EQ2 Designer Windslasher is working on the lag issues in the Storm Gorge public quests, but apparently it’s not an easy problem to solve:
I am working on changes to reduce lag. I’m very aware of how bad it is, and I consider that the #1 problem to fix. It also happens to be the hardest, which is why the going is slow. That is all.
I think its just the massive number of pc/npcs/mobs to render. Cut the 60 adds down to 18, and beef em up. Get rid of the coldain, move em outside the area or something. Maybe if they did that they could stop messing with the player caps. Ringwars gets similar issues, but not half as bad as SG.
1000% agree Zerigo. Just make the Storm Gorge Rime bring out large monsters instead of 60 mobs +pets. The lag is so bad the majority of groups wipe because they cant see whats going on, so no healing, no attacks.
Ring War works so much better.
I wish the supply runner was easier to find. Most of the time I don’t even know he is there and if I do he is impossible to target( for us non macro makers).He stops right in the middle of the action,maybe have him stop in the doorway or something.
Also maybe have a clickable poster on the wall that when you click on it that you automatically join a raid force (first 24 ppl that are there and click on it are raid force one, after that raid force 2 starts. This way we don’t have individuals, 2 ppl groups all fighting separate or ppl asking “who is inviting”.
about the supply guy
instead of having to hail the little monster, just have it automatically hand the items to us or hell skip that part and have the supply guy buff the dorfs himself and when hes done he leaves.