11 thoughts on “The Twelve Days of Velious – Aether Races

  1. This was a disappointment. I couldn’t see which rings to travel through and ended up threading through rings more or less at random. Seems the correct rings light up bright green but they only flared up if you came very close. If this proximity “radius” had been enlarged a bit, the races could have been good sport.

  2. Very good fun, the Lavastorm course was the easiest to navigate for first timers, although the most crowded so hard to get a good time on.

    The hardest by far with the Tenebrous Tangle course since the distance between hoops was so much I had a couple of “where the heck next” moments and failed the course. But it was the hardest course out there, so fair enough!

    On the seriously overloaded Splitpaw I only had a problem once on the Tenebrous tangle course where the first gate didn’t update, other then that the green highlights sort of happened fast enough, but with any racing a knowledge of the course was the key.

    Definitely a blast and I really hope these courses do return for a special event again in the future.

    I picked up a couple of the mounts too, they look just like the rattly death traps they were described as 🙂 Without the flying ability they can no longer fly, but still provide a 25% speed mount, good to see for a free event.

  3. It was above and beyond what I was expecting. Client side lag made it kind of a pain to get the rings to “register” if flying through them at high speed. Overall it was a pleasant surprise from what I have come to expect.

    Warp Speed!

  4. Icecrash99,

    The animation guys have been soliciting feedback on the forums about 4-5 emotes they could add, including a proper sit command. It would not actually “stick” you to a chair, because that would take months of matching up the heights of all the chairs. Instead, you will just do a knee bend and hang at the halfway point. So if you /sit on a chair that is too big or too small, it will look silly. But on a chair of the right size, it will look fine. I think he might also do /sleep and /faint.

    I know some folks scoff at the need for these additions as “role play” type stuff, but once they’re added, it should allow mounts that we can “sit down” on like hovercraft, etc.

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