10 thoughts on “Chipping Away at Call of the Veteran

  1. Id bring up two points on the COV topic.

    1) Everyone that has one seems to complain about it usually stating that it only works 50% of the time, yet those of us without it (due to being younger than 6 yrs) wish that someday it would be made available via SC marketplace purchases.

    2) “Phantom Hate” sounds like it could cause huge issues with the forth coming XP changes, but might be the primary reason to fix the COV.

  2. @Nrgy: Not sure you meant it this way or not. If you meant that the primary reason to fix the COV may be because of upcoming issues with the forth coming XP changes, I can tell you that wasn’t the reason for the fix. Not to say it wouldn’t have caused issues with that as well.

    As Feldon mentioned above, Zoltaroth really has been trying to fix COV. He managed to get someone in a state where COV was not working to hold still long enough for him to look at the character and see why it wasn’t working. He noticed that even though the character wasn’t in combat, there were still unknown things that hated him which were preventing COV from working. Zoltaroth was specifically tracking down the COV issue when he found this. Only time will tell how many of the COV issues this fixes.

  3. It really doesn’t matter anymore since travel has become even that much more trivial since the ‘reward’ was introduced, but it’s just strange that something can remain broken so long with nobody being able to figure out the pattern of what is breaking it. (By nobody, I’m not taking a shot at devs or players…just odd that nobody has with so many in the community willing to dig in on the most random topics.)

    1. nobody being able to figure out the pattern of what is breaking it

      The problem is, it’s not one pattern. A lot of the strange bugs with Call of the Veteran have been fixed, but we just keep finding stranger bugs.

      As long as they have to prevent exploits in PvP, raids, and every other type of content imaginable, making CoV work 100% may be a pipe dream.

  4. I am one of those who would vote to have this item questable, or on the marketplace (much more likely). It is so community friendly, even with the bugs, that more players should have access to it. How many times have vets used it for people that don’t qualify for the reward?

  5. Gash: You’re in raid, handling a name that needs a certain amount of dps. In the middle of raid one dps type (mage) goes linkdead deliberately to log in another dps type (mage or scout). They’re CoV’d in during combat, and away they go to kill the name.

    Another example: the Coercer is having problems keeping the whole raid fed, one with an Coercer alt drops, comes in, gets brought in during combat.

    Now, as a raider, I know we’ve changed out one class for another, but we do so between pulls, not in the middle of a fight. Bringing people in during a fight can open the door to many types of switch outs in raiding or heroic grouping or overlanding.

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