We receive word this evening that the Item Discovery data within the Data Feeds API has been refreshed, with those ill-gotten item discoveries through an exploit of Item Reforging have been removed from the data stream. Please let us know if you see any issues with item discovery data on EQ2U after this change.
Day: July 23, 2012
The upcoming Game Update 64: Qeynos Rises includes significant changes to Player vs Player and Battlegrounds, a light polish to Darklight Woods (Neriak), itemization tweaks (normal mode Dozekar gains Breastplates, Sevelak breastplates will be boosted to match the difficulty), a Public Quest in Antonica, and of course the revamp of Qeynos with 108 new quests. Our hats off to Karen Bryan at Massively who has done not one, not two, but three preview articles on the upcoming update…
On July 19th, 2012, Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson interviewed Paul “Cronyn” Molina and Nathan “Kaitheel” McCall to tell the story and share the lore of Qeynos Rises, so don’t miss it! This webcast is now online at TwitchTV.
Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson posted the following on his Twitter: @Qixter: Syfy Channel finally aired the interview they did with me about SOEmote (at E3). Go EQII! http://t.co/kIc2kRd3