Ry’Gorr Armor
On October 11, 2011, Primal Velium Shards were removed as a primary component from Thurgadin and Ry’Gorr armor.
All but the most impatient player will wait until they have the necessary Scintillating gems to buy themselves a set of Ry’Gorr armor. Ry’Gorr armor is a substantial upgrade over the Thurgadin set, which is itself an upgrade over Public Quest gear for most classes.
Players who earn the trust of the Ry’Gorr gain access to the most desirable Yellow and Red adornments of any of the Velious factions. But players need not wait until they have earned faction with Ry’Gorr to start gearing up on armor. Qualified crafters are not subject to the Ry’Gorr faction requirement and, with the exception of the Chest/Breastplate which only drops in the Temple of Rallos Zek, can make any Ry’Gorr armor pieces for you regardless of your faction.
Ry’Gorr Armor Sets by Class | |||
Berserker | Warlord’s Prodigious | Warlock | Thaumaturge’s Prophetic |
Guardian | Myrmidon’s Prodigious | Wizard | Invoker’s Prophetic |
Bruiser | Brute’s Prodigious | Coercer | Augur’s Prophetic |
Monk | Cenobite’s Prodigious | Illusionist | Beguiler’s Prophetic |
Paladin | Knight’s Prodigious | Conjuror | Elementalist’s Prophetic |
Shadowknight | Blood Lord’s Prodigious | Necromancer | Occultist’s Prophetic |
Fury | Stormbringer’s Reconstructing | Dirge | Maestro’s Lacerating |
Warden | Forest Scion’s Reconstructing | Troubador | Virtuoso’s Lacerating |
Inquisitor | Archon’s Reconstructing | Assassin | Darkblade’s Lacerating |
Templar | Exarch’s Reconstructing | Ranger | Forest Stalker’s Lacerating |
Defiler | Wraith’s Reconstructing | Brigand | Thug’s Lacerating |
Mystic | Spiritweaver’s Reconstructing | Swashbuckler | Gambler’s Lacerating |
Beastlord | Animist’s Lacerating |
Browse Ry’Gorr Armor @ EQ2 ZAM
Players who have earned enough faction may purchase Ry’Gorr armor directly from Cramnon Spirittalker in Ry’Gorr Keep as long as they possess the appropriate Scintillating Gem which drops as a Rough Gem from trash and named mobs in either of the three Kael Drakkel instances, or Kael Drakkel contested. Ry’Gorr faction can now be earned entirely by questing through the Ry’Gorr and Thrael’Gorr quests, as well as doing Daily faction quests, and redeeming Cloudy Velium Jewels earned from Public Quests. If you don’t want to wait, crafters are not subject to any Faction requirements to make Ry’Gorr armor.
Ry’Gorr Armor by Slot |
Scintillating Gem | |
Forearms | Citrine |
Hands | Emerald |
Feet | Jaundice |
Head | Black Marble |
Legs | Lava Ruby |
Shoulders | Diamond |
Rough Gems drop off both trash and named mobs in the 3 Kael Drakkel instances (starting with Iceshard Keep) as well as the sprawling Kael Drakkel contested dungeon. They must be polished into Scintillating Gems by a crafter with Thurgadin crafting faction. Oddly, the dropped Rough Gems are HEIRLOOM, while the refined Scintillating Gems are fully tradeable and appear on the broker at stratospheric prices.
![]() |
Scintillating Black Marble Gem \aITEM -1150215788 1913537684:[Scintillating Black Marble Gem]\/a \aITEM 889614961 981669418:Rough Black Marble\/a Scintillating Citrine Gem Scintillating Diamond Gem Scintillating Emerald Gem Scintillating Jaundice Gem Scintillating Lava Ruby Gem |
Crafters: The Ry’Gorr armor sets recipes can be found in Far Seas Strategic Pricing (3rd Edition), Volume II which drops in Tradeskill Instances. Crafters holding +30,000 faction with the Forgemasters of Thurgadin, will want to buy the NO TRADE Introduction to Coldain Gem Refining to help your fellow adventurers polish rough gems into scintillating ones.
Jump To: Intro | Thurgadin Armor | Ry’Gorr Armor | Drunder Armor | Pattern Jewelry/Cloaks
Great article. The whole DoV shard armor was really confusing me with the different factors, and this article has been of great help to me. Thanks.
errr *different factions
Great write up Feldon! As usual ;p
May I borrow and translate it?
This is awesome! Thanks for the write-up. I was really strugling in finding decent info about the various armors and required mats.
