1 thought on “A Cure For Curing

  1. Hu, Miragul was a step into that direction? What kind of dope is he smoking, and where can I get it? All of the bosses and the trash as well have annoying crap that needs curing, and most of the fights in Miragul are just awful and boring (Haladan is the worst, Glaciatus isn’t better).

    A real improvement would be the removal of all damage shields and their annoying CC effects game-wide. Whoever thouigh that was a good idea is clearly mistaken. A KB or stun dmg shield on trash? You gotta be kidding me. Apart from it being annoying, it’s also random, and random stuff = bad, in case SOE didnt figure that out for themselves yet.

    And I really wonder how they want to keep a fight difficult when removing the necessity for some of the curing. Raise outgoing dmg from mobs? Raise dps requirement from the raid, forcing healers to dps? None of these prospects sounds promising to me.

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