2 thoughts on “Gu53 One Month Countdown

  1. The skill point update is sorely needed. I remember being 5/200 Subjugation on my Dirge because our only Subj skill is learned circa level 40, and taking about twenty levels to fix it. As another example, Timorous Deep is designed to spit newbies out at 5/55 in all six harvesting skills, which adds up to 300 points (and more than one 5 second harvest attempt per point, if you don’t level in the mean time) to catch up on.

    I’m hoping that the racials are done by GU 53. I have some alt plans that are on hold so I don’t end up wishing I’d waited when the new traits arrive.

  2. Nonsense. People create an appearance around their race. I have some awesome dwarf gear for my dwarf zerker, for instance. If I changed him to an ogre, it wouldn’t be the same; ogres are more Roman than Viking.

    Meaning, I’d have to go through the trouble of finding gear that better suits an ogre. And to be honest, that’s terrible.

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