You may have noticed this little tidbit in today’s patch notes:
Kael Drakkel
- Base Population in the contested dungeon now has legendary and fabled drops.
With this information you may be thinking of heading in there and trying your hand at killing some of the level 92 mobs to see what kind of trash drops you can get. Not so fast! Raviel on Guk apparently had the same idea and didn’t have the best of luck
Raviel@Guk wrote:
so ive been in here for about 2 hours now. wheres the trash gear we were promised?
Kander responded with this:
The hotfix said it was added, however it was not. We will try to have that corrected as soon as possible.
I am extremely disapointed myself.
Sorry about that all.
Guess we’ll have to wait a bit longer before seeing those trash drops.
So, as excited as a kid on christmas getting a new toy, we took
Kael Drakkel
Base Population in the contested dungeon now has legendary and fabled drops.
as meaning that we would actually see or maybe get some of these drops, well i would like to say, its crap
While I want to applaud the efforts of SOE and there design team on a well drawn out dungeon that literally will take days to run,they fail at some of the things that make a zone worth doing and doing again.
After 200+ kills last night we finally developed enough carpal tunnel from getting thrown around, disarmed, pummeled by a frontal and hit with enough social aggro to send your sisters girl friends in to hiding for life that we finally decided that this zone is not worth it, yes sports fans I must tell you that in the 4 hours that we spent there, not ONE fabled or legendary drop occurred, So I must say that again we are disappointed, to say the least, not just for the fabrication of drops but for
1. Revive Points – (and yes you will die at least once in this zone)Ok really, the entrance, Hypo—-Tunnel to Zek, where if you are in Iceshard Keep or Nobles you must again kill to get back to where you were, and that in it self is more time consuming than its worth, I mean why are the Portal Pads not the revive Points?
2. Speaking of Portal Pads why is there Not one at the entrance of the zone???? Well maybe if I finished the 4 of them I would see this Legendary transportation system that does not really take you any where but 4 random locations around the zone….
Ok I had to rant, since I was so excited to go there and then to be let down by drops off Giants Bodys that turned into quests that honestly I really didn’t want to do and NOt one drop
Someone at SOE said lets make a dungeon the size of Rhode Island and make so the enemies hit you like the epics do in the raid zones that way it’ll make people want to go there more!
Every time I enter the zone I find so many players jumping off the bridge right at the beginning of the dungeon to then revive at a different part of the zone! This is so retarded Sony made the zone so hard that every player that gets into the entrance of the zone skips the beginning part by “JUMPING OFF THE BRIDGE” so they don’t waist their time possibly dieing right in the beginning to only be able to revive at the entrance! YEA THAT’S SUCH AN AWESOME IDEA!!!
Sounds like they didn’t sissy down KD! Good job SOE! It was a tough zone in EQ and when the gear + xp tweaks go in, it’ll be sweet! (even though I love the zone now).
I have finished the Portal Pad and all related quests and take back my earlier rant about the Transportation system
However I do think they need to get his zone updated as soon as possible, I mean come on at least put in some descent drops
I mean come on, masters really you really think that we need masters in this zone, no one and I mean no one who runs this zone is
a. Not mastered out
b. wearing the best gear available
c, has great healers and tanks
Cause—- this is not for the casual player, this is a zone only for the top notch players