7 thoughts on “Secrets of Storm Gorge (Spoilers)

  1. “You don’t have to kill the adds. Once you kill each main mob, the adds despawn — killing the wolfs, rhinos, and snow tornadoes is a waste of time.”

    It’s frustrating how many people don’t get this. More often then not the encounter will be down to just having to kill like 8 more stormbringers and I’ll see tanks and DPS targeting everything but. I always try to make it a point to aggro the stormbringers and guide them into the AE cluster at least.

  2. +1 I think the main reason is that many people esp tanks dont realise the dismounted rhinos and wolves taunt them off their target and/or people are not targetting through the siege master who mainly only targets mobs that the quest still requires. Yes he get taunted off too but he soon regains the appropriate target.

  3. As a tank I am target locked to such adds, so if people do not have a main assist then burning such adds down is often the best option (otherwise people run the risk of pulling aggro).

  4. Dont kill the add… they keep locking target people on them was pretty hard to totaly ignore them.

    i dont understand why there is a timer in the timer, we have like 20 min for clean the weave, why put this timer in the timer ? that dont make sense. Specialy since he is hidded, Why use 2 different timer for same wave ? After the 6min it’s auto fail, so it’s wast of time.

  5. I think SG is bugged. Raid was on last 4x boss and stopped DPS when he grew large but he healed himself to 100 percent anyway. I finall left the Raid after 45 min of trying. FRUSTRATING.

  6. Something needs to be done in regards to how these things are designed. You have a system where if you aren’t in GD or GD2 you likely will have like 5 people present, if you do get into one of those two and happen to not be in a group if you crash or lock up you get zoned into a different instance and can’t get back.

    I have lost two diffrent rewards completely due to this. Storm gorge EQ2 locks and gets closed by windows and then I come back to GD4 and can’t get back. I went from being on Goredeth to getting nothing at all. Except for the damage to my equipment due to 4 deaths because of his aoe’s and no healer.

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