The folks over at EQ2 ZAM were able to seed some questions to the EQ2 team about the upcoming Server Merges. TheirĀ answers to those questions have now been posted. Questions covered topics such as purging of old character and guild names (not happening), character rename potions (they’ll need to /petition if there is a conflict), EQ2Players stats and discoveries (good luck!), and Server Titles for the target/destination server (nope).
The largest pool of questions coverĀ items placed in bank slots, shared banks, houses, and guild halls. Some characters and guilds have thousands of items so this is a substantial concern. It sounds like there may have been some improvements in the Server Merge automation scripts because unlike past server merges, it sounds like items placed in houses and guild halls will in fact NOT be reassigned to the house or guild hall owner, and items will NOT need to be re-placed in houses after the merger. This conflicts with the initial announcement, so there must have been some programming breakthroughs.
Server Merges start on or about November 16th. It’s not been announced which server is first or what the ultimate schedule will be. More as we have it…
Even with this the forum postings and emails there are going to be a TON of people surprised to find their server gone or a whole bunch of new people on their server come the middle of the month.