From Brasse on the EQ2 Forums:
Reporting in here to say that Cyliena is right, we have the PR managing the elite infoz. =)
I did look into it for you though. PR says that due to unforseen circumstances, the infoz in question will be delayed by a day or two. You guys are also correct that it involves our presence at E3. Can’t sneak anything past you! Unfortunately, I cannot offer any further information, other than I think that you may enjoy what’s coming.
I can positively, absolutely rule out any major announcements about EQ Next. That game is behind heavily locked, lead-lined, barbed-wire fenced security. Even folks here at the studio can’t get a look in (including Dwarven veterans!). Sorry!
thanks for the update now i can stop looking for a few days lol. =\
Is there anything SoE isn’t capable of messing up? Can’t even leak info on time.
This isn’t a leak! NOBODY expects a real leak! Their chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise…. Their two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency…. Their *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to freedom of information…. Their *four*…no… *Amongst* their weapons…. Amongst their weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise…. I’ll come in again.
@Anaogi: Nice! lol
the leak is that the leak won’t be leaked until they let the leak happen. I see.
So incredibly sad that there wont be EQ Next at E3…so they say 🙁 T.T
Still hoping for some information on EQ Next.
Me too Kale but I dont wanna get my hopes up just to have em dashed. Then I might cry.
Another prime example that is the inefficiency of SoE. They can’t even “leak” info that they “leaked” was coming out on time. Another great SoE blunder of “We have something really great, you are going to love it, it will be huge, but we can’t tell you what it is. Just trust us…”
I figure with the complete blackout of information on EQNext that it might just be vaporware intended to string along the current players of their games. I mean, let’s see what we know about EQNext:
Rothgar is lead programmer.
It’s a reboot of the EQ Universe around the time of EQ1’s start.
They’re using the Forgelight engine which is also being used for Planetside 2.
That’s really it. Based on the engine we can guess that it’ll be for PC, but we don’t know what kind of gameplay they’re going for – if it’ll be a general MMO or if they’re going for some new model. We don’t know if it’ll start as sub-only or start F2P. There’s several other factors, most of which I can’t think of because I’m too tired.
Some of this info can be released without compromising the so-called new and innovative features that they’re so fearful will be stolen by their competition. Personally, I’ve been waiting for EQNext, but if all the ‘new and different’ changes things such that it’s not an MMO anymore (kill monsters, take their stuff, and build up character power by a blend of levels/points and gear) I’m not sure I’ll be interested. To be honest, until the stuff about Forgelight came out, I was half-afraid that they were going to make it a pay-to-win Facebook game.
We know Eqnext will be f2p with a cash shop just as I know water is wet.
It will have less than 24 classes.
It will be built with PvP in mind.
Other than that it’s a mystery.
was the dwarf member of a kiddy haxx0ring group or is this l337 style used to portrait closeness to the players? “I am one of you, never mind who pays me”
anyway – how is something “a leak” when it’s coming directly from SOE employees like Brasse?
or in this case – not even coming – just teaserd
Hah! She annoys the heck out of me as well.The whole “Im a dwarf” thing.No,you are a SoE corporate tool,sorry.
EqNext. Seriously? With Smokemullet in charge? Keep that Visa card handy.
and still… their tactics still incite speculations about their products, motives, and strategy. It’s amazing how well it continues to hook people in. Talking and fantasizing about even “bad” news seems to soften the blow when reality hits.
irritating, but maybe they know the community better than credit suggests.
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
I’m guessing … EQ2ablo… or… EQ2LARP
I would wager this has something to do with subscriptions, and/or subscription models.
Well the big news seems to be that all servers are down and forums =)
greetings Mu!
Servers went down to add more goodness to Dungeon Maker and the marketplace. Back up now.
I lay a copper on Cosplay, selling real life costumes! Nah, but it might be fun.
I guess it’s about subscription models, too. Maybe they are going to get rid of bronze, which is so useless anyway.
Brasse is just hanging on to her youth, when she did role play a dwarf as a volunteer player at Fan Faire. The problem is no one really remembers this any more. Uh oh, I mentioned her name again …
Confirmed both is back.
Greetings Mu!
A leak would be spilling the “infoz” now, or better, a month ago. If you have to wait for permission from the boss and delay when the permission is later than expected, it’s called “press release”.
I don’t know why their presence at E3 would be such a great hairy deal, anyway. There’s really nothing that dramatic, at least in my mind, that could be revealed at E3 about EQ2 that would be game changing.
Or would there …
Level cap raise? You can buy useful stuff with station cash (thus making all our fears come true)? The gnomes invented robot tanks, so you can pimp your ride? The introduction of firearms, used by beastlords, of course?
Or, more likely, they introduce yet another senior producer, or Smokejumper is back on EQ2 as senior producer, or some other personnel change. Perhaps Brasse is going to Germany to head up Alaplaya?
The speculations could be endless. These are just my wildest guesses!
For some reason I think it will be graphics related; thats something that players would be excited about that is worthy of showing at E3.
I’d like to believe its something significant in the graphics department myself, shader 3.0 showed when it worked how much better the existing art assets could be if rendered well.
In theory they could translate the current assets to be read in by their new engine (probably requiring a lot of rework though).
But I’d be shocked (in a nice way) if it actually was something like a graphics update, or some sort of game reset (in the style of WoW’s cataclysm) since at least for the last year or so they’ve done nothing that wasn’t focussing development for short term gain.
Improved multithreading or GPU off-loading for the game’s engine would make my dreams come true. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure they don’t have the resources to do that, with all the new cosmetic items they need to keep pumping out to the marketplace to make the game profitable. I doubt we’ll see shader 3.0 again anytime soon, seeing as how that turned out to be a complete waste.
Most likely we’re looking at an expansion announcement… let’s go back to Luclin! Who cares if it’s in pieces?
It’s been stated that we’re not going to any EQ1 continent/area.
Dead Hills. Bank on it.
Here is more:
Makes me want to vomit.
I wonder if this feature would have my character actually bend over and puke out a huge puddle of the tripe that is filling the SC shop.
From Feldon:
“We know Eqnext will be f2p with a cash shop just as I know water is wet.
It will have less than 24 classes.
It will be built with PvP in mind.
Other than that it’s a mystery.”
You could add “will work with a playstation console, and maybe even your Iphone”.
SOE reports directly to Playstation, who has over 100x the playerbase of SOE and always needs new games. I’d bet rain stopping permanently worldwide before I’d bet EQ Next won’t be built for it as well as the PC market.