6 thoughts on “New EQ2Wire Columnist

  1. Any plans to update the http://www.eq2411.com site with the SF gear? Any plans to include weapons other than the standard Weaponsmith recipe books? Any plans to do anything other than weapons, such as armor or ranged weapons (such as the Woodworker recipes)? I’ve been hoping to find sites similar to http://www.everseek.com (and now http://www.eq2411.com), as the information on eq2.wikia.com (while nice), as well as other sites, doesn’t lend itself well to answering questions like, “What are the MasterCrafted armors my Ranger has to choose from?”, or, “What can I do with this rare severed bone?”, or any number of other possible questions. I’d love to see someone stick all these recipe books in a database somewhere and allow us to query it and answer the strange questions that come up in the game all day long.

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