6 thoughts on “eCommerce Issues Affecting Krono Purchases

  1. I still think the whole Krono thing is so poorly though out… How am I – as a silver member – supposed to buy one when i can only hold 18P at a time!

    I have seen them going for 1K so far… maybe they will come down in price – but to 18P – I think not.

  2. Est, I totally understand. How ARE bronze and silver members (who would benefit most from this) going to buy these if they can only hold 18p at a time (at most)?

    I suppose you COULD accumulate 1,000 to 1,500 plats worth of basic coal . . . But would you even be able to walk with it or have the bank and bag space to carry that much? And even I’d you could, you could never hand it off all at once and would still have the worry of, “Is this person going to rip me off and run before we can finish the transaction.” that the Krono system is supposed to alleviate.

    I just wish I or someone else would have thought to ask that at Fan . . .

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