By all means yes feel free to translate it and use it on your site with a backlink. 🙂
this is a pretty awesome right up.
i haven’t seen pics of the new gear yet, it would be nice if i could view the new drunder geat juxtaposed against ry’gorr gear.
I may add another page with just some examples of the gear progression. I could do an example or two of the same item in Thurgadin, Ry’Gorr, and Drunder armor. Then I could do a few examples of the same item in the 4 patterns of jewelry/cloaks. The items are virtually identical except for stats going up about 8-10% per tier.
Heya Feldon, really nice guide, but two informartion are false. 1. Needed Shards on Vendor for Rygor Shard Gear are 52, not 47. And Rough Gems are not dropping in all Velious Dungeon ( not drunder), only in Kael 1-3 and Kael Contested. also only in those four instances.
Thanks I’ve made the corrections.
So Chest piece can’t be crafted is boss drop.
Exemple :
ToRZ ranger BP is Ry’gorr BP chest (Lacerating).
Forest Stalker’s Lacerating Hauberk
120 agi 120 sta
17 Weapon Skill
12.6 Multi Attack
5.6 Potency
37.1 Critical Mitigation
Pestilential Rain
Drunder ToT ranger BP from last boss is from drunder crafted set (Primeval).
108 agi 108 sta
14 Weapon Skill
14.3 Multi Attack
5.6 Potency
33 Critical Mitigation
No proc, no focus.
When you see people asking drunder too to get a bump in stats it’s serious. As you can see the New best BP from hardest normal heroic zone is less good than previous tier. It’s even in some ways less good than Fortress spire chest (no proc).
Aspect of War is fully bugged yet. Can’t adorn white adornment Multiattack on bow, shield don’t have appearence, some items are droppable some are heirloom.
About Thurgadin armor it’s a big rip off, they cost more than ry’gorr for a really useless stuff. Never buy this crap, rare gems are really common and cheap. And the focus on gear is great. Thurgadin should have been 20 token for each piece no more, considering it’s junk compared to ry’gorr.
And dont talk about fabled drop from ToFS, Velk, Kael sold at 300 token, even at 100 token it’s overpriced compared to what they give. In SF an item for 120 was fair due to special focus on it. But 300 token of even 100 token for a blank item with nothing on it, it’s a rip off. Should be 50 token max.
Thanks for the excellent write up Feldon!
“Ry’Gorr armor sets and jewelry recipes can be found in Far Seas Strategic Pricing (3rd Edition), Volume II which drops in Tradeskill Instances”
I have that book and don’t see any jewelry in it. Which jewelry items am I overlooking?
You’re right, no jewelry or anything in volume ii. I thought we could craft the other Ry’Gorr vendor stuff for 150 and 300 shards but guess not.
I’ve stripped out all mention of jewelry in the crafted armor descriptions.
Drunder armor does have a big advantage in two slots: it adds the raid-level focus effects onto the helm and shoulder slots, in addition to the forearms, gloves, and boots. Ry’Gorr armor has focus effects on forearms, gloves, and boots only.
Legs and chest only get a focus effect at the raid level, I believe; I need to double-check the Drunder x2 stuff.
And voilà , finally finished translating this in French. Thank you once more Feldon.
Here is the link if you want to have a look:
Hey Feldon, mind if we link to your site/guide as it would be a fantastic resource for our guild. Thanks for considering! (note for followup purposes we have created the link but will remove it if we 1. don’t get a response, 2. get a negative response. Thanks again.
You’re welcome to link to EQ2Wire from your guild site! Most of the referrers to the Adornments Calculator are from raid guild websites. Legally, nobody can stop you from linking to another website.
Hiya Feldon, great write up. Would you mind if I translate that great info to polish and post it on our polish forum with a link back to your site? Thank you in advance 🙂
Absolutely. And I will link it once you’ve completed it. DziÄ™kujemy!
Thanks for the update on new prices. I updated my translation too… And good luck on your translation Kinya ;p
Drunder fighter armor seems to been hit with a small nerfbat in the gu61 patch. 126 sta on the items instead of the old 141.
big deal you need raid gear to get into these zones in the first place, so it becomes just asinine to even try the zones without raiding first. Too many are just getting left behind because they can’t raid. On my server there is 0 guilds looking for a brigand which is what I play and now I’m stuck in a rut and can’t progress forward unless i roll another toon deck it out with gear and learn that one. Why can’t we have an LDoN here where you get raid comparable gear for just doing instances over and over. Instead I still have to just grin and bear not getting any gears for my main and just sitting there maining up alts its getting old and boring too quick.