From Amnerys on the EQ2 Forums: To thank players for their patience during the recent service interruption, we will be hosting special events this weekend across our game portfolio, including a Double Station Cash day on Saturday, April 30th. We are also working on a “make good” plan for players of the PS3 versions of DC Universe Online and Free Realms. Details will be available soon on the individual game websites and forums. EverQuest II and EQ2X will also be holding a Double XP day on Saturday, from 12:01am PST to 11:59pm PST. This will affect tradeskill, adventure and AA XP....
Daybreak Cash
In the wake of Sony’s PlayStation Network being totally inaccessible for 6 days, following by the news that the entire system had been compromised (all names, addresses, phone numbers, other personal info, and possibly all credit card information on file), naturally players of Sony Online Entertainment games such as EQ, EQ2, PlanetSide, DC Universe Online, Vanguard, FreeRealms, etc. have been wondering if any of their information was compromised. Here’s what we know: SOE’s Account Services and Customer Databases are separate from the PlayStation Network and were not compromised. Double StationCash and other Player Events are being scheduled for this...
In a thread from a returning player who demanded a flying mount before he’d commit to coming back to EQ2 as a full-time player, SmokeJumper posited a rather interesting thought regarding flying mounts, Velious content, and the fact that both require level 86+. What would you think about being able to start a character at level 90? Read on… Hey folks, the OPs comment about not wanting to level up to play in Velious and get a cool mount is a reasonable discussion. At the risk of laying foundation for a flamewar here, I’d like to propose an idea...
From Between April 22 and April 25, get Double Station Cash when you redeem an SOE Game Card or buy StationCash (excluding SC by SMS)! Plus, check participating games for special Spring-themed or sale items. See eligible Game Cards here. (Excludes original 30-Day Game Card which doesn’t redeem for Station Cash.) Participating games include EverQuest, EverQuest II, EverQuest II Extended, Free Realms, Star Wars Galaxies, Magic: The Gathering – Tactics, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, and PoxNora. Check back later in the week for more details on game-specific Spring items and sales! Presumably, this is from April 22...
If $25 for a set of armor, furniture, or mount seemed to stretch your definition of microtransaction, you’re not alone. Many items in the EQ2 Marketplace have had their prices permanently lowered by an average of 35%. Additionally, a Marketplace Sale which shall run until April 4th has temporarily reduced some items by 65%. SmokeJumper started a thread entitled Massive price cuts in the marketplace: If you like the items in the marketplace, but never felt like they were in your price range, be sure to check it out now. We’ve been thinking a lot about the prices there...
But not for the actual people who live in Ireland, open to residents of the fifty US states only: The Luck of the Irish is coming your way March 17 – March 20, 2011. Beginning on Thursday, March 17th, and continuing through March 20th, every time you add station cash to your account or make a purchase through the in-game marketplace in participating games you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a Sony® Cyber-shot® Digital Camera, a Sony® Vaio® F Series Laptop, or a 55″ Sony® BRAVIA® NX810 Television with 3D Sync Transmitter and 4 pairs of 3D...
Just when you thought there wouldn’t be any SC discounts for a while, we see this announcement on Between March 17th and March 20th, get 1000 bonus Station Cash when you redeem an SOE Universal Game Card. That’s a $10 value! You’ll also be eligible to an entry in the upcoming Luck o’ the Irish Sweeps*! Check back next week for details on the sweeps.SOE Universal Game Cards are available at GameStop locations nationwide. Be sure to stock up this weekend so you’re ready for the promotion next week!
I wanted to bring you an update on an issue we raised over the weekend regarding Direct Debit from your bank as a Payment Option for EQ2 Expansions, Subscriptions, and StationCash. Amnerys, EQ2 Community Manager, has raised the issue with the appropriate departments and is seeking an answer. There is no need to panic yet, as no orders have been cancelled or affected. From the EQ2 Forums: I am currently in talks with a few departments so we can get this straightened out. It sounds like the option to use Direct Debit might be removed for purchasing SC going...
In an alarmist posting on the EQ2 Forums, Moonflake of Splitpaw has brought to our attention the disappearance of the Bank Transfer and Direct Debit payment option for purchasing StationCash, monthly Subscriptions, and the upcoming Velious expansion. Bank Transfer may seem unusual in the US for a small amount such as StationCash, subscription, or an expansion, but Bank Transfers and Debit cards are both common means of making even small purchases in Europe. Payment Options page in Germany (before the changes) showing Bank Transfer (upper right) and Direct Debit (center left).
With 6 and 7 room houses now outstripping the storage capacity of even medium-sized Guild Halls, some players figured out that the StationCash Marketplace Item Expanders could be placed in guild halls. Today’s hotfix changes that: Fixed a bug where players could use marketplace item expanders on guild halls. Players who have done that will have the item expander applied to their personal house when they next zone into their personal house and the item expander will be removed from the guild hall. If this puts a guild hall over its item limit it will still have the items...
