The topic of PvP <-> PvE Character Transfers came up on Monday from a WoW player who has recently rejoined EQ2. The topic received an interesting response from EQ2 Senior Producer “SmokeJumper“: We’re currently investigating a lot of issues to make things friendlier for you folks. This is a decent idea, but to be honest, I’d have to ask about the technical and game balance issues involved. However, I will do so. I’m curious also. (by the way…”WoW does it” is not a valid reason for me. We aren’t WoW and don’t intend to be. But good ideas are...
Day: May 21, 2010
May 21, 2010 1:59 am
The Icy Keep: Retribution x4 raid zone is still on Test and Gninja would appreciate any and all feedback on this zone. You can also contact him by PM on the EQ2 Forums and possibly arrange raids that he can monitor and get direct feedback on. For those of you that have been most of the way thorugh Icy Keep: Retribution, How do you feel the difficulty of the encounters go? Do they fit with the order of the encounters are some fights much harder than they are currently placed in the zone or does it feel about right?...
EQ2 Senior Producer SmokeJumper, as well as covic and Rothgar, have continued to respond to criticism about the introduction of the Prowler mounts on the EQ2 Forums. It’s impossible to quote everything they’re posting, so if you read one thread on the EQ2 Forums this weekend, I’d read this one.
May 21, 2010 1:30 am
The big news yesterday about the new Prowler mounts available via StationCash in the Marketplace is being discussed in the First Ever Mount on the Marketplace thread on the EQ2 Forums. But as part of the introduction of these SC mounts, the Highland Stalker mount which was included in the Sentinel’s Fate CE retail box has gotten some tweaks as well. First, the run animation created for the SC Prowler has been adapted to the Highland Stalker. Second, the gigantic, and I mean Sir Mix-a-lot sized rump on the Highland Stalker has undergone plastic surgery. Some players find the...