It’s been over a year since SOE’s Gold and Station Pass subscriptions were revamped and rolled into a single All Access program. If it’s been a while since you played EverQuest II and you are just coming back, you might have forgotten what game features and entitlements you’ve been granted in EverQuest II. While you’re in-game, you can always type /show_account_features to see a localized listing all your in-game account features/grants. However if you want to see this information on a website, you have to know the secret handshake. This link is not shown anywhere on the website.
If you are returning to the game after an absence, remember that all expansions up to Chains of Eternity are free. Since then, there have been two expansions and a campaign that you may purchase singly or in a bundle. There are also a few game features that have an additional cost:
- Altar of Malice + Rum Cellar bundle includes Tears of Veeshan and all level 95-100 content = best price
- Altar of Malice (95-100 content) which includes Tears of Veeshan
- Rum Cellar campaign (100 content)
- Feature: Mercenaries
- Feature: Reforging
- Feature: Tradeskill Apprentices
- Feature: Beastlord class
- Feature: Channeler class
- Feature: Freeblood race
- Feature: Aerakyn race
A new expansion is currently planned for Novemberish and if Campaigns are treated like the adventure packs of old, then the November update may not include past campaigns or expansions, so only buy what you need right now. Also be aware that Expansions are currently dsabled on the Time-Locked Expansion servers. If you are playing in TLE PvP or PvE, you are locked to the base game with a level cap of 50.
Please be aware that the hidden EQ2 Game Features and Grants page shows everything twice.
Without forgetting the command / show_account_features which in the course of game allows to know the main part of what is allowed to our toons and which is (best of all) nationalized not the case of the url’s one
thank’s a lot Feldon for all your work (and it’s not sarcasm)
You forgot to add the Channeler class to the list as well.
C’mon Feldon! Step it up! I mean, what DO you do over there all day??
(nyuk nyuk nyuk – )
*insert sarcasm here*
Raise RadarX’s hackles mostly.
My hero! Thank you ))