Editor’s Note: A week ago, Dethdlr sent me a draft of an article that he had the intention of posting to EQ2Wire at some point in the future. It hasn’t been polished or edited. But in light of today’s announcement, it’s timely and provides an interesting contrast to my article. For many years in EQ2, I was a casual raider. What I mean by that is, I would primarily run group zones with guild mates but from time to time I would join a pickup raid or tag along when another guild needed to fill some raid slots. Several...
Day: February 1, 2012
A funny thing happened when I was chatting with some folks about today’s news of Critical Mitigation being completely removed from EQ2. A few of them were surprised when I reminded them that Crit Mit has been part of EQ2 for over 3 years. Critical Mitigation was introduced in November 2008 with The Shadow Odyssey expansion. At first, it played no part in solo quests or group zones, thus many people weren’t even aware of it at the time. But anyone who was into raiding x4 (24 person) zones, and later, Ward of Elements x2 raids, has been collecting...
In what may go down as the best decision in EQ2 history, or a total overreaction to a problem that could have been solved with a 15-20% reduction across the board, Dave “SmokeJumper” Georgeson has announced that in the very near future, the Critical Mitigation stat will be COMPLETELY GOING AWAY. First introduced in The Shadow Odyssey, greatly expanded in Sentinel’s Fate, and then becoming the most important stat within Destiny of Velious as an alternative form of progression to raising the level cap (which is technologically challenging), here’s the announcement of this revelation from the EQ2 Forums: We’ve...
A selection of Velious raid mobs have been doubling up on Area-of-Effect attacks since the expansion’s launch nearly one year ago. Atan (of Unrest) summed up the issues: Condition 1: Modifieable timers line up such that a mob casts 2 different abilities simultaneously. Condition 2: Ability that normally comes ever 40 seconds comes twice in a row with no delay. Seems they are both bugs to me, but condition 1 is probably just a result of your design. Maevianiu is getting serious about addressing the AoE double-casting by raid mobs in Velious raid zones and had these responses: I...