questions about it on his twitter.

  6. So their huge industry changing announcement is that rather than paying game designers and creating jobs, they want their paying customers to do their work and pay them piecemeal instead of paying the going rate for quality designers.

  7. Tomorrows announcement is a complete and fundamental shift for SOE that is going to change our industry.

    Players will be able to create content where we own the rights; we don’t have to pay for it. As an added bonus, you’ll work for us for free.

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