The servers came down this morning at 10:00AM PST with no automated warning message, but c’est la vie. Here’s the update notes from the EQ2 Forums which were posted last night:
- When opening the mercenary window, the active mercenary will now be auto-selected so the button defaults to ‘Return’ for suspended mercenaries.
- Daeron Ashenwing [ed note: the ToV pre-order merc] has been made more formidable.
Vesspyr Isles
- You can now accept both Heroic and Advanced Solo weekly missions from Veehzz the Bloodwing in Vesspyr Isles.
- AE Auto-Attack Chance buffs should no longer flicker in the passives window.
last night looking at Daeron, he has 150cc, 175 pot, 175cb, 100% hate mod, 600dps, 175ish haste, 175ish MA.
this morning he has 300CC, 250pot 250cv, 0 hate, 135 dps, 194 haste, 120 multi
at 300cc he cant even crit in the new adv solo zones so CB is useless. so he lost a lot of melee stats to gain 75 pot. more of a nerf than a buff for current content but ok for using him at lower levels like every other merc.
had him doing between 400k and 450k in the dungeon maker last night. he could 1 shot ^^ mobs in there with the melee stats he had. maybe this was just a correction to that.
errr, these are the stats at level 90 for today/last night, might be different at 95 a friend is saying his Daeron in the adv solo has 700CC
They’ll be much different. At level 90 the zones you’ll be in don’t have the CC debuff, so you won’t have a problem critting. In VI you’d have a problem, but 90’s too low to go poking your nose in there. Even at 95 I’d recommend bringing a friend along for the solo quest content (a paladin and a coercer with Stamper were mopping the floor with the overland mobs), but once you get the ToV quest gear you’ll see major improvements in your stats. Until you get it, though, I wouldn’t even try the new advanced solo instances. They’ll eat you alive. Or not alive anymore, they aren’t too picky.
They added a buff for in those zones only, the mercs will do better.