9 thoughts on “SOE Live 2014 Schedule Posted!

  1. If I ever thought that SOE Live 2013 was the “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” year for EQII – I guess in 2014 we’ve been Cousin Oliver’ed.

    Perhaps I am being a little premature in passing judgment based on the highlights of the schedule so far, but doesn’t it seem EQ2 Lite this year?

    And don’t even get me started on scheduling anything other than the brunch on Sunday…

    1. Confirmed: EverQuest players lead the pack of 1542 people registered with 520 attendees, well in advance of second place EQII with 392.

      Over half the attendees are interested in either EQ or EQ2. Are you suggesting they should present more content that is tailored towards the people who are actually attending? 🙂

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