5 thoughts on “Bonus XP & 25% OFF Marketplace for Members from September 1-5!

    1. If you have 100% base XP, +40% Veteran XP from having two max level characters, +100% XP for having Vitality, and +110% XP for having a 4 hour XP potion, you are earning 350% XP.

      This weekend you will be earning 450% XP. If it were truly a double XP weekend, you would be earning 700% XP.

  1. they probably added the ensured crate with ultra rares to tempt people like me that won’t buy into the lotto boxes crap.

    also the 16 other crates are just filler.

    regardless the battlecat is the best IMHO.

    people could likely piss away far more money hoping for a ultra rare if they have enough money to spend on the normal crates then if they just bought the 98k DBC bundle.

    does it really matter whether something is a cash roll for a good one or assured for more plat in terms of P2W though?

    i don’t think the crates (ether) are really P2W, i think they are whale bait for people with more money then desire to work for the battlecat.

    I’ll agree they are getting more and more cash grabby though, ascensions are a good example of this.

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