65 thoughts on “What Bugs You Most? (Velious and GU60 Edition)

  1. The problem with the itemization is that it is so bad it overshadows everything good about this expansion.

    Want to run an instance? hardly any reason the itemization is all junk and has no progression to it.

    Want to raid hard mode content? prefer for scripts that are 10x harder than the easy mode version for loot that virtually the same.

    The most bang for the buck is to do the easy mode raids, then /afk until the next expansion. Anything else seems horrible unproductive.

  2. Erratic has it right. The itemization in DoV is so messed up that it makes it hard for anyone who was not in top-tier SF gear with 250 AA coming into DoV to gets groups and run instances that are actually worthwhile. It’s very upsetting that Sony made it virtually impossible for new players or returning players coming into DoV to get geared and enough AA to actually be able to get groups.

    Which leads me into the fact the AA solo quest grinding is absurd. I ran every solo quest DoV had to offer and only wound up getting about 20 AA, leaving me with around 220ish, since I ran all the SF solo quests to get to 90 on my main (I’m a returning person who missed out on DoV and SF, but my main was geared in T4 TSO armor) and was left with only the DoV content to grind out AA and was extremely disappointed that I only wound getting about 20 AA points running every solo quest DoV had to offer.

    I get that I am completely behind but I really, really want to catch up and Sony makes it impossible for me to do. With the complete lack of AA quest grinding, and the huge difference in quest/PQ gear from DoV shard gear, they’ve made it virtually impossible for new or returning players to run any of the instances that people run because of how far behind we really are.

  3. http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/posts/list.m?topic_id=501114

    Go read that post i made in the forums it tells more than anything i would put here but MY BIGGEST LET DOWN in DOV is the “armor sets” the set bonuses are so generic that they are an insult. And the “Hundreds of new armor sets” that was advertised with DOV is bull crap there maybe but they are all very generic bull crap that isn’t worth my time to get.
    I have yet to see 1 really good armor set with really good set bonuses and yes i haven’t ran all the content or anything but at least something to wet my whistle.

    Oh and the Itemazation that you were so pround of in the Dev chats for DOV was very much crap crap and more crap.

    Until after a few patches you actually somewhat improved it now it is a little better but still very generic and crappy in my opinion i was hoping for a nice gear progression like void shard armor but in addition to total invalidating the entire expac of sf except for the zones for the evenerated and trivalizing the rest of the game with the dov gear you did a great job of making me feel like all the time i spent playing SF was wasted you could have skipped SF if you were going to make it so runnning those zone was worthless

    Andi won’t even start on the new token system here if you want a full run down of everything you did wrong with sf and dov you should read the forums once in a while because it is very obivious that you don’t very often i put 2 post up over a week ago and neither has even got a reply of any kind so you don’t read the forums which to me means you don’t REALLY listen to your customers unless there is a big issue

    Well that is all i will put here if you want more info about my feelings about the game and the way you are taking it i will be more than happy to post more in the forums(assuming you ever read and reply to the post i put there anyway)

    Last think if i didn’t have friends that played this game i wouldn’t they are the reason i am still here(for now).

  4. Hardly earth shattering for game play, but how come none of the previous flying mounts can be used in the flying appearance slot? We have disks, clouds and carpets, all with flying appearance but can’t be used for flying.

  5. •Dirges have their chief ability on raids to interrupt mobs and prevent them from casting raid-wiping attacks — Chimes of Blades

    lol mobs havent been interuptable since TSO, and if you need CoB for TSO, something is wrong

  6. For the bricks for crafting. Legendary items should yield 5 bricks, fabled should yield 15. Keep the prices the same, make the objects tradeable so it’s something crafters can sell on the broker.

  7. Honestly, I’ve had it with SOE and Everquest 2.

    Everquest 2 is a great game, but SOE has to be the worst game developer in the world. At this point I’d much rather see an indy game developer take over (They couldn’t possibly do any worse then what SOE is doing right now.)

    Me, and 16 of my friends from my guild that play Everquest have all cancelled our accounts because of Velious/GU60 and have moved on to better MMO’s, mainly Rift. That game has very few bugs for being an MMO that only came out a couple months ago.

  8. What bug me the most is the marketplace.

    With GU60 we got crafted gear from aspect of war, the shield for tank dont have any appearence they just forget to put one. But they dont forget to put flying horse and lot of appearence item. I bugged reported it couple of time, but no. Marketplace is the only thing that count.

