16 thoughts on “New Primordial Adornments, Amalgamations, and You

  1. Marginal bonuses? I’m not worked up either. (Honestly, if some lazy folk dropping a few extra dollars into the kitty give my home-away-from-home a better chance at survival, I find I’m actually kinda cool with it…)

  2. I think they are aggravating, tbh. Out of all my toons, I only made one Max adorner. I HATE, hate, hate. that these are not heirloom, so that I can hand to my OWN toon. So, I have a max adorner, but I have to get someone else to make them for me, as I cannot commission my own work?? Yes, that makes a lot of sense.

    A note on the Raffik questline–I loved Raffik, a quirky little pirate, like Qho on crack. He brings some cool recipes to the table. That said, his Amalgamations need to come with a Warning Label: In Mass Production spec, a player can empty an entire tier of your Guild Harvest Depot, before you realize it. It drains the lowest item first and moves to next stack. I recommend discussing this questline with guildies. The work-around is to Disable the Depot and craft from your bags, a lot more work, but easier than replacing a tier. There is no way one player brings in enough mats in one run to replenish (based on a Mass production build you can go through 10’s of thousands of mats, quickly).


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