Legends of Norrath brings a unique time-limited in-game item to EQ2 this month. Naturally the folks at SOE would like us to play Legends of Norrath and buy lots of packs of cards. But they keep adding more and more tantalizing items and whether you play LoN or not, we thought we’d post this as it may be of interest to housing designers.
Normally we don’t cover the week-to-week additions to the StationCash store as it would be half our content, however when there is a discount like this that is a service rather than an RMT item, we’ll bring it up. Race Change Potions have been discounted through Monday, January 24th to just 1500SC ($15 normally, $7.50 if you bought SC at half price). From
EQ2 developers are trying to track down the exact cause of certain Freeblood characters unable to use (or see) their Inner Demon appearance. Zoltaroth requests feedback here on the EQ2 Forums: Is anyone still having this issue? We are having trouble reproducing it and would like to see a sample character if possible. If anyone is having this issue still please PM me your character name and server.
The new Freeblood race has a special “Ferocity of the Freeblood”, as well as access to housing “Freeblood Lair” and “Swarm of Bats” mount/buff. The details of how these are unlocked and what issues players will face if they change race have been addressed in different posts over the last 24 hours. Here are the highlights. Also inside, a glimpse of something we have heard rumors about before — that some new feature is coming to EQ2 housing with the release of the Destiny of Velious expansion.
Here are some news items we missed in the flurry of Server Merge and Freeblood news. They include Shaders 3 and Halas buildings, the look of the Freeblood, and Loitering NPCs in Freeport and Qeynos.
So with today’s official introduction of the Freeblood vampire race to EverQuest 2 as the first Premium race, the remaining secrets have been unveiled. Chief among them is that the Swarm of Bats premium mount/ability available exclusively to Freebloods will, when Destiny of Velious expansion launches and a quest has been completed, be usable as a full-fledged Flying Mount. From the official announcement: Characters who go on to unlock flying mounts in the Destiny of Velious expansion will also be able to use this ability to fly.
The Freeblood vampire race as well as premium accessories are now available on the StationCash Marketplace. From The Freeblood race is now available on the Marketplace in EverQuest II and EverQuest II Extended. You can watch a video of the Freeblood race over at Facebook.
The Freeblood Lair housing is now available in the StationCash Marketplace. For 1500SC ($15), any Freeblood character can purchase a tiny cozy intimate version of the Mistmoore Crag Estate (which was a 7 year Veteran Reward). Cyliena has posted screenshots and more information about this new EQ2 Prestige Housing over at EQ2 ZAM. for EQ2Wire
Cyliena over at EQ2 ZAM noticed new items in the StationCash Marketplace, specifically the new Freeblood vampire race. Remember, if you have an active subscription for December 14, January 17, and February 8, and buy the Destiny of Velious expansion some time in 2011, you will get the Freeblood race for free. However if you can’t wait, or don’t intend to buy the expansion any time soon, then it’s time to pay up. UPDATE: This is expected to go live today, Wednesday December 22nd. By itself, the Freeblood race will cost you 2000SC ($20 at normal price). It is...
It seems like StationCash bonuses have been coming more and more often. One might think that there’s no need to get in on this campaign if another one is just around the corner. SmokeJumper has some news: I think this is the last one for a while also. I think there’s a minor one coming on the heels of this one, but then we won’t be doing another one for several months, probably. (We reserve the right to change our minds, but that’s the plan currently.) Unfortunately, the maximum StationCash that can be held on an account is 20k,...
There’s a double station cash weekend happening from 17-19 December 2010. Looks like finally, for the first time, those outside the US will also be able to take advantage of this: We’re having a Double Station Cash weekend! For the first time ever and for a limited time only, Double Station Cash will be available across all top up amounts and for most payment methods*. Stock up now for double the fun! Offer valid 12/17/10 through 12/19/10. Eligible purchases include those made with credit/debit card, PayPal or pre-paid game cards. Exact start time of promotion on 12/17/10 to be...
So you may remember that Racial Traits/Traditions were nerfed adjusted in Game Update 53 to remove all uniqueness, including all offensive buffs and abilities such as Ratonga bite and Sarnak fire breathing. From Frizznik: Offensive buffs have been removed. We did this to help balance races better against each other. It seems this ‘balance’ applies to only free races. Left out of the initial version of the The Freeblood: More Information and Images announcement on was this Racial Trait: Another Racial Trait, “Bloodletting,” grants a minor Lifetap spell to occasionally drain health from targeted enemies. Do you think...
Today’s hotfix refunds the purchase cost of Research Assistants, adds 200 house item slots to The Mistmoore Crags Estate and a few other things. Read the full hotfix notes after the jump.
SmokeJumper on the EQ2 Forums perhaps being too truthful: It was basically the other way around and our announcement wasn’t very smooth. The [vampire] race was originally intended as a marketplace-only offering and then we decided to also create a way for players to get it as a promotion also. The marketplace offering comes out sometime this month (it’s not done yet, so dates aren’t exact), but the winter promotion doesn’t end until Velious comes out, so that’s when we’ll give it away to those that want to wait for it. Lemin summarized it thusly: Frankly I don’t know...