15 thoughts on “Update Notes: Thursday, October 3, 2013

    1. After this, you will. Instead of up to 10 channels depending on level, you’ll be able to use a single set for everyone. The only one that’ll vary is High Level, and if it’s there when you do a /load_uisettings for a toon that’s not high enough it’ll just be stripped out as the settings are loaded. If you did like I did and put your level chat channels above all the rest you won’t even need to renumber anything. I reserved 1-9 for custom and generic channels, level chat started from 10 for 1-9 and worked up so I didn’t have to renumber after a new tier was added.

    2. Go to this folder:
      C:\Users\Public\Sony Online Entertainment\Installed Games\EverQuest II

      Then pick the file of the UISettings you want to fix (or do it on all of them):

      Then scroll down to the bottom where you see:

      <ChatChannels joined=”true” version=”2″>

      And copy/paste the following items to replace that list so the new channels get ordered in the number you want:

      <Channel index=”1″ name=”General” />
      <Channel index=”2″ name=”High_Level” />
      <Channel index=”3″ name=”LFG” />
      <Channel index=”4″ name=”Auction” />
      <Channel index=”5″ name=”Crafting” />
      <Channel index=”6″ name=”Traders” />
      <Channel index=”7″ name=”Help” />
      <Channel index=”8″ name=”Newbie” />

      There are some other ones you might consider:
      Good (alignment)
      Erudite (racial)
      Wizard (class)
      Antonia_Bayle.Homeshow (cross-server decorator channel)
      MyguildParse (guild parse channel to prevent raid spam)

      1. One thing: the channels appear in two places in the XML: under the ChatTab elements within the main chat window block, and under the ChatChannels element you’re quoting from. You need to fix both places or things get weird. Search for the element names and you should find them.

        1. Strangely, my channels were automatically populated in ChatTab just by signing in. They also don’t seem to have any order to them. I believe this section is just to index specific channels on the chat window you want them assigned.

  1. Wooot 🙂 Posting suggestions on the forum actually works 😯

    In theory this means we should be able to hide general chat when it becomes spammy and still see the usual LFM.

    Mayhaps the goal is to broadcast the groups created in the new Dungeon Finder “advanced” mode to this channel?

    Very exciting news.

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