23 thoughts on “Live: EverQuest II Q&A Panel #1

    1. I’m sorry you think so little of someone who creates a crafter and realizes later they didn’t think very hard about the adventure class. I think it’s the same as any other request like this which have come true.

  1. So… we should trust them to explain the differences and benefits of EQII Live vs. EQ2X so that some will actually choose to spend $40 on EQII Live. But…

    “And also having a free trial is confusing along with free to play.”

    They admit to not having the skill to pull of describing the difference in a 14 day trial on EQII Live and EQ2X? This does not inspire trust. πŸ™

  2. Q: arrow levels? ranger vs assassin dps?
    A: see mechanics panel. Arrow levels tweak and mechanics changes to ranged weapons for rangers.

    Now, I must see the answer to this and class balancing!

  3. paladin heal crit answer sounded like he was saying the person asking the question was a moron lol. And he was a moron. just because it’s been broken for a long time doesn’t justify keeping it.

  4. in addition INQ have been broke in terms of PVP/dps for 2 expansions now. Does this mean we need to nerf them as well? I believe SOE can find better solutions then swinging the dreaded nerf bat.

  5. Q: can we do something about raid looting
    A: we will look into ideas. As for brawler loot, that’s RNG. (audience outcry) (our monk throws his gear away instead of mending!)

    Hehe, laughed πŸ™‚

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