10 thoughts on “Kunark Ascending Preview: Ascension Classes

  1. Think of it as being based on the four damage types – physical, arcane, noxious, elemental – with appropriately themed abilities, all accessed by toggling an alternate form. There will be bonuses from “multi-classing” apparently.

    PROTIP: Try to match your Ascension to your class debuffs. Also co-ordinate your weapon procs for maximum effect. Finally, the special weapon infusers that change weapon damage type will be a must have!

    …I know, it’s early, but it’s never too soon to lay your plans!

    1. Do the class debuffs even matter any more? PC resists are >200.000 (same with mob resists?) while debuffs are 5k-10k at most…okay, times 24 it stacks up, but you won’t have a whole raid debuffing the same damage type, do you?

  2. I agree on the debuff thing. But there’s more to it. Raid leaders will need to designate ascension classes. They are required for zone mechanics in T4 raids.

    But on a more personal note…

    Thaumaturgist seems to hitting the hardest, nuke for nuke.
    Geomancer gets the most overall damage potential due to the amount of damage spells it gets.

  3. From what i gathered:

    Elementalist – Wizzy//Ranger/Rogue

    Thaumaturgist – Warlock/Necro/SK/Dirge ?

    Etherealist – Chanter/Scouts

    Geomancer – Tanks

    That is based on the Utlity/Dmg Spells and the Lvl10 Endline Ability

    1. Goemancer is a great option for any dps class. Most healers will probably see the most use out of Thaumaturgist and Geomancer as well. Fury and channeler might not agree though. It’s really a coin toss and preference.

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