    In EQ2 the only thing that work well is the marketplace. Very sad. Specialy since we are NOT on EQ2X.

    A thief that dont even do the regular job.

  9. I agree with erratic…..

    An issue that started happening after GU60

    In the update notes it say that they fixed a pathing issue with mobs so they do not dance around………

    Now pulling on Mikil in hall of legends he dosent dance but he warp and statue is doing the same.

    I see this being a issue for alot of guilds not with easy mode mikil but hard mode…..

    you run him in a circle he pause then warps to the raid ae’s and wipes the raid… the pathing b4 was bad on large mobs but 90% of tank get used to it and make it work. now he ports to the center of the raid and you have to try and run half a mie away to get him to warp away rinse and repeat.

    I just wish when Soe fixes something they wouldnt break it at the same time

  10. 1. Taking the Barrel from Dropship Landing to UJL akways and Server-controlled often bug out if the player is on a flying mount (gryphon).

    2. Regular client crashes while switching characters.

    3. Uselessness of Shader 3.0: Constant crashes, Gear/Items/Objects that are just plain white or black as opposed to the cirrect color and shader (i.e. Ceremonial Marr Armor, Stones in the Karana questline), unability to enter zones durung the Tribunal questline (seems gpu shadow related as well as shader 3 related)

  11. Lets see…itemization…fail…stat changes…fail…melee range…fail. Oh, and removing interrupts from Dirge’s CoB…fail.

    What was so broken that needed this drastic of a change to fix? Well…the answer has nothing to do with the established player base. We got the old stats – well – most of us did. The answer is with the new folks – somebody wanted to lower the bar to get more paying customers through the door.

    And that appears to have worked…look at how populated the free to play Freeport server is.

    So – what has this massive influx of semi paying population done for us – the established player base?

    We know they are diverting employees to design items for station cash. I for one want a clear delineation between the folks I pay for with my subscription money and the money brought in by Station Cash.

    We know they’ve diverted time and effort away to work on load balancing issues on the Freeport hardware.

    Oh and the stat changes basically made pick up groups a complete waste of time. You need raid geared folks to run instances…and why run instances if you already have the gear…why shards, of course…to buy adorns. I am so sick of spending two hours in Pools with a group of idiots to get two shards. And I really don’t want to have to solo everything with my bruiser…but that’s what it’s come down to.

    Overall the reign of Smokejumper has been one gaff after another.

  12. What bugs me most?

    Lack of incentives for testing. Not enough testing is the root of the problem for all failure in EQ2. Drunder was too hard(crit mit most, crit chance wasnt hard at all to get) for the casuals(which nowdays includes myself) that were attempting to run the heroic content.

    Incentives For Testing
    What do you offer for Drunder testing? A statue of Rallos Zek house item and made it transport you to Drunder, used as a reward for testing, it would have had a ton of people swarming to test because it allows instant transport to what I hope will become a popular dungeon. You can rehash and old furniture item graphic or current one and give it a transport ability and it suddenly becomes gold in an expansion like DoV where there are no druid rings, wizard spires, and only one boat connection from Sinking Sands to only the Great Divide.

    Confirmation of Testing, and better feedback form per update.
    Create a 5 part questionnaire, 4 direct questions about the content, and a 5th space for freely formed comments and suggestions. Have the system reject any exactly duplicate feedback, then when the QA or Dev team review the feedback have them accept each one and that activates the reward for them on live servers.

    -Anyone under 5 year veteran time should be awarded 30 days veteran time for feedback until such time that they reach 5 years. That would be a huge, over time incentive that would keep some of the fresher eyes in the game looking to help develop it for the future.

    Lack of Advertising the need for testing.
    When the SoE blackout occurred I played Rift to occupy my time. Rift announced test server testing every 30 mins, then every 10 within the hour before, before large scale test events just like SoE announces the servers going down every 30 mins.

  13. Itemization and createing super hard content only to nerf it cuz the bar wasnt set properly in the first place. Why would I send any of my guild to Drunder , Harder raids for crappy gear ? Sorry but usually if things are harder they require a real reward atm I see no reason to send my raid force from DoV into Drunder. Maybe in a month the crit mit and mob bugs and gear will be worth it . In its current state the gu 60 is a waste of time.

  14. Pet targetability continues to be based (allegedly) on direct line of sight to a mob’s feet, rather than a yes/no check on whether the owner can hit the mob with a spell, which leads to all sorts of brokenness in the newer zones. This bug first became particularly noticeable with RoK but has finally come to a head in DoV. Lots of fun when 70% of your damage output comes from your pet!

  15. Feet-to-feet line of sight calculations. If the ground is slightly uneven, I might end up unable to heal my tank. This has been an issue for a very long time and the solution seems pretty simple–just raise it up a meter or so, and hilly terrain or a tiny rock on the ground won’t unintuitively cause me to “not see” my target any more.

  16. Here is something that ticks me off. All the new adornments from the quests are no value. Anything you put it on becomes no value. No way to remove them so gear cannot be sold or muted. Talking about something stupid. 🙁

  17. The problem with this thread is conflicting agendas.

    Smokejumper et al are looking at adding features to attract new subscriptions (dollars)

    We are looking for features/fixes to improve our playing. These agendas overlap only slightly. New players want things to make them comfortable, since they probably are coming from WoW expect WoW like features.

  18. Milliebii the only problem with wow like features is that it destroys eq2 in the fact that it would basically become a wow clone.

    Which i would quit eq2 and not ever look back if that happened.

    Please don’t fell like i am attacking your comment that isn’t my intention at all just commenting about it.

    I think that SOE is trying to turn EQ2 into a WoW clone which if they do what is the point people would just stay with wow and not come over what makes eq2 better is its differences from WoW not its similarities.

  19. rofl. Did not mean to suggest I thought it was a good idea, I am one of the existing players.

    But as a cynical old man I expect this outcome. I would love to be wrong.

  20. Faction grinding required per-character.

    Adorn items being no-trade instead of heirloom.

    By the time you grind out the faction to get access to these items many are useless, and trying to get 2-3 characters ground through the repeatables is tedious to the point where alts may as well wait for instanced gear transferred from another character.

    As for adorns being no-trade this smacks of a pointless timesink the likes of which only WoW has previously forced upon players.

  21. Agree Twisted, the faction grind for multiple chars gets crazy. Worse is trying to figure out what factions you actually want. There are so many factions now it becomes near impossible to figure them all out. lol.

  22. While having a red adorn with a focus stat on it (such as Jagged Rune: Jester’s Cap on shoulders), it cannot be overwritten by another adorn (such as Rigid Rune: Jester’s Cap). An error comes up stating that the rune and shoulders share an effect that cannot stack, even though the rune is being overwritten. One suggestion is to use a different red adorn to fix the stacking problem, but I’m pretty sure players don’t want to waste 10 blue shards just to get around an error.

  23. More Pet Woes:

    Another error I noticed is that Troubadour Charm tends to pull a whole zone. When charming a giant in Iceshard Keep, I suspect that one of the attacks or abilities made pissed everyone off zone-wide.

    This is in addition to Coercer pets doing crazy dps. Modrfrost was killed on Freeport by a Coercer’s Possessed Essence doing 694k dps (screenshot to prove it). The zone locked up for about 10 seconds, and after the lag spike the boss was dead. I’m wondering whether this is an issue with attacks or abilities that Kromzek pets are causing.

  24. My beef is unique itemization seems to be completely missing. Its very often I will loot something to find out it has the “exact” stats as what I’m wearing, just a different name. It seems that that a fear for an item to be off-balancing has driven new items to fit a cookie cutter internal gear scoring system that item creators can’t budge from.

  25. Another adorning problem:

    Swift Casting adorns state that they work on Ranged; although, applying them to bows doesn’t work. In addition, Raw Power used to be for Primary, Secondary, and Symbols … Symbols was changed to Ranged and does work on bows. I think the new adorning system confused devs and players alike.

  26. My problem with this expansion is that it goes against everything EQ2 was originally meant for.. and that is the casual player. In order to do even the first instance of the zone you have to be mega equipped. The lack of thought in development in the game troubles me. It was like the SWG total and complete revamp to a clicky game from the original intent. I’ve been playing since the first NOV of the game and I have not seen a failure this big since LU13. TSing is still Horrible in the terms of grinding. RoK was the best in terms of adventurers who earned enough faction could as well purchase TS recipes vs. only TSing for millions of mindless grinding finally could make something that is useless because of the first set of quests you did solo. I also HATE that everything and the long hours that people did on the last expansion was made COMPLETELY useless for anything in the new expansion. It just means that I wasted a whole year of my gaming life. Not good for the feeling of being in love or admiring your character.. toon.. whatever you want to call it. I also don’t appreciate the lack of thought into the artistry of items. Everyone looks the same. 4+ shields (and MANY other items) and they all look the same, to include taking down a really tough named and you get “gnome pants” for imagery…. really????? AA grind is ridiculous… 300aa’s… if you want people to keep coming back you have to find a system where it REALLY pays to explore new characters. You have taken the fun out of the game because it takes away from the casual player icon that the came was founded on. Working hard should come in the form of masters. AA’s should come in the form of simple kills or quest completion as ALL of us know a lvl 90 toon with 20 aa’s is horrible if not useless. But a fully mastered one might contribute more…. well maybe not. I really like AA’s but it should enhance a toon not define a toon.

    I loved the fact that you could PVP for some good gear and it would translate into regular game play. It made for great “Gap Time” whilst waiting for a group. Now the only people that want to PVP are those who PVP on real PVP servers which makes for 0 fun for the remainder 80% of the EQ2 world.

    Guys seriously. SC is killing the game. I’m sorry. You guys might be making a buck or two short term, but long term you are really shooting yourselves in the foot. There really needs to be a balance between effort and cash and you guys are way over the line on the later.

    Lastly is faction grinding. Why in the hell would you make a faction quest only available once a day. Seriously. RoK was the best exp you had in a very long time. With KoS that is… I find myself logging in to do a faction quest, PQ, then maybe an instance then going /afk or doing old stuff because you need an EXPERT team just to do anything any more.

    I love playing with my friends. There are loads of features in the game that make me stay that are really good and original, but if you want to get people back and get PC Gamer or whomever to say “kick ass” to the expansion and you “should go back”, make it casual centric again. Unlike now in that if you are not a raider you can only do 30% of what an expansion can offer.

  27. Oh, who ever put Mit Crit on items should be, in the vertual world, PK’d. It completely destroyed the game. It used to be that anyone could fill a spot in a raid to help out. Now you HAVE to have X amount of this.. and X amount of that.. Crit mit is the Devil hehe… First exp was.. hey your a Coercer.. yep,, can you help us out in this raid cause we need your skills.. yep…. not… Hey,, your a coercer.. do you have 8000 aa and 300 crit mit??? The original comment made the raid.. now you have to go fishing for hours upon end to meet the “RIGHT FIT” to leave 23 other people hanging.. Again,, not for the casual gamer…. ORIGINAL INTENT….

  28. I don’t know if this is a LOS/Pet problem or not but a couple months ago, both my Conj and Necro Pet refuse to attack the mobs in the 20th of the month Mushroom rings. They will only attack after the mob attacks me. If I use a root on the mob, they still won’t attack until the mob breaks free and attacks me!

  29. I reported a bud in SF after the DOV went live I still havent gotten the ding for halls of the fled blade which keeps me from getting the sf reward for that area cause i still havent disco the hall yet have done every quest for the sf area have reported it 5 times or more so far and keep getting the same thing the gms cant fix it

  30. Itemisation is right now for me one of the biggest problems with EQ2.

    For the early levels its because too much gear is just completely useless.

    Where at the later levels the big problem I do have with some gear is that its itemised for efficiency, rather then with any imagination.

    A few things seem to make no sense to me:

    Why always put exactly the same amount of STA as the prime stat?
    Why always have the same amount of potency as crit bonus?
    Why so many blue stats on one item?

    I know the answers really, its because this works with a very balanced game, but I’d like to see them really depart from it and start putting some imagination and variety into the gear. They need to fix this problem though before they can reitemise the rest of EQ2.

  31. new players well lets try no breastplate in almost 5 months . 50 + pqs and 7 fortress . can get every class in the game to drop in fortress but a tank . as a new player going threw this i would good odds say goodbye . who ever didn’t put the breastplate on the faction merchant needs to be put on the basement cleaning crew . never since march 2005 have i ever seen a expansion more untank friendly than velious . nm the nerf’s to tanks for the first two weeks 25 crit mit to 4.8 lol trash it’s junk now .

  32. What bugs me most. SOE breaking content because they find something they consider an exploit. I don’t care about fixing a bug, but breaking content that stays broken is stupid.

  33. Well we can add another one that I am thinking about as I click through 50 pages of useless on the broker.

    If you filter the broker by tier: Treasured you should not ever see handcrafted, which includes, spells, CA’s, food, etc.

  34. Seems also that the checkbox to enable/disable the harvesting depot in the guild hall is gone and on some toons the default is set to off. Some of my guildies have this bug as do I. Anyone else?
    Thanks Feldon for a great site!

  35. UPDATED: If you have the above bug (ie, depot being disabled) seems you “reset” the UI by not just pulling up your recipes but actually clicking on the forge, workbench etc (not just being near it). That seems to re-enable the depot.
    Ah these bugs are fun!

  36. Without a doubt, the consolidation of the classes into the “4 core” with itemization. Everyone’s special because noone is. I long for the days when a group said “oh cool, we got because he/she can do . RoK level 80 spells were a good first step, or abilities granted by Mythicals. Now, melee dps = swash/ranger/assassin/brig ect… Bring back Class Uniqueness!!!

  37. I’ve noticed a strange bug in Kael 2 and Rime 3.

    In Kael 2, the boss Oor (with his 2 wolves pets) start fighting with his own pets after a few of us died.

    We had the same bug in Rime 3, on the 4th boss (don’t remember his name) who have 3 rumblers pets. He started beating them when we wiped. We managed to regen and come back into the fight, as if it had never stopped …

  38. Mirror of the shadows allow to port in ToFS but when you leave the tower you come back directly to guild hall, but sometime it’s lead you in visit tour in empty GH, if you use door then your back to where you was befor calling GH.

    Lets say i m in Palace of awakening => Call GH => Mirror to ToFS => Leaving by mirror lead in GH or Empty GH => Empty GH door lead to Palace of awakening.

    Multi Attack charm cant adorn some bow.

  39. The reset timer for solo quest shard (special IK) dont allow to reset when you can get the quest again. Would be nice to have both quest and zone reuse timer set to the same timer.

  40. Giant use spell called if i remember well kromzek strike, this ability is totaly bugged, it have an hide casting speed (you dont see it in casting bar) the giant do like he cast something then… it happen.

    And this one can hit ally, this pet love to hit his master with this one. I really dislike to be killed by my own pet, specialy when he is mezzed lol.

    All mob in kael can use offenssive damaging ability while mezzed, etin and giant.

    The range of most spell from giant and ettin are way way too huge. Some of those ability can target someone who used part and is in another district of kael, the range is totaly crazy.

    Resume Spell fix : too much Blue spell (that hit ally too) should be green (group), Range, Interrupt and stop casting hostile spell when mezzed.

    Beside that stun and mez on some giant (mostly name) are useless, it’s not enough clear when and how. Like some giant will still move when stunned (so obviously immuned) and some giant will auto cure mez every 15 sec or so (Trio name in throne, temple). It would benice to have a clear warning of what happening with message than whole groupe see.

  41. What bugs me most? Collection quests auto starting in your journal upon collection.

    Collection quests are automatically starting when an item is picked up. A player is not given the option as to whether or not they want the collection started. I noticed this in sinking sands and when I used the Burynai Digger in my home. There are some collections that come from zones I’ll never get to or be able to complete. Please put in an option to remove these or hide them in the event they open but have not had an item added to it.
    Also the open on loot option is not checked as on in my journal if that’s what some will say. When that option is checked as on it automatically opens the journal so you can add the item you picked up. So that has nothing to do w/ my beef. I want to be the one to say if I want a collection to start or not.
    Thank you

  42. Back to itemization: I hate that you only have to worry about 2 stats now. Back in the “old” way, I don’t think it was THAT difficult to understand:

    STR = Fighter Stat
    AGI = Scout
    WIS = Priest
    INT = Caster
    STA = Everybody

    and while you always sought out gear with your “core” stat…OTHER stats still meant something too. WIS = more resists ect… Bring *THAT* back. More custimization! These cookie-cutter “4-Core” classes really bug me.

    I’d go so far as to suggest giving all classes abilities (or using abilites they already have) that would be sought after by groups. Take for example the Swashbuckler fun spell: “Swashbuckler’s Charm”. Imagine being able to use it to charm a non-attackable guard in a zone to move off to open up some additional content that would otherwise be locked. Give the ability to move the guard to 2-3 other classes to so that if you dont’ have a swash, another class could do it too. This is just an example, but my point is: I’d rather see in group chat: “Looking for a ” rather than just “Looking for melee DPS”

    I understand SoE most likely did this so that people could get more groups by being just 1 version of a ‘tank, regen, dps, ect…’ but to quote that old Bob Seger song: “I feel like a number”

  43. Monetankage said:

    In order to do even the first instance of the zone you have to be mega equipped.

    What makes you think that? If you ran in there wearing heroic gear from SF, then yeah, you’re probably going to fail. But if you ran the quests in Icy Fingers first and actually put on the quest gear you get, you should be fine. I’ve done it.

  44. I’ll throw in my lot and agree with complaints about voice chat ups and downs and the itemization lobotomy. I also want to mention the pace of leveling vs. tradeskilled rewards. I took great pleasure in making sure all my alts had self-made mastercrafted gear/spells/whatever they made as they approached each adventuring tier. It made there be a point to the grind, at least for me. I guess there’s no turning back now that there are so many levels to be had, but I really did enjoy this part of the game while it lasted.

  45. I agree with Dethdlr. I dont think you should be able to run the first instance of a brand new expansion until you have recieved as much of the quest gear as possible. With DoV, the PQ’s actaully let you bypass a lot of the quest gear.

    I am not even sure gear progression is that big of an issue as Icy Keep is as far as my regular group has progressed (mainly due to concern about failure 🙂 ). Icy Keep used to be a major headache for us until we found out that one of our DPS group members was very sub-par on their DPS. Once we replaced that member with another, my Inquisitor can solo heal the entire zone.
    The gear that drops from the instances really is lacking in upgrade. I hate having to renew adornments for very little in stat changes.

    I would guess my largest complaint would be about having to constantly re-adorn gear. It gets very expensive, in shards and in coin since my xmuting seems to be stuck on VOID POWDER!!!! I burn up alot of the material for even the MC white adornments so I end up having to buy a lot of it off the broker.

    I guess you could get thru the easier instances without adornments but, they definately make them more surviveable.

  46. Inxx – I guess I don’t understand what is happening to you. Collection items only are added to the various colletion quests if I double click the item or if I right click and examine it; and then it is only added when I click on the add button. I am in complete control as to whether or not an item goes into a collection or not. This way I can also trade it to one of my alts or even put it up for sale on the broker if I decide not to persue that collection.

  47. I’ve been playing a ranger lately, and the game constantly switching me to melee autoattack when I use melee combat arts drives me nuts. I’ve made macros to keep ranged auto toggled on, but they don’t always work. I gather that there was actually a fix for this on test at one point, but it never went live.

    As others have mentioned, voice chat has also been unreliable lately. It’s always been a little testy, but recently it’s gotten worse.

    And yeah… once again, itemization. That’s probably not exactly what you’re looking for in this post, but it really is what bugs me the most about Velious. It is -terrible.-

  48. Besides the daunting and over-designed fiasco that is most of the DoV content past PQ’s, the most peevish thing is the almost total throttling that taken over the game time of players. Imagine if you could only do a City Writ once every two hours or gain a level and have lock out timer set before you could gain another. Throttled mounts, throttled faction, throttled token, throttled dungeons. End it please. Zones should be taken off the any timer, let players … PLAY. Let us play what and how we like with the content.

    The draw into any instance should be a function of the fun and rewards they offer, not as defaults because you’re locked on the one’s you’d rather run.

  49. Lincus what you are explaining is true they are only added if you double click on them or examine them and I appreciate your understanding.

    If I have a toon adventuring and pick up a shiny…if the toon has NOT started that collection, the pick up of the item is automatically starting the collection quest in my journal. I have no control of the process. It was not always like that.
    I don’t have to add the item if I don’t want to but I also don’t wish to have my collection journal full of collection quests that I will be unable to finish. For example the Mystic Moppet collection. It took me 6 yrs to find the item A Lost Soul for the one and only toon who had the collection started. So I vowed I wouldn’t start the collection on any other toon.
    But, I now have another toon on the collection (who I would never have started it on) because it picked up a shiny from that collection and automatically started the collection quest.
    I know its obsessing over open collections in the journal. I want it back the old way where I was in control of what collection quests were open in my journal for me to complete.

  50. Inxx – Maybe it’s time to do a /petition since I never have a collection item automatically start on me. I always have to double click or examine it to add it to the collection even if it’s the first time for that collection